If you agree or disagree with the verdict, let us know why

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Respectfully snipped...

How does homicide not equate to murder? Or is it that you disagreeing with her assessment of the manner of death?

I respect Dr. G. Don't get me wrong. I could understand why she would label this as homicide. But, that doesn't automatically equate to murder.

homicide n. the killing of a human being due to the act or omission of another. Included among homicides are murder and manslaughter, but not all homicides are a crime, particularly when there is a lack of criminal intent. Non-criminal homicides include killing in self-defense, a misadventure like a hunting accident or automobile wreck without a violation of law like reckless driving, or legal (government) execution. Suicide is a homicide, but in most cases there is no one to prosecute if the suicide is successful. Assisting or attempting suicide can be a crime.

Caylee was in the care of her mother unfortunately and the mother even said she received a phone call from Caylee, also a lie. Caylee was in the swamp at the time and her little bones were spread by animals. Not Guilty? Of course not.......she is as Guilty as you can get and probably laughing her *advertiser censored*s off.

<respectfully snipped and BBM>

THIS lie disturbed me the most. To look the detective in the eye and ramble on about the phonecall from Caylee where "She told me a story about her shoes and book" is dispicable and makes me ill. The other lies were bad enough, this was downright personal about her baby that was lying dead in the swamp. Disgusting.
Responses in red by me.

Who else had access to all of the evidence in the case ?
-- FCA, x/c for the Sunfire, all of the A's had access to everything else And GA according to his testimony

GA testified he didn't see FCA or the car from 6/16 until 6/24 and FCA quickly took off again in the car. GA did not see the car again until the tow yard.

Who DID NOT call 911 if it was an accident ?
-- FCA (DT claimed accident, yet no 911 call)And GA according to DT OS

No evidence to back opening statement and GA went to work on 6/16

Who repeatedly lied to police ?
-- FCA (proven by testimony)And GA and CA

GA/CA lied to cover for FCA, i.e. pizza in the trunk

Who dumped the Sunfire by the dumpster at the Amscot ?
-- FCA (TL testified he picked FCA up)

Who went partying for 31 days and didn't report her child missing ?
-- FCA (admitted by FCA)There is no evidence she partied for 31 days.

She went out on a couple Fridays during the 31 days Caylee was dead.

OK, she was seen at Fusion and other bars multiple times, not just 2 Fridays. Trial testimony.

Who tried to borrow a shovel from a neighbor ?
-- FCA (Brian Burner testimony)

Who claimed a nanny stole the child ?
-- FCA (trial testimony from Yuri Melich)And you can't forget CA and GA

I can easily forget GA/CA as FCA told them the made up story

Who was NOT planning on telling her parents anything until CA tracked her down ?
-- FCA (CA had to track FCA down at TL's apartment)

Who told her weekend friend in the car "I'm such a good liar" ?
-- FCA (trial testimony)

Who searched for "how to make chloroform" on the Internet ?
-- FCA (perjured testimony by CA leaving FCA as the culprit)
doesn't it seem odd that you have a respected and experienced SA team trying a case that due to the circumstanial evidence, most people beliieve she is guilty and yet the jury decided to believe an inexperienced lawyer that most legal experts were saying wasn't doing a good job and his client who is an habitial and admitted liar, who not only lied but apparently lied about her lies about what happened to her daughter
Not only did they choose to believe the liar and her inept lawyer but to such a degree that they felt it didn't even warrant a real deliberation or any review of the evidence.
somethings not right
seriously it wouldn't have mattered if they had DNA or an eyewitness
The defense would say "The DNA is tainted" "the witness is a liar"
"believe us we should know because my client is the biggest and best liar around"
And the jury would go
"yup that sounds good, can we go home now"
I'm insinuating that GA had as much to do with it as KC... they were equally involved.

I don't agree, but how does that equate to a not guilty verdict? Just because someone else might have been involved doesn't erase the evidence or absolve KC.
A better question might be, why would George, a former member of LE, leave it behind and then use it to put up posters?

