Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #20

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I am going under the assumption that Alex and Lori picked up MG from the airport on September 19.
According to this - MG and Lori only recorded 2 podcasts in September 2019:
September 7 (Saturday)
September 16 (Monday - this one with Chad)
Why was MG in Rexburg on Thursday 9/19?
We know there was a Group that cannot be named conference in Rexburg on the 21st - but Chad didn’t speak at it. Did they all just attend it? Did Tammy attend it?
Who watched JJ for Lori on 9/16? Was he in school?
Also, it seems odd to me that the group that cannot be mentioned doesn’t have Melanie, Chad or Lori ever doing Podcasts together again after 9/16. There are no podcasts by anyone in October and just 1 in November on the 29th.

Ok so they were going to the event in the Tabernacle on the 21st maybe, not to Hawaii. Good catch.
IMO I read it as "read this and we're done with it". I obviously misunderstood your post. My mistake. Jmo
The woman from the concert isn't going away. She wants attention, IMO. Just wish she would have been that persistent getting some video or pictures.

Most every case has cranks claiming to have committed the crime or witnessed something they didn't. (or even believing they witnessed something) For every unbalanced person that commits a crime that ends up here, there are dozens more that are basically harmless (except for the misdirection they provide)
February 24,2020
Lauren Steinbrecher on Twitter

Lauren Steinbrecher


JJ'S NANNY: Lori Vallow-Daybell contacted her through She went to Lori's townhome Sept. 18. "She was very welcoming and gave me a hug. Their home was clean and had a picture of a temple on the wall." (con't)
JJ'S NANNY: "She explained to me, as we watched JJ play outside with the neighbor kids, some of his tendencies. He gets emotional easily, frustrated, distracted, has difficulty communicating with others, but can follow orders if you look at him right in the eyes."

JJ'S NANNY: "She explained to me how they recently moved here from Arizona. Her husband had just died of a heart attack and how JJ doesn't quite understand the situation. Lori said how she and her husband adopted JJ and that he was her nephew."

JJ'S NANNY: Lori Vallow-Daybell talked to nanny about Tylee: "Her daughter also lives in Rexburg and is going to college. She said her daughter doesn’t like to babysit JJ without being paid so she wanted me to work for her."

JJ'S NANNY-- What Lori said about Tylee: "Occasionally her daughter would come visit for dinner or to do laundry, but she never said that she lived there with them. It appeared that only Lori and JJ lived there, from the look of things and from what she told me."

JJ'S NANNY: "My overall impression of her was that she was kind but seemed stressed out being a newly widowed mom alone with her autistic son."
JJ'S NANNY: Nanny came back Sept. 19 to babysit JJ. "When I walked inside, she mentioned how she was waiting for her brother to come and leave with her to the airport. She said she was going to the Idaho Falls airport. She said her brother also lived here in Rexburg."

"[Lori] mentioned how if she got home later to give JJ his medicine right before bed because it makes him tired fast. She joked about how she liked that because some days when he was extra tough for her to handle, she would give him his meds and have him go to bed early..."

" give her a break. Then her brother came over and was quiet, just said hello and then they left. JJ was upset about her leaving and went into the garage. I followed him to make sure he didn’t block the garage from closing."

JJ'S NANNY: Says after Lori left, JJ went to play with neighbor kids. Nanny fed him dinner. JJ tried to leave during dinner. "Lori said she had to put on 2 locks because sometime JJ escapes." Eventually JJ went back to friend's townhouse to play.

"...He threw the chair from their wooden table down, flipped the ottoman over by their couch, and then ran upstairs. I let him cry for a bit, hoping he would calm down, but he didn’t. I felt I should check on him to make sure he wouldn’t hurt himself or break anything..."
"...I quickly found him under the bed in his mom’s room. He also had a room upstairs but from what I remember it just had toys in it and no bed. Lori’s room appeared normal, she had a large bed, bathroom, and it looked clean. Although something kind of strange..."
"...something kind of strange was that there was a small mattress in the corner where JJ slept. It was pretty thin, the size of a twin mattress, with sheets and a pillow. There was a mirror hanging above the mattress in the corner, as JJ ran up from under the bed..."

"...he went toward the mirror and knocked it off the wall. Hoping it didn’t break glass all over the mattress, I picked it up. While doing so he ran back downstairs. As I went back downstairs, JJ was still upset and said his mom wouldn’t want me to come over again..."
"...that he hated me, and didn’t want to be my friend. Shortly after this freak out his mom, her brother, and the friend walked in from the garage. The mom calmed JJ and asked me what happened. I explained the situation and she babied him..."

JJ'S NANNY: Said it was "overwhelming the amount of love" Lori showed JJ after his breakdown. Nanny met Lori's friend Lori picked up from airport, a woman who did podcasts with Lori. "I didn’t see a suitcase, so I don’t think she was staying that long."

