ID - Robert Manwill, 8, Boise, 24 July 2009 - #3

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I just found this forum yesterday.

I have both a brother and a sister that lives in the apartments where Roberts mother lived. My brother and his family lived in a different building, but my sister lived in the same building. Earlier that evening one of my nieces was playing with Robert. She went to talk to another one of my nieces and when she went back to the playground he was gone. If it wasnt for that I myself would question if he actually went missing that day or prior.

I do know that on the Thursday they searched the apartment my sister was outside on her balcony when the cops swarmed in out of nowhere. She said they went right to the bf's vehicle (Im assuming that was the red suburban) and yelled "I've got a positive". What exactly that meant she wasnt sure.

It was that next day when the word was they were investigating some "turned dirt" at a home. I cant help but wonder if the body had originally been taken to this house and later removed and taken to the nearby canal.

I had asked the question over and over how they could have got his body out of the house without being seen. The only thing I can think of is the Friday night he went missing his body was in the apartment when it was called into the police. They kept stressing he may be spending the night at an unknown friends house. If they gave the police reason at least for that night to think it wasnt anything more then a kid taking off then they probably wouldnt have searched every little space in the apartment or vehicle. It would be reasonable that sometime in the middle of the night when things were clear the body could have been moved to the home where the turned dirt was. Of course this is all speculation, but I cant come up with any other way this child could have been removed dead or alive from this complex without someone seeing him. Knowing that he was playing with the kids and within a few hours he was called in missing. This is a fairly large apartment complex. By 10ish when he was called in it would have been only dark for maybe 45 minutes. On a Friday evening when it was still light someone would have seen something if that body would have left. Even if it was made to look like a sleeping child it would have been seen. IMO......
Welcome, Idaho-native!


Thank you for jumping in, and for telling us this information! It sounds like your niece might be our best bet for an objective "last seen" time. Is it too much to ask if you would check with her -gently, of course - or better yet, maybe you could ask her mom or dad, what time it was when she and Robert parted company? I understand completely not wanting to upset her. I respect that. But without her input, we have to rely on Robert's mom and her bf for their account of things, and...well. I'd just feel better about a timeline, if I knew it was hers. Also, were there other kids there with those two?

Feel free to say no, of course. We'll still love ya in the morning!
Best wishes to you and your niece. And thanks again!
Thank you for the new thread, SuziQ!
The Watermaster says there is no way, no way anything larger than a tennis ball can float through the canal grates from Wallis' house to where the body was found in Kuna.

What's also strange is LE saying they won't know who the body is until after an autopsy. IMO it's "newsspeak" for "we don't want to tell the public yet."
No pressers that I know of have been announced yet, but it's only 8:30 here.
Occam's Razor from my point of view says it is Robert.
1. No other kids are missing.
2. Wearing a blue shirt.
3. Family in deep grief leaving police station yesterday, and mom in tears and needing assistance to walk to car.
<somehow posted this just prior to thread 2 closing, so copying and pasting to thread 3>

I am beyond sickened in this case. I went home yesterday and hugged both my lil ones close. How sad that we live in a world that allows the brutality of our little ones. How sad that "we" the collective masses cry for a boy who is quite probably a victim of those that should have protected them. We never knew him, yet we long to hold him and kiss his hurts away.

My kids, who are 5 and almost 7 expect me to right the wrongs and kiss the hurts. They absolutely trust me and that's a big heavy responsibilty. Poor little Robert was shortchanged being born to a monster. (you fracture your baby's skull you are a monster, period) I often wonder if I am right to overprotect my children. As a mother I second guess everything I do. I always fall short of being the perfect mother, and strive to do better every day. It isn't that hard to be at least a "decent" parent, if not an alltogether "good" one.

There is no justice here. I am so tired of government failing the little ones. Everytime another election comes around, do you ever hear anyone talking about child crimes? You may or may not hear someone addressing crime in general or even increasing law enforcement in local politics, but the first thing they should discuss is crimes against children. That should be the number one platform for election in this country. It's a problem that sometimes dominates the news but never the elections. go figure. Not trying to talk politics in any way, just wondering why our elected officials don't ever mention the little ones? (Maybe because they cant vote). Who wouldn't vote for Marc Klaas or John Walsh???