Perhaps for the same reason he would put gas in a car that "he knows the smell of death" was in....get in it, remove it from the scene, drive it for MILES, park it in his driveway, open the doors and windows and trunk, participate in cleaning it out, leave it sit without calling anyone, then scurry off to work?????
Can you share the evidence that points to George's involvement?

I thought I previously did, but I will refresh your memory.

GA had access to all of the evidence that KC did. GA used up the duct tape before LE could confiscate it. GA lied to LE throughout statements, and then proceeded to lie on the stand. GA was extremely evasive in the very beginning of this trial, not knowing what gas can JB was referring to, not knowing what duct tape JB was referring to, not knowing what date/time JB was referring to, claiming to have purchased new gas cans to mow his lawn in August because he didn't use that specific can after getting it back from KC, but then stating that he did mow his lawn between June 23rd to August 1st. (If he wasn't trying to hide anything, why would he play around with the truth like that?)

There's more I'm sure, but that's off the top of my head.

homicide n. the killing of a human being due to the act or omission of another. Included among homicides are murder and manslaughter, but not all homicides are a crime, particularly when there is a lack of criminal intent. Non-criminal homicides include killing in self-defense, a misadventure like a hunting accident or automobile wreck without a violation of law like reckless driving, or legal (government) execution. Suicide is a homicide, but in most cases there is no one to prosecute if the suicide is successful. Assisting or attempting suicide can be a crime.


I was pretty sure in this case we could rule out justifiable, excusable, self defense and suicide so with the exception of accidental homicide, which I am pretty sure doesn't exist how does your earlier statement relate to this case in particular? Unless, as I earlier asked do you believe that Dr. G's assessment of the manner of death was incorrect and should have been labeled 'accidental?'
Nope.. I am referring to the fact that the STATE was one step away from half way houses and homeless shelters to try to find people for the jury. It was discussed live during jury selection. They had quite a REACH due to the restrictions.

That was also thanks to the media surrounding this case. It wasn't strictly because these people who knew nothing about the case walked in there, took one look at her, and stated they would find her guilty.

There was a lot of "evidence" that pointed to her being guilty according to the media, but the funny thing was most of that wasn't introduced during trial (phone/computer logs, texts, etc.).
I guess that's where the confusion lies, I'm not suggesting anyone harmed her. I am suggesting that the "evidence" to prove murder was not soley Casey's items, they're items that were in the house that all Anthony's had access to.

Let's not forget Caylee was Casey's child, not George & Cindy's!!!

When did it suddenly become the grandparents responsibility to care/protect/nuture and not the MOTHER's?
Who else had access to all of the evidence in the case ?
-- FCA, x/c for the Sunfire, all of the A's had access to everything else And GA according to his testimony

GA testified he didn't see FCA or the car from 6/16 until 6/24 and FCA quickly took off again in the car. GA did not see the car again until the tow yard.

Who DID NOT call 911 if it was an accident ?
-- FCA (DT claimed accident, yet no 911 call)And GA according to DT OS

No evidence to back opening statement and GA went to work on 6/16

Who repeatedly lied to police ?
-- FCA (proven by testimony)And GA and CA

GA/CA lied to cover for FCA, i.e. pizza in the trunk

Who dumped the Sunfire by the dumpster at the Amscot ?
-- FCA (TL testified he picked FCA up)

Who went partying for 31 days and didn't report her child missing ?
-- FCA (admitted by FCA)There is no evidence she partied for 31 days.

She went out on a couple Fridays during the 31 days Caylee was dead.

OK, she was seen at Fusion and other bars multiple times, not just 2 Fridays. Trial testimony.

