Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #125

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I guess my question is, what makes him so sure he is right now?
(He better be right!)
1. He has some strong info that he cannot divulge, that makes him absolutely confident that he’s correct OR
2. He jumped to an erroneous conclusion ( he’s only human)
We need an arrest to clear things up at this late date.
Thank you so much for the transcription. Really helpful. I feel like LE is not all on the same page. I have so many questions.

1) The clarification article says the sketches don’t depict the same person and the person in the first sketch is not a person of interest at this time. They must have identified and interviewed him in order to say that. I conclude he was at the bridge and didn’t come forward until he was tipped in or identified from the sketch which is a red flag for me. Otherwise why would they even release the first sketch? Did any single witness see both men? I think the answer is no but I want to put it out there.

2) Tobe says the new sketch is who they think was “more involved”. Maybe his choice of words is not the best but it seems to suggest there could be two people involved and it could be old and new sketch guys.

3) Do we have an estimate of how many people were at the trail that day? Like was it 5? 50?

From what I've read here the number of people at the trails and bridge area between, say, 1PM and 4PM was around 15, give or take. That includes the girls, BG, people there right before the girls got there, FSG, two young women, DG, and maybe a few other trail users. Most of the above were there between roughly 2:45 and 4, 4 being my cutoff before the actual searching started by multiple people.

Between 1PM and 2:45PM:

1. A small group of young people who walked past BG around 1:25 or so maybe 1:30.

2. A&L dropped off at 1:37.

3. Bridge Guy (BG)

So my educated guess for who was there from 1PM-2:45PM would be 5 or 6 people, total, including the girls and BG.

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Thank you so much for the transcription. Really helpful. I feel like LE is not all on the same page. I have so many questions.

1) The clarification article says the sketches don’t depict the same person and the person in the first sketch is not a person of interest at this time. They must have identified and interviewed him in order to say that. I conclude he was at the bridge and didn’t come forward until he was tipped in or identified from the sketch which is a red flag for me. Otherwise why would they even release the first sketch? Did any single witness see both men? I think the answer is no but I want to put it out there.

2) Tobe says the new sketch is who they think was “more involved”. Maybe his choice of words is not the best but it seems to suggest there could be two people involved and it could be old and new sketch guys.

3) Do we have an estimate of how many people were at the trail that day? Like was it 5? 50?
All great points and questions.
1 - My opinion as of lately, is that different 'witnesses' saw two different men.

2- Tobe certainly seems to imply with the use of 'more involved' that there was more than one person .....but his choice of words in the past have always been open to interpretation (ie: the use of the word 'twist' and separately, the 'I know that voice' statement have had posters provide differing opinions in the past.)

3- Flannel Shirt Guy, C.M. (with a friend?), Arguing Couple, 16 year old girl with her 3 friends, Mystery person who came forward a few months later to help with sketch #1, Mystery person who came up with sketch #2 (may not have been on the trails)

At minimum, IMO, there were at least 10 people there that day just before and just after the time the girls were there.....(not including Abby and Libby and the killer.)

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Makes me wonder what "intel" they got that lead them to believe the sketch created the week of the murders is who they're looking for.

The information came from an eyewitness who saw BG before A&L got to the trails.

We almost need another timeline that we can use as reference with JUST the witnesses and sketches info. regarding who saw BG when, and highlighting times he was possibly seen, because it is easy to get lost in recalling the exact sequence, etc.
The simplest way for me to explain it is — it was matter of the, the, our core group of investigators, circling back around and saying — “Plan A, to a certain degree , is not working. So, let’s, let’s rethink this. And, you know, fortunately, our investigators said, “Okay, here’s — this is Plan B.”

Well, Plan B is not working either.
This is one crazy statement in my opinion. This does not really synch up with what LE said at the press conference about the information they were releasing and their change in direction being the result of thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative work.
@Charlot123 , I bolded part of your post to highlight the part I was questioning. That's why it's bolded.