J'S NANNY: Lori thanked Nanny and paid $40 cash. "From what we had talked about yesterday that was what she seemed to be needing, was nearly daily assistance from me. This was the last day I saw JJ and Lori."
We can at least discount my theory that LV had gone holistic and anti the meds due to the side effects. It states here she was giving them and appreciated that they made him sleep. Gutted as that was the reason I was hoping that his prescription wasn’t filled. MOO

That doesn't make sense to get a nanny because a sibling wants paid. What makes more sense is that Tylee didn't want to take care of JJ by herself.
The only reason I can think of it’s more lies by LV and TR simply was no longer around to care for JJ. MOO

Did you read the whole statement? I am surprised that the babysitter even wanted to come back. I couldn't copy it but it is linked in the article.
There’s a lot of trained childcare providers that actually enjoy working with ASD children. Personally I’ve worked with a lot of them and prefer them in a work setting over a neurotypical child. It’s hard to watch them having bad days but they’re actually a lot of fun. The good days make up for the bad IMO. If she were experienced with kids like that she would understand that at first he would be testing boundaries, unsettled and as mum was out (and he didn’t know her) he would be more prone to meltdown. IMO

Man, some of these BPD comments are super judgmental & super WRONG. I’ve been diagnosed with it since my late teens, so I have a bit of experience & knowledge about it I’d say. Sure, some people who have it and don’t get treatment may be hurtful to those around them, but most of the time (in my experience) we only do things that hurt ourselves.

Granted I have had years and years worth of intensive therapy, but I am a damn good mother, fiancé, friend, etc. Lori may have some type of mental illness, but even if she does I don’t believe that’s why the kids are missing. Some people are just born assholes, there isn’t always a psychological reason.
I agree with you completely. There’s plenty of people who have MH problems and are good parents, spouses, friends. LV shouldn’t be given the ‘get out clause’ of MH issues. It may come out at a later date and after evaluation that she has a condition(s) but IMO her actions shouldn’t be blamed on them. We’re each responsible for our actions.

I'm not sure. Nanny locked Jj in till he ate his food and wouldn't let him out to play again till she felt he had eaten enough and JJ said he hated her and would tell his mum not to have her back again. Then Jj ran off and hid under Lori's bed yelling and screaming and she left him there. Then when she went to check on him, he got out from under the bed and knocked the mirror off the wall. It sounded disastrous to me.
I didn’t read it as that. Nanny locked the door so that he would eat first, if he’s been used to doing as he pleases (and that’s the impression I get) it’s easy for kids like him to forget to eat. If he has it in his head he wants to be outside he won’t register he needs food. I still have to prompt my adult asd son and check what he’s eaten daily. He can also go the other way and forget he’s eaten...and eat another meal. It’s part of it. The screaming at her, hiding etc is also part of it. He didn’t know her. It’s also best to gauge intervention or back off with them. It sounds pretty typical of a asd child being left with a new babysitter to me. MOO

Oh, I hadn't heard that. Perhaps the sitter thought this was normal behavior for a 7 year old? Yeah, there can be tests to sitters, see how far they can stretch it. The sitter probably felt she had him reigned in. If you keep changing sitters, the kids go through the same routine of dominance each time?
I agree. Jmo
So Lori cannot be sealed to Chad? But Chad can be sealed to Lori. Hmmm now I am more confused.

I don't think the rules of the LDS church matter (other than whatever rules they would need to follow in order to enter the temple). This cult has made up their own rules. I think we need discuss more what the former member shared about what was going on with marriages within the cult and focus less on what the LDS church doctrine says on marriage. These people are not following LDS teachings:

“Chad doesn’t have a big group of followers in eastern Idaho,” Amber said. “He just goes around to little groups and gives testimony, tells his story, and people believe in the visions he’s having.”

One aspect that seemed to fascinate her ex-husband was the idea of multiple mortal probations, Amber said. According to orthodox Latter-day Saint teachings, this life is a test or probation to see if people will live by God’s commandments. But both Chad and Rowe have taught that people can essentially be reincarnated and live multiple times — and have multiple probations — on earth. (Reincarnation is not accepted Latter-day Saint doctrine.)

In some of these groups, tied into this belief is the idea that a man and a woman might be destined to be together, even if that person is married to someone else. Like multiple probations, this is not a Latter-day Saint belief.

Contrary to LDS norms, Amber said her husband began to take another married woman to a Latter-day Saint temple to receive revelation from God. Temples are places of worship for Latter-day Saints where members perform marriage ceremonies and do spiritual work.

“These people go to the temple and make promises to be together,” Amber said. “They pray about it and feel like they are getting answers.”

In interviews with other former members of these groups, some said things went beyond just temple trips. One east Idaho man, who asked not to be identified, told that during his time in a group, he was approached by someone who claimed to have received personal revelation that he was supposed to marry the man’s wife.

