Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #62

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From the 48 Hours transcript:

Chad Daybell's children claim he was "fooled in the worst, most deadly way possible" by Lori Vallow

Garth Daybell: I was asleep, and I heard a thump … And heard my dad yell, "Garth, Garth, come quick."

Garth found his mother, 49-year-old Tammy Daybell, lying half on the bed, half on the floor.

Garth Daybell: I just ran over and picked her up and put her back on the bed. … And I said to my dad, I said, "I think she's dead."

Leah Murphy [in tears]: It was just so heartbreaking … It just seemed so unfathomable that it could even happen.

Garth Daybell: My dad was just pacing back and forth … Just sayin', "Why? How could the happen?" Pointing at pictures on the wall, "She can't be dead." Like, "how could this be? What do we do?"

When the coroner arrived, the family says, she told them it looked like Tammy had died of natural causes. The children, who say their mother was in failing health, did not question it.​

So I've been trying to make sense of all the discrepancies of Chad's various accounts and Garth's one account. I have no reason to believe Garth is lying to us, so I have to assume that what he is describing is in fact what he saw and experienced that morning. In that light let's take a closer look at what is being shared.

Garth is asleep elsewhere in the house when he is startled awake by a loud thump. He then hears his dad cry out loudly to him to "come quick." He comes running into the room and sees his mother "lying half on the bed, half on the floor."

Let's stop there for a minute. I'm going to assume that the upper half of Tammy's body is what's lying on the floor, while her lower body is still in bed. I say this because I personally have never experienced or known someone to fall out of bed feet first, it's always head first because the bulk of their body mass is in the upper body, and the scene that is being presented to Garth, and what he is now painting for us, is that Tammy had simply fallen out of bed and was needing help.

Garth then runs to his mother's aid, picks her up, and puts her "back on the bed." In the process of doing this he comes to the realization that his mother is dead. Based on his words I don't think he stopped to try shaking her awake, talk to her to get a response, check her pulse, or anything of the like, he just ran to her side, picked her up, and put her back in bed. And yet in those short few seconds of lifting her up and setting her down he knew that she had died. I'm going to guess that rigor mortis had started to set in and/or her body was already cold to the touch. He then turns to his dad and tells him, "I think she's dead."

Here I'll take another pause. One of the first things I'd like to know is where exactly is Chad in all of this? Obviously he was in the bedroom, but where, and what is he doing? He was the first person on scene and he's the one that cried out for help. I don't think he's by Tammy's side though, trying to render aid or anything, because then Garth wouldn't have been able to run up to her and lift her up back into bed. Another indicator that Chad wasn't near Tammy was the fact that Garth felt the need to tell him that he thought she was dead. If Chad had been in close enough proximity to Tammy then he (Chad) would have been able to figure out for himself that she was dead and inform Garth of that fact, not the other way around. And yet it was Garth who felt he had to break the news to his father. Was he laying in bed? Was he standing by the door and/or light switch?

And what about that loud thump? The way that Garth tells the story we can presume that he thought it was caused by his mother falling out of bed. Indeed, why mention it at all unless you're going to give clarity on what caused it - which he does when describing his mother lying half on the floor and half on the bed. That is the picture that was presented to Garth on that fateful morning, and the one that he is now sharing with us. The problem is, how does a dead woman, one who has been dead several hours now, go about falling out of bed?

We are next informed of Chad pacing back and forth asking questions, apparently in shock and denial that Tammy is dead. At some point Chad's other children and 911 must have been called and they, the sheriff's department, and a local coroner show up. The county coroner, an elected official with reportedly limited medical experience, tells the family that "it looked like Tammy had died of natural causes."

I can't help but wonder if she saw Tammy lying there "peacefully" in bed, maybe heard the family (trying to make sense of her sudden passing) talking about an apparent sickness and coughing, with slowly failing health, and just decided to attribute her death to "natural causes." I also can't help but wonder if Garth had left Tammy on the floor the way he found her, if seeing her like that might have raised some red flags from LE or the coroner, instead of in bed as though she had died in her sleep. I don't fault Garth for doing it, as it was a natural response to try and help his mom up off the floor, but he may have inadvertently helped his dad hide or alter evidence in what very likely could have been a crime scene.