Who tried to borrow a shovel from a neighbor ?
-- FCA (Brian Burner testimony)

Who claimed a nanny stole the child ?
-- FCA (trial testimony from Yuri Melich)And you can't forget CA and GA

I can easily forget GA/CA as FCA told them the made up story

Who was NOT planning on telling her parents anything until CA tracked her down ?
-- FCA (CA had to track FCA down at TL's apartment)

Who told her weekend friend in the car "I'm such a good liar" ?
-- FCA (trial testimony)

Who searched for "how to make chloroform" on the Internet ?
-- FCA (perjured testimony by CA leaving FCA as the culprit)

Well, I guess the evidence can show both ways, which should leave the jury to a not guilty verdict.
I don't agree, but how does that equate to a not guilty verdict? Just because someone else might have been involved doesn't erase the evidence or absolve KC.

You're right, but I'm presuming this was an accident that snowballed out of control, which would mean no one committed murder, aggravated child abuse, or manslaughter.
At the end of the day, you know the biggest problem the prosecution had in this case. After OS's, the one witness they needed to be 'bulletproof' was GA and he wasn't, in the eyes of the jury and a lot of other people. Call it guilt by association. If you never followed this case and you only watched the trial and you figure out that everyone in that family lies so much you need a bingo card to keep track of it all, how do you know GA is not lying about anything. When everyone else in the family is.

Then you add in that the state never pinned down a more concise time that Caylee died and that brings doubt. How was it proved to the jury that it was Casey and only Casey that put her daughter in the trunk? Because she was the last one to see her? And what are we basing that fact off of? Because George Anthony said so?

Was it ever highlighted to the jury exactly where Casey and Caylee were for the 24 hour period between June 15-16?
Nope.. I am referring to the fact that the STATE was one step away from half way houses and homeless shelters to try to find people for the jury. It was discussed live during jury selection. They had quite a REACH due to the restrictions.

They did not have to "reach" at all, the jurors were all selected from the normal jury pool that had been called in the county. The JUDGE himself and several spokespeople stated that the comment about the homeless shelter was made in jest and never intended to be taken as fact. It was hyped by the talking heads and others as part of the sensationalism
homicide n. the killing of a human being due to the act or omission of another. Included among homicides are murder and manslaughter, but not all homicides are a crime, particularly when there is a lack of criminal intent. Non-criminal homicides include killing in self-defense, a misadventure like a hunting accident or automobile wreck without a violation of law like reckless driving, or legal (government) execution. Suicide is a homicide, but in most cases there is no one to prosecute if the suicide is successful. Assisting or attempting suicide can be a crime.

I was pretty sure in this case we could rule out justifiable, excusable, self defense and suicide so with the exception of accidental homicide, which I am pretty sure doesn't exist how does your earlier statement relate to this case in particular? Unless, as I earlier asked do you believe that Dr. G's assessment of the manner of death was incorrect and should have been labeled 'accidental?'

BBM, particularly the omission of an act (meaning that she drowned because no one prevented the drowning ie. childproofing, proper supervision, etc.)
You're right, but I'm presuming this was an accident that snowballed out of control, which would mean no one committed murder, aggravated child abuse, or manslaughter.

KC should have been found guilty of at least manslaughter, though I lean more to aggravated child abuse.

You do realize that manslaughter is "the unintentional, accidental killing of another through carelessness."
Let's not forget Caylee was Casey's child, not George & Cindy's!!!

When did it suddenly become the grandparents responsibility to care/protect/nuture and not the MOTHER's?

I don't see in my post you quoted where I stated it was CA or GA responsibility to do those things, or even inferred that. I don't believe I've inferred that in any of my posts here.
GA had access to all of the evidence that KC did. GA used up the duct tape before LE could confiscate it. GA lied to LE throughout statements, and then proceeded to lie on the stand. GA was extremely evasive in the very beginning of this trial, not knowing what gas can JB was referring to, not knowing what duct tape JB was referring to, not knowing what date/time JB was referring to, claiming to have purchased new gas cans to mow his lawn in August because he didn't use that specific can after getting it back from KC, but then stating that he did mow his lawn between June 23rd to August 1st. (If he wasn't trying to hide anything, why would he play around with the truth like that?)
None of GA's testimony was impeached. GA used up the duct tape b/c he was out putting up signs looking for his granddaughter. If LE wanted a piece of that duct tape, they could have gone to any of the Kids Finders command center and gotten it. And why would GA use the Henkel duct tape at a command center IF HE HAD TAPED Caylee's mouth with the same kind ? Not very smart, considering he was a homicide detective.