So, I'm trying to understand your thoughts. If a podcast does not contain an interview with LE "clearing" someone, nothing else it says can be considered official?

IMO LE in this case is not going to announce anyone is cleared. The closest they will probably go is what they've said about RL, the Bicycle Bridge Rd people, and DN...that they aren't interested in them at this time. The reason is, announcing the clearance of any individual gives the defense strategy ammunition at trial time. So if you're looking to any source, MSM, podcast, or otherwise, to give you info on who has been cleared, that's probably not going to happen.

The second point you seem to be making is that because certain members of LE who are involved with the case have never appeared in any podcasts, all podcasts are"unofficial?" You are trying to say that a podcast must contain ALL LE participants or witnesses to be considered official?

To me this is quite illogical. In the DTH podcast we have the direct statements of both the state police superintendent and the case's assigned public information officer. If you're saying that because the FBI agents assigned to the case did not also weigh in, everything else that LE stated is unofficial, that is just mind boggling to me.

Your opinion is your opinion, however. Thank you for letting us know how you developed yours.

Either you did not understand me, or understood too well. Either way, it is tricky, shaky ground.

But here is your statement.

So, I'm trying to understand your thoughts. If a podcast does not contain an interview with LE "clearing" someone, nothing else it says can be considered official?

Esteemed @Yemelyan, I never said anything like this, and I really don’t know where you got it from. Simply, a few months ago LE said that no one was cleared.

But it is beyond the point. The point is, podcasts are not official sources of information. A statement by DC during 2019 press conference was an official source of information.

Podcasts are entertainment industry. They serve the purpose of making money, spreading the knowledge, educational, advertisement, what not.

Imagine BG participated in the podcast, and we did not know it. And later we found out. Such a podcast would be a historic document! - but in no way an official source of information.

This is all I want to say. And I, too, think that it is the time for another PC, if this case is to ever be solved.

It is a horrible case. Two children were killed.
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Do you or anyone else remember if they searched just the house or impounded any vehicles from there?

I'm a little behind today, and apologize if this has been answered already. This is the only search warrant where reporters were on the scene. We know that there were numerous search warrants issued. But we don't know what type of evidence was collected. Other than a couple of boxes. (See below).

Down the Hill: The Delphi Murders
Episode 3 — A Picture and A Search Warrant

HLN News Anchor Jean Casarez:
[News Report on February 16, 2017]: We do have information to report. The Indiana State Police are serving a search warrant at a home in Delphi. This is in response to information that the police received through tips and through interviews giving probable cause to search the home. No word on whether there have been any arrests at this hour.
Fox59 Reporter Lindsey Eaton:
Correct, correct. We’ve been out here for about an hour. State police did issue a search warrant at this home. Within the past hour, some of the authorities have left. There are still quite a large presence of authorities out here. We have seen detectives bringing out some boxes from this home.

There’s a field next-door to this home. We saw detectives with flashlights looking through the field. Um, at this point, the latest we have heard—no arrest has been made. Troopers in the area—Sgt. Riley actually just told us about an hour ago that they don’t anticipate any arrests to be made but this was part of following up on a tip that they received. And they—he said it’s just another piece of the puzzle. They’re following up on each and every tip.

HLN News Anchor Jean Casarez:
Lindsey, I want some more detail here. How many boxes have you seen authorities take out tonight? Have they taken anything other than boxes? Any carpeting, any mattress, anything?

Fox59 Reporter Lindsey Eaton:
We have not, we have not. We saw maybe just a couple—like I said we got here around 7 o’clock. We saw maybe a couple boxes taken from the home. I think there was either no crime tape around the house. Um, there are a few authorities still out here. They were searching the field next door. We saw them going around the house, up in and out of the front door, and that’s about it at this point.
HLN News Anchor Jean Casarez:
Lindsey, I want some more detail here. How many boxes have you seen authorities take out tonight? Have they taken anything other than boxes? Any carpeting, any mattress, anything?

