IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #169

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From the order-In light of the unauthorized filming and broadcasting of pre-hearing activities in the Courtroom on October 19, 2023, the Court denies these requests in full.

@FrostedGlass the media recorded before she was at the bench then broadcast Rozzi storming from the back and motioning RA's wife and mother to leave the courtroom. It probably made her mad!
I suspect it did make her mad. I just didn't see in her orders where she banned filming and broadcasting of pre-hearing activities.

She'll have total control of what comes out of the courtroom or nothing will come out. IMO
I suspect it did make her mad. I just didn't see in her orders where she banned filming and broadcasting of pre-hearing activities.

She'll have total control of what comes out of the courtroom or nothing will come out. IMO

Gull doesn't need the cameras on the 31st. She only had them there to televise the sandbagging of B & R with added LE pile on for shame. Job done now back to behind the curtain.

Nothing to see here!

All MOO.
I suspect it did make her mad. I just didn't see in her orders where she banned filming and broadcasting of pre-hearing activities.

She'll have total control of what comes out of the courtroom or nothing will come out. IMO

I didn't see it either. If she approves any media filming in the courtroom in the future she may include that in the order. In last year's Ohio vs. Wagner trial the camera was broadcasting pre-trial activities long before the judge took the bench (sometimes with audio) but that eventually got halted.
Gull doesn't need the cameras on the 31st. She only had them there to televise the sandbagging of B & R with added LE pile on for shame. Job done now back to behind the curtain.

Nothing to see here!

All MOO.
I'm really, really hoping that this scenario and the one you posted earlier this morning don't come to fruition.
OTOH, there is nothing that I've seen so far that gives me confidence they won't.
"We regret to inform viewers tuning to see justice of Abby & Libby, that this show has been replaced by 'All About Judge Fran Gull', an exciting new series which features and stars Judge Fran Gull..."

It would be funny if it weren't so damn serious.
I didn't see it either. If she approves any media filming in the courtroom in the future she may include that in the order. In last year's Ohio vs. Wagner trial the camera was broadcasting pre-trial activities long before the judge took the bench (sometimes with audio) but that eventually got halted.
This is what she stated in her Oct. 27 order about the media/cameras:

NO weapons of any kind are permitted in the building, except for on-duty law enforcement officers providing security to the Courthouse and the parties. Cellular telephones are permitted in the building, but must be powered OFF and unused at all times while in the building or the Courtroom. Violations are subject to seizure and destruction of the cellular telephone. No electronic equipment or devices are permitted in the Carroll Circuit Court. This includes electronic watches. Media personnel are permitted to attend the Court session. NO cameras, electronics, lap tops or recording equipment of any kind is permitted on the Second and Third Floors of the Courthouse, nor inside the Carroll Circuit Courtroom. All such equipment is limited to the First Floor.
Deeper dive Gull/Lebrato:

Life in prison for killer in deaths of mom, 3 kids

thank you @twall for posting this article RSBM BBM
“I’ve been on the bench for a while,” said Gull who was a deputy prosecutor in Allen County prior to becoming a judge.

Meet the Judges | Allen Superior Court
tap open on Gull to see Gull bio ^

Gull = would expect her to be prosecution friendly
Gull = worked as prosecutor for Allen County
Gull = works as Criminal Administrative Judge for Allen County
Gull = member of Allen County Community Corrections Executive Board
and more...

Allen County’s chief public defender reinstated after weeks long suspension
As part of his reinstatement, Lebrato must abide by three conditions.

His reinstatement is “subject to his compliance including voluntary participation and compliance with the Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, the repayment of attorney’s fees incurred during the course of the investigation and that he refrain from any retaliation against any public defender or staff member who participated in our investigation,” Bunnell read from a statement.

The Assistance Program is an agency of the Indiana Supreme Court, Surbeck said, “well respected and rigorous.” Lebrato will undergo a “professional assessment by a clinical psychologist,” Surbeck added.

Judges & Lawyers Assistance Program:

Lebrato = Chief Public Defender for Allen County (over 60+ attnys/staff)
Lebrato = suspension w/ referral/compliance to the lawyers' drug/alcohol assistance program
(to clarify & understand 2022 suspension)
Lebrato = defender on many cases in Gull's court per newstation last night (previously linked)

Gull/Lebrato know each other. Gull calling upon Allen County's Chief Public Defender; how does Lebrato have time to rep RA? Have to assume Lebrato will access his large County PD organization's investigator and counsel resources.

