Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #28

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Legal question, if she’s not very cooperative and/or is undoubtedly guilty (I.e., highly unlikely the defense lawyer will “win”), would it behoove him to encourage her to take a plea deal rather than take his chances at trial? Mr. Means states on his website that he is more apt to go for a plea deal, but will go to trial if client so desires.

In this situation, I don't think that the prosecution is going to be willing to make a plea deal. LV will no doubt be convicted of the charges against her, and probably receive the maximum penalty for each charge. I read that would total about 30 years.

I don't think that she will be getting any type of pre release parole either.

Of course her attorney wants to plead it out, and move on. LV probably won't deal.
As I recall, in police reports LVD was not known to be with CD in California because there were no photographs of her with him. However, it is not known that she WASN’T there as well.


IIRC they flew together from LA to HI. Was she just holed up in a hotel waiting for Chad to finish his family business? Was she packing the boxes that arrived in HI?
BBM Do ya think she’ll be able to wallpaper her future prison cell with those beautiful expensive pictures?! I mean, she doesn’t have anybody else to give them to, except Chad. He can take a few for hisI actually felt a twinge if sorrow for her for a minute...she literally has no one...except Chad. And even he is tenuous. That to me is SO SAD! But then I remembered the kids and I’m over it. Where are they, Lori?!!

I’m not sure that she doesn’t have other people in her corner. Supposedly her niece is pretty loyal to her, possible ZP & some of her podcast friends, possibly CDs children, and who knows what other people that share the same beliefs that may be in some kind of “underground” cult.
I’m not sure that she doesn’t have other people in her corner. Supposedly her niece is pretty loyal to her, possible ZP & some of her podcast friends, possibly CDs children, and who knows what other people that share the same beliefs that may be in some kind of “underground” cult.

I’ve been spending time exploring their network and others of influence in East Idaho. Interesting is too boring of a description for what I’ve found. There are two large employers of Mormon influence here, one BYU-Idaho, another is Melaleuca. These two institutions have quite a bit of influence in the community. On the one hand it seems such a fitting place for CD. Therefore it really makes me struggle with CD and LVD’s motivations. Their beliefs as written and spoken in podcasts seems more acceptable here than in SLC, but their actions are most likely too extreme even for their followers. I want to believe the kids are alive, and to me that is still the most important question. If they’re following their written word, I feel the children are in fact alive, If their motivation was self-indulgence then unfortunately I then don't hold hope for the children. MOO
Something thats been gnawing at me about this case is why didnt those 2 idiots simply take the money and go to another country with it where they dont extradict?

With a 1/2 million you can live pretty well off for a long time in a 3rd world country. Nothing about this story adds up.

I understand LE has a job to do and cant just lay their cards on the table but I really need some closure.

Where are these kids?
How did these people die?

What evidence do the police have to support whatever it is they think happened?

5 months and still waiting. I cant imagine how these poor families are feeling.

Im also curious if others involved in this religious group have had similiar circumstances revolving around them.

Its all very FRUSTRATING!
I think he killed himself so that ZP could inherit whatever he had. He bought the afterlife bs hook, line, sinker.

Interesting - I’ve been thinking about how much Kool-aid AxC had been drinking - it just doesn’t add up for me. I’m just not convinced he was a ‘believer’! Is he just doing Loris dirty work - What’s in it for him - the next life? I can’t see it.

I have seen the end of time here as July 20, July 21, and July 22 of 2020. Out of curiosity does anyone have the actual date CD advertises?

I have done some reading of other "doomsday prophets" since I started following this case. I had no idea there are so many people out there doing this. I was reading one prophet who had visions of the end of days being in 2018. She sold books, held seminars, put together terrible PowerPoint presentations, etc showing the logic (to her) of the exact time. The world didn't end so her new date is 2022, but according to her timeline we have already witnessed lots of terrible things that haven't actually happened so new revision due soon. She has several books for sale, all with great reviews, so people are still giving her their money. I did a shallower dive on another "prophet" and it seems like to be a prophet you have to be particularly bad at science, and pretty bad at math, history, government, etc.

For any of you who read CD's writing, does he lay out an end of times chain of events? And as pointed out earlier, if you did read his writing, thanks for taking one for the team.

Chad and others like him, use fear to sell their books. It is a very powerful emotion, that drives people to do crazy things.

Just look at what people are doing right now in this Coronavirus scare. It's gotten so bad I can't even get some rice and meat for the week. The line was literally out of the store for almost a block, here in Idaho Falls. :mad:

That's what fear does to people, it gets them to do things that make no sense. Just look at LVD, CD, and the rest of these people. None of this makes a lot of sense. Unless you start factoring in fear. Then it starts to make a little sense.

Some of the strongest dictators in the world have used fear very effectively.

Fear sells, and it sells very well.

