"I'm a spiteful B!tch"...Casey quote

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'bout 20 minutes.

Here you go for the details: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Tattoo

In summary that morning:

1) View caylee pic
2) Write DoD
3) Get tattoo

When you view it that way you can see the transition of the first & second verse of DoD. First verse = Caylee & the past. Second verse = Casey & the future. HTH.
Amazing, just amazing.

I hadn't heard about the timing on these events and it really tells the story. I always thought her DOD was a direct response to her moms My Space entry a few days prior.
So was CA myspace message of July 3rd in anyway a response to Casey's DOD? Do you think CA got to read the DOD on Casey's myspace before she wrote her July 3rd one?

So was CA myspace message of July 3rd in anyway a response to Casey's DOD? Do you think CA got to read the DOD on Casey's myspace before she wrote her July 3rd one?

I always thought Cindys My Space entry was before Casey's Diary of Days ? Do I have it reversed ?
I mentioned earlier how Casey believed she had the power and control. She seems to drive home the point saying she's a spiteful b!tch probably so CA could hear. Please, I hope this won't be considered OT because I see such a connection to the spiteful statement and the DOD. But oh my, is there any chance CA got to read this posted on Casey's myspace on July 2nd?

from Casey's "Diary of Days":

"On the worst of worst days,
Remember the words spoken.

Trust no one,
Only yourself.

With great power,
Comes great consequence.

What is given,
Can be taken away.

Everyone lies.

Everyone dies.

Life will never be easy.

On the worst of worst days,
Remember the words spoken.

Hold your head high.



Love unconditionally.

Tomorrow is a brand new day."

It's on page 27 of the documents. First part.
'bout 20 minutes.

Here you go for the details: Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Tattoo

In summary that morning:

1) View caylee pic
2) Write DoD
3) Get tattoo

When you view it that way you can see the transition of the first & second verse of DoD. First verse = Caylee & the past. Second verse = Casey & the future. HTH.

Yes , Bond. When I first found out that she wrote her everyone dies DOD, and went out and got the beautiful life tattoo with two stars on it, I knew it was a memorial. It was also her way of letting go of it utterly and completely and looking forward to the future. It is overt and there is NO explaining this to the good taxpayers on the jury. We see Caylee as that little adorable child singing You are my Sunshine to her papa. Casey threw her away like trash, dusted herself off and went out partying.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPUXPEBeapc[/ame]At this point, if I am on the jury, it is not necessary for me to know if she smothered her or did or did not use chloroform. I believe she killed her. Just as sure as the jury did in Scott Peterson's case without knowing the exact way he murdered Lacy and Conner, one can draw inferences that are reasonable. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZGs3XrGBNQ[/ame] Listen to Casey here. It is still shocking, though we have heard it so many times. It is shocking......still.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ4eS-1I5iQ[/ame] She has NO expectation that anyone would leave any leads on where the baby is on her Caylee is missing web page. She nearly laughs that off when her friend tells her she wants to have the password to look up any messages people send. As Lee told the detectives, Casey was clearly more worried about talking to Tony than finding Caylee.
So was CA myspace message of July 3rd in anyway a response to Casey's DOD? Do you think CA got to read the DOD on Casey's myspace before she wrote her July 3rd one?


I've wondered the same myself (e.g. via email), but, FWIW, IMHO, the answer is "no". IIRC, the DoD didn't post to Casey's MS page until a few days later (7/7? :waitasec: don't trust my memory).

IMHO, Cindy's MS rant was in response to Casey running her around. Forgive me if I make a mistake here running from memory...but 7/2 after Casey got her tattoo, Sean D. ran her back to G&C's (speculated to pick up some racer-back bra(s) on the tattoo thread) before taking her back to Ricardo's place. Note: This is the lil' pick-up & male that Brian Burner witnesses entering the garage w/ Casey BTW...allowing his dates were mixed. Casey needed Cindy outta the house that afternoon...so she called Cindy to meet her @ Universal to see Caylee. Of course, that PO'd Cindy...and the next PM, 7/3, Lee taught Cindy to use MS - creating the rant - and then he chased Casey @ club(s) that night.

I always thought Cindys My Space entry was before Casey's Diary of Days ? Do I have it reversed ?

ITTA w/ you ...per above.

I mentioned earlier how Casey believed she had the power and control. She seems to drive home the point saying she's a spiteful b!tch probably so CA could hear. Please, I hope this won't be considered OT because I see such a connection to the spiteful statement and the DOD. But oh my, is there any chance CA got to read this posted on Casey's myspace on July 2nd?

from Casey's "Diary of Days":

"On the worst of worst days,
Remember the words spoken.

Trust no one,
Only yourself.

With great power,
Comes great consequence.

What is given,
Can be taken away.

Everyone lies.

Everyone dies.

Life will never be easy.

On the worst of worst days,
Remember the words spoken.

Hold your head high.



Love unconditionally.

Tomorrow is a brand new day."

It's on page 27 of the documents. First part.

We should bump the DoD thread. The two are closely linked for the purposes of the case IMHO...so it makes sense to discuss the link. Although we should take some care to keep both threads in line/updated.
Bond I have July 7th as being the day the DOD was posted to myspace in my own timeline I created for myself. Did she write the DOD on July 2 but not post it till July 7th?