So, going back to the beginning, I suspect one of two things happened. 1) Chad carefully staged the scene of Tammy's death, or 2) he was in the middle of moving Tammy's body and accidentally dropped her, making the loud thump, and had to quickly cover for his mistake. Any other scenario doesn't make much sense considering all the details we know from the various accounts of that morning:

Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #62


  • Chad wakes up next to Tammy in bed. According to him she died peacefully in her sleep. "When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours. I couldn't believe I hadn't been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." (account #5)
Observations: If he awoke next to her in bed, and was easily able to tell that she had been dead for several hours, and could clearly see her face well enough to describe her as "serene" and with a "slight smile," then how is it that Garth found her "lying half on the bed, half on the floor" (presumably with her upper body and head being the half that's on the floor)? If Garth truly found his mother in the position he claims to have found her in (and I have no reason to doubt that he's telling the truth) then there is absolutely no way Chad would have been able to see the details of her face while laying down on his side of the bed. And speaking of being able to see...

If Chad did awaken "around 6 am.," then how would he have been able to see anything without artificial lighting in the room? According to sunrise for Rigby, Idaho on October 19, 2019, was 7:46 am., nearly two hours after the time he claims to have woken up. Civil twilight was at 7:17 am., while nautical twilight started at 6:44 am., and astronomical twilight began at 6:10 am. Astronomical twilight is when "sky illumination is so faint that most casual observers would regard the sky as fully dark, especially under urban or suburban light pollution. Under astronomical twilight, the horizon is not discernible and moderately faint stars or planets can be observed with the naked eye under a non light polluted sky. " (Source: Twilight Types. ) Essentially it would have still been fully night. Therefore Chad would not have been able to see anything, let alone details of Tammy's appearance, without some kind of light source on in the room.

  • Chad wakes up to find Tammy had fallen out of bed. According to one of Chad's nephews, "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now." (account #3)
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3
Observations: This account more closely matches Garth's, which both contradict Chad's narrative #5 above. In this one it is said that when Chad woke in the morning he found Tammy had fallen out of bed (implied is that she was fully on the floor, not necessarily half on and half off). He then went to check on her "and found her cold." I'm going to assume that it would have been at this point when he would have called out for Garth. I say this because at no point in Garth's account does he describe his father as checking on her or telling Garth that he knew she was dead because she was cold, so all of this likely took place before Garth entered the scene. He would have made his assessment and then called for Garth.

The way this account is worded it's hard to tell if Chad was awoken by Tammy falling out of bed, or if he simply awoke and saw that she had fallen out of bed at some point. Either scenario brings up questions. If her falling is what caused Chad (and Garth) to wake up then how did she fall when she'd been dead for several hours? If instead she fell out of bed hours earlier then how did Chad (or Garth) not wake up at that time?

Sorry for the long ramble. These differing accounts just keep bothering me. I'll try and wrap this up.

Now, the reason I mentioned earlier my belief that either Chad carefully staged the scene, or that he made a mistake in moving her body, is the position of Tammy's body. I had always assumed her whole body was on the floor, but Garth's account is the first time I've heard her being half on the bed and half on the floor. That seems so strange to me. It is very difficult, and uncomfortable, to keep one's body half on a bed and half on the floor. And if one were to accidentally (or even intentionally) fall out of bed it is almost certain that the whole body (or the vast majority of it) ends up on the floor. Why is Tammy different? I suspect, at least in part, that rigor mortis may have been setting in when she was pushed or dropped into that position and so her body didn't react the way it normally would have.

This is completely speculation on my part. I am not a forensic scientist, crime scene specialist, or anything of the like. So, just in case it's needed,... MOO.

