Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #33

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Patch Tuesday

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Jul 2, 2019
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Police searching for Rexburg children believed to be in serious danger | East Idaho News

I believe this is going to be a more complicated case than it looks on the surface. The children's mother (Lori Wallows) recently married a man (Chad Daybell) a few weeks after his wife died. It was presumed the late wife had died of natural causes but was exhumed recently and her death is now being investigated.
The new wife's husband was shot in a family argument earlier this year:

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

The husband and wife are not cooperating with police and have since vanished.

ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE*NO DISCUSSION

Timeline Links (Update 7):
Part I (1968 - 2017)
Part II (Dec 2017 - 10 July 2019)
Part III (11 July 2019)
Part IV (12 July 2019 - 30 Nov 2019)
Part V (December 2019)
Part VI (January 2020)
Part VII (February 2020)

Thread #1 Thread #2 Thread #3 Thread #4 Thread #5 Thread #6 Thread #7 Thread #8 Thread #9 Thread #10 Thread #11 Thread #12 Thread #13 Thread #14 Thread #15 Thread #16 Thread #17 Thread #18 Thread #19 Thread #20 Thread #21 Thread #22 Thread #23 Thread #24 Thread #25 Thread #26 Thread #27 Thread #28 Thread #29 Thread #30 Thread #31 Thread #32


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This thread is dedicated to discussion of two missing kids, JJ and Tylee.

The thread does not exist to chit chat about your own religious doctrines, discuss temples, tithing, BYU, physical appearance, etc. Forty seven of such off topic posts have just been removed.

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Before a new thread is made, I wanted to ask if it would be appropriate/okay to have this link from East Idaho News at the beginning of each thread, in addition to the time line from Gardener and the Media thread link.
It is a consistently updated list of all the stories they have run in (reverse) chronological order and I have found it to be a good reference.
Daybell Case Stories | East Idaho News
As I watched these interviews, I can’t help contrast and compare Brandon and Ian. Above all else BB has been motivated to protect and care for his children. He’s never been arrested for violence. He’s established a successful and legitimate business. IP doesn’t have any type of career. BB was successful enough to allow MBP to always stay at home to care for their children. MBP received over $200k in the divorce settlement. Look at the morning of the attempted murder. BB dropped two children off at school, worked out at the gym then drove to his house where a bullet that just missed him broke the window of his Tesla Model X. BB, along with Colby, are the only family members that seem to express real concern and fear for Tylee and JJ. Throughout this ordeal BB has never been caught in any lie. Accusations against MP are all backed by sources and witnesses. IP can’t take a stand on anything. Especially for his age, IP appears to be a soft couch potato. BB, like CV, seem to be well-rounded complete package kind of guys. Those two men take care of their families, their business, provide well, stay healthy, and have integrity. IP, like AC and CD, is a guy that struggles with integrity, temper, career, family and health.
As I watched these interviews, I can’t help contrast and compare Brandon and Ian. Above all else BB has been motivated to protect and care for his children. He’s never been arrested for violence. He’s established a successful and legitimate business. IP doesn’t have any type of career. BB was successful enough to allow MBP to always stay at home to care for their children. MBP received over $200k in the divorce settlement. Look at the morning of the attempted murder. BB dropped two children off at school, worked out at the gym then drove to his house where a bullet that just missed him broke the window of his Tesla Model X. BB, along with Colby, are the only family members that seem to express real concern and fear for Tylee and JJ. Throughout this ordeal BB has never been caught in any lie. Accusations against MP are all backed by sources and witnesses. IP can’t take a stand on anything. Especially for his age, IP appears to be a soft couch potato. BB, like CV, seem to be well-rounded complete package kind of guys. Those two men take care of their families, their business, provide well, stay healthy, and have integrity. IP, like AC and CD, is a guy that struggles with integrity, temper, career, family and health.
Great comparisons! Definitely adds more questions and thoughts to the whole thing.
Also, not all of Chad’s kids seemed to know the marriage between him and Lori was happening. Followed by Chad giving different stories to people about meeting and marrying Lori.

I thought in one of these past interviews that MP has given she mentioned having IPs kids there. Not sure on link so I’ll keep looking for it. All jmo
Sorry if I am reading too much into this but you mention "not all of Chad's kids seemed to know" he was marrying Lori. I was under the impression none of his kids knew Lori or anything about Lori until after CD/LVD's wedding. Did any of his kids know Lori or about the affair or about the wedding before it happened?
I did listen to the first and third parts of Nate's 90-minute interview and recall that IP said his kids were present at their wedding. Then MP nodded and added that they only had about an hour but they bought a dress, picked up a tux, and got his kids all dressed up.