Fox59 Reporter Lindsey Eaton:
We have not, we have not. We saw maybe just a couple—like I said we got here around 7 o’clock. We saw maybe a couple boxes taken from the home. I think there was either no crime tape around the house. Um, there are a few authorities still out here. They were searching the field next door. We saw them going around the house, up in and out of the front door, and that’s about it at this point.

DTH tried to gain access to the paperwork for the search warrant, but the ISP denied their request and cited the ongoing investigation.
"...sketches really aren’t for people who don’t know the person."

Down the Hill: The Delphi Murders
Episode 7 -- Madness

Individuals Interviewed for this Episode:
Doug Carter - ISP Superintendent
Kim Riley - ISP Police Sgt. & Communications Officer
Kelsi German - Libby's Sister
Todd Ladd - Pastor of United Methodist Church in Delphi
Diane Erskine - Abby's Grandmother
Sadie Maude - Libby's Cousin
Becky Patty - Libby's Grandmother & Legal Guardian
Mike Patty - Libby's Grandfather & Legal Guardian
Tobe Leazenby - Carroll County Sheriff
Erica Gibson - Friend of Abby and Libby
Amy Gibson - Mother of Friend of Abby and Libby

ISP Superintendent Doug Carter:
A sketch is not a photograph. A sketch is what we think is likely a rendition of a composite of a human being. It is not a photograph.

I can look at both of ‘em and put 'em both together. I can see them—I can see them together and that’s what I think this person probably looks like. It’s not a photograph.

Now, remember we have a photograph from the neck down. That’s where somebody who knows who this is. I always think about that now with my own family or with, with other people. You think gosh dang it — somebody, if you, if we put a bag on your head, somebody knows who’s body that is. And we have his voice, and we have his stride. Never in my lifetime did you have all three. And, we still just — this is, this is this monster mystery.

Mid-July 2017 - the first sketch is released five months after the murders

ISP Sgt. Kim Riley:
We feel this is very important because it actually gives a better view of the, uh, the person in the picture that you see down below [the still image taken from the video on Libby’s phone]. Uh, it shows a little more facial features. It gives you a little more information on what we’re looking at -- who the suspect might be. And that’s why we feel it is very important to get this picture out there at this time.

Kelsi German:
It was really interesting to see a face with the body that we had. We knew what his walk kind of looked like, and what he looked like physically, but we didn’t know what his face looked like. And so, putting a face with it was very eye-opening. It made it really real. And it made it so that there was a person we had to look for rather than a voice we had to look for.

Did you recognize the face?

Kelsi German:
I didn’t recognize it. Although, I do think there are a lot of similarities in them. In the face, it did look a lot familiar. A lot of the characteristics in it, you can see them in half the people you walk by down the street.

So, when I look at it -- and I'm like, "oh it could be this person or it could be that person," but really it could be anybody. So, that was kinda something that I was kinda struggling with — trying to figure out who this person could be and why it looked familiar to me.

Pastor Todd Ladd:
I’ve not looked at the sketch and thought, "oh that could be..." One other thing is, the reality is, it could be half the white males in Carroll County. And so, I don’t look at it and have this sense of dread. Or say, “oh here’s who it is”. But, there’s also the acknowledgement that you look around and that’s, that’s half the white males in Carroll County — of a certain age that could look that way.

Diane Erskine:
When you study that face, and you look at the sketch and you look, you try to think about how old they are. And, and you know, try to make, try to make some connection.

I, uh, you know, what’s the first lesson you learn in science -- for every action there’s an equal opposite reaction. So, that’s our, I think in our makeup as human beings. We’re trying to justify, too rationalize. Well, this happened so this -- what is the cause? What’s over here? What’s the action that caused? Well, you — that doesn’t work with evil. It just doesn’t.

Um, there is no justification. There is no rationalization for this act. You know, it — I don’t know what the motivation is -- if there even was a motivation. I, I don’t know because it’s evil. It’s -- and it’s deceiving, and it’s come to kill, and steal, and destroy. And so, there’s just — it’s not, uh, it’s not, uh, a mindset that we have. But as humans, we want to know what caused it.