Perhaps CD was never in that bed or bedroom before he "found" her (TD). For some reason he appears to me to be a sissy and incapable of too much manual labor.
When did the Daybells move to the Idaho property? The animals (pets) must have been dropping like flies, because I don't believe they lived there long enough to fill up one pet cemetery, to justify having to start another pet cemetery. However, perhaps Chad was conducting experiments on the animals? Trying to figure out how to send them to the portal?
I believe poor Tammy was being poisoned also and maybe it was taking to long.
Oh my, I hadn't thought of ongoing poisoning, but it does make a lot of sense. That really ties in with CD being so encouraged by her "death percentages" (UGH), and with him and Lori already preparing for their wedding. Excuse, I just have to step out of the room and throw up.
Good morning all. First cup of coffee is tasting mighty fine. So, I'm wondering since the Daybell children have done this interview with 48 hours if there will be more interviews to follow? One of the children said they had to be a voice for their dad. Maybe 60 minutes or 20/20. IMO If these children are trying to mount some sort of campaign to act as a voice for CD, one interview wont do it. Its pathetic that CD and his legal team are using those children as a resource. By doing so, putting them under a microscope for the world to see and taking away any chance of those children to live any semblance of a normal life. SMH.
How about being a voice for their mum?
When I look at pictures of Tammy she exudes warmth. Like the all American girl next door. With her little glasses and big beautiful smile. I can imagine her being very unpretentious and very down to earth. I could see Tammy choo
Not sure I'm allowed to say this here, but this reminded me of when I happened upon a photo of Chad's mother, and I thought I had seldom seen a sweeter and more wholesome looking lady.
So I was just looking at time line of events and saw where Lori left her kids with family and no one knew where she was at for 58 days. I don't think I knew this? Was Chad MIA as well?

Missing? No. But it would be interesting to compare what is known about his whereabouts with what is known/speculated about Lori’s.

Also, what did Tylee’s friends who saw her during that period know about Chaddy, if anything?
I was just watching video of Lori in court March 2020,when her legal team is trying to get her bail reduced. And I guess I missed this before, when the state is giving reasons to why there shouldn't be a reduction. One of the reason was that she continued to draw and deposit TR and JJ SS checks into her personal bank account while she and Chad were in Hawaii. I'm searching for the words to describe what I think of this women. But the ones I come up with I know I'm not allowed to post on here. So I'm screaming them in my head. :mad::mad::mad:
Onstage….that was very good! Thank you. I also want to know where was Alex during this time. Someone way back had an opinion he was in the house when Tammy died. They believed he helped with the final step of murder, either by poison or holding her down I’d she was suffocated. Could the thump have been Alex going out the window or helping move Tammy? If not could he have escaped that way if he was in the house a window? I don’t have pictures of the house or layout where the master bedroom might be. I know in older homes some bedroom windows are up high.
Thanks again everyone and Good night.
It seems that Chad is a pretty good actor - his kids certainly find him convincing. Perhaps he can look forward to a career with the "Prison Players" amateur theatre group - though it may not be a very long career. I for one am looking forward to hearing him sing.
Perhaps CD was never in that bed or bedroom before he "found" her (TD). For some reason he appears to me to be a sissy and incapable of too much manual labor.
RBBM. I don’t believe you’ll get any push back on that assessment from anyone following the case. That IS the general consensus, IMO.
I’m sorry. I have followed this case so long with its many twists and turns and it was so many threads back. Chads brother was interviewed and said Chads beliefs had cause a rift in the family. The brother had tried to talk to his parents and others but they all believed in Chad. The brother said he and his wife were ignored after talking with the family. I want to say this interview was before the kids were found but I don’t know. It was discussed here quite a bit.
his brother and wife are LDS snd they knew Chad was strange.
Chad's parents, another brother and the Daybell family did issue a statement right after Tylee and JJ's bodies were found, in which they expressed condolences to Kay, Larry and Colby. Chad wasn't mentioned, but Tammy and her children were.

Chad Daybell's parents, family issue statement for 'all who are suffering and grieving' - East Idaho News
I'll have to go back and look but I'm pretty sure one of them is on his "light" list and names his previous probations. Not that that's proof, but still. MOO.
I rememeber the name S from that list, but didn't think he meant his son, as there was no last name. If his children were on any lists, they likely weren't aware of it.
"I can imagine her being very unpretentious and very down to earth. I could see Tammy choosing her mate not based on looks or financial status."

It's a shame Tammy didn't choose her mate for his looks and financial status, but instead chose Chad (with his high intelligence, beautiful nature, and high moral principles :p). She could hardly have made a worse choice.
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At some point, after the deed was done, Tammy got shoved off the bed. Chad then jumped up, once, and landed hard. That was the "thump." He then hollered for Garth to come quickly.

Yeah, the stories don't align. At all. Dead women don't fall out of bed unless they're pushed, and if they've been dead a few hours, rigor mortis likely was present. And falling out of bed halfway, probably wouldn't result in a "thump."

