Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #25

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Don’t tell me you’re prepping?? Ha!
I'm in the NW US, and though in my 40s, have existing health issues and two children still at home. Stocking up on the basics and wishing I'd gotten around to restocking my emergency supplies after my most recent move. I want the option to simply hibernate if it becomes necessary, y'know?
I am still trying to process this.
Which "relative" would this be?
What kind of "remodeling" would be done :eek:
How much "time did he have"? (When did he go back)
It's a good thing Justin Lum is real close by to that FBI command center because I am sure some questioning is going on...moo.

Yeah, "Remodeling" and "kids are safe" feel very very ominous coming from Chad!!

I know at least publicly CD's kids are supporting him, but if they well and truly believed that he just randomly met "Black Widower Lori" in Dec. 2019, and we have a ton of evidence that that isn't correct, including near daily revelations in MSM, they must know by now he lied to them?? I wonder if they're starting to question the other stories Chads tried to sell to them privately, if they feel betrayed or somewhat suspicious deep down? I cannot imagine myself not feeling extremely hurt by this shot-gun wedding soooo soon after my mother had died, and then to top it off, the whole thing was a sham.... ukulele pics and all!

There are actually tons of places like that, in Idaho, Montana area. Off the beaten path, that only people who actually "know" where they are can find the places. Often, no cell service, so no GPS coverage.

Usually these places are on BLM land, but no one really notices. Being on forest service land is usually more monitored.

Right. A place like this isn't an issue. Close to a temple, probably not super close, but probably close enough. The most difficult issue I see is find such a place where the winter weather wouldn't create issues. Like the BLM land mentioned here, putting up structures and such to be able to get out of the weather, some way of heating them (with the probably need for lots of fire wood and kicking out lots of smoke from the fires), and being in a position to be able to get in and out if needed (if you never leave, nearness to a temple is a total non-issue) would be problematic.

But having said that, I can imagine a cave down a canyon that is rarely entered, even in summer, off the beaten path, but can be reached using snowmobiles (the leader of AVOW also has a site aimed at snowmobilers), means we can't totally rule this out.
Finally got a moment to put some words down.

Something I noticed that was absent from the arrest warrant was anything reference internet searches. Any detective investigating missing children is going to subpoena cell phone providers, internet providers, to get search information and phone call history. We've seen it in many cases. However, we didn't see that here. I have no doubt that it has been done (or is in the works), but I don't think they used it for the warrant because firstly, they didn't want to tip their hand, and they had enough to get a warrant without it.

Now, I believe this also applies to Chad. There is no doubt an investigation going on Tammy's death, and I imagine they have done the same search on his internet activity and phone call activity. Wiping a device doesn't wipe the history at the service provider, fortunately. This group seems to think it is untouchable, and thus didn't attempt to really cover their tracks very much, if at all.

There was brief mention of financial investigations, but it seemed brief, but enough to know there isn't outgoing support. But, they can look back for some time and aggregate the data to look for patterns or other things that stand out. Due to banking rules, certain transactions will require a SAR, or suspicious activity report, to be filed by the financial institution. There's always a record!

Considering the data trail our major players here have left, I don't think the search results would shock anybody. Also, the FBI mobile command didn't park in Rexburg for no reason.

To echo some thoughts I've read recently - the lack of a sense of urgency, at least to us citizen sleuths. In my opinion, it is because they know the children are no longer living and they know where the people responsible for it currently sit.
I have only recently been following this case, so forgive me if others have already suggested this - and it’s not a camp or cabins, but one out of the way place that occurs to me is the abandoned charcoal kilns at Lone Pine, Leadore, Idaho. I think it’s about an hour and 15 minutes or so NW of Rexburg.

I used to live in Idaho Falls as a child many years ago and our family often spent weekends exploring such sites and ghost towns in northern Idaho and southwestern Montana. I remember a few visits to these kilns and we rarely saw others around.

Spokane Chronicle - Google News Archive Search

Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns - Wikipedia

Thank you!! All idea's are wonderful, and I know I've said it before but locating the kids is really what I feel is most important... And Jeez is that State (and the surrounding ones) full of potential places to get away with burying a body....YIKES!