An earlier poster said it best, when she/he said that the courts treat the children as property. sickening. Sorry for little Robert. Sorry it's too late for him. I wonder how many more Roberts, Caylees, Christopher Barrios it's going to take before things really start changing.

I'll get down off my soap box now. I know I'm preaching to the choir. Just venting I suppose, and this little corner of the web seems to be full of those with likeminds. I can't believe it took me so long to find this site.
Not at all surprised by this tragic news. Many of us know it's Robert even though we don't have official word yet. There are no words really.

I am grateful this beautiful little boy with the shy smile doesn't have to deal with any more pain or sadness.
<somehow posted this just prior to thread 2 closing, so copying and pasting to thread 3>

I am beyond sickened in this case. I went home yesterday and hugged both my lil ones close. How sad that we live in a world that allows the brutality of our little ones. How sad that "we" the collective masses cry for a boy who is quite probably a victim of those that should have protected them. We never knew him, yet we long to hold him and kiss his hurts away.

My kids, who are 5 and almost 7 expect me to right the wrongs and kiss the hurts. They absolutely trust me and that's a big heavy responsibilty. Poor little Robert was shortchanged being born to a monster. (you fracture your baby's skull you are a monster, period) I often wonder if I am right to overprotect my children. As a mother I second guess everything I do. I always fall short of being the perfect mother, and strive to do better every day. It isn't that hard to be at least a "decent" parent, if not an alltogether "good" one.

There is no justice here. I am so tired of government failing the little ones. Everytime another election comes around, do you ever hear anyone talking about child crimes? You may or may not hear someone addressing crime in general or even increasing law enforcement in local politics, but the first thing they should discuss is crimes against children. That should be the number one platform for election in this country. It's a problem that sometimes dominates the news but never the elections. go figure. Not trying to talk politics in any way, just wondering why our elected officials don't ever mention the little ones? (Maybe because they cant vote). Who wouldn't vote for Marc Klaas or John Walsh???

An earlier poster said it best, when she/he said that the courts treat the children as property. sickening. Sorry for little Robert. Sorry it's too late for him. I wonder how many more Roberts, Caylees, Christopher Barrios it's going to take before things really start changing.

I'll get down off my soap box now. I know I'm preaching to the choir. Just venting I suppose, and this little corner of the web seems to be full of those with likeminds. I can't believe it took me so long to find this site.

Great post noelle. :clap::clap::clap::clap: Couldn't have said it better.
The heroes in all these cases where the little children have been murdered are the children themselves. They have reached out from death to say "Here I am". Unfortunately, Robert to a passerby at the canal. Sandra Cantu reached out to migrant farm workers also in a canal. With Little Nevaeh it was a fisherman and Caylee kept calling Roy Kronk to find her. They want justice and they deserve it. We just have to find a way to grant their little wishes!!
<somehow posted this just prior to thread 2 closing, so copying and pasting to thread 3>

I am beyond sickened in this case. I went home yesterday and hugged both my lil ones close. How sad that we live in a world that allows the brutality of our little ones. How sad that "we" the collective masses cry for a boy who is quite probably a victim of those that should have protected them. We never knew him, yet we long to hold him and kiss his hurts away.

My kids, who are 5 and almost 7 expect me to right the wrongs and kiss the hurts. They absolutely trust me and that's a big heavy responsibilty. Poor little Robert was shortchanged being born to a monster. (you fracture your baby's skull you are a monster, period) I often wonder if I am right to overprotect my children. As a mother I second guess everything I do. I always fall short of being the perfect mother, and strive to do better every day. It isn't that hard to be at least a "decent" parent, if not an alltogether "good" one.

There is no justice here. I am so tired of government failing the little ones. Everytime another election comes around, do you ever hear anyone talking about child crimes? You may or may not hear someone addressing crime in general or even increasing law enforcement in local politics, but the first thing they should discuss is crimes against children. That should be the number one platform for election in this country. It's a problem that sometimes dominates the news but never the elections. go figure. Not trying to talk politics in any way, just wondering why our elected officials don't ever mention the little ones? (Maybe because they cant vote). Who wouldn't vote for Marc Klaas or John Walsh???

An earlier poster said it best, when she/he said that the courts treat the children as property. sickening. Sorry for little Robert. Sorry it's too late for him. I wonder how many more Roberts, Caylees, Christopher Barrios it's going to take before things really start changing.

