If Shannan Gilbert was Drugged, this would be the perfect choice

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Hi, The Quiet Girl. To argue that the only indications of her erratic behavior is about GC let her in ignores the case as we know it.

Whether Gus Coletti "let her in" (whatever that might mean) seems a quibble. He opened the door; he saw her. Would a person on the run from a killer not rush in? (Wasn't shelter the purpose of her knocking? After all, she had her own cellphone.) Or do they wait for an invitation?

Shannan Gilbert arrived at the john's house with her regular driver. He was known to her boyfriend and made his identity known thereafter. There is no evidence that he knew the john. By all indications, she refused the driver's understandable hope to complete his assignment and drive her home. Instead she remained in the area, with which she had no familiarity, running frantically from house to house.

Nineteen-and-a-half minute 911 calls are uncommon and she seems to have been in no immediate danger when she made the call, much of it spent with two men who didn't know each other in the room. "Based on her 911 call," police described her as "disorientated" and "paranoid." To me, that sounds erratic, not "pretty on-key behavior," and, unlike everyone writing here, they actually heard the call. Her bipolarity and serious issues with cocaine and other drugs have been mentioned by the police, the family, and others.

People here want to solve the crime. The only cases connected with Long Island lack adequate details for "successful" sleuthing, so people here have become fixated on Shannan's tragic night of panic.

I cannot disagree with your more on this.
The 1st bold by me, it is questionable if even did that.
The 2nd bold by me. Oh yes she was... she did die besides that fact because it has not been determined how yet. She told the 911 she was in danger to be killed. She could not trust anyone, why we do not know exactly what happened, if she saw something or not or was told something. I will never blame the victim and take their word for it. It is a major risk for a prostitute to call the police for help as stated.

As far as the police claiming that she was erratic... they have contradicted that account themselves. Why was she erratic on the phone? She was not able to tell them where she was, well she did not know the area and was driven there for one.

She was on key to call 911 for help, it is after all what we are taught to do from childhood. Thank God she did or none of this may have come to light.

Thank You Shannan Gilbert.
The only proof of her erratic behavior is hinged on GC letting her in. Did he? That is questionable and has been up for debate a few times.
To me she displayed pretty on key behavior according to her own statements as fact that she was trying to be killed while calling for help. Which calling 911 for help is not erratic.

Hi, The Canning son made the comment they {he and his mother} thought she was on drugs. Clarifying that as I don't have the link right here, on drugs or acting weird - something similar.
I cannot disagree with your more on this.
The 1st bold by me, it is questionable if even did that.
The 2nd bold by me. Oh yes she was... she did die besides that fact because it has not been determined how yet. She told the 911 she was in danger to be killed. She could not trust anyone, why we do not know exactly what happened, if she saw something or not or was told something. I will never blame the victim and take their word for it. It is a major risk for a prostitute to call the police for help as stated.

As far as the police claiming that she was erratic... they have contradicted that account themselves. Why was she erratic on the phone? She was not able to tell them where she was, well she did not know the area and was driven there for one.

She was on key to call 911 for help, it is after all what we are taught to do from childhood. Thank God she did or none of this may have come to light.

Thank You Shannan Gilbert.

Hi, The Quiet Girl. You haven't heard the 911 tape, yet you are paraphrasing it and dismissing direct quotes from police based on what they heard, which do not differ substantially from either those of the john or the driver, both of whom were present.

From his earliest accounts (those that are most specific and best remembered), Coletti talked about seeing Shannan. The police have his statement from literally the first day of the investigation.

My second statement with which you disagreed (that "she was in no immediate danger when she made the call") makes more sense than your dismissive retort: "Oh yes she was." Your parents might have taught you to call 911 when you were in trouble, but they certainly didn't teach you to stay in the room on the phone for 19 1/2 minutes when you are in immediate danger when the car your hired is waiting outside and your regular hired driver is nearby. If Shannan was in immediate danger from the one of the men who were immediately present, why she did not leave? And please don't tell us that the men were co-conspirators: After almost two years of police and media investigation, it still seems clear that the john and the driver did not know each other.

