Deceased/Not Found IL - Yingying Zhang, 26, Urbana, 9 June 2017 #4 *Arrest*

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<modnsip>Seems bleaker each day that passes HOWEVER it's very interesting about what Dr. Lee said. If anyone should go over the car and apartment with a fine tooth comb, it would be him with all his expertise.

He had a hand full of local contacts, like 2 or 3 that I know of? I could be off a bit because I didn't look all of them in detail. He was a member of several local fetish groups, you can see those on page 1.
Copper slough is a water shed for the county as far as depth i have no clue it is however a more secluded area than Kaufman Lake. Also part of copper slough is a newer prarie restoration area which is a lot of taller grasses in some areas of it.
From what I've seen it's typical drainage ditch depth... around or less than knee high for the most part with some areas possibly being deeper. Heavy rainfall would dramatically increase the depth but we haven't had rain like that for a month or more.

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No worries,, I can relate. Once I went by the home of producer Bruce Beresford Redman, who killed his wife in Mexico. It is in my neighbourhood and on a dead end street. I was immediately hounded by reporters approaching my car, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

If nothing is going on at BC's apartment, no crime tape etc, makes me lean to believing there was no crime scene there.
They were there the Friday of his arrest and the next day at least - I think it's reasonable for the FBI to investigate a scene within two days. They may still have that individual apartment locked and preserved but building is not closed off with crime scene tape or anything.

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I believe his apartment building is shown on a video as being "B".
I believe his apartment building is shown on a video as being "B".

"B2" (you can see the door in the video in the article below).

[FONT=&amp]She had just moved into the apartment right above Christensen, the apartment where FBI agents say he may have been holding scholar Zhang hostage.
[/FONT][FONT=&amp]“The laundry room is right next door, so we always pass him,” Holmes said of Christensen. “Our mail is right here. This is the only mail in the complex, so we have to pass him all the time.”[/FONT]
The apartment rent is $900.00 per article:

Here is the stonegate village apartment floor plans and rent amounts- if anyone wants to have a look:[id]/2139/

I think he might of lived in one of the "Granite Loft" styles due to rent amount:[id]/2139/property_floorplan[id]/1484/is_premium_view/1/tab/2/

Click on the 2 bedroom tab and then "granite loft". And finally click 5 available tab to see the different rent amounts.
Mod Note

BC's wife is OFF LIMITS.

The woman from the march is OFF LIMITS.

STOP discussing and/or asking questions about either of these women.

STOP trying to find out if anyone is currently living in his apartment.

TIme Outs will be issued to those who continue to post with a disregard for the rules.

Final warning.
Is there legal precedent in not charging him with additional crimes at this time even if they have evidence against him? I would assume law enforcement would want to collect all possible evidence before turning it over to the justice department. Like what happens if they charge him with murder, and then find more evidence after the fact - can that evidence be used in the trial or does it open the door gor new charges or even appeals?

But you'd think they'd release a little more info about finding YZ if they have.

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They have him in custody; they are in no rush to charge him. Once you get charge, the clock starts to run re: the constitutional right to a "speedy trial." LE won't want to start the clock if they don't have to; they want time to find the body as well. Moreover, once they charge him, it makes the timing earlier on when have to disclose evidence to the defense- there is no reason to hurry that if they don't have to, especially since he is not of imminent danger to anyone.

Once they charge him they can always admit new evidence, most likely up to around trial, so long as any exculpatory evidence they find is disclosed to his lawyers in sufficient time to prepare a defense. If it is submitted too late (i.e., the eve of trial), it could be excluded. That applies to exculpatory evidence and other evidence that is required to be disclosed under state law.

Double jeopardy will only attach if charges are dismissed with prejudice or there is an acquittal. Moreover, both feds and state can pursue charges and double jeopardy does not attach. I don't believe the state has charged him with anything yet - both state and feds could potentially both charge- he could get acquitted in federal court and states could charge him years later with murder charge.
The city council isn't part of the local court system... They deal with stuff like where tax money should be spent. There shouldn't be any direct conflict of interests; but if one arose he would just abstain from voting on it at the city council. I do commend him for taking on some of these cases. You can tell from his decision to live here for 30+ years, raise his children here and his involvement with the city council that he cares very much for this community. He seems like a good guy who believes in the fair pursuit of our judicial system even in the face of possible backlash due to his clients crimes. ...And I'm sure he charges a good price for it.