This information also goes along with the topic of the thread:

*Melissa England, a friend of Troy Brown, spends time with Casey on July 3rd. They go to Target. Casey receives a phone call from Cindy and appears annoyed with her mother. In Melissa’s presence Casey tells her mother that ‘the kid is with the nanny.’ During the time Melissa spends with Casey, Caylee was hardly mentioned.


*Cindy's post on Myspace
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

* Casey text messages Jesse Grund and tells him not to answer if her mom or dad calls. “….for right now just stay out of it.”

*Casey spends time with Troy at The Lodge (a club). She tells Amy she has to leave because Lee is going to come look for her.

(pg22 Amy Huizenga July 23 transcript)


Annie's statement below about Lee looking for Casey:
Pg. 15
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/3374B TO 3463B REDO.pdf

Michelle Murphy's statement about Casey's avoidance of Lee:

Pg. 17
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/3374B TO 3463B REDO.pdf

The next day on July 4th it appears from text messages Casey has stolen Amy's money and told her she must have hidden it when she was sleepwalking.


  • July 3 Annie Downing page 15.jpg
    July 3 Annie Downing page 15.jpg
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  • July 2-3 Michelle Murphy page 17.jpg
    July 2-3 Michelle Murphy page 17.jpg
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That's what I recall Harmony..that the diary of days was written at an earlier time than it was posted to KC's MS account. Can't remember where else I read that, it just is one of the few things that stuck with me FWIW...
That's what I recall Harmony..that the diary of days was written at an earlier time than it was posted to KC's MS account. Can't remember where else I read that, it just is one of the few things that stuck with me FWIW...
So the DOD's was written on July 2nd, but not posted until July 7th ?
So the DOD's was written on July 2nd, but not posted until July 7th ?

Here is a summary of the computer forensic analysis done on the laptop by OCSO:

1) The Compaq laptop computer

Pictures and video taken of Caylee Anthony were bookmarked and copied to the Evidence\Graphic files\Caylee folder. The image entitled DSCN1894.JPG was taken with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera. The date and time from the metadata in the picture indicate that the picture was taken June 15, 2008 at 12:03:27 pm. Digital video files were also taken with a Nikon Coolpix digital camera with the metadata date and time of June 15, 2008 between 11:26:20 am and 12:03:18 pm.

There are several graphic files of interest; the first is entitled "girl.jpg" and the second, "233bc8d79357f3075c7edf5ddb083f11.jpg". Both were located on the C:\Documents and Settings\bobby\Desktop\artwork\misc folder on the Compaq computer. Both graphic files were bookmarked and copied to the Evidence\Graphic files\Graphics of Interest folder.

Also in that folder is an image file entitled “l_b55a353606038e56bed924d0a4dc1301.jpg”. I was asked by Detective Eric Edwards to identify on either computer any males who may be members of the United States Miliary forces. This photograph is of a while male dressed in camouflage. The name on his shirt is "Hawkins." Email between Casey Anthony and Mark Hawkins was bookmarked in the Web mail in unallocated space portion of this report.

An MSWord document entitled "diary of days.doc" was bookmarked. The Metadata Analysis of the document "Diary of Days" reports the author as CMANTHON of the GENTIVA Corporation on July 2, 2008 at 10:42:08 am. The document was bookmarked and copied to the Evidence\Documents folder. The results of the Metadata Analysis were saved to the same folder. Also bookmarked were several web page entries for Bill Pay for the account "Casey Anthony, account number 04985420-001-04” for payment of a cell phone bill.

No photographs, video, email, instant message chat or any other type of communication with a Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez was discovered on either computer.

The Internet history and cookies for the user "bobby" was extracted via Netanalysis. All were saved as comma delimited files to the Evidence\Internet History\Casey laptop folder for viewing with Excel.

Several videos of Caylee were found on the laptop. Here is the metadata information for one of them: Name: DSCN1893.AVI
Description: File, Archive
File Created: 06/17/08 03:28:50PM
Last Accessed: 07/02/08 10:36:14AM
Last Written: 06/15/08 12:03:18PM
Entry Modified: 07/02/08 10:36:14AM

All of the Caylee videos were last accessed at that same time, likely indicating she had viewed them all in a video player sequentially and when she shut the player down the files in the playlist were simultaneously closed (access completed).
So the DOD's was written on July 2nd, but not posted until July 7th ?

I *guess* so looking at JWG's post. For some reason I was thinking that it was written even earlier than that, revised on the 2nd and posted on the 7th but obviously I'm wrong... :blushing: ...

I'm SO 'tech language' challenged, but it looks like JWG has it covered as usual!

Thanks JWG!
Okay, it's confusing as to when Cindy may have read DOD on Casey's myspace, maybe she didn't read it at all. Cindy posted her own message on July 3rd, being a newly joined member of myspace I would think she was able to check Casey's myspace as well, unless Casey was on private mode. I'm thinking DOD was available for Cindy to read all the way up to the 911 calls. Cindy may, in fact, have read it before finding the car at the tow yard.

The only reason I brought up the DOD was to point out what any ongoing spiteful game these two were continuing through phone and text messages, and on myspace. It was almost a silly childish game, but a little girl lost her life in their battle. Cindy says jealousy took her, but I say spite did it.
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