Immunity and the A Family- **MERGED**Charges??

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Thanks LJ. You're very organized.

Ha ha! You're too kind, you should see my house right now! Dinos, army men and lego's as far as the eyes can see! Did I mention the 2 baskets of clean clothes that need to be folded??!:crazy:
So does anyone want to guess what the next stall tactic is the A's will come up with? I think that's why LE got the word out tonight that they were resuming their investigation. They got tired of being sidestepped.
yep yep

As for the duct tape - I think LE already has the fingerprints. It doesn't take that long to lift prints and run through the data base - not like DNA or other forensics that require chemical testing and such. I could be wrong - but lifting a print doesn't take weeks.
I'm thinking of the matching...and the sticky...and the tape on the gas can.
I think it would behoove (I love that word) all of us to listen to the conversation again. :eek:

I totally agree...and better yet, once I had learned of the possibility the mutual friends meant LE, in such a cryptic phone call, I took the time to go WATCH it. It was released and should be somewhere in the stickys. It's a whole 'nuther convo when you can watch their faces through their sneakyness.
When did he move and toss all that stuff in the yard?
New Year's Day - I remember because I commented about who moves over New Year's? And I was promptly told that alot of people do. Personally if I had to move over the first - I would do it either 12/30 or 1/2. I just thought it strange.
Should BC really be speaking about LA...he's not his client

Well I sure as shooting don't think so! I'm confused. Mind you, I am a little bit grateful he makes faux pas like these, aren't you? Another little trickle of info.
For some reason, I really think I watched that call. Like it wasn't a call but a visit. I may be wrong, since they are almost always sneaky, but I really am thinking the "mutual friends" chat was a visit and LA was asking questions and taking notes. Am I losin' it? It's very possible at this point.
As for the duct tape - I think LE already has the fingerprints. It doesn't take that long to lift prints and run through the data base - not like DNA or other forensics that require chemical testing and such. I could be wrong - but lifting a print doesn't take weeks.

There are other things they can be looking for on the tape, probably already discussed elsewhere on WS. The kind of things they found on the tape on Jonbenet's mouth. In that case, a perfect imprint of her lips was found on the tape which indicated it was likely put on postmortem. No sign of her mouth moving, tongue protruding or such. Bloody mucus on that tape also indicated postmortem placement. I think they are looking for the same things on the tape from Caylee, evidence to indicate whether she was dead or alive when it was placed over her mouth.

I still think it is possible that the duct tape and especially the heart sticker were some goofy attempt by Casey to stage the body. Something she apparently abandoned, since she moves on to the Zanny story. Black humor, but it's like this chick had an attack of ADD during the body disposal. Started out staging it, got bored, thought about Fusian, dropped the body and took off.
YEP - and now you got the old neurons really firing.....following along with that conversation LA said "you weren't there for work, but not for fun either" - KC replied with something about being there to meet a mutual friend or friends. Now I always thought that meant she WASN'T there ALONE. I mean if you go somewhere alone you are going to meet A friend - BUT if you are going WITH someone then you are going to meet a MUTUAL friend - get my drift?

I do, now I am bouncing an alternate theory back at you.

When I tried to decipher that little bit of KC code, I thought that KC was trying to hint to Lee something about being at Universal with Yuri and Allen. As for the 'like before' part, I was thinking, 'Ok, so she took Yuri on a wild goose chase the night before, false leads, all the lies, fake addresses and apartments and people" (Also not alone.)

So in my brain, the code was deciphered and translated like this, "KC, so, when you went to Universal with LE, did you give them the same BS story and run-around like you did before (i.e. last night on the Sawgrass tour)?"

New Year's Day - I remember because I commented about who moves over New Year's? And I was promptly told that alot of people do. Personally if I had to move over the first - I would do it either 12/30 or 1/2. I just thought it strange.

Really? Alot of people do? After New Years Eve, I wouldn't think most people would move from the couch!
Tampa to Orlando is a short car trip. An hour or two at the most. Not far enough for a plane - maybe a bus....