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Do we know if lawyer is a paid attorney or is a public defender? Sometimes private attorneys are tasked by the county to do so many public defender cases. He might have been asked, and may or may not be the defense's attorney in the long run.

Is deputy mayor a elected position? If so, i would not say it is a conflict of interest but for him, it would probably have negative repercussions to serve as defense lawyer in this case, depending on argument. If defense is she went in the car, and I dropped her off, the story sounds stupid and I don't think people will hold it against the lawyer, especially if he was asked by the county to defend him. However, if the defense tries to make up a story or tries a story of bondage games gone wrong or something ridiculous like that, the public will resent it.

Moreover, as a practical lawyer, BC may not want to have an attorney whose attention is divided by being deputy mayor. If this case ends up in federal court and is a death penalty case, you need someone (multiple people actually) doing this full time. The trial can be very lengthy.

Oftentimes, lawyer changes once a case becomes death penalty case. I suspect however that this case will drag out a long long time, because the federal issue - whether this case should be in federal court - is a legal issue that would need to be sorted out. That could take years if there is not a strong connection to interstate commerce. In short term, he needs a constitutional lawyer not a criminal lawyer for the initial matters.
Another question for the lawyer-types: IF BC discloses to an attorney where the body is, is there any legal compulsion for them to inform LE, or does attorney-client privilege trump common decency!?
Take it a hypothetical step forward (just out of curiosity), if a defendant told his lawyer where a living kidnap victim was being held in a 'dungeon' surely there's some necessity to tell LE in a life-or-death situation???

I think ethical obligation is you can break attorney client privilege if someone is going to commit a crime. Otherwise, something like the body would be safeguarded under attorney client privilege. If the hypothetical, the person would be committing a crime, so something like that would be sufficient to break the privilege. Whether a defense lawyer would do so is another matter. I don't think you would be obligated to break the privilege, it's that you can - I don't think you would be required to disclosed, though as a practical matter, if someone's life is at stake, I would think someone would disclose.

You rarely hear of this happening however - a defense attorney disclosing the whereabouts of a victim- Many probably warn the client beforehand they may have to disclose because many would not want to be in this situation; hence, person does not disclose to the lawyer. Many lawyers might tell clients what they can or cannot disclose when they sign the retainer. Moreover, if this does in fact happen, I would think most attorneys would then recuse themselves from the case. I would also think that when this does arise, lawyers can get the info to police without disclosing it's them, by calling hotline or going through a third party.

I can't think of any case where lawyer disclosed info to police about future crimes of defendant or a victim being held. Can anyone?
The following is a google translation of a Chinese website.

"After the end of the hearing, the lawyer who provided legal aid for Zhang Yingying's family said that although the United States official has not yet found the whereabouts of Zhang Yingying, but since the end of the hearing, the Chinese lawyer Zhang Yingying was kidnapped. There are a variety of clues to show, FBI or have been found chapter female, may be doing related testing."

With the help of a Chinese acquaintance, a human translation would be:

"...the lawyer who provided legal aid for the family revealed that although U.S. officials have not found the whereabouts of YZ, there are various clues to show FBI may have already found Ms. Z. Related tests may be underway."

Original Chinese website
I agree that they may have already found YZ, and they are determining all sorts of things about his crime against her.

But also:
*based on his brazenness to take a female midday,
*using his own car,
*returning her to his apartment and have no screaming be heard,
*then moving her,
*his behavior since June 12 when the FBI first made contact with him, and especially
*his smug stroll, bragging, and planning of future victims at the vigil;
I have a gut feeling Yingying is not his first victim. I think he went to fetlife to find someone but it was too slow or he realized it was not real enough for him - so he just went out and took someone. I think the FBI needs to investigate into all unsolved young females gone missing within the past 1-2 years. And I think his car and apartment has some DNA of more than one female that they need to examine before releasing any further information. By looking at his mugshot, I feel absolute terror and sadness on behalf of Yingying. He was crazed and determined, and she had no chance.

Contrary to what others might think, I don't think he was sloppy at all. He cleaned up real good. But... not good enough. And I think that's what's going on behind the scenes. jmo
I agree. Certainly if he took her into his apartment on the ninth, around after 2 o'clock, surely there would be security footage from his apt complex. And certainly there'd be some evidence of her left in his apt afterward since he doesn't seem to have planned this out well.

We know he extensively cleaned his car, according to the FBI's affidavit. Maybe it all happened there, with him driving somewhere remote.

Where is Yingying?? Breaks my heart.

I've found a small comfort in knowing this waste of space is sitting behind bars, unable to do his normal life routines. No video games. No 5am workouts. No internet. Just nothing but shackles and probably some fear. This isn't a guy who will accept life in prison easily. Good, I say.

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This has baffled me, too, but then I think of how the last month of this has gone. It seemed like there was no progress or news, but it turns out they had located the car within 3 days, and had him under surveillance shortly after that, and then arrested him. They eventually publicly stated they had located the car, but not until a while after they had already searched the car, his phone, and had him under surveillance (if my criminal complaint memory is serving me correctly).

This really leads me to think there's more already known than has been released. Clearly, not enough is known to charge him with more than kidnapping, but I think there is more going on behind the scenes as there was in the weeks leading up to his arrest. They had a strategy with him, and it seemed to have worked because he bragged about it at the event. Hopefully there's some more strategic decisions happening behind the scenes right now...

Agree 100%.Clearly much more is known about her location.i believe that LE would be breaking their back to bring her home if it wasn't.
Tom and Evan Bruno said it is difficult for Christensen to assist in his own defense since he isn't allowed to have his own copies of evidence. The Brunos said they will have to bring documents, audio recordings and more to Christensen and sit with him while he goes over them.

Oh please. They are trying to elicit sympathy? No body cares about his convenience, or the lawyers convenience. He will have plenty of time now for just plain old thinking. About his defense or anything else. No need to feel any sympathy for the guy.
I agree that they may have already found YZ, and they are determining all sorts of things about his crime against her.

But also:
*based on his brazenness to take a female midday,
*using his own car,
*returning her to his apartment and have no screaming be heard,
*then moving her,
*his behavior since June 12 when the FBI first made contact with him, and especially
*his smug stroll, bragging, and planning of future victims at the vigil;
I have a gut feeling Yingying is not his first victim. I think he went to fetlife to find someone but it was too slow or he realized it was not real enough for him - so he just went out and took someone. I think the FBI needs to investigate into all unsolved young females gone missing within the past 1-2 years. And I think his car and apartment has some DNA of more than one female that they need to examine before releasing any further information. By looking at his mugshot, I feel absolute terror and sadness on behalf of Yingying. He was crazed and determined, and she had no chance.

Contrary to what others might think, I don't think he was sloppy at all. He cleaned up real good. But... not good enough. And I think that's what's going on behind the scenes. jmo


I agree. Yesterday, I was trying to find out if he had any type of criminal record. I'll keep searching.

These cases DO tug at one's heart, don't they?? I saw a young Asian woman with longer hair, and I immediately thought of Yingying.
Agree 100%.Clearly much more is known about her location.i believe that LE would be breaking their back to bring her home if it wasn't.

I believe so too but then why have they not at least filled in the family? I would think they would not want to prolong their suffering, especially now that the family hopes to find her in Salem.
Prosecutors also say Christensen spoke about how Zhang fought and resisted, and about what makes an ideal victim. Prosecutors haven’t given details about to whom Christensen made the statements. Bruno said without a source it’s hard to judge whether the statements are reliable.

Don't worry Bruno you will get your source you are just trying to set the stage for smoke and mirrors.
Don't worry Bruno you will get your source you are just trying to set the stage for smoke and mirrors.

He will. It's only a matter of time until this person's name hits MSM. I feel bad but it will happen.
I don't understand how it was possible for her to be brought into his apartment without being seen by neighbors or being captured on video as there are cameras everywhere, and if she resisted, surprising that the sounds were not heard. Praying so very hard for the poor woman and her dear family.

A lot of bodies are transported in suitcases. Maybe she was drugged or knocked out and he stuffed her in a suitcase or one of those large equipment bags. He is very fit and strong. She is small. If you are used to seeing him carry a gym bag and maybe other stuff, even though this was different it wouldn't register.
I think it's good that the defense is... defending. We don't want this monster getting out on technicalities because they didn't do their due diligence. Get it right the first time.
I know it's so cliché but LE should check the Walmarts nearby and hardware stores for footage of BC for that morning or the day before. He probably went shopping for kidnapping supplies. Rope, rip-ties, tarp, heavy duty garbage bags, extra large sports equipment bag, etc etc.
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