I don't know if Garth is speaking from his memory or if he's regurgitating what Chad has put in his brain.

Seriously, though, I think Chad is behind everything the children said in the interview. I think the kids are visiting him and he's creating yet another "novel" through them. A poorly written story that only mental lightweights would buy into.

I'm surprised 48 Hours even aired that baloney. I'd like to know who reached out to whom. Did 48 Hours contact the children? Or, did the children contact 48 Hours?

This is the most convoluted case I've seen in years, but at the end of the day, all fingers point back to Chad.
I wouldn’t doubt that he’d toss his kids in front of that bus if it helped him. I’m not so sure about Lori.

I think both Lori and Chad will blame everything on Alex. IMO they won’t turn on each other. They both have too much to lose. It’s much easier to blame it all on Alex. I have a feeling they still believe they’ll be able to avoid prison and end up living happily ever after somewhere together. That might be why Means wanted her evaluated. Just MOO.

I'm starting to get the very uneasy feeling that one or both of them will escape murder convictions for that very reason.
Prior is the only one that was against the cases being joined, so that tells me too that Chad may flip, but why have divorce proceedings not been started? The only reason I can think of, is that they don't understand the rules of spousal privilege in a criminal case. Maybe they believe Lori can't be compelled to testify against Chad because they are currently married, maybe? It's not accurate tho for atleast 2 reasons, they weren't married at the time of the murders (other than maybe Alex's), and spousal privileges don't apply when the case is related to murder or abuse of children. If they believe spousal privileges apply, then that concerns me because Prior should know this rule. I wouldn't expect Means to know it, but Prior definitely should. This case makes my blood boil. I just pray that there will be justice for Tylee, JJ, Charles and Tammy and although I don't anticipate it, Joe Ryan too. I also pray that all the other cult followers come to their senses before there is more senseless tragedy, tho, the followers we are aware of don't seem to be critical thinkers nor have any common sense.

I feel this is "Prior's Show" getting ALL the kids on the same page (even if some reluctance currently exists), and keeping the cases separate. I keep thinking that Lori's current "insanity" has something to do with the fact that Chad might be wanting a divorce.

I can see stepping on eggshells either way, thus nothing is happening yet...... I am sure all attorneys know the laws about spousal privilege, since it is the core of so many legal cases, but, what I don't fully understand is---how much worse off is Lori really, if a divorce is granted.
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Excellent summation.

I think the Daybell children might have endured years of brainwashing from Chad as well ?

I wonder this as well....
Throughout this loooong case, we have discussed the Chad and Tammy relationship in umteen posts... He was the ego, the dreamer, the "man", Tammy had to be the backbone, the checkbook balance, the stability in the FAMILY. Tammy didn't go to his "readings" and meetings (maybe in the beginning, i dunno).

Did the kids go to these??? Were they already brainwashed, or is this the Prior Show...

This is why I am pained to see the children defend Chad and not Tammy.....
From the 48 Hours transcript:

Chad Daybell's children claim he was "fooled in the worst, most deadly way possible" by Lori Vallow

Garth Daybell: I was asleep, and I heard a thump … And heard my dad yell, "Garth, Garth, come quick."

Garth found his mother, 49-year-old Tammy Daybell, lying half on the bed, half on the floor.

Garth Daybell: I just ran over and picked her up and put her back on the bed. … And I said to my dad, I said, "I think she's dead."

Leah Murphy [in tears]: It was just so heartbreaking … It just seemed so unfathomable that it could even happen.

Garth Daybell: My dad was just pacing back and forth … Just sayin', "Why? How could the happen?" Pointing at pictures on the wall, "She can't be dead." Like, "how could this be? What do we do?"

When the coroner arrived, the family says, she told them it looked like Tammy had died of natural causes. The children, who say their mother was in failing health, did not question it.​

So I've been trying to make sense of all the discrepancies of Chad's various accounts and Garth's one account. I have no reason to believe Garth is lying to us, so I have to assume that what he is describing is in fact what he saw and experienced that morning. In that light let's take a closer look at what is being shared.

Garth is asleep elsewhere in the house when he is startled awake by a loud thump. He then hears his dad cry out loudly to him to "come quick." He comes running into the room and sees his mother "lying half on the bed, half on the floor."