K, so my first theory is still in play - company car. New alternative - drove with a co-worker. Lee's car is pretty familar from news casts down there. We even recognize it on sight. Do you really think his employers want him to show up at clients in it? And maybe have their businesses show up on a web cam or media video as a result?

I don't think so.
Wow. What's up with GR? :waitasec: Him and JB having a falling out? JB not producing his client for a GR EXCLUSIVE fast enough?

Wouldn't it be almost worth it to SA to make an offer to have KC take a plea and confess what happened to Caylee? Save a long and expensive trial, avoid appeals and a lifetime of KC proclaiming her innocence? And if she takes a plea, she'd have to stand up in court and admit what she did too.

Yes, I know KC is a LIAR, but the LE have enough evidence and information to know pretty much if she is tellling mostly the truth and the SA can stipulate if LE determines she is lying during her elocution that the deal is off the table.

O/T, I know, but the thought of Casey taking a plea deal almost makes my stomach roll.

We would not hear all of the evidence that law enforcement has gathered; we would be robbed of hearing all the testimony from the hundreds of witnesses.

Besides, even if Casey were told to tell the truth, she has enough wiggle room to leave out an awful lot of information during any elocution while holding up her end of a plea deal.

Way too many questions would remain unanswered, and frankly, I would feel cheated--especially after having been so ensconsed in this case since the very first day it hit the media airwaves.

I want to hear what her friends have to say, I want to know who Caylee's father is, I want to know what Casey's actions were during that entire month, I want to know everything that a trial would expose.
Well I sure as shooting don't think so! I'm confused. Mind you, I am a little bit grateful he makes fauz pas like these, aren't you? Another little trickle of info.
Wonder why he isn't respecting the As privacy during this time? He is also one who gives TMI.
I do, now I am bouncing an alternate theory back at you.

When I tried to decipher that little bit of KC code, I thought that KC was trying to hint to Lee something about being at Universal with Yuri and Allen. As for the 'like before' part, I was thinking, 'Ok, so she took Yuri on a wild goose chase the night before, false leads, all the lies, fake addresses and apartments and people" (Also not alone.)

So in my brain, the code was deciphered and translated like this, "KC, so, when you wnet to Universal with LE, did you give them the same BS story and run-around like you did before (i.e. last night on the Sawgrass tour)?"

Ah - ok - let me see if I'm following you. You are taking that conversation between them as KC was relaying what she said and did with LE on her "wild goose chases" all over town - because, of course, LA didn't really know what she did with LE. Am I right?

I never looked at it that way. Good point. I always thought she was trying to relay to him some "overlooked event" for clarification as to what he was finding out in his "own investigation". Speaking of that, I wonder if LE ever got his "binder" that LP said he told the FBI to go get.
Maybe even has his name on it in big block letters. I have one for my son. Of course, he's 11. But it still has his name on it.

And I would not be the slightest bit surprised if his name is on it in CA's printing vs. block letters. She is meticulous about organization and details, don't ya know.
There are other things they can be looking for on the tape, probably already discussed elsewhere on WS. The kind of things they found on the tape on Jonbenet's mouth. In that case, a perfect imprint of her lips was found on the tape which indicated it was likely put on postmortem. No sign of her mouth moving, tongue protruding or such. Bloody mucus on that tape also indicated postmortem placement. I think they are looking for the same things on the tape from Caylee, evidence to indicate whether she was dead or alive when it was placed over her mouth.

I still think it is possible that the duct tape and especially the heart sticker were some goofy attempt by Casey to stage the body. Something she apparently abandoned, since she moves on to the Zanny story. Black humor, but it's like this chick had an attack of ADD during the body disposal. Started out staging it, got bored, thought about Fusian, dropped the body and took off.
Ok...the ADD part made me chuckle.
Thanks LJ. You're very organized.

Thanks to the Super Sleuthers, you, too, can be as organized as LJ!

Highly recommend bookmarking THIS page for access to pretty much any media, documents, videos, audio, show transcripts related to the case. It's like the ultimate Caylee case reference library. And the Ping and Text map work done there is amazing!
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