I kinda feel like the only way of narrowing it down a bit (apart from having some GPS, stoplight cam's or cell tower pings which I hope LE at least has) is looking for places significant to Chad.... Because I believe he was involved with Burial.... Places that Chad feels are "safe".

I don't feel like the kids were buried at the same time, maybe not in the same place but I think they might be near eachother.JMO.

So the question for me becomes, where did Chad feel safest? Did the Preppers have a specific site they were planning to use for Armageddon, or a place they practice/ meet up. Maybe on private land. I just feel like somebody out there in his Doomsday Prep community will know of a potential place that Chad used or went to.

See, that makes me once again think that this case wasn't really about their religious beliefs and far more about greed/lust and mental illness!

The religious beliefs are convenient excuses to hide the greed and lust. MOO is many LDS are openly discussing the lust portion and it’s a great read.

These two thought they could sweep the kids under the rug and had no idea how much attention would come crashing down. Their distorted beliefs gave them a false sense of security which is now in tatters. The FBI Command Center is pure intimidation. I suspect Lori will be trotted right by it on her way to lock up.

While the case seems complicated and convoluted the truth is likely simpler. The lame motion filed by her Idaho attorneys shows she has nothing for law enforcement. The judge will likely grant some parts of their request but at the end of the day she has to produce the children. Her lawyers can dance around that all they want but it will be a short one. All they have is deflection and deception with this motion but the judge will come down on them like a ton of bricks. I don’t think we’ll be waiting long either.

Everything I type is always MOO and I quote no sources or social media. Good day all...
I’m not sure if we’ve discussed this before . Was this one we weren’t allowed to link? My mind is confused. Maybe we couldn’t prove she actually spoke at the event? This podcast description states that Lori was supposed to attend an event in Boise Feb 15-16 2019. I believe the same one Chad was at. It also states she was “out on assignment” when this one was published 2-14.

11 Time to Warrior Up - Sweet Surrenders - Listen -

from the link: (I redacted the name I think we aren’t supposed to mention)

We missed Lori's grounded conviction this week as she was out on assignment,

The group mentions a new (Redacted) Event that Melanie and Lori will attend in Boise will be Feb. 15-16. Go to www.(redacted) to register or learn more about our 10 Speakers, Program Outline. We are even going to have a Cowboy's CHUCKWAGON DINNER to enjoy!
i think you mean idaidaidaho... but you got the repetitive part!!

Indeed I did!!o_O:D
This case is frying my brain... and keeping at this website until the wee hrs every night!
Help we need an emergency meeting of the DARG!

BTW: Don't know if anyone else has pointed this out, but the glasses Lori was wearing in court today were an interesting touch... My guess is either her Lawyer advised her to do this, to look a bit more demur and motherly (yes, lawyers do tell their clients how to dress/appear in court) OR it's straight up vanity on Lori's part b/c the glasses mask her major eye bags! JMO

Her body language was soooo self righteous and obnoxious today, I caught a few screen caps of some of her more overtly arrogant and evil glares (apologies if a ton of images have already been posted, and for the visible play button which I couldn't remove). But, just LOOK at her: :mad:
arrogant lori.PNG a2 lori.PNG a lori.PNG a4 lori.PNG
It's possible that it worked that way with Tylee and her dad Joe Ryan. We don't know if Joe had life insurance but we heard from a family insider on Gray Hughes that somehow Lori got $70,000 after Joe's death. If Tylee was the beneficiary then Lori might have been able to control the money due to Tylee being a minor. But by the time she sent that text to Kay about "5 children and no money, and his sister gets everything" Lori had seen the change of beneficiary form (which she sent in the text to Kay) and she should have understood how it was going to work. MOO.

At the risk of oversharing, when I went through a divorce, my ex was ordered to get a life insurance policy as part of his non-custodial obligations. He never did but if he had, it would have had my name on it as beneficiary. The purpose of the policy was for the continued care of our child. At the time, it seemed like a pretty standard requirement in the court where my divorce took place. If anyone cared to root through Lori and Joe's divorce file, they'd probably find a similar order.