Claims of never blaming the victim are only self-congratulatory if they ignore the behavior of the person as it affects the evidence in the case.
It's obvious by now Shannan clearly did not trust MP at the time she made the 911 call. She was even seen running from him by Gus. The question is did Shannan not trust MP because he was in on it or because he could not protect her?
Hi, The Quiet Girl. You haven't heard the 911 tape, yet you are paraphrasing it and dismissing direct quotes from police based on what they heard, which do not differ substantially from either those of the john or the driver, both of whom were present.

From his earliest accounts (those that are most specific and best remembered), Coletti talked about seeing Shannan. The police have his statement from literally the first day of the investigation.

My second statement with which you disagreed (that "she was in no immediate danger when she made the call") makes more sense than your dismissive retort: "Oh yes she was." Your parents might have taught you to call 911 when you were in trouble, but they certainly didn't teach you to stay in the room on the phone for 19 1/2 minutes when you are in immediate danger when the car your hired is waiting outside and your regular hired driver is nearby. If Shannan was in immediate danger from the one of the men who were immediately present, why she did not leave? And please don't tell us that the men were co-conspirators: After almost two years of police and media investigation, it still seems clear that the john and the driver did not know each other.

Claims of never blaming the victim are only self-congratulatory if they ignore the behavior of the person as it affects the evidence in the case.

Let me address this first stance:
Where have I paraphrased the 911 call? Is it that comment about her calling because she there was an attempt on her life? That is widely known and never discredited. You intentional ignored the statement that the police have contradicted their self on she was and was not erratic. Widely known with an article published by a member of LE and previously discussed on this forum.

Coletti another thing you ignored with the facts that it has been widely disputed and a major turning point in her behavior, next...

"Oh yes she was" stands, she begged for help, sounds sane to me.

She obviously was unable to trust MP I have never claimed any conspiracy theories between these two any poster here will assert that, I go by clear known proved facts. The attempt to pre-opt words in my mouth discredits your statements even more. You can continue to make derogation digs towards me till the cows fly home. Just letting you know this it wont bother me.

Why did she not leave sooner, we do not know why. There could be numerous reasons yet to be uncovered but the fact is she was able to and ran clear of MP when she did. The John and The Driver are not more dependable characters more so then the victim herself. Which leads to the last bold, self congratulatory, ha! With your posted assessment of the accounts on her behavior have been noted why they are incorrect with mind you, sound reasoning and discrepancies in yours. So no I will not blame the victim or any victim. I will never feel the need to reach so far as you have proven to do so. If one is to state that it is self congratulatory speaks volumes to me.

Have a good day there is nothing more to say on this since the information is more then laid out in this thread alone.
People here want to solve the crime. The only cases connected with Long Island lack adequate details for "successful" sleuthing, so people here have become fixated on Shannan's tragic night of panic.
BBM. Some people.
people here have become fixated on Shannan's tragic night of panic.

I was not and I believed it to be a distraction from LISK. However we have to assume when we find a body right there that its connected until we can rule it out. So can we rule SG out as a LISK victim? I'm not answering because Quiet Girl will get mad at me :p

What I did want to say was this is a Meth response. I actually have another case for you I know I mentioned Jeremy Alex on the last thread but I remembered another. Although Jeremy Alex is spot on for her reaction.

Also I would like to point out that Bipolar disorder can be misdiagnosed when in fact someone has Schizophrenia. So lets say shes an upstanding citizen and doesn't do drugs. We still have that possibility.

Maybe one of our resident experts can chime in on that. That would also validate the drivers claim that she did this often. I would really need a photo of how her remains were found to say whether this was drowning or hypothermia. I am confused on the drowning aspect because it was my understanding that most people don't inhale water due to Laryngospasm.