A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News



What I'm getting from that is that they have somehow decided they can be spiritually reincarnated (not LDS doctrine) and somehow this belief allows them multiple "spiritual" spouses too (not LDS doctrine). But this whole going to the temple with married people of the opposite sex and praying to be with them thing is so bizarre. It sounds more like a swingers group to me than a religious group! It's as if they think they found some legal loophole in their faith that allows them to legitimately cheat on their spouse-- as long at they go to the temple to pray about it first! :eek::rolleyes: Of course some things went beyond temple trips when their mindset from the start is they think they should be together and they are looking for some sign from God to put a stamp of approval on it! :mad:

How many of these couples left the temple and went straight to a hotel together? I bet almost all of them did if they didn't have sex right there in the temple! :eek: I'm being a bit dramatic but, a serious question for the LDS experts here, Is that possible? Are there private rooms in the temple where affairs could happen? In an earlier thread someone said there are no cameras inside the temple. That sounds like an ideal place to carry on an affair to me. No credit card receipts and no evidence of the affair if they meet in the temple. They can say all they are doing is praying together. :rolleyes:

Sorry if I offend anyone with the suggestion that cult members might be having sex in the temple, but the more I think about this the more I'm hopping mad about this cult justifying cheating on their spouses. Even if the temple affairs are only emotional/spiritual affairs this is dangerous teaching from this cult. Multiple spouses are dead under suspicious circumstances. And those are just the ones we know about connected to the missing children JJ and Tylee. If a man can justify cheating using the temple then he can also find a way to justify murdering the spouse he is cheating on so that he can be free to be with the one that he has "received personal revelation that he was supposed to marry." (And the same goes for the women in the cult, I'm just using the male pronoun as an example to flow with the quote). This is so dangerous.

What are the ramifications of these dangerous beliefs for the children in this cult? Where are Tylee and JJ?

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I don't think the rules of the LDS church matter (other than whatever rule they would need to follow in order to enter the temple). This cult has made up their own rules. I think we need discuss more what the former member shared about what was going on with marriages within the cult and focus less on what the LDS church doctrine says on marriage. These people are not following LDS teachings:

“Chad doesn’t have a big group of followers in eastern Idaho,” Amber said. “He just goes around to little groups and gives testimony, tells his story, and people believe in the visions he’s having.”

One aspect that seemed to fascinate her ex-husband was the idea of multiple mortal probations, Amber said. According to orthodox Latter-day Saint teachings, this life is a test or probation to see if people will live by God’s commandments. But both Chad and Rowe have taught that people can essentially be reincarnated and live multiple times — and have multiple probations — on earth. (Reincarnation is not accepted Latter-day Saint doctrine.)

In some of these groups, tied into this belief is the idea that a man and a woman might be destined to be together, even if that person is married to someone else. Like multiple probations, this is not a Latter-day Saint belief.

Contrary to LDS norms, Amber said her husband began to take another married woman to a Latter-day Saint temple to receive revelation from God. Temples are places of worship for Latter-day Saints where members perform marriage ceremonies and do spiritual work.

“These people go to the temple and make promises to be together,” Amber said. “They pray about it and feel like they are getting answers.”

In interviews with other former members of these groups, some said things went beyond just temple trips. One east Idaho man, who asked not to be identified, told that during his time in a group, he was approached by someone who claimed to have received personal revelation that he was supposed to marry the man’s wife.

A look at the religious circle surrounding Chad and Lori Daybell | East Idaho News



What I'm getting from that is that they have somehow decided they can be spiritually reincarnated (not LDS doctrine) and somehow this belief allows them multiple "spiritual" spouses too (not LDS doctrine). But this whole going to the temple with married people of the opposite sex and praying to be with them thing is so bizarre. It sounds more like a swingers group to me than a religious group! It's as if they think they found some legal loophole in their faith that allows them to legitimately cheat on their spouse-- as long at they go to the temple to pray about it first! :eek::rolleyes: Of course some things went beyond temple trips when their mindset from the start is they think they should be together and they are looking for some sign from God to put a stamp of approval on it! :mad:

How many of these couples left the temple and went straight to a hotel together? I bet almost all of them did if they didn't have sex right there in the temple! :eek: I'm being a bit dramatic but, a serious question for the LDS experts here, Is that possible? Are there private rooms in the temple where affairs could happen? In an earlier thread someone said there are no cameras inside the temple. That sounds like an ideal place to carry on an affair to me. No credit card receipts and no evidence of the affair if they meet in the temple. They can say all they are doing is praying together. :rolleyes:

Sorry if I offend anyone with the suggestion that cult members might be having sex in the temple, but the more I think about this the more I'm hopping mad about this cult justifying cheating on their spouses. Even if the temple affairs are only emotional/spiritual affairs this is dangerous teaching from this cult. Multiple spouses are dead under suspicious circumstances. And those are just the ones we know about connected to the missing children JJ and Tylee. If a man can justify cheating using the temple then he can also find a way to justify murdering the spouse he is cheating on so that he can be free to be with the one that he has "received personal revelation that he was supposed to marry." (And the same goes for the women in the cult, I'm just using the male pronoun as an example to flow with the quote). This is so dangerous.

What are the ramifications of these dangerous beliefs for the children in this cult? Where are Tylee and JJ?


Couldn’t agree more with what you have said. I really hope LE have a members list and are able to trace everyone involved. I have a awful feeling the body count will rise from what we are already suspecting:( MOO
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