Okay, so maybe none of these people know a lot about autopsies. But if the exhumation was connected to AxC dying, what in the world did they think would be found so quickly on the autopsy of TD? Jmo

Because Springville is not very big. TD was buried in the same cemetery that CD worked at, I bet someone who knows CD from Springville told him. "Hey, Chad, did you know that we are scheduled to exhume Tammy? It is on the calendar for next week. What's up with that?".

Utah, Idaho, LDS, It is like that game, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon", insert "Chad Daybell", he is totally connected in the loop. Heck, I bet, if we looked hard enough, you could probably connect me to CD by "six degrees".
Chad and others like him, use fear to sell their books. It is a very powerful emotion, that drives people to do crazy things.

Just look at what people are doing right now in this Coronavirus scare. It's gotten so bad I can't even get some rice and meat for the week. The line was literally out of the store for almost a block, here in Idaho Falls. :mad:

That's what fear does to people, it gets them to do things that make no sense. Just look at LVD, CD, and the rest of these people. None of this makes a lot of sense. Unless you start factoring in fear. Then it starts to make a little sense.

Some of the strongest dictators in the world have used fear very effectively.

Fear sells, and it sells very well.

Actually, all "Emotions" "sell" or can be used to manipulate. That's how all advertising (and therefore media) works. Moreover, this is how sociopaths/psychopaths wield such power. Their lack of normal emotional empathy allows them to "use" people like toys. They feign human emotions and societal norms to appear normal or garner trust. Con artists are effective at what they do because of this. No guilt... just a clever plan or strategy to take advantage of people.
In this situation, I don't think that the prosecution is going to be willing to make a plea deal. LV will no doubt be convicted of the charges against her, and probably receive the maximum penalty for each charge. I read that would total about 30 years.

I don't think that she will be getting any type of pre release parole either.

Of course her attorney wants to plead it out, and move on. LV probably won't deal.
In searching the Idaho Sentencing Database I could only find two cases with convictions where there was No Drug or Alcohol problem and no prior offenses for Non-Support/Desertion of Children. The results of such a query returns a status of PB - which leads me to believe it stands for probation - with one case resulting in 4 years and another in 10 years. Both cases are males convicted, i.e. no convictions of females under this charge.

You can run a query at this link:
Idaho Sentencing Information Database Query

If Lori were convicted, I think it is a crap-shoot as to how much time, if any, is in jail, since there isn't anything in the database to suggest the time she could receive other than probation despite the statute allowing for up to 14 years of imprisonment.

As a person with no prior criminal history I don't think she would get anything near the maximum and I don't think she would get hit with consecutive sentences.
I worry they won't find anything from her autopsy/toxicology. You can do toxicology on someone who has been embalmed, but it would be questionable. Especially questionable in court, they could claim the chemicals used were stymieing the data. So the safer way would be to get her on the current charges, and more (probably tax, she was carrying around bags of cash) and fraud (life insurance) But the pause is probably just from them building a case.
Not if they find something questionable in the hair or nails or body tissue though.
But why would you hold out? I can't see an advantage? If you have him on something like conspiracy, or even obstruction of justice, like the call to MG, why not get him in jail and then add the larger charges on as they develop, but in the mean time have him behind bars? I genuinely don't see why, so if there are good reasons, I'd love to hear them.
I think they must be monitoring who he communicates with. Didn't we hear a detective was following one of the parties in this. (MBP ?)
Yes, I alternate between thinking they are mistakenly (imo) only focused on Lori and they think he is more valuable to them on the outside because he will make mistakes and do things like trying to cover his tracks and destroy evidence and he can communicate with Lori. I can't say which one I lean towards more than the other.

They are probably still trawling thru everything they took from his home. Reading all his books, listening to his podcasts , (poor things ) checking out all his contacts, (AVOW) etc. These other Doomsday writers must be just waiting for the knock on the door. MOO.
I don't know CD's particular flavor of end times but the 3 I read about all included some form of government surveillance, tracking people through technology. Two implied government "microchipping" everyone, the third was less specific.

My point is, the FBI tracking CD's phone and listening in on his conversations is likely further proof to he and any like minded doomsdayers that the end times is approaching. IF he believes that. Or if he wants to use that to sell more snake oil.

Didn't they put a tracker on MBP's vehicle IIRC? I bet that's why they let Chad park at the cop shop. Ha ha.

Still wondering what has happened to Tammy's car and if it has ever been properly examined.
I may be responding to the wrong question ! But if the question is, "why is toilet paper sold out in connection with the corona virus?", here's the answer.
Everyone is being told t0 1. work from home. 2. don't go out. 3. don't go on trips, etc.

So, I think with all the family members staying put, and NOT using potties at work, or at the movies, or at the restaurant, etc., everyone is just stocking up at home.

Really just MO though.:)
And it's cheaper than tissues. Is kitchen roll sold out too?
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