If You Could Ask ONE Question and Get ONE Truthful Answer, What Would it Be?

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Casey darling, since you earned the title "mother of the year", your chioice, your preference: Electric chair, needle, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad or burning at the stake. Your preference dear, you earned the title so the prize is all yours. And if you answer in the next 10 seconds we will throw in some time on the torture rack, all for your enjoyment of course.
"Prison laundry or prison kitchen?"
The question I would most like to see her answer honestly, other than the obvious Why and How is "KC, WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FREAKIN' LIAR!?"
Casey darling, since you earned the title "mother of the year", your chioice, your preference: Electric chair, needle, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad or burning at the stake. Your preference dear, you earned the title so the prize is all yours. And if you answer in the next 10 seconds we will throw in some time on the torture rack, all for your enjoyment of course.

That's got my vote, although I still don't think it's nearly enough punishment. Unless of course, it's that ETERNAL fire. :devil:
To KC: Just how many times did your mother drop you on your head????
General Population.....how do you like your living arrangements now?????
This is a great question. Thank you for asking it.

Who is Caylee's dad?
How/When did it happen? Who else was involved?
i would ask her why take away the one person who loved you no matter what? when that is all you seem to be looking for
My question would be for LP and my question would be:

How much longer can you continue to spew BS predictions on NG?
i would ask her why take away the one person who loved you no matter what? when that is all you seem to be looking for

Oh zadari, so true. She had real love and literally just threw it away. :(
I would simply ask what went wrong...when she went from being a mother to being a murderer.
Just let us know the signs so that the rest of us can be proactive and protect the youngest and weakest potential victims from the people that should have been protecting them in the first place.

Oh yeah, and what the heck is her obsession with the word ABSOLUTELY.
It would be one of these two...I know it's just supposed to be one but, these are my most driving questions in this case:

1. Was Caylee's death accidental?

2. If the answer to #1. was no...than, Did you act alone in the Murder of
When did you start thinking crazy thoughts?
What happened that made you start to think like that?
and why didn't you stop yourself?
When did you go to far? WHY?
Your parents would have gladly taken Caylee and you could have gone o to be free...
To Casey:

Whose prison beotch do you want to be?

1. Big Marge

2. Big Bertha

I've also been debating about this one instead.

"How many packs of cigs a day does it take to keep your fellow inmates from shankin' your child killin' a$$?"

Did you really think the rest of the world was going to react to your nonsense like your parents do, and this would all just go away?

What was the significance of that morbid heart sticker on your baby's mouth?
JB, do you really think KC is a wonderful human being like you have told us time and time again?

Also, why no plea???

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