Let's stop there for a minute. I'm going to assume that the upper half of Tammy's body is what's lying on the floor, while her lower body is still in bed. I say this because I personally have never experienced or known someone to fall out of bed feet first, it's always head first because the bulk of their body mass is in the upper body, and the scene that is being presented to Garth, and what he is now painting for us, is that Tammy had simply fallen out of bed and was needing help.

Garth then runs to his mother's aid, picks her up, and puts her "back on the bed." In the process of doing this he comes to the realization that his mother is dead. Based on his words I don't think he stopped to try shaking her awake, talk to her to get a response, check her pulse, or anything of the like, he just ran to her side, picked her up, and put her back in bed. And yet in those short few seconds of lifting her up and setting her down he knew that she had died. I'm going to guess that rigor mortis had started to set in and/or her body was already cold to the touch. He then turns to his dad and tells him, "I think she's dead."

Here I'll take another pause. One of the first things I'd like to know is where exactly is Chad in all of this? Obviously he was in the bedroom, but where, and what is he doing? He was the first person on scene and he's the one that cried out for help. I don't think he's by Tammy's side though, trying to render aid or anything, because then Garth wouldn't have been able to run up to her and lift her up back into bed. Another indicator that Chad wasn't near Tammy was the fact that Garth felt the need to tell him that he thought she was dead. If Chad had been in close enough proximity to Tammy then he (Chad) would have been able to figure out for himself that she was dead and inform Garth of that fact, not the other way around. And yet it was Garth who felt he had to break the news to his father. Was he laying in bed? Was he standing by the door and/or light switch?

And what about that loud thump? The way that Garth tells the story we can presume that he thought it was caused by his mother falling out of bed. Indeed, why mention it at all unless you're going to give clarity on what caused it - which he does when describing his mother lying half on the floor and half on the bed. That is the picture that was presented to Garth on that fateful morning, and the one that he is now sharing with us. The problem is, how does a dead woman, one who has been dead several hours now, go about falling out of bed?

We are next informed of Chad pacing back and forth asking questions, apparently in shock and denial that Tammy is dead. At some point Chad's other children and 911 must have been called and they, the sheriff's department, and a local coroner show up. The county coroner, an elected official with reportedly limited medical experience, tells the family that "it looked like Tammy had died of natural causes."

I can't help but wonder if she saw Tammy lying there "peacefully" in bed, maybe heard the family (trying to make sense of her sudden passing) talking about an apparent sickness and coughing, with slowly failing health, and just decided to attribute her death to "natural causes." I also can't help but wonder if Garth had left Tammy on the floor the way he found her, if seeing her like that might have raised some red flags from LE or the coroner, instead of in bed as though she had died in her sleep. I don't fault Garth for doing it, as it was a natural response to try and help his mom up off the floor, but he may have inadvertently helped his dad hide or alter evidence in what very likely could have been a crime scene.

So, going back to the beginning, I suspect one of two things happened. 1) Chad carefully staged the scene of Tammy's death, or 2) he was in the middle of moving Tammy's body and accidentally dropped her, making the loud thump, and had to quickly cover for his mistake. Any other scenario doesn't make much sense considering all the details we know from the various accounts of that morning:

Found Deceased - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #62


  • Chad wakes up next to Tammy in bed. According to him she died peacefully in her sleep. "When I awoke at around 6 a.m., it was clear she had been gone for several hours. I couldn't believe I hadn't been awakened somehow, but all indications are that her spirit simply slipped away during the night. Her face looked serene, with her eyes closed and a slight smile." (account #5)
Observations: If he awoke next to her in bed, and was easily able to tell that she had been dead for several hours, and could clearly see her face well enough to describe her as "serene" and with a "slight smile," then how is it that Garth found her "lying half on the bed, half on the floor" (presumably with her upper body and head being the half that's on the floor)? If Garth truly found his mother in the position he claims to have found her in (and I have no reason to doubt that he's telling the truth) then there is absolutely no way Chad would have been able to see the details of her face while laying down on his side of the bed. And speaking of being able to see...

