GUILTY IL - Dorothy Dixon, 29, pregnant, disabled, tortured to death, 31 Jan 2008

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The indictments were returned last week but unsealed Monday. It names 43-year-old Judy Woods, who already was charged with first-degree murder and intentional homicide of an unborn child.
But the indictment now accuses 35-year-old Michelle Riley, 18-year-old Michael Elliott, 16-year-old Benny Wilson and 15-year-old Leshelle McBride.
A 12-year-old boy is charged as a juvenile. (more plus lovely mug shots at link)
How horrible! I'm glad they've been caught.
ALTON, Illinois (AP) -- Banished to the basement, the 29-year-old mother with a childlike mind and another baby on the way had little more than a thin rug and a mattress to call her own on the chilly concrete floor.
Five adults and a 12-year-old child were charged with Dorothy Dixon's murder.

Dorothy Dixon ate what she could forage from the refrigerator upstairs, where housemates used her for target practice with BBs, burned her with a glue gun and doused her with scalding liquid that peeled away her skin.
They torched what few clothes she had, so she walked around naked. They often pummeled her with an aluminum bat or metal handle.
Dixon -- six months pregnant -- died after weeks of abuse. Police have charged two adults, three teenagers and a 12-year-old boy with murder in the case that has repulsed many in this Mississippi River town.
"This is heartbreaking," police Lt. David Hayes said. "It was almost as though they were making fun of the abuse they were administering. This woman was almost like living in a prison."
Investigators put much of the blame on Michelle Riley, 35, who they said befriended Dixon but pocketed monthly Social Security checks she got because of her developmental delays.
Dixon saw little, if any, of the money, Hayes said. For months she weathered the torment to keep a roof over her head and that of her year-old son, who weighed just 15 pounds when taken into state custody after his mom's death.
Hayes watched the autopsy and found her injuries disturbing. X-rays revealed roughly 30 BBs lodged in her. Deep-tissue burns covered about one-third of her body -- her face, her chest, her arms and feet -- and left her severely dehydrated. Her face and body showed signs of prolonged abuse. Many of her wounds were infected.
from the above link.
Oh my Lord, this makes me so sick and angry at the same time. Why are people like this? :( :mad:
Poor lady. What is wrong with people that they can do this and not feel remorse or any compassion for the victim?? :mad:
This is one of the most sickening and cruel things I've ever read about. I hope all those animals die in prison.
Hayes watched the autopsy and found her injuries disturbing. X-rays revealed roughly 30 BBs lodged in her. Deep-tissue burns covered about one-third of her body -- her face, her chest, her arms and feet -- and left her severely dehydrated. Her face and body showed signs of prolonged abuse. Many of her wounds were infected.
the above quoted from the article in the link-

I am sitting here with tears streaming- how can somebody do something like this--- and not just one--- but 6 people? how how how how how =
Dear God Almighty------how can a human being be like this---how?
One look at the eyes of these 5 adults tells the story imo-they are soul-less- but I want to know why? and whatever their story--- I dont care-
This is the exact type of crime/murder that I say with my whole heart and soul- an eye for an eye--- they should have the EXACT same thing done to them--- the EXACT same thing
There have been at least two other cases at WS similar to this one. Multiple abusers, one victim. Anyone remember those? I just wonder how they turned out.
With luck the adults will be charged and convicted of first degree murder, but what about the 12 year-old, Believe wonders? This delightful child was raised to participate and enjoy harming another living being-I fear I am a bit skeptical that he is going to be able to function as a compassionate human being in the future....of course I do not have the whole story. I cannot wait to hear what hell was visited on the baby they recovered....:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
I wonder who the daddy to the babies were and where were her relatives? I wonder if she was raped.
This is one of the most sickening and cruel things I've ever read about. I hope all those animals die in prison.

I agree. I used to blissfully think that it was so rare that anyone could do something like this, that when I read storied like this, I was always amazed that you could find more than one person capable of such unspeakable acts.

The more I read, the disappointed in our society I become.
The more I read, the disappointed in our society I become.

For all the things I want to post about the rights and wrongs of the atrocities we read about here, for all the times I want to lash out all that is emotionally stirred in me by all every time I come to this sight....
you have said all there really is to say.
"This woman was almost like living in a prison."

Sounds like it was much worse than a prison. Reminds me of what happened to that teenage girl decades ago in..., was it Ohio, Indiana? Somewhere in the Midwest.
This is local to me and I heard of it last week. I have been so sickened by it I have been close to posting it several times, and for some reason couldn't. There are no words for this.
You know what really scares me? People like this are out there and how do we know who and where they are? Do we really know everyone who lives on our street? I just cannot begin to imagine the horror. Sometimes, when I hear of things such as this, I just want to take my kids and hide from the world! How dare anyone treat another human like this!
<< snipped >>
How dare anyone treat another human like this!
I can't even imagine! I wouldn't treat an insect like that, how can people do such things?! I can't believe they breathe the same air as us! I'll never understand it.

My prayers for Dorothy Dixon's family and true friends, and I'm just glad she's no longer suffering. May God bless her and her murdered unborn baby, may they rest in peace.
Who finally turned these animals in? I'm alittle confused about the neighbor saying she witnessed Riley making Dixon run around naked,and getting burnt. Didn't she call someone?!!!

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