Do you think he’s local?

Diane Erskine:
I, I don’t — I honestly do not have an opinion about that. Um, [scoffs] it’s hard enough to go to the gas station and the grocery store, and, and, and drive down the road and you see someone walking by the road, and uh, look at them and, and wonder. But, anywhere — and wonder. I, I honestly don’t have a thought that they are or they are not. Honestly, I really don’t.

So when the sketches -- the first sketch came out, did you recognize that face?

Sadie M:
No. Um, still to this day it makes me sick to my stomach. I get a knot in my throat when I hear the voice, um, or see the picture. Or I just -- I don’t know why. It just — that’s what happens.

It’s the face of evil.

Sadie Maude:
Yeah. The first four or five months, I had to have my husband walk me to the car every morning. I wouldn’t go outside when it was dark outside. Just in fear — but in the back of my mind, I don’t think it would happen at night. This was something that happened during the day, but I was just still scared.

Um, it’s changed a lot of people here. Um, not only in our family circle but the whole town. They were in fear. This would never happen here. I mean, there’s three stop lights in town. But it did -- so now we all have changed. Not just one person, we have all changed.

Becky Patty:
There’s been times that you see somebody that just looks a lot like the sketch, and I can’t stop myself. Tara and I were at a stoplight one time, and both of us — and the person felt uncomfortable. I mean, he knew. He felt us staring so hard that he turned and looked at us, but we couldn’t — you can’t help yourself.

You stare. You look. You scan a room. You scan anywhere you are. You go to a restaurant, you’re sitting there and you’re looking. While you’re carrying on your conversation, you’re looking. At work, when we’re on the road, you look.

I keep thinking, “I, you know what — I had a job that I’m out and about a lot, and you think “oh, if only, if only I could see him.”

What would you do?

Becky Patty:
That’d be a tough one.

Well, I want to make sure we get the right person, so I wouldn’t — I definitely would be calling 9-1-1. I would not be — I , if I really thought it was the person, I’d be calling 9-1-1.

Has anybody walked into your office to say, “I look like the sketch. I wanna clear my name. Here’s my DNA?”

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
Yes. [Laugh] That has occurred.

A lot?

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
I’d say less than 5 times that I remember, yeah. Not a lot — but yeah, it has happened.

And by the same token, have there been people that you’ve gone to check out and said “give us some DNA” and they’re like “I’ll pass”.

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
Right, yes. We’ve had that -- and then that’s, you know, where our, our investigators pursue a search warrant thru our prosecutor and pursue it that way, legally.

So, is there anybody that you’ve wanted DNA from that you haven’t gotten it?

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
No one comes to mind. Eventually, we do.

Sgt. Kim Riley:
Tying us up on false leads and innuendos is not something we want. We want actual facts. We want information that’s gonna help us, not hurt somebody else’s pride. Or their dignity, or uh, embarrass a family because you think he’s the killer. Let us make that decision. That’s what we’re here for.

Superintendent Doug Carter:
I got several this morning. And when, you know — we encourage people not to do side by sides because when you talk about somebody you know here -- we’ve had a lot of people that have been targeted in this and, really, it’s complicated their lives.

So, then we encourage people to be really, really careful doing side by sides. Give us the name. Give us the address. Give us your thoughts. But, don’t do a side by side with a living human being. It makes sense. And, keep in mind that a sketch is not a photograph. It is a rendition of an approximate view. Um, it is not a digital photograph.

We also talked to a sketch artist -- not one, uh, here in your state -- who said sketches really aren’t for people who don’t know the person.

Superintendent Doug Carter:

They’re for people who do.

Superintendent Doug Carter:
Oh, I love that. It’s so true. It is so true, Barbara. That’s so true.

Sgt. Kim Riley:
My problem is when you take somebody’s picture, and put it next to the drawing we had, and say "this is the guy" -- and you have no idea who this person is -- or even if you do -- can you tie that person to Delphi? If you can’t, why are you even trying to make something out of nothing?