Allen County PD Office - counsel directory list
Allen County Public Defender's Office - Directory
Allen County PD Office - staff list
Allen County Public Defender's Office - Team

The Chief Public Defender is responsible for the overall management of the Allen County agency, including daily administration, personnel, training, caseload management, and quality control of all areas necessary to secure high quality representation for clients appointed to the agency. The Chief Public Defender is hired by and report directly and solely to the Public Defender's Board of Allen County.
all JMHO
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wanted to refresh my memory of Old D vs. New D experience/qualifications

For Rozzi
Braden J. Dean, Logansport and Lafayette, Indiana Law Attorney | Hillis, Hillis, & Rozzi | Logansport, Indiana Lawyer | Estates, Wills, Divorce, Family Law, Criminal Law, OWI / DUI

And somehow I missed this (never-ending) bio for Baldwin.
Andrew J. Baldwin | The Criminal Defense Team

And, now it's obvious who wrote the Franks' memo, who ran down rabbit trails after the investigators ...
And, this bio makes it obvious why discovery was not locked down in the Baldwin office.
Sometimes I really wish I had a better handle on legal and procedural stuff, but it is what it is. In an attempt to educate myself, I listen to different views, like The Prosecutors, Defense Diaries, MS, read MSM, consider opinions on WS, etc. What I find is that everything, like politics, is very polarized. I have no idea where the truth is in any of what has happened in Delphi, from the murders themselves, to the investigation, to the legal proceedings, and so on. My sense is that the truth is somewhere in the middle, where most folks don't like to sit. Unfortunately, that's where I'm stuck because I don't know what the hell is going on.
I suspect it did make her mad. I just didn't see in her orders where she banned filming and broadcasting of pre-hearing activities.

She'll have total control of what comes out of the courtroom or nothing will come out. IMO

It should only be the hearing that’s intended to be televised, not scrutiny on the comings and goings of people attending it. I can understand why that would put people off from even attending. So she bans cameras to prevent that from happening, good for her. The media will have to learn to show some class rather than looking for sensationalism to broadcast.
FWIW, my sense of Gull is that she's no-nonsense and appreciates efficiency. I can appreciate that she has plenty of experience - and she well knows that with such a circus of a case, she HAS to have control to run a fair trial ... and to assert that control early on via pre-trial.

(She may have over done that ... shot herself in the foot ... but ... maybe not. We shall see. She either made her removal of counsel decisions with all facts she needed in hand ... or she did not. We can't know the facts or the merits of her decision b/c she protected and continues to protect whatever went down in chambers.)

FWIW, given the new D team background, there's a good chance we will find the new D team arguing a more traditional defense strategy, in a more traditional manner. (Obviously, this something Gull would prefer.)

Another Possible advantage is that the new D team actually knows Gull (same County) and understands her style.

What's more important is that RA gets along w/ new counsel style ... yet TBD.
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It should only be the hearing that’s intended to be televised, not scrutiny on the comings and goings of people attending it. I can understand why that would put people off from even attending. So she bans cameras to prevent that from happening, good for her. The media will have to learn to show some class rather than looking for sensationalism to broadcast.

Agree. This is Gull in control of her courtroom and the proceedings; messaging the media.

Pre-trial, she's also concerned with protecting the voir dire / jury pool / process.
Sometimes I really wish I had a better handle on legal and procedural stuff, but it is what it is. In an attempt to educate myself, I listen to different views, like The Prosecutors, Defense Diaries, MS, read MSM, consider opinions on WS, etc. What I find is that everything, like politics, is very polarized. I have no idea where the truth is in any of what has happened in Delphi, from the murders themselves, to the investigation, to the legal proceedings, and so on. My sense is that the truth is somewhere in the middle, where most folks don't like to sit. Unfortunately, that's where I'm stuck because I don't know what the hell is going on.

Nothing wrong with sitting in the middle, it’s the safest and best place IMO! Unfortunately the focus of the case has moved from the defense attorneys criticism of LE and the Prosecution now to criticism of the Judge. The negativity can get depressing and it’s intended to create doubt. Better just to follow along for the ride, stay in the middle. It never fails to educate, offers an opportunity to learn something new.

Nothing wrong with sitting in the middle, it’s the safest and best place IMO! Unfortunately the focus of the case has moved from the defense attorneys criticism of LE and the Prosecution now to criticism of the Judge. The negativity can get depressing and it’s intended to create doubt. Better just to follow along for the ride, stay in the middle. It never fails to educate, offers an opportunity to learn something new.


I tend to try on every party's hat for a think session. Consequently, my comments may seem a bit schizo. I should write JMHOHO rather than JMHO. (just my humble other hat's opinion).
The Chronological Case Summary (CCS) and the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO)
Here are most of the requirements for the CCS; there are a few others in the link. The parts in red are in bold in the document:
The official requirements for the Chronological Case Summary (CCS) are found in Ind. Trial Rule 77(B).
• The CCS is recognized as an official record of the trial court.
• It is important to enter on the CCS the date of receipt of motions, orders or judgments from the court and then record in real time when service was made, to whom and via what means.
• The rule recognizes that not all events are entered on the CCS as they occur. The date of a CCS entry is the date that the entry is made, regardless of the date on the document or the date the activity occurred.
• The requirement for maintaining a sequential record of events in a case means that events are never backdated.
• A CCS entry must be made on the date that an order is entered into the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO) indicating that is the date on which the order may be found in the RJO. The CCS serves as the index, or locator, of orders, decrees, and judgments of the court. If the date the order is entered in the CCS is the same as the date it is entered in the RJO (as it should be), then one entry will suffice if it indicates that the order is entered in the RJO on that day.
• Clerks must make CCS entries of filed documents and orders on the day they are transmitted to the clerk’s office.
A CCS entry is never amended, corrected, or deleted once made. It may be amended only by another corrective CCS entry. Some courts, with written approval of the Office of Judicial Administration, post CCS entries on the Internet and it is especially important the previously created record in a case does not change from one day to the next.