I once watched two doctors do a dissection of a drowning victim and that was what they told me. However Google says 90% of people inhale water so I dunno who to believe. So if she didn't inhale the Phytoplankton they wont know that she drowned.

Meth causes hot flashes that could have also caused her to shed clothing. So thats another angle we don't have to just work the Terminal Burrowing angle. I don't know what position the body was found in did LE tell us?

I'm not trying to be mean towards SG I just haven't kept up with her details because I never connected her to the GB4.
I was not and I believed it to be a distraction from LISK. However we have to assume when we find a body right there that its connected until we can rule it out. So can we rule SG out as a LISK victim? I'm not answering because Quiet Girl will get mad at me :p

What I did want to say was this is a Meth response. I actually have another case for you I know I mentioned Jeremy Alex on the last thread but I remembered another. Although Jeremy Alex is spot on for her reaction.

Also I would like to point out that Bipolar disorder can be misdiagnosed when in fact someone has Schizophrenia. So lets say shes an upstanding citizen and doesn't do drugs. We still have that possibility.

Maybe one of our resident experts can chime in on that. That would also validate the drivers claim that she did this often. I would really need a photo of how her remains were found to say whether this was drowning or hypothermia. I am confused on the drowning aspect because it was my understanding that most people don't inhale water due to Laryngospasm.

I once watched two doctors do a dissection of a drowning victim and that was what they told me. However Google says 90% of people inhale water so I dunno who to believe. So if she didn't inhale the Phytoplankton they wont know that she drowned.

Meth causes hot flashes that could have also caused her to shed clothing. So thats another angle we don't have to just work the Terminal Burrowing angle. I don't know what position the body was found in did LE tell us?

I'm not trying to be mean towards SG I just haven't kept up with her details because I never connected her to the GB4.

Actually no thanks for the hidden dig, I respect other posters and their hard work already placed in this case. I also respect the situation that we have here with a beyond complicated case. It is because of this I will acknowledge flaws (lack of a better term) in posts, imo or flat out misleading posts by a few.

edit to add:
Interesting on the drowning info from the doctors you claim. I always have known drowning victims to swallow water.
Also, how would you be able to tell from photos of SG remains that she was a victim of drowning or hypothermia?
At this point I am not ruling out hypothermia because it is in fact a possibility.

So now we have a Meth addicted Schizophrenic possible none victim?
I do not think you are intentionally trying to be mean but, possibly by your own words maybe you should do some catching up on the forums on SG.
Interesting on the drowning info from the doctors you claim. I always have known drowning victims to swallow water.
Also, how would you be able to tell from photos of SG remains that she was a victim of drowning or hypothermia?
At this point I am not ruling out hypothermia because it is in fact a possibility.

So now we have a Meth addicted Schizophrenic possible none victim?
I do not think you are intentionally trying to be mean but, possibly by your own words maybe you should do some catching up on the forums on SG.

I said nothing about swallowing, I said inhale. I am not an expert but from my study of cases people who die of hypothermia end up in a certain body position when they die. People who drowned also have a specific body position.

I just thought this was common knowledge. Also I didn't call her a meth addicted schizophrenic I am simply injecting possibilities that come to mind. If they are wrong we will find out. I think some of you are taking her case a little too personal to talk about it unbiased.

If anyone hints at drugs you guys are all over them. I think we should be following the facts of the case while putting forward possibilities. You can't get tunnel vision if you want the truth.

Anyhow I don't have anything else to say about SG so I'm going to mosey on back to the other threads.
Maybe someone shot her from a helicopter with a dart gun like on the National Geographic specials when they tranquilize rhinos :panic: :eek:hoh:
I said nothing about swallowing, I said inhale. I am not an expert but from my study of cases people who die of hypothermia end up in a certain body position when they die. People who drowned also have a specific body position.

