GUILTY IL - Derrion Albert, 16, beaten to death, Chicago, 24 Sept 2009

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I looked and didn't see anything on this. I just saw the video on CNN while I was at lunch. This so horrible. :banghead:


CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Three teenagers have been charged with first-degree murder in the death of a 16-year-old boy whose beating was captured on amateur video.

They are charged in the death of Derrion Albert, an honors student who was beaten to death last Thursday. An amateur videotape of the beating has been broadcast nationally.
I can't believe what I saw. I wish I hadn't watched it. Horrifying.
This is one of the most horrific things I have ever seen. I hope that the ones involved never again see the light of day.
OMG - my heart just aches for this boy and his family. He was a good boy and he's gone at the hands of hateful killers. WTH kind of evil lives in the hearts of "people" who can brutally beat an innocent boy to death? And what kind of people would protect the killers? I don't understand. Somewhere, something is totally and completely broken.

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- Chicago police asked the public for help Tuesday in finding three more people believed connected to last week's videotaped fatal beating of 16-year-old Derrion Albert.
Derrion Albert, 16, was beaten to death last week. His death was captured on video.

"We need the public's help, your help," Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis told reporters.
With four teens already arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the killing, "we are continuing to look for three additional people in connection with Derrion's murder," Weis said.

Weis said he has asked the U.S. Secret Service to try to enhance the video of the beating so that others can be identified.
Weis pleaded with anyone who may have information not to withhold it.

"The culture of 'no-snitch' is unacceptable," he said. "A young man with a promising future lost his life to senseless violence, yet few have come forward." Authorities are considering charging people who participated in the fight but did not come into contact with Albert, he said.
My sympathy to Darrion's family - such a senseless loss of a young, promising life. I did not watch the video because I saw a small clip of it on tv, and it make me physically ill. We truly have evil monsters walking our streets - and they are getting younger each day. Rest in PeaceDarrion.
I saw the full raw video and it was emotionally disturbing... and something that stands out is the fact that after the poor child is pulled off of the street to the building by his friends, a bystander is heard saying "he's dying" "they beat him to death". The person said it with very little emotion... like he was just giving a commentary to someone... like he was just giving the time of day... like it was nothing new. I don't understand some of the youth of today...
I can't watch the video. Just seeing his face, knowing what happened to him, brings me to tears.

How do we protect our children from such evil?
I only saw a second of this footage on the news and it made me sick.

I thought I heard someone who was interviewed say, "Maybe he should have walked on the other side of the street." Was I hearing things?
If this upsets you, I encourage you to read There Are No Children here by Alex Kotlowitz. The setting is not only the same, but the situations are very similar.

It's a true story about two boys growing up in Chicago's housing projects. Friends are being killed all the time and they are trying to stay out of trouble with the gangs. The title comes from a quote from the boys' mother and she says "There are no children here," meaning that these children have seen too much to be considered children anymore.

It's really a horrifying read and this case will mean so much more to you after you read it.

I watched the video and was very upset. That book was written in the 90's and when I read up on the housing developments in the book (and others in Chicago) I found that most had been torn down, but it looks like the problems are still there. I vaguely remember at the beginning of this year, they were actually keeping a tally of how many young black students were being killed (it was disproportionate) in rough areas of Chicago.

I hope that everyone involved is brought to justice. Maybe it's the video, or maybe it's the history, but this is probably the most unsettling case I've read on Websleuths and the news. I'm (strangely) grateful that someone was filming, as it's already proven a good tool to catch these people.
Also, this is another good article.

"Now, Latiker wonders how she can possibly make room for Derrion's headstone. Latiker created a memorial two years ago to honor the young people killed in Chicago. Each time a child is shot, stabbed or beaten to death, she adds a stone to the memorial wall.

"We have 163 stones right now, but we are 20, now 21, behind," she said. "I thought, well, I hoped, I dreamed that there'd be more space on the wall than kids being killed."
Savages. :banghead:

The sad thing is these "individuals" are attending the public schools. . We can very well surmise this isn't the first time these savages have been in trouble, yet they were enrolled in a public school. It's way past time to give some grit to teachers, principals and LE. Throw savages like this out BEFORE something like this happens - bet test scores would improve tremendously.