I do remember that and it stood out to me because also the way she said that was different. I felt like as she was saying it, she was thinking she shouldn't be saying it. I thought either she is lying or taking the kids to Vegas wasn't approved by mom. I don't want to rewatch it to figure it out because she is just plain unbelievable most of the time.
Sorry if I am reading too much into this but you mention "not all of Chad's kids seemed to know" he was marrying Lori. I was under the impression none of his kids knew Lori or anything about Lori until after CD/LVD's wedding. Did any of his kids know Lori or about the affair or about the wedding before it happened?
I believe I saw something about one of them saying Lori was a family friend. Not sure on the link, might have been EIN? I wish I could remember where all these things pop up but I’ve read so many articles.

ETA: I found this article which appears none of them knew about the marriage. Former friend: Chad Daybell predicted his late wife's death and brainwashed his kids
Sorry if I am reading too much into this but you mention "not all of Chad's kids seemed to know" he was marrying Lori. I was under the impression none of his kids knew Lori or anything about Lori until after CD/LVD's wedding. Did any of his kids know Lori or about the affair or about the wedding before it happened?

I seem to recall reading somewhere that CD claimed he was going to Hawaii to work on his book, and just happened to bump into Lori there.

This group sure has a lot of coincidental encounters:

- MP just happens to end up in the same complex as Lori, Alex, and IP
- MP and IP just happen to get married in Vegas, a few hours before Alex does.

I am sure that I am missing more "coincidental" encounters too. I don't see the reason that they have to lie about these encounters.

I seem to recall reading somewhere that CD claimed he was going to Hawaii to work on his book, and just happened to bump into Lori there.

This group sure has a lot of coincidental encounters:

- MP just happens to end up in the same complex as Lori, Alex, and IP
- MP and IP just happen to get married in Vegas, a few hours before Alex does.

I am sure that I am missing more "coincidental" encounters too. I don't see the reason that they have to lie about these encounters.


They are lying to cover their behinds. The more lies, the bigger the mess. The bigger the mess, the more difficult it will be for the prosecution to prove their case. I just hope the prosecution brings it all back to one thing: two kids are missing without a trace. Lori Vallow Daybell is responsible for their health and well being. She failed. Her failure is a crime. Punish her.
Simple, no? All the other stuff is fluff. Actually, this is getting boring. It’s being piled higher and deeper. The bottom line? Two kids are missing without a trace. Focus on what’s the most important thing here: two kids are missing.
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What was the point of Melani volunteering that Alex was giving her daily marital advice before he died? Did she establish a cover story for frequent contacts? He was probably coaching her about their situation, since Chad and Lori were out of reach. It was after Lori's friend called her and she told Ian all she knew.
MOO, any evidence of frequent contacts among family members or lovers, Lori and Chad, Lori, Melanis, Alex, other Coxes would be extremely weak at trial. If I were a juror I don't think evidence of phone contacts between Alex and Melani, even if there appeared to be a pattern related to events like the BB shooting would be persuasive to me. Even if she were calling Alex every day to complain about what BB was doing, I would see that as normal or easily explained and even if Alex took a shot, I would not see evidence of her conspiring with him.

Before we knew AC died of natural causes my opinion was that he was killed to clean up a loose end in CV's death and BB's attempted death. So I am certainly inclined to think that way. But I hope no one is wasting too much time on phone records because calls between family members are normal and to me, not incriminating unless we have incriminating content.
Is IP still informing to the FBI? I just think he could still be undercover but pretending not to be. Perhaps he married her to get close to the cult? Is that possible? I do find it strange they would bring IP into their web if they did not know him very well. Do we know if Chad or Lori knew him before MBP moved up to Rexburg?

