If Everything Casey Said Was True... who would have to be lying?

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uh, you , apparently have not made allowances for the extreme pressure cindy is under because of her job as a nurse of decomposition. The most trying aspect of that occupation is that she is apparently the only person in the world to hold that position.

so, you can imagine.
She has already told JB the "truth". He will present it brilliantly at the trial in a true"Perry Mason moment". Zanny, who has already been located and subpoenaed, is seated in the courtroom. JB spins around, points his finger at her and says, "And, here is the real killer!" Zanny breaks down and confesses everything. Everyone who doubted KC's innocence will write letters of apology and she will publish them in a book, making millions...all donated to finding missing children. Tragically, while shopping at Target for lingerie and cheezy-poofs, she will slip on a cherry, hit her head and fall into a coma where she will stay until CA pulls the plug a day later.

A DAY LATER? If I slip on a cherry and go into a coma, I truly hope those around me give me more than one day to heal. Heck I might just be really tired and want a couples days rest. LOL

I did ask my dd, way back at the beginning about the OP's suggestion. How crazy it would have been if it was all a big conspiracy against KC, after she PO'd the wrong people. Even back then, before we had the decomp and chloroform results. Before we had hammer time or George's suicide attempt. Before we knew Caylee was left, double bagged and put in a laundry sack at the end of Hopespring Dr. Even my dd, who knows nothing about the case said; "Too crazy, never happened."
It appears that her game, that I feel was taught by her mom is an old one- it fools no one but themselves- Deny, Deny, Deny- As long as you deny- it never happened.

Afterall, hasn't she been the Queen of deception ? LE was the first to stand up and call her a liar- to change her story now would only play into their hands-
Therefore, she will remain the only one who has told the truth-

Fortunately, there's other people who live in reality, thereby, denial can only go so far.

Yeah but as you can see, there are some others, though I admit, a small amount, who do not live in reality..
Yeah, Great lie, Mom!!!! Tell 'em that decomp smells like pizza too!!!
That is a truth everyone will believe!!!

I love your avatar, it's soo cute!
My gosh. If everything Casey said was true, does this mean the As lied? :waitasec:
Thank You Little Miss Legal and One Lost Girl: I will be busy trying to absorb all this valuable information.
How about Dr. Henry Lee, Dr. Werner Spitz, Dr. Timothy Huntington, Dr. Kathy Reichs, Dr. Scott Fairgrieve, Dr. Larry Kobilinsky, Larry Daniel...


It's who already did. My bad. :)
Ya know, its funny how KC was protecting "whoever" from harm before caylee was found. Now that we know she is dead, and caylee cant be protected anymore, why doesnt she spill the beans to get the killer????

Oh yes, thats right, KC, you are just waiting for the darn kidnappers to knock off the rest of your family, right?? Seeing that they are in harms way.

Yep, good story Case.
LOL, well she is afterall - a DECOMP nurse, right? Didn't Cindy actually use that term in the very beginning?

absolutely...she was talking to a reporter about "the smell" and threw that up against the wall, for obvious reasons.

Just trying to make the lie believable.
I don't think it matters what KC might possibly believe now. Legally, all that matters is what she thought when she wrapped the duct tape around Caylee's mouth and stuffed her into the garbage bag.

And, if she really thinks the Nanny took Caylee, why did she melt down when her bones were found, but mot identified.

Only one reason, imo.
If everything Casey said is true, then who would be lying?

John Allen, Yuri, Nick Savage, and all other Law Enforcement officials involved in the investigation, including the FBI; Scientists at the Body Farm; FBI forensics specialists at Quantico. And that's just for a start.

Everybody but Casey lied!!! If that is true, then maybe we will all wake up tomorrow to find out this entire mess was nothing more than a bad prank played on us by a vast right (or left) wing conspiracy (depending on your political leanings) for the sole purpose of gauging public opinion. It was an experiment. Truth is we are all living in an alternate universe and don't know it but ssssshhhhh!! Don't tell anyone or mass panic will ensue, OK? Gotta run now, I need to change my tin foil hat so I can get ready to go to that Elvis concert tonight!
As to the original question ... pretty much everyone else ... in someway or the other!!!
As to the original question ... pretty much everyone else ... in someway or the other!!!
Yeah and there are those who will add the Jury and the Judge and the Florida Dept of Corrections to the list of evil conspirators who would deprive Florida of one of its shining lights of the Hot Body Club contest...:bang:
Cindy never called herself a nurse of decomposition.

There is a video of CA and GA after a hearing, whereby TV stations, 35 and 13 are interviewing CA and she did indeed say, " I am a nurse of decomposition

Go to Patty's Bottled UP Thoughts- date July 23, 2008. for video-
She has already told JB the "truth". He will present it brilliantly at the trial in a true"Perry Mason moment". Zanny, who has already been located and subpoenaed, is seated in the courtroom. JB spins around, points his finger at her and says, "And, here is the real killer!" Zanny breaks down and confesses everything. Everyone who doubted KC's innocence will write letters of apology and she will publish them in a book, making millions...all donated to finding missing children. Tragically, while shopping at Target for lingerie and cheezy-poofs, she will slip on a cherry, hit her head and fall into a coma where she will stay until CA pulls the plug a day later.

OMG DUDE. The Perry Mason theme has been running through my head, and a DUN DUN DUN when I see JB turning and pointing the finger. Lol! CA would pull the plug within about 10 minutes.
Everyone would have to be lying. Including the most important person, Caylee and the forensic evidence her little body left for LE to find.
She has already told JB the "truth". He will present it brilliantly at the trial in a true"Perry Mason moment". Zanny, who has already been located and subpoenaed, is seated in the courtroom. JB spins around, points his finger at her and says, "And, here is the real killer!" Zanny breaks down and confesses everything. Everyone who doubted KC's innocence will write letters of apology and she will publish them in a book, making millions...all donated to finding missing children. Tragically, while shopping at Target for lingerie and cheezy-poofs, she will slip on a cherry, hit her head and fall into a coma where she will stay until CA pulls the plug a day later.

ROFL! That's just TOO funny! Wait! I'm trying for the mental picture here.........hahahahahaha!

There is a video of CA and GA after a hearing, whereby TV stations, 35 and 13 are interviewing CA and she did indeed say, " I am a nurse of decomposition

Go to Patty's Bottled UP Thoughts- date July 23, 2008. for video-

No, what she said was, "I know that smell (I am a nurse) of decomposition." It's very clear when watching the video.
No, what she said was, "I know that smell (I am a nurse) of decomposition." It's very clear when watching the video.
Hi CHilly. can you put this in the myth busters with a good link? this misunderstanding has been floating around for a long time and I would love for it to be put to bed.

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