If Chad did awaken "around 6 am.," then how would he have been able to see anything without artificial lighting in the room? According to sunrise for Rigby, Idaho on October 19, 2019, was 7:46 am., nearly two hours after the time he claims to have woken up. Civil twilight was at 7:17 am., while nautical twilight started at 6:44 am., and astronomical twilight began at 6:10 am. Astronomical twilight is when "sky illumination is so faint that most casual observers would regard the sky as fully dark, especially under urban or suburban light pollution. Under astronomical twilight, the horizon is not discernible and moderately faint stars or planets can be observed with the naked eye under a non light polluted sky. " (Source: Twilight Types. ) Essentially it would have still been fully night. Therefore Chad would not have been able to see anything, let alone details of Tammy's appearance, without some kind of light source on in the room.

  • Chad wakes up to find Tammy had fallen out of bed. According to one of Chad's nephews, "I was told by family that Chad woke up in the morning to find Tammy had fallen out of bed and found her cold when he went to check on her. I was also told she woke up in the middle of the night to the coughing and vomiting, and I assume Chad woke up and witnessed this, but Tammy went back to bed at some point. It's been pointed out to me though that what happened that night has likely only been told by Chad, and he's been shown as lying to everyone for some time now." (account #3)
    ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #3
Observations: This account more closely matches Garth's, which both contradict Chad's narrative #5 above. In this one it is said that when Chad woke in the morning he found Tammy had fallen out of bed (implied is that she was fully on the floor, not necessarily half on and half off). He then went to check on her "and found her cold." I'm going to assume that it would have been at this point when he would have called out for Garth. I say this because at no point in Garth's account does he describe his father as checking on her or telling Garth that he knew she was dead because she was cold, so all of this likely took place before Garth entered the scene. He would have made his assessment and then called for Garth.

The way this account is worded it's hard to tell if Chad was awoken by Tammy falling out of bed, or if he simply awoke and saw that she had fallen out of bed at some point. Either scenario brings up questions. If her falling is what caused Chad (and Garth) to wake up then how did she fall when she'd been dead for several hours? If instead she fell out of bed hours earlier then how did Chad (or Garth) not wake up at that time?

Sorry for the long ramble. These differing accounts just keep bothering me. I'll try and wrap this up.

Now, the reason I mentioned earlier my belief that either Chad carefully staged the scene, or that he made a mistake in moving her body, is the position of Tammy's body. I had always assumed her whole body was on the floor, but Garth's account is the first time I've heard her being half on the bed and half on the floor. That seems so strange to me. It is very difficult, and uncomfortable, to keep one's body half on a bed and half on the floor. And if one were to accidentally (or even intentionally) fall out of bed it is almost certain that the whole body (or the vast majority of it) ends up on the floor. Why is Tammy different? I suspect, at least in part, that rigor mortis may have been setting in when she was pushed or dropped into that position and so her body didn't react the way it normally would have.

This is completely speculation on my part. I am not a forensic scientist, crime scene specialist, or anything of the like. So, just in case it's needed,... MOO.
Yes, this really struck me as well. As ANYONE who has taken a CPR course can tell you 1) “Annie! Annie! You okay!?” 2) check for pulse and breath quickly 3) then YELL “ Call 911”!”
The rest is actual CPR resuscitation.
So, Yes. I am guessing when Garth saw mom not looking good, and he grabbed her, before he could even think to shake, wake her up, yell “Mom! Are you ok?!” He felt she was rigid and cold. She felt not right at all. No close call, no ‘died before my eyes’. She was all the way and long dead.
Ok, now to daddio. When you are half asleep and discover the person next to you in physical distress you are going to try to render whatever kind of aid you can. If you are the man of the house in a patrichiarchy, you will call the shots when to call the doctor of an ambulance. If you opt to “monitor” you will alert your children IMMEDIATELY and let them know the threshold for calling a doctor or 911. If you wake to an unresponsive spouse in your bed, you automatically shake them, yell at them and yell for help. Not a “thump” in the night your adult child responds to. Healthy “denial” that someone has died looks like someone continuing to try to save their life, not walking around pointing at photos.
Emma, Emma, Emma. From what I know indirectly of your mother I am sure she forgives you. But when you turn 49, peri-menopausal, working a couple jobs, running a household, suspecting your husband of wandering eyes, training for a 5k; tell me YOU’RE not tired and wanting to go to bed early.

I plan to watch it again on mute to focus on body language. So far just impressed with the restricted affect and who cried and who did not look near tears.
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