GA was not evasive during JB's examination - it was just that JB didn't/doesn't know how to ask a precise question about a particular gas can ON A PARTICULAR DATE ? I didn't think the work combative was synonomous with asking for clarification. In fact, a multitude of JB's questions were objected to as leading or already asked and answered.

So, he bought new gas cans in August to mow his lawn in August. And did you ever think he purchased new gas cans b/c FCA had stolen his out of the shed ? Do you have the exact date he purchased new gas cans ? Maybe it was after LE confiscated the ones he had as evidence ?
That was also thanks to the media surrounding this case. It wasn't strictly because these people who knew nothing about the case walked in there, took one look at her, and stated they would find her guilty.

There was a lot of "evidence" that pointed to her being guilty according to the media, but the funny thing was most of that wasn't introduced during trial (phone/computer logs, texts, etc.).

I disagree. We had days and days of evidence, that was the same evidence that was reported on. Facts actually. The time line, the lies, the made up people.. dates, partying etc. The reason that they had to reach so hard is that anyone who knew even a slight bit about the history knew there was not even a remote possibility that she didn't have anything to do with her daughters death. Despite any of the minor details that could be considered debatable, the blatant facts were there in black and white. The jury made it clear they were not interested.. no note takers, short deliberation, not asking any questions of the court or evidence to review. It's pretty clear it was a botched selection based on the fact they couldn't select anyone who cared about what is going on in our world today (ie intelligent, responsible people). JMO
None of GA's testimony was impeached. GA used up the duct tape b/c he was out putting up signs looking for his granddaughter. If LE wanted a piece of that duct tape, they could have gone to any of the Kids Finders command center and gotten it. And why would GA use the Henkel duct tape at a command center IF HE HAD TAPED Caylee's mouth with the same kind ? Not very smart, considering he was a homicide detective.

GA was not evasive during JB's examination - it was just that JB didn't/doesn't know how to ask a precise question about a particular gas can ON A PARTICULAR DATE ? I didn't think the work combative was synonomous with asking for clarification. In fact, a multitude of JB's questions were objected to as leading or already asked and answered.

So, he bought new gas cans in August to mow his lawn in August. And did you ever think he purchased new gas cans b/c FCA had stolen his out of the shed ? Do you have the exact date he purchased new gas cans ? Maybe it was after LE confiscated the ones he had as evidence ?

According to his testimony (and his deposition), the gas cans were stolen on the 24th, he reported them on the 24th (because he was going to mow his lawn), he then met CA at the bank to deposit his tax return, and then received them back on the 24th from KC after returning home from the bank. He didn't proceed to mow his lawn that day because he had to work.

He was then questioned if he ever used the gas cans again, which he stated no. He was then questioned how he put gas in his lawnmower, and he stated he purchased new gas cans. When asked why he purchased new gas cans if he had his old ones in his possesion, he stated he didn't have them in possession when he purchased new ones. He was then questioned where they were, and he stated that they were in LE's possession. The cans were taken into custody on August 1st. So, he was questioned if he mowed his lawn between June 23rd to August 1st, to which he replied yes I'm sure I have.

When asked again how if he didn't use the gas cans once retrieving them from Casey, he responded evasively/argumentatively with a "You're not going to confuse me, you're not going to pull tricks on me..." comment.

I don't have dates of when he purchased new cans because I don't believe he purchased new cans. I believe he used those cans, and wiped them down, but was trying to cover it up by saying he didn't use them anymore. I'm not sure what the importance of those gas cans are in relation to Caylee, maybe we'll find out one day. But, someone wiped them cans down.
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