You wanna be the big star of the show, so to speak. That’s not what police work is all about. It embarrasses that person, for one. Especially if you put a name with it. The next morning, how would you like to have about six phone calls saying -- "Hey Kim Riley, I understand that you’re the murderer of the two girls"? If you look at the Facebook, ya know, I don’t want to be getting those, you know, those phone calls.

Well, you know... if it really is the killer, wouldn’t that perhaps tip him off that now people are on to him? He might change his behavior.

Sgt. Kim Riley:
Yes. He’s gonna change his behavior. He’s gonna change his look. He’s gonna — excuse the expression — get outta dodge. Uh, you know, he’s not gonna hang around.

Tell us. Send that information to us. Don’t send it and then put it on facebook. Or put it on Facebook and then decide to send to us. Cause we’re not -- we look at Facebook but we don’t — that’s not where we get our information. We get our information from the tipline and from the emails.

And, preferably, we prefer the emails. It’s the easiest way to do it. And, that’s the way we want it 'cause we don’t have time to go on and look at every Facebook page. And we, and most people don’t have that much time and, you know. When you’re, just because we’re dealing with this case doesn’t mean there’s not five, or ten, or fifteen other different cases we’re dealing with also.

Some of them think they could actually solve this.

Sadie Maude:
[Laughs] Can you insert an eye roll there?

Yeah, dumb people and their Facebook investigating -- that's what we like to call it. But they don’t have legal authority to do anything, so I don’t understand why they think they can solve it.

Somebody called a tip in on my husband, and my husband is like under 135 pounds, like no. And, we had a police officer sit down at my kitchen table and ask my husband many, and many, and many questions. And, it was hurtful but we were open to tell him. "No, this is where we were. This is what we were doing." Because we had no shame to hide because we knew what we were doing, and we would never want to do anything like that to someone. Especially to someone in my family of all things.

The cop was like "I don’t know why this tip was called in, but we have to follow up thru this so we’re just gonna ask you these questions. And, if you’re — I might be back if something doesn’t check out." And, everything checked out fine. My husband was at work that day, so —

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
My name’s been brought up three times in the whole process. You know, what was the sheriff doing that day?

You know, uh, were there, uh, a personal issue that someone has against me? Or I — I don’t know. Were that, were those three separate times where they came from — but um, as with everyone else, the -- and I, you know, again kudos to our investigators because they came to me and said "hey sheriff, I hate to tell you this but..."

We gotta check you out.

Sheriff Tobe Leazenby:
[Laughs] Yeah, yeah. And so, like everyone else, uh, you know, that’s exactly what they did. I mean, they checked into the various individuals in our community and said okay you know what — where were you basically during this time period on February 13, 2017?

Erika Gibson:
People talk without knowing anything.

Amy Gibson:
Um, people just want their five seconds of fame, and that’s all it comes down to. You know, they want to throw out whatever they can to get their name out there. Regardless if it’s true, regardless of who it hurts. They just — they’re selfish. They don’t care about Abby and Libby. Their interest is just to be the one who caught the killer and to get that money. I mean, that’s all it comes down to. They don’t have — they don’t care all about Delphi. They don’t care about the families, you know.

Erika Gibson:
They all bash everybody in Delphi. Like every person in Delphi is this or Delphi people are this. And so, we know we’re not that.

Amy Gibson:
Ya know, we come from a good town. Delphi is not bad, you know. We’ve never had violence here like this. I’ve grown up here my whole life. We’ve never had anything like this happen before, you know. And, everybody you know -- getting on LE saying that they, that they’re corrupt, and they know what happened, and all that stuff.

We don’t believe that. The people that live here, we trust in our law enforcement. You know, we trust that they’re doing everything they can. This doesn’t happen here. They didn’t know what was happening. You know, like, I would never blame them for anything.

