If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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Okay great, so with your extensive knowledge in mental health I'm sure you've heard of Dr. Robert Hare, but for those who have not:

Ok, so let's use Dr. Hare's checklist for psychopathy, and then you can precisely point out which of these make you feel Casey doesn't fit the bill.


Thank you HatesSociopaths, and we know a true sociopath will score between 11 and 16 - with occasional high scores seen at 18.

Wait a minute - UBC is about 10 kms up the road from me - why don't I just pop up tomorrow and ask Dr. Hare what he thinks. He has now retired, but I'll bet he still hangs out there from time to time...
Here you go: http://www.scarrittlaw.com/Default.aspx?PID=4&AID=7

One thing to keep in mind is that The trial judge has the sole discretion to determine if Frye is met. And not all judges think alike. JMOO

Right and thanks but I am very aware of what a Frye hearing is - I was hoping a poster could tell me from memory how the Frye evidence is this case was applied to this particular expert being discussed.

But of course HHJP wouldn't necessarily qualify as a person who is able to make that decision and have it upheld all the way to the Superior Court now is he?
Yes, Casey had been using the nanny for over a yr and a half. Lauren I think was the sitter, then the Grunds, then she used the Nanny excuse but she just took Caylee with her. Wonder why she wanted to take Caylee with her instead of leaving her with GA?

Why would George babysit Caylee for CFCA when she was the child's mother and George was at work? It's not as if she had a job...
I'm pretty sure they did not. Can you link? TIA

I'd love to go through all the cell pings and telephone transcripts of all the people investigated again, although I spent a lot of time in there when they were released but I just don't have the time to do that tonight.

But you are certainly welcome to.
Does it make a real difference if GA got gas with the old metal can with the duct tape on it, or used a new can, or didn't mow his lawn at all ? Not really, since it's not relevant just as Spitz' inflation of his autopsy count is not relevant.

That he did without gloves and managed to crack the skull...
So her studies in 1966 - that would be forty five years ago, plus some books and a chat with a friend, plus the off chance that a very very rare occurance of a coyote in this area qualifies to talk about plant root growth of a plant she was unable to identify that was growing up into the hair mat, into the laundry bag etc qualifies her as more of an expert? Then why was it that I who had actually read the evidence was cringing in embarrassment on her behalf.

And as far as coyotes? There are very plentiful in the area I live in all year around so I am very familiar with their habits.

I happen to think she was a very good expert witness and very qualified. I too read the evidence! And I was cringing in embarrassment on JA's behalf when he laughed and said Florida doesn't have Coyotes. Lol. Florida most certainly does lol. However, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
OK, by my math and if Spitz never took a day off, he would have done approximately 3-4 autopsies a day at 2-4 hours per autopsy.

45 years * 365 days = 16425 days

60000 autopsies / 16425 days = 3.65 autopsies per day

Well we know he doesn't work every day as he has testified in many court cases and every one needs a break now and then.

So 60000 autopsies is BS, and so was his lack of recollection of an interview he did 3 days prior to testifying in the FCA trial.

bwaaaaaa :floorlaugh::great:
It was total bs imo too.
When Dr. S gave his testimony --my 27 year old son scratched his head :waitasec: and said--

How many autopsies did this guy REALLY do?!? :D

Bolding and color by me for emphasis only.
Why would George babysit Caylee for CFCA when she was the child's mother and George was at work? It's not as if she had a job...

Got me lol. I totally lost what I was trying to say in that post. I think it was just in response to someone asking when the imaginanny came along. Heck my mind is mush, it's late. lol.
I'd love to go through all the cell pings and telephone transcripts of all the people investigated again, although I spent a lot of time in there when they were released but I just don't have the time to do that tonight.

But you are certainly welcome to.

Well, you seem to be the specialist on here. Thought you might know it by heart. lol. I will make a point to check them out again myself when I have more time.
No 911 call equals no drowning ... and no one sits in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty for a drowning, especially someone like FCA who wanted her freedom so bad. And there is no compromise either in my opinion ... I challenge you to find me one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.

I lose the challenge, I could not find one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder, and after a quick review of the evidence in the KC case, I still could not find one case or instance where a child drowned in a swimming pool and it was made to look like a kidnapping and a murder.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.
I dont necessarily agree with the verdict but I can totally see why the jury came to that conclusion. I think they could have come to the same conclusion even if JB never opened his mouth.Burden of proof.........on the prosecution.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.

I noticed that, I also noticed he coughs alot...ALOT. Im not sure it had anything to do with it but I did notice it. I wondered thru the trial if its a nervous cough or if he has some physical ailment. He has also coughed in some interviews.
Well, you seem to be the specialist on here. Thought you might know it by heart. lol. I will make a point to check them out again myself when I have more time.

No no not at all, but some WSers and some Hinksters have done an outstanding job of documenting them. Plus categorizing and listing every text message involved in this investigation also.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.

I thought he had a cold early in the trial, and I thought he was drinking water often because of that. It didn't really bother me that much, but then thanks to WS and the Sunshine law, I already knew what he was going to be talking about. It may have annoyed the jurists more than us WS'ers, because they had no idea what he was going to be talking about. I thought he was too aggresive though, and I believe when LDB did the questioning she did just as well as JA in a much more agreeable way.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
I had dinner with my attorney brother tonight. he made an interesting observation and I wondered if this was an issue for anyone else.
He said part of the reason JA was not successful was because the fact that he continually kept drinking his water over and over and stopping in mid sentence to open the bottle, drink and then talk and then drink some more. he said it was extremely odd and he wonders how much it annoyed the jurors and interfered with his overall delivery. He said he has never seen an attorney do this. It was very noticeable to my brother perhaps because he does this for a living, but I wondered if it bothered or was noticeable to anyone else.
I did not watch closing arguments only listened so I cannot comment.

That's entirely possible ... I think JA had a scratchy throat for most of the trial and maybe he was drinking water to avoid going into a coughing fit. As a juror, I would have been more annoyed by all of the legal issues that forced the jury out of the courtroom for extended periods, especially the day they did the psychological exams of FCA.
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