Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #24

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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Lori Vallow's husband Chad Daybell says her missing kids are 'safe' as he leaves Hawaii for Idaho | Daily Mail Online

IF the DM is correct in their interview and CD said the kids are safe, then why is he not arrested, thrown in jail until he tells where the kids are. By saying the kids are safe he KNOWS where they are and IMO he is part of the ‘crime’. Of course by safe can me safe in someone’s home, locked up, hidden or safely dead.

hope he does not disappear since he has knowledge of what she did to them

Thanks Midwesternmom For your answer...get him to Idaho first. I hope they get him on many charges.
It took me two days to even grasp this whole sad case with all of the players when it hit the news. Then all the other players, the cults belief, LDS beliefs, the states involved. Not to mention 5 husbands...It's just too crazy to know where to start. That poor jury.
For the love of God, I am still trying to grasp this case since it was first reported. I don't think any of us has ever seen anything like it. Everyday we get a new bread crumb tossed out from the media, which is in MOO intentional. This latest fake email is very profound to me though. It is connecting quite a few dots. My heart goes out to AdC, yet another victim who has had his life turned upside down.
I think LE likely already has the toxicology and are trying to track the source of whatever they found in her system.... maybe trying to tie it to CD or LV or even AC.

Honestly, how long has it been since the exhumation?! It generally takes around 2 weeks to complete... sometimes up to 30 days, but I've never heard of it being longer. Unless of course it's being withheld for whatever reason.

As for Tammy, I believe she probably did hear from CV, and confronted CD, who then told LV 'the jig was up'... Maybe she found out about the other letter from Charles because AdamC confronted her, or as another poster pointed out AC,BB and CV staged an intervention.... Charles did try to have LV committed remember.
It might be interesting to see how possible communication between Tammy and Charles might overlap with the paintball experience happened. I could easily see Chad and Lori trying to throw some "fear" into the scenario.
Lori Vallow's husband Chad Daybell says her missing kids are 'safe' as he leaves Hawaii for Idaho | Daily Mail Online

IF the DM is correct in their interview and CD said the kids are safe, then why is he not arrested, thrown in jail until he tells where the kids are. By saying the kids are safe he KNOWS where they are and IMO he is part of the ‘crime’. Of course by safe can me safe in someone’s home, locked up, hidden or safely dead.

hope he does not disappear since he has knowledge of what she did to them

Thanks Midwesternmom For your answer...get him to Idaho first. I hope they get him on many charges.[/QUOTE

now * He said “they are safe”
Months ago * told family that Lori was an Empty-nester
Surely there are more of these instances not recorded here.
MOO yet obvious
He’s lying -He knows where they are , has known and is complicit or he would have talked.
It's important to get the official name correct before going any further:
The Terrorist Watchlist is officially titled, The Terrorist Screening Center, and combined effort of the National Counterterrorism Center. The list is called, The Terrorist Screening Database.
here is a pdf about it via the FBI
I will continue to call it the watch list for easier ref. because that is what most people know it by.

SPLC has been associated with the FBI Domestic Terrorist 'watch list' since 1964.
The FBI also has an extensive search list with links/participation directly to SPLC. Their vault can be hard to navigate as sources and cross references come from, NCTC, TIDE, FEMA, TSC, TSDB etc.

Again refer to link above.

In order to meet criteria for addition to this list you need to fall into one or more of the definitions. Anti-government organization absolutely meets that criteria.

Here is another link highlighting the groups successful arrest and additions to watch list. 2007 FOIA doc
Southern Poverty Law Center Part 01 of 01

That's why not just posters, but MSM and many other news sources (even the Avow website itself) claims the group is 'on the list'. It is.

What do you mean when you say “SPLC has been associated with the FBI Domestic Terrorist 'watch list' since 1964.“

Of course, the SPLC wasn’t founded until 1971.

It, like any other individuals or organizations can, submits info to the FBI hoping to prompt investigations.

While the SPLC may have started out with a noble and legitimate purpose 50 years ago, it’s clear that it became corrupted into just another political money making business over the past 30 years.
Lori Vallow's husband Chad Daybell says her missing kids are 'safe' as he leaves Hawaii for Idaho | Daily Mail Online

IF the DM is correct in their interview and CD said the kids are safe, then why is he not arrested, thrown in jail until he tells where the kids are. By saying the kids are safe he KNOWS where they are and IMO he is part of the ‘crime’. Of course by safe can me safe in someone’s home, locked up, hidden or safely dead.

hope he does not disappear since he has knowledge of what she did to them

Thanks Midwesternmom For your answer...get him to Idaho first. I hope they get him on many charges.

It doesn't appear anyone got Chad's comment on video! :( He could completely deny saying it.

I wonder if it just slipped out of his mouth amid all the pressure from reporters? Doesn't he always seem like he "wants" to say something, and it's on the tip of his tongue?

I have a hard time believing it's true, but stranger things have happened.
The thing is these are the most dangerous cults, with the most dangerous cult leaders. Especially what I am seeing with this cult. I have read stories of people having all kinds of bad experiences with this already.

I found a couple of forums, where there are LDS people defending this cult, there are also those that oppose it too.

What is particularly dangerous, is how he is teaching this. I don't think your average Christian is going to understand how crafty and insidious this is. Probably a good thing for anyone to know.

The techniques used can apply to a lot of belief systems that we all hold. At the core, this is based on psychological warfare. Sometimes this is very obvious, and in your face. Other times, it is very subtle, and sneaky.

Have you ever changed your mind about something? Of course, we all have. Knowing why we do so can be a valuable tool.

What he does, is he takes scriptures (that he cherry picks), combine this with familiar terminology (in this case LDS terminology), then makes an argument based on this framework.