Record of Judgments and Orders (this is the full list of requirements):
The official requirements for the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO) are found in Ind. Trial Rule 77(D).
• The RJO is an official record of the trial court.
• A separate RJO for confidential matters is maintained unless the RJO is maintained electronically.
• Orders are placed in the RJO by the Court “File Mark” date on the date the Clerk’s office receives the Order. The Clerk may stamp the Order with a “Received Date” stamp. The CCS’s reference to the RJO’s entry serves as a link or index to the RJO.
• All orders that conclude a case or orders that restrict the freedom of an individual are placed in the RJO.
• The RJO does not include every order of the court. Instead, the RJO contains final judgments of the court and “designated” orders of the court.
• A designated order reflects some substantive content such as a judicial action or opinion that contributes to the case's resolution. Procedural orders, such as orders granting a continuance, are not normally placed in the RJO.
• The final decision-maker about whether an order should be placed in the RJO is the judge issuing the order, even if the order appears to be one that would not ordinarily be placed in the RJO
Anvato Universal Player

See above linked TV Interview segment - Scremin on bullet casing evidence.

rut roh

this runs right up the prosecutor's silver bullet theory; good thing? bad thing?

well ... at least he's been there, done that?

Thank you for finding that. Interesting, at first I didn’t realize this interview took place some time ago, prior to the PC being released. I thought oh no, what about that gag order lol!

To me he seemed competent, level headed and refreshing as well…..what a fantastic concept, for defence attorneys to focus on creating doubt over the evidence …..and especially that we wasn’t criticizing the prosecution personally, something the old-D relied on as a consistent practise. I could be wrong but I don’t think Odinism will be resurrected.

There’s hope of this case moving forward!
The Chronological Case Summary (CCS) and the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO)
Here are most of the requirements for the CCS; there are a few others in the link. The parts in red are in bold in the document:
The official requirements for the Chronological Case Summary (CCS) are found in Ind. Trial Rule 77(B).
• The CCS is recognized as an official record of the trial court.
• It is important to enter on the CCS the date of receipt of motions, orders or judgments from the court and then record in real time when service was made, to whom and via what means.
• The rule recognizes that not all events are entered on the CCS as they occur. The date of a CCS entry is the date that the entry is made, regardless of the date on the document or the date the activity occurred.
• The requirement for maintaining a sequential record of events in a case means that events are never backdated.
• A CCS entry must be made on the date that an order is entered into the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO) indicating that is the date on which the order may be found in the RJO. The CCS serves as the index, or locator, of orders, decrees, and judgments of the court. If the date the order is entered in the CCS is the same as the date it is entered in the RJO (as it should be), then one entry will suffice if it indicates that the order is entered in the RJO on that day.
• Clerks must make CCS entries of filed documents and orders on the day they are transmitted to the clerk’s office.
A CCS entry is never amended, corrected, or deleted once made. It may be amended only by another corrective CCS entry. Some courts, with written approval of the Office of Judicial Administration, post CCS entries on the Internet and it is especially important the previously created record in a case does not change from one day to the next.

Record of Judgments and Orders (this is the full list of requirements):
The official requirements for the Record of Judgments and Orders (RJO) are found in Ind. Trial Rule 77(D).
• The RJO is an official record of the trial court.
• A separate RJO for confidential matters is maintained unless the RJO is maintained electronically.
• Orders are placed in the RJO by the Court “File Mark” date on the date the Clerk’s office receives the Order. The Clerk may stamp the Order with a “Received Date” stamp. The CCS’s reference to the RJO’s entry serves as a link or index to the RJO.
• All orders that conclude a case or orders that restrict the freedom of an individual are placed in the RJO.
• The RJO does not include every order of the court. Instead, the RJO contains final judgments of the court and “designated” orders of the court.
• A designated order reflects some substantive content such as a judicial action or opinion that contributes to the case's resolution. Procedural orders, such as orders granting a continuance, are not normally placed in the RJO.
• The final decision-maker about whether an order should be placed in the RJO is the judge issuing the order, even if the order appears to be one that would not ordinarily be placed in the RJO

I will admit I don’t understand. Do you have an issue with the case summary?
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