And, Obama wants to open schools on weekends because schools are a safe haven? They sure don't seem safe in the inner-city, and most likely not in Chicago.
Also, this is another good article.

"Now, Latiker wonders how she can possibly make room for Derrion's headstone. Latiker created a memorial two years ago to honor the young people killed in Chicago. Each time a child is shot, stabbed or beaten to death, she adds a stone to the memorial wall.

"We have 163 stones right now, but we are 20, now 21, behind," she said. "I thought, well, I hoped, I dreamed that there'd be more space on the wall than kids being killed."

Wow, the thing that got me in that article:

"Derrion's community of Roseland has been one of the city's most treacherous areas since the late 1980s, when the economic decline of the area led to urban decay and gang violence. In the mid-1990s, it gained notoriety as the stamping ground of Robert "Yummy" Sandifer, the 11-year old who was executed by fellow gang members."

An 11 year old gang member? My kids were still playing with toys and climbing trees at that age. I can not imagine my children having to grow up so quickly. That is completely sickening. How sad.
The sad thing is these "individuals" are attending the public schools. . We can very well surmise this isn't the first time these savages have been in trouble, yet they were enrolled in a public school. It's way past time to give some grit to teachers, principals and LE. Throw savages like this out BEFORE something like this happens - bet test scores would improve tremendously.

And, Obama wants to open schools on weekends because schools are a safe haven? They sure don't seem safe in the inner-city, and most likely not in Chicago.

Yes, but I'm thinking if they're in school - is there still hope for them??? IDK. On the one hand, I'm with you 100% thinking, if they are trouble makers - kick them out forever. But then, what chance is there of ever turning them around and making sure they get an education and learn what life is all about?

IMO, the problem here is not with the schools, but with the parents that let their kids run wild in the streets and don't teach them the value of life. Where are they and WTH are they doing that's so f-ing important?

Years ago, I had a friend who moved from a cushy job and life in Vegas back to her roots in South Central L.A. Even before the Rodney King riots, she said there were 13 and 14 year olds dripping in gold and driving Cadillacs. She asked me, "how can we possibly convince these kids to stay in school when they've already made more money dealing drugs this week than I'll make this year?" Then the riots happened and she called me crying, saying her whole neighborhood was on fire. There was such despair in her voice.......

I do understand the frustration that comes from living in poverty - more than I would like to. But the complete and total disregard for human life, in these numbers, is completely beyond me. I don't understand where that comes from or how to fix it. It's frightening - not just in Chicago, but all over the USA - and the world, really. How do we combat this total lack of empathy and sympathy for other PEOPLE? Where does the anger and rage come from that would give CHILDREN the capability of beating another human to death in the street in broad daylight?
With all the people standing around in the video clip on the news, why didn't they help him? What did they do, just stand around and watch? That's horrible, all it would take is one or two people to help and then i'm sure maybe others would have got the hint you'd think! Thats disgusting, just stand around and watch that poor boy get beaten to death and not do anything.. sure says a lot about society..
With all the people standing around in the video clip on the news, why didn't they help him? What did they do, just stand around and watch? That's horrible, all it would take is one or two people to help and then i'm sure maybe others would have got the hint you'd think! Thats disgusting, just stand around and watch that poor boy get beaten to death and not do anything.. sure says a lot about society..

The more people that are present, the less likely they are to help someone being harmed, as it is assumed that somebody else will help or call for help. Very scary to think about being in a dangerous situation knowing that.

I could maybe understand with a car wreck or something (not that people shouldn't call), but this poor boy... I don't even know.
This is my worse nightmare. I have a 16 year old son and he has long hair and is a skater and I worry for him. He attends a large urban school in downtown new york city and my fear is of him being beaten by a group of teens.

Where are the parents of these monsters? They should be put in jail along with their kids. No WAY does a child become like that with loving way.

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