I just thought this was common knowledge. Also I didn't call her a meth addicted schizophrenic I am simply injecting possibilities that come to mind. If they are wrong we will find out. I think some of you are taking her case a little too personal to talk about it unbiased.

If anyone hints at drugs you guys are all over them. I think we should be following the facts of the case while putting forward possibilities. You can't get tunnel vision if you want the truth.

Anyhow I don't have anything else to say about SG so I'm going to mosey on back to the other threads.

I never stated you said swallow, I said that is what I know of.
I also placed a question mark at the end of meth addicted schizophrenic because, well you insinuated.

Hints at drugs nope that is a wrong assessment there were drugs being done that has been said over and over. The hints of she just may be a meth head well yeah that will be questioned.

I do not have tunnel vision at all I am open to any possibility. That is the worse thing for me because I cannot say either way for a fact.

To personal you addressed me personally, I responded.

call it what you will, ymmv
I was not and I believed it to be a distraction from LISK. However we have to assume when we find a body right there that its connected until we can rule it out. So can we rule SG out as a LISK victim? I'm not answering because Quiet Girl will get mad at me :p

What I did want to say was this is a Meth response. I actually have another case for you I know I mentioned Jeremy Alex on the last thread but I remembered another. Although Jeremy Alex is spot on for her reaction.

Also I would like to point out that Bipolar disorder can be misdiagnosed when in fact someone has Schizophrenia. So lets say shes an upstanding citizen and doesn't do drugs. We still have that possibility.

Maybe one of our resident experts can chime in on that. That would also validate the drivers claim that she did this often. I would really need a photo of how her remains were found to say whether this was drowning or hypothermia. I am confused on the drowning aspect because it was my understanding that most people don't inhale water due to Laryngospasm.

I once watched two doctors do a dissection of a drowning victim and that was what they told me. However Google says 90% of people inhale water so I dunno who to believe. So if she didn't inhale the Phytoplankton they wont know that she drowned.

Meth causes hot flashes that could have also caused her to shed clothing. So thats another angle we don't have to just work the Terminal Burrowing angle. I don't know what position the body was found in did LE tell us?

I'm not trying to be mean towards SG I just haven't kept up with her details because I never connected her to the GB4.

"I am confused on the drowning aspect because it was my understanding that most people don't inhale water due to Laryngospasm."

What you are referring to here is called a "dry drowning":

"Approximately 10-20% of individuals maintain tight laryngospasm until cardiac arrest occurs and inspiratory efforts have ceased. These victims do not aspirate any appreciable fluid (previously referred to as "dry drowning")."

Author: Suzanne Moore Shepherd, MD, MS, DTM&H, FACEP, FAAEM
Chief Editor: Rick Kulkarni, MD
Thank you Dwntwnslim, I had forgotten. Happens its been a few years since I was told that.

Btw heard you on Blogtalk and thought you were awesome.
Love your enthusiasm about profiling. :thumb:
Oh also read where it says popular Emergency Room drug being suxamethonium...Now who do we know to have that type of access...... a ER doctor.....Boy one lives in OB & has made calls to MG claiming SG was in rehab.....wow. If something smells ROTTEN IMO it is....

Adverse Effects/Side effects of Sux....um states drowning, hyperthermia....well this would fit to because it has been stated that SG probably died from hyperthermia...makes sense..I believe that is possible after reading about this drug.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suxamethonium_chloride"]Suxamethonium chloride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Now my thoughts are pretty bright at this time: Gus C stating on 48 hours....SG "JUMPED IN" showing where she stood, than claiming he looked her in the eyes just before she "ZINGS OUT".Now I noticed he did not look reprter in the eyes when I believe he started lying...in fact his eyes were dotting everywhere but at the reporter which IMO would suggest lying. If SG in fact did none of this like what is being spread on threads being opposite from GC reporting....than I have to believe his choice words were methodical. The 911 call claimed incoherent according to some posters & press release....so how can she jump around.....????? Now I would like to get to the bottom of his lies....On this thread poster claims gc stated he never let her in & NO LINK was ever put out for that comment. In fact GC I believe is the key to finding out what he really did with SG.....So IMO he is a huge part of the problem.
"I am confused on the drowning aspect because it was my understanding that most people don't inhale water due to Laryngospasm."