To echo some thoughts I've read recently - the lack of a sense of urgency, at least to us citizen sleuths. In my opinion, it is because they know the children are no longer living and they know where the people responsible for it currently sit.

Can they know that without also knowing where the bodies are? In the case of Tylee the search they've indicated is going to happen of Yellowstone would seem to indicate they're sure she didn't leave Yellowstone (or at least have a high degree of certainty that she didn't leave Yellowstone alive with LV and AC). But even there it seems there are some unlikely scenarios where she might be alive. JJ, unless they know a lot more than indicated in the charges, they can't really narrow things down much, with a period of almost 2 months when he wasn't seen, but could have been around. Certainly being with someone else is possible.

My point is that while I'm afraid you're right, that the kids aren't alive, I don't think LE has the proof of that, nor do I think they can be sure enough to ignore the possibility that they are alive. I can see that they might think that if they are alive odds are that if they've made it safely this long that this isn't going to change. Seems like a bit of a gamble, but maybe justifiable.

If they really do know they are no longer living then presumably they have whatever evidence is available, if any, to show how they died. It would make sense to make sure their case against those responsible be as airtight and complete as possible before committing themselves with an arrest for that person or persons. MOO
I’m not sure if we’ve discussed this before . Was this one we weren’t allowed to link? My mind is confused. Maybe we couldn’t prove she actually spoke at the event? This podcast description states that Lori was supposed to attend an event in Boise Feb 15-16 2019. I believe the same one Chad was at. It also states she was “out on assignment” when this one was published 2-14.

11 Time to Warrior Up - Sweet Surrenders - Listen -

from the link: (I redacted the name I think we aren’t supposed to mention)

We missed Lori's grounded conviction this week as she was out on assignment,

The group mentions a new (Redacted) Event that Melanie and Lori will attend in Boise will be Feb. 15-16. Go to www.(redacted) to register or learn more about our 10 Speakers, Program Outline. We are even going to have a Cowboy's CHUCKWAGON DINNER to enjoy!

I don't recall seeing that note saying Lori was expected to attend, but I think many of us had assumed that Feb 15-16 is the conference where CV's lawyers' process servers went to look for her. That's where Chad spoke and supposedly the last conference he spoke at for the prepper people who won't be named. It's so strange they would say she was "out on assignment" as if she's a journalist or something. o_O
The only assignment Lori seems to have been carrying out was hiding from Charles... Unless they mean she sent herself on assignment to Kauai to "gather" her friend April for the 144,000. :rolleyes:

I don't recall seeing that note saying Lori was expected to attend, but I think many of us had assumed that Feb 15-16 is the conference where CV's lawyers' process servers went to look for her. That's where Chad spoke and supposedly the last conference he spoke at for the prepper people who won't be named. It's so strange they would say she was "out on assignment" as if she's a journalist or something. o_O
The only assignment Lori seems to have been carrying out was hiding from Charles... Unless they mean she sent herself on assignment to Kauai to "gather" her friend April for the 144,000. :rolleyes:

Right?!! I’m so confused how long she could have actually been in Kauai now too. We now Colby said she was at his daughters birth in Early Feb, and this conference too. Back and forth to Kauai?
The religious beliefs are convenient excuses to hide the greed and lust. MOO is many LDS are openly discussing the lust portion and it’s a great read.

These two thought they could sweep the kids under the rug and had no idea how much attention would come crashing down. Their distorted beliefs gave them a false sense of security which is now in tatters. The FBI Command Center is pure intimidation. I suspect Lori will be trotted right by it on her way to lock up.

While the case seems complicated and convoluted the truth is likely simpler. The lame motion filed by her Idaho attorneys shows she has nothing for law enforcement. The judge will likely grant some parts of their request but at the end of the day she has to produce the children. Her lawyers can dance around that all they want but it will be a short one. All they have is deflection and deception with this motion but the judge will come down on them like a ton of bricks. I don’t think we’ll be waiting long either.

Everything I type is always MOO and I quote no sources or social media. Good day all...

I love this post :) At what point would it be possible for the judge to say, "LV violated the Jan 30 court order, so the court is sending her to jail until she produces the children OR provides information as to the location of their remains."? That's the ton of bricks I want the judge to use and use it asap.
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