Mike Patty:
It doesn’t bother me, it really doesn’t because I know the truth is on my side. People can speculate, and throw out all kinds of stuff, and innuendos, and rumors. It’s not going to change the facts. And remember, right — I live in a world of facts and data.

Um, while I would like for my family and everybody else to be able to see the, you know, the speculations that people put out there. It really doesn’t. And, even between the wife and I — she’ll, I know at times she says I don’t know how it doesn’t bother you. And, I say because it doesn’t — it’s not the truth.

You know, people out there that look at this as, as uh, I don’t know if they look at this as a case. I don’t, I don’t know how to say it for sure, but if they would take all that energy that they spend and put it in a positive light, they could truly possibly help the situation.

But, you know — and, and that’s what I would ask people. To stop and think before you post. Before you do things — is this really gonna help? How can I help the situation? Make it better, not worse. Um, because all the, you know, the vile stuff that’s been said about, you know, myself and the family -- that doesn’t, that doesn’t provide any positivity towards to getting to a resolution here.

Becky Patty:
And, as for some of the other things -- I just think there’s malicious people out there. Too much time on their hands. Um, the only thing that worries me is that it’s not just us but there’s other people that they could potentially ruin their lives. You know, these people have done nothing. These are innocent people out there. There’s only one guilty person, so all of these pictures and all of these people that they’re sharing -- you know, they’re all innocent. Maybe, maybe one.

Becky, I can’t help but notice — you’ve obviously suffered unspeakable loss but its this, or this part of the story, about this kind of effect of social media -- it's the first time I’ve seen you visibly angry.

Becky Patty:
I get very angry. There’s been so many lies -- not rumors, lies -- brought out. There’s been things, private things, that’ve been put out there that should’ve never been put out there. They have invaded things that they should’ve never invaded. This isn’t entertainment, this is our lives. So yeah, I get very angry because they, I think, dirty Libby’s memory.

Sgt. Kim Riley
That’s the information we were getting. People were ex-wives, ex-husbands, um, ex-lovers. We were getting information on them. Just because you don’t like ‘em doesn’t mean that they killed those two little girls.

Why do you think that people do that?

Sgt. Kim Riley:
Just to cause a hassle for them. Uh, I mean, because if we get a tip on you, we’re gonna have to check into it. I mean -- we don’t, we don’t know where you were at that day. We don’t know what you were doing. So, we gotta send somebody out or call a department in the area — because some of these tips were coming from all over the country, all over the world. We have had people -- we weren’t gonna transport guys all over the country to do it. We would have to call the area’s local departments in the area -- sheriff’s department or maybe the FBI had to send out somebody. So, it was, it was tying up time and a lot of precious time that we really didn’t have.

So, if somebody sent in a tip and said that I was the person, then you would have to call the Atlanta police department, who would have to then track down my employer, who would then, basically, have to vouch for if I was actually working that day or not. That’s the, that’s the extent —

Sgt. Kim Riley

And, if you weren’t, if you were out running errands, then you gotta go track down —

Sgt. Kim Riley
People that you talked to.

If we have you in Atlanta on that day, you’re not going to be in Delphi at the — if we have you in Atlanta, at the station or on an errand to go get something, and you were back in an hour, we — that’s gonna cover you pretty good.

But let's say you called in sick that day. Now, we gotta go send somebody. First of all, we send them to your work to find out if you worked that day, and they tell us no he was not there. Now, we gotta send somebody to your house to talk to you. And, you’re going, "Delphi, Indiana? Where in the world is that at?" And, now we’ve wasted your time. We’ve wasted the investigators time here to send the information to Atlanta, to have Atlanta or the FBI -- whoever wants to do it -- find himself an investigator to check on you.
I'm sorry, Charlot, but based on the information that has been released (in addition to what we may have heard on the scanner transmissions), I just can't get on board with the idea of the girls being taken from the scene and later returned.

We know that sunset on 02/13/2017 was at 6:20pm (Sunrise and sunset times in Delphi, IN - February 2017). We also know that searