"I'm a spiteful B!tch"...Casey quote

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She knows she is a spiteful and this was all done to spite CA. Simply because KC did not want CA to have Caylee, but she did not want her either. Evil, just palin and simple Evil!
It is quite interesting as we have been provided so much information information in this case, and I am sure it will be known to the jury.Just the evidence I have seen per Florida SS law, I would be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, now that the baby was found so close to home.
If it is Caylee: it is great that there is now a body so that she will not get off due to reasonable doubt.
They are now going to try to work the case so that they CAN tie Casey to the crime....The "B" is obviously going to say someone else is responsible.
I belive they found some good finger prints on the tape.
I think this was one of the rare moments where KC was verging on telling the truth.

LA was quizzing KC why she wouldn't take them to Caylee -- "Because I'm a spiteful b....?" was a dagger into CA, payback for the argument that occurred on June 15. She was still jabbing at CA but also on the edge of fessing up to LA. She had intimated that maybe this should have been done a long time ago.

But LA said when the LE arrived that's the first thing they'd require KC to do, take them to Caylee. As LA stated, it was a light bulb moment for KC when she realized maybe the game was finally up. Caylee paid the ultimate price for the CA <> KC fight.

KC spills the beans on not seeing Caylee for 31 days, twice. Stunned LA tried to quietly ask many questions but CA was hovering and came back in blasting to ask, "What have you done?" and then "Who took her, who took her?"

The moment was lost. CA railroads KC and KC just holds out on her. CA had pushed KC too hard, too far -- no excuses but it was payback time for KC. All chips in.

I think that this portion of LA's testimony will be used to highlight a "confession" of sorts on KC's part. She basically said she was responsible when she made this statement.


Rather amazed to find only 4 pages of discussion on what maybe the closest thing we have to Casey admitting true motive to her actions.

Paraphrasing Shirley...perhaps she hated her mother more than she loved Caylee.
SOMEONE/SOMETHING made Casey reply as she did.

Isn't it Sunday that Cindy will not talk about?

Cindy claims she came home & went into the pool....

"With Casey...No, it was Caylee. As Casey felt it was too cold...."
i believe she did it to be sarcastic. throw out the words she probably heard over and over again in past. if they think they can hurt me with words i can show them ! i will tell them what they think i am and use it to have power. now how do you like that ? sounds good to you? yeah, i am a spiteful ***** and its the only power i have to hurt mom. i can control if and when she sees caylee and its all for spite . she must know she has no power in land of oz!when it comes to my being able to control one little part of the role of whos the mom i will use what hurts the most - spite! also what am i going to be able to say that will shock them? tell them i agree with them!!
Rather amazed to find only 4 pages of discussion on what maybe the closest thing we have to Casey admitting true motive to her actions.

Paraphrasing Shirley...perhaps she hated her mother more than she loved Caylee.

I think I have mentioned this before, but I have said the EXACT same thing about my ex who has virtually no relationship with his (our) children. While living in the same town, etc.. he simply refused to get close to them. His hatred for me blinded his love towards them. Or maybe he is incapable of loving....Hatred plus emotional issues can be a great motivator. MOO I believe KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee.
I agree with those who think this is the closest we have to a confession-she left the car where her mother and father would see it on the way to work...even if they hadnt received the letter, eventually they would have discovered the car. Smelling like decomp. I can imagine Casey imagining the fear it would have created in her parents to approach the unlocked car with no sign of human life and the smell of decomp. This is another reason I think she was going to run to California-they would have been unable to determine right away who had been dead in the trunk....for a little while Casey's family would worry it was her. Ah well.
This statement made KC feel good, it got her blood coursing a little bit and worked up the mojo so she could go head to head with CA yet again.
She certainly did not think it was to be used against her, it was just second nature to her to try to inflict pain on her family in the most venomous way she could. Spiteful or not, she is definately a bizich.
That little tidbit coming out of Casey's mouth was like a window into her soul.

The statement proves to me that she knew darn well what she had done. It proves she was aware of her actions and not under any mental distress. She takes ownership of her actions too, it is an I statement and not a Zanny did it lie. She was declaring her power and control over CA. I think there is a hint of that in the "Diary of Days" about there coming great consequences. Later, Casey complained that she lost alot of her control and power once she got into jail...go figure.
That little tidbit coming out of Casey's mouth was like a window into her soul.

The statement proves to me that she knew darn well what she had done. It proves she was aware of her actions and not under any mental distress. She takes ownership of her actions too, it is an I statement and not a Zanny did it lie. She was declaring her power and control over CA. I think there is a hint of that in the "Diary of Days" about there coming great consequences. Later, Casey complained that she lost alot of her control and power once she got into jail...go figure.
Exactly, her spiteful ***** comment, added to the Diary of Days piece she put out to her mom, speaks volumes. I think she was definitely telling Cindy something major with this...

"What is given,

Can be taken away.

Everyone lies.

Everyone dies."
In my opinion, the spiteful B comment was the truth and it was rolled off Caseys sharp tongue rather easily. She meant it to cut like daggers. Just like when she said "don't even come to visit me.." in the phone calls home when she was pissy. She's got a huge ego. To her, this was more punishment for her family :waitasec:
Apparently Caseys manipulation works, 1:37-1:43

I don't need to hear the context it was said in because she was trying to railroad Lee while he was babying her. Casey has two faces, kiss your butt and tell you what you want to hear or rage.
She snapped back into the rage whenever Cindy entered the room and began the questioning.
Same song and dance. Mild tempered stay out of it, (until he is dragged down and forced into the middle of it) Lee handling Casey with kid gloves and Cindy caring about Caylee (how dare her) calling Casey out in front of her new buds on her theft in the process, getting Lee involved and threatening police rather than just doing it when they picked up the Pontiac, agitating the situation.