I'll get down off my soap box now. I know I'm preaching to the choir. Just venting I suppose, and this little corner of the web seems to be full of those with likeminds. I can't believe it took me so long to find this site.

With great people like our amazing members here we all could use a bit a proactiveness (is that even a word) to try and make a difference, it only starts with one person. A village is what it takes to raise a child.....

I was reading some threads (forgive me it may not have been here) and I stole an amazing idea from another poster.

I create these little gift bags for people (usually woman) who have been sexually assulted, the bag includes one of those hand stress balls, some gum, a small colouring book, crayons, pen, notebook, and a great quote to encourage strength in woman. Just my way of letting them know that they can make it through.

Sorry to go off topic..............
Does anyone know if the suburban (that was supposedly stollen and found ) owned by the friend was taken for processing?
What if something was done to him at the apartment that caused him injury, maybe nothing life threatening, but they would not have wanted to take him for treatment and they wouldn't want him to be able to tell anyone what happened to him, because one or both of them would certainly be in violation of their parole/probation. So, maybe at that time they hatched some plan to do away with him. There are so many possibilities - they could have drowned him in the bathtub, they could have taken him over to that house on Five Mile while alive and done something there, or they could have tossed him in the canal while still alive, God only knows. And I am so fearful that whoever did this is going to get away with it. And I also think the Wallis guy knows something - "innocent bystander" - that is the most guilty phrase ever - that translates as I'm involved perhaps indirectly and against my will, but involved nonetheless.

LE is going to have to get these "people" to turn on one another - I think that's the only way they'll ever get any answers at all. The evidence I'm afraid is not going to tell the whole story.

What a sad day.
I heard back from one of the reporters - she is going to check to see if the 911 call can or will be released. Hopefully we will be able to hear it soon!


ETA - Thanks for starting the new thread SusiQ!
A few things I found interesting in this article previously posted from the statement:

He said his black-and-gray Chevy Suburban was stolen July 22 after someone came into his house and took the keys. He found it Monday after returning from a weekend away and called the Ada County Sheriff's Department.


on to bf's brother and dad...

"I haven't talked to him since he accused me Sunday. I haven't talked to him," Ehrlick Sr. said. "I don't know if (Jenkins and Ehrlick Jr. have) been real truthful with me."

now let's see, your son "falsely" accuses you of taking his girlfriend's son and you "don't know" if he's been real truthful? huh???

and further down...

They said that they told investigators their concern when Jenkins was investigated for injuring her infant in October 2008.

and even further down in the article:

Sean Buffington, who lives upstairs and across the hall from the apartment shared by Jenkins and Ehrlick Jr., said Ehrlick Jr. told him last Sunday that "basically the two of them were the No. 1 suspects" already.

"He said they had been through the wringer as far as interrogations," Buffington said.

apparently the police on Sunday were really putting pressure on the bf. At least enough to get him to accuse his dad and vent to a neighbor. Sorry, but I really hope that eggdonor and bf are feeling really uncomfortable. They might have relished the attention they were getting at first as victims, but I doubt they are enjoying the scrutiny that came with it that they are under now.

Sorry if this has all been posted a million time, these things just stood out at me.
Here's a direct link to the GREAT pictures provided by Shutterfly of the canal and the grates: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ID-Robert Manwill, 8, Boise #2

Also - clarification of the Wallis suburban is needed. The reporter on JVM, last night gave me the impression that Wallis' sub. was stolen on July 22nd and he reported it stolen at that time. Then when he came back, the truck was there and he notified Ada police that the truck had been returned. The reporter said this was confirmed by neighbors because LE was being so tight lipped they couldn't get anything out of them.

I'll try to find the link to the transcript but I'm pretty certain that PattyG has posted JVM in the last thread.

I heard back from one of the reporters - she is going to check to see if the 911 call can or will be released. Hopefully we will be able to hear it soon!


ETA - Thanks for starting the new thread SusiQ!
Thanks Salem and SuziQ!
I am on the phone with my brother who lives in the same complex. He said that they found massive amounts of blood in the apartment. He said the removed carpet and pieces of wall. He said the mom and bf have been suspects from day one. The mom and bf are being housed in a Motel not far from the apartments. He said there is still a lot of FBI keeping a close eye over the apartments.

He said my niece went to change clothes at 7:30 and headed over to the pool. When she left the swings he left at the same time and that was the last time he was seen. The infant child was at the home the night Robert went missing.
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