He uses several other tactics: he is careful to say that that this may not be for you, that you may not be ready for this.

This does several things. Anything bad happens, he can say it's not his fault, the person wasn't ready. The second thing this does is work on a person's psyche. This is why peer pressure works so well, it uses the same line of thinking.

Next, he carefully crafts a message using scriptures, terminology, and widely held beliefs to convince his followers that this is doctrinal. He carefully creates an argument to fit the narrative.

I understand how this works, very well. I spent 4 years in H.S. and 2 in College on Debate teams. What you learn really fast, is that truth can easily be manipulated to fit the narrative. The really crafty, charismatic speakers use techniques to play on people's emotions. This can easily be seen in our culture today.

As an example, here are some very explosive topics, that have people very divided to the point that friendships can be ruined over it. The main ones are what we all know: Religion, politics, and sex. If you really research any of these topics, in depth, you can start to see why people could believe either extreme, or anything in between.

The next sneaky tactic he uses I don't know the name, but maybe someone here does. I will call it "You're a Special Immortal";). Basically what this is, is that most people want to feel that they are "special" in some way, or because they are so "special" they can "save" others. You see this throughout our culture, here are some words it can go under: The White Knight, Narcissist, God Complex, Conceited, Hubris, etc. You get the general idea.

This is where someone who is strongly religious can fall for this trap. They ask themselves some of these questions, have these type of thoughts, and make statements like the following (as an example only):

- Well he is using scriptures. That's good, I'll keep listening.
- He is saying that this works for him (validation), but I might not be ready (Sure I am ready)
- Alright he is using religious terminology that I am familiar with, that makes sense.
- What he's saying makes sense. I'll keep learning about this.
- He's not saying anything bad, he's using scriptures, referring to terminology I am familiar with.
- I'm special (I just knew it), I am so ready for the mysteries. Of course I am one of those 144,000 "Immortals"
- This all makes sense now, I am a true believer.

This is how someone gets pulled into this, it happens gradually over time, and they convince themselves that this is true. There are a lot of techniques that good cult leaders use. Most of them are very experienced with psychology, and how to manipulate one's will. It's basically brainwashing, except the victims are compliant and willing to subject themselves to it.

I'll tell you right now, using this same framework, you could (in theory - please don't) carefully craft a religion that is radicalized and slowly but surely lead people away from God.

This group has already caused people to leave their spouses, believe in reincarnation (they call it something else though), believe they are transitioning to "immortals", and who knows what else.


Are you talking about Chad here? I'm not quite following and have lost the thread of the discussion.
I as well am curious as the the finances of AxC and how his funds were spent prior to his death, as well as whether he had some form of life insurance. If so who was his beneficiary.
If he died intestate it would be his new wife.
Just asking, can this link be added to the beginning of each new thread in the future. It would be great to have a quick reference to the latest news, all in one place.

If not, I'll bookmark, just in case.

I will put it in the media thread.

ETA it is on page 45 of the media thread now.
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Child Welfare Standards
This might not be the law/statutes that you were looking for, but the process in many states goes like this:
1. Someone (anyone really-family member, mandated reporter, neighbor) calls CPS with a concern. CPS asks a few basic questions.
2. Based on the answers to those questions, CPS assigns a case worker and decides to either call or go physically to the residence. Sometimes it can get really crazy and CPS can go talk to the child at school or daycare, without the parent knowing.
3. The file is either closed, or continues to be investigated (obviously this is what happened in this case, and going back there has been a TON of concerning information, certainly enough for CPS to be worried).
4. This is where it becomes most pertinent: Based on the findings of the investigation (which can take days to months), a recommendation is made to either close it out as unsubstantiated, criminally charge the guardian/custodian (Lori), and/or bring it to civil court to move for custody (often the Attorney General's office is involved here). A guardian ad litem would be appointed to represent the best interest of the children.

So you can see that the State of Idaho most likely acted on the recommendation of CPS, and that how it was able to move it as far along as it has gone up to now. I dont know how sturdy that ice is. Moo.
Tylee is a minor, but because she is close to age of majority it would be tougher to make a case of abandonment/neglect for her. Still, a caseworker would at a minimum need to lay eyes on her. JJ though on the other hand would not only need to be SEEN and a “home check”, because of his age but ESPECIALLY his medical condition (autism) there is a stronger case which could easily me made for medical neglect (not getting his medications, not giving him speech therapy which at a minimum would be included in his IEP at school - this one is especially important because the neuroplasticity window of opportunity starts closing around age 8). Because of his specific disability, neighbor observations that he is witnesses outside running around impulsively and recklessly makes neglect a more significant concern than you might already be for a 7 yo. How close is a parking lot or road??
Not sure if this is what you are asking, but since the shelter hearing has already occurred, the state would necessarily have temporary custody. Her charges would have been brought based on her being the custodian at the time of the offenses. Moo.
ETA: I realize this was a rhetorical question and we are on the same page's been a long day..:confused:
It's pretty difficult to discuss an ongoing case when all the documents are secret. We will just have to be content with following the criminal case IMO.
I am definitely not "defending" Lori Vallow. I am trying to objectively review the evidence that has been presented so far, and piece it within the framework of the laws of the State of Idaho. Based on the evidence that has been presented, I don't see any standing here.

I don't see how all of the other deaths; Charles Vallow, Tammy Daybell, Alex Cox, can be brought into the situation, because Lori has not been charged with any wrongdoing in those deaths.

This is so complex, Lori is absolutely Machiavellian, if she actually gets away with everything.
Lori is the common denominator in the deaths, attempted murder and disappearances of Tylee and JJ. It is down to LE to work out the involvement of all the players in these incidents and if/how they are linked.
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