What you are referring to here is called a "dry drowning":

"Approximately 10-20% of individuals maintain tight laryngospasm until cardiac arrest occurs and inspiratory efforts have ceased. These victims do not aspirate any appreciable fluid (previously referred to as "dry drowning")."

Author: Suzanne Moore Shepherd, MD, MS, DTM&H, FACEP, FAAEM
Chief Editor: Rick Kulkarni, MD

My link below shows the coreelation to the drug Sux.....dry drowning is side effect....makes sense. If Infact these things occurred than the thread topic Sux is a real possible drug used IMO
So you are saying that JB is the SK who normally goes to great lengths to cover his tracks?

The same guy who didn't leave a trace of electronic forensic evidence (no traceable phone calls, emails or web browsing)?

You are saying that he is the same guy who didn't leave a shred of forensic evidence with the bodies?

The same guy who managed to pickup the girls without any witnesses?

The same guy who knew how to make all those taunting telephone calls to a victim's little sister in the exact precise way needed to avoid detection?

And you are also saying that this time he did the complete opposite of covering his tracks by inviting the girl to his home using his own computer to find her ad and his own phone to call her?

And you are saying that JB followed-through with his sinister plan to kill SG even though her driver was waiting outside his house to drive her home?

If all of this is true, then are we to assume that JB also figured out a way to completely fool a state-of-the-art polygraph test?

I respectfully answer YES to all your questions.

SK EVOLVE.....They get Cocky & Sloppy & yes I think that is why this happened....

MP....did time 5 yrs in prison for trying to bring in a girl with a fake passport.
IMO SHANNAN would run from him because SG called 911 & she knew he was not going to be happy about that action....Therefor she was not going to run to a person who was probably freaking cause she called 911. I think MP got out of dodge as fast as he could.....which would benifit JB especially if he stated that to JB & till him to deal with it.

Now JB wanted MP to go to cvs....easy way to say she left....I don't know where she went & was a perfect opportunity to evolve again.....We did see asian mens bodies remains retrieves....IMO all this & more was a plus for JB.

So I do think JB is a Killer.....with friends & the same group of these pals......have lied GC, Doctor H who had plenty of contact with Sux Drug....common & great choice......especially since SG was not found until testing for the drug was impossible.
So again IMO the body was placed at later date after any evidence would be possible just the way GC stated what he tought happened. SG probably fell into the water off jetty & drowned......ESP @ it's best & no security tapes to collberate his story cause they are gone.

Gone after a night of 2 nieghbors besides SG calling 911 & not one member said or LE let's see what happened????????

The Nightmare of lies from this community continues...

Open Minds....can be vital...I do not feel any of the 3 charactors have been ruled out IMO....

Passing a Polygraph by a sociopath is common....will supply you links for research...Education is the key to success & please do not take the wrong way....we are on the same team wanting to find the SK....just we differ....
My link below shows the coreelation to the drug Sux.....dry drowning is side effect....makes sense. If Infact these things occurred than the thread topic Sux is a real possible drug used IMO

Since sux is a paralytic, it would actually prevent the laryngospasms that are necessary for a dry drowning to occur. That is why sux is used when intubating a patient.

A dry drowning is a little different from a wet drowning. See link below:

This correlates my theory IMO...
That it is Very POSSIBLE that Sux was used on SG.

I would like to get to the bottom of GC lies...IMO.....He knows exactly what took place. But his inconsistent answers are a RED Flag.....

GC is pretty smart & would have had the LE get tapes...he didn't & I Believe for good reason....that would impliment him in this crime..IMO

Here is a link from a reliable source:

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_drowning"]Dry drowning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

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