Gonna say this without names to comply with TOS. This group was actively recruiting men in February 2019. A person we have discussed here recently but can't sleuth was doing it actively. I think he was probably recruited and there are likely many more out there we have not heard about.
There's almost an anti-government tone--at least that's my perception. And that's just not an attitude of LDS people, at least anyone I've grown up with or known.
I'm not LDS and frankly don't have a high opinion of the Mormon church. But you've hit on the key idea here. There are not Mormons acting normally. These are a bunch of whackos doing their own thing under a guise of religion. We just need to figure out what their grand plan is and why so many people have died or disappeared.
Regarding CV changing insurance beneficiaries without LVD permission:

I am hundreds of messages behind--gosh this thread moves fast--so perhaps someone has already pointed this out. (IANAL, but...) I think it might be a stretch to suggest the insurance company "screwed up". ARS 25-211 just says all property acquired during the marriage is community property and that filing for separation/annulment doesn't change that. To that end, since AZ is a community property state, LVD would have the right to claim 50% of the payout no matter who CV designated as the beneficiary, and no matter whether either of them had filed for separation/annulment/etc, as long as she had not signed a waiver that forfeits that right (more on this in a moment). As far as I know, that's not a matter for the insurance company to validate or enforce at the time of making the paperwork change; rather it's a matter of property/estate law to be decided during probate if there's a dispute.

Among the disclosures the insurance company will have required CV to read would have been a disclosure that residents of AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, TX, WA, and WI are subject to community property laws that may supersede any beneficiary designation, and provide them with a waiver form (or signature block) that they may choose to have their spouse sign, in order to avoid any doubt during probate, if they reside in a community property state. But they are not going to go research whether you have a valid marriage certificate or anything :)

Here's an example, and please note carefully in the waiver block the use of the words "you may complete". It is not required:

The spousal waiver would certainly be something you'd want to file at the time of the change, if you want to avoid any potential probate issues or disputes for your beneficiary, but that is not required in order to make the change. Clearly in this case CV would not have sought a waiver of rights from LVD, because LVD would not have signed one, so understandably CV took his chances, and the insurance company did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Exactly my point. The only exception would be if it were a fully prepaid policy predating their marriage. That is possible. But if the policy earned any dividends that were reinvested during their marriage it would be subject to proration. Given Lori's current inability to effectively challenge probate I cannot understand why the insurance company paying Kay was not a horrible mistake.

Insurance companies make huge mistakes. When I formed a living trust years ago, one of the biggest insurance/investment companies in the US screwed up paperwork 3 times! And ended up paying my lawyer to fix it twice.

I have no idea if there was an error in this case or just a good faith effort to pay out quickly. But one would think that after being made aware of a beneficiary dispute in a community property state (by both parties) then learning Charles died by homicide committed by a party related to a possible beneficiary (it's still homicide even if justifiable self defense), the insurance company would have done their own deep investigation.
We have 3 weddings in late November 2019...
Lori didn't have her kids with her or tell them she was getting married.
Chad didn't have his kids with him or tell them he was getting married.
MBP didn't have her kids with her or tell them she was getting married.
IP didn't have his kids with him or tell them he was getting married.
ZP didn't have her kid(s) with her or tell them she was getting married.

Who gets married without telling their children? I am guessing that statistically, nearly every person in the world who got married without telling their own children about it in November of 2019 lived within a couple miles of Rexburg, Idaho. ZP being the exception.
Slight correction. We thinkk IP did have his kids with him. But otherwise, good point.
Respiratory Complications of Organophosphorus Nerve Agent and Insecticide Poisoning. Implications for Respiratory and Critical Care

This is the other article that describes respiratory findings in organophosphate poisonings. “Fibrin” = clot proteins. Organophosphate pesticides are very common and readily available at any big box hardware store.

See figure 3.
Organophosphate poisoning is such a common suspect, why woul they not routinely test for that. Even if homocide were not suspected it could happen from routine yard work without precautions.
Exactly. The Schnieder rule. You can be a 3L or a 4D or whatever, but at any time Chad can decide you were taken over by another spirit so the rule about higher levels not changing from Light to Dark has a convenient way, for Chad, of being reinterpreted at any time for any reason.
It was stated in Chad's document that levels 4.1 or above "rarely switch sides", so by this design it's not impossible.
They are lying to cover their behinds. The more lies, the bigger the mess. The bigger the mess, the more difficult it will be for the prosecution to prove their case. I just hope the prosecution brings it all back to one thing: two kids are missing without a trace. Lori Vallow Daybell is responsible for their health and well being. She failed. Her failure is a crime. Punish her.
Simple, no? All the other stuff is fluff. Actually, this is getting boring. It’s being piled higher and deeper. The bottom line? Two kids are missing without a trace. Focus on what’s the most important thing here: two kids are missing.
I'm afraid that if it's not proven that she was a bad mother, she could get away with much less than the maximum of 14 years per child for child abandonment. Her belief in zombies might not be taken into account here.
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