4937 Hopespring Drive, dysfunction junction.
Well, Casey, maybe that old saying is true:

"Cut your nose off to spite your face".
The fact that KC even uses the phrase - which at that point implies she is unwilling to take CA to see Caylee - indicates - if not a confession - at the very least she is upset with her mother about something big and has withheld allowing her daughter to return home. People don't all of a sudden take off like that without a reason. It's the best evidence we have that something significant went on between KC and CA, despite her claims there was no fight on the 15th (which may be true - the actual fight may have taken place on the 9th, as KC spent the 10th at RM's. It would also explain why the 9th stuck out in everyone's head as a date of consequence and appeared on the LE report as the date Caylee left home).

However, if there truly was no fight, then it would signal that whatever happened to Caylee was done from spite and not simply something accidental as CA and GA have wanted to believe.

Either scenario indicates intent of some kind. And the word "spiteful" hints at a motive.
Some of those early statements are so telling. Cindy's "what have you done" question was said based on instinct and knowing her daughter. One of Casey's first instinctual comments was about how spiteful she was. There was some truth there between the two of them and then...well, we know the rest.
Either scenario indicates intent of some kind. And the word "spiteful" hints at a motive.

Precisely, Cecy.

Over the course of the afternoon's events Casey was being held to task. When Cindy persisted beyond the @-the-nanny's-&-don't-disturb-her story...Casey began to wear thin. When Lee joined the scene Casey uttered the "spiteful..." line she also offered that this should've been done earlier. While Casey could've been implying that she should've withheld Caylee from Cindy before now, she could've also been implying that she should've been held to task before now. The subject of being judged an unfit mother by Cindy was in the mix too.

When considered along w/ the DoD's "On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken..." she penned after viewing Caylee's pic @ the nursing home for the last time 7/2...it speaks to me of a clear connection between Casey's actions and a motive tied to spite and Cindy.

IMHO, these two items give us the best available insight into Casey's motive...and duct tape aside...stronger support for some level of pre-meditation.

Precisely, Cecy.

Over the course of the afternoon's events Casey was being held to task. When Cindy persisted beyond the @-the-nanny's-&-don't-disturb-her story...Casey began to wear thin. When Lee joined the scene Casey uttered the "spiteful..." line she also offered that this should've been done earlier. While Casey could've been implying that she should've withheld Caylee from Cindy before now, she could've also been implying that she should've been held to task before now. The subject of being judged an unfit mother by Cindy was in the mix too.

When considered along w/ the DoD's "On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken..." she penned after viewing Caylee's pic @ the nursing home for the last time 7/2...it speaks to me of a clear connection between Casey's actions and a motive tied to spite and Cindy.

IMHO, these two items give us the best available insight into Casey's motive...and duct tape aside...stronger support for some level of pre-meditation.

Bond I never knew about the part I bolded. How soon after viewing the pic did she write the DOD? Minutes? TIA
The fact that KC even uses the phrase - which at that point implies she is unwilling to take CA to see Caylee - indicates - if not a confession - at the very least she is upset with her mother about something big and has withheld allowing her daughter to return home. People don't all of a sudden take off like that without a reason. It's the best evidence we have that something significant went on between KC and CA, despite her claims there was no fight on the 15th (which may be true - the actual fight may have taken place on the 9th, as KC spent the 10th at RM's. It would also explain why the 9th stuck out in everyone's head as a date of consequence and appeared on the LE report as the date Caylee left home).

However, if there truly was no fight, then it would signal that whatever happened to Caylee was done from spite and not simply something accidental as CA and GA have wanted to believe.

Either scenario indicates intent of some kind. And the word "spiteful" hints at a motive.

Good thinking. The fight and then Casey gets spiteful. Why say anything about spite if everything was fine, and Casey was off bonding with Caylee as CA likes to explain. I'm so glad Casey defined herself truthfully for us.

I like how you pointed out that Casey would not say anything about being a "spiteful biotch" if Caylee had died accidently. Now, if Defense tries to switch to an accidental death and scared mother story they will have to explain why Casey said it was spite. Oh, and you can bet the "Diary of Days" is going to help everyone agree - Casey really is a "spiteful biotch".
Bond I never knew about the part I bolded. How soon after viewing the pic did she write the DOD? Minutes? TIA

'bout 20 minutes.

Here you go for the details: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2740944&postcount=141"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Tattoo[/ame]

In summary that morning:

1) View caylee pic
2) Write DoD
3) Get tattoo

When you view it that way you can see the transition of the first & second verse of DoD. First verse = Caylee & the past. Second verse = Casey & the future. HTH.
I guess I have a different take on KC's words "This should have been done a long time ago" KC never wanted Caylee in the first place. I think her getting rid of Caylee
was nothing more than a very late term abortion in her mind. She's never shown any
grief or remorse. I don't believe she ever bonded with Caylee. It was too easy for her
to dump her like trash and just move on. I really believe she doesn't think she did any
thing wrong because abortion is legal. Never mind the fact that Caylee was almost three
years old, because KC doesn't live in the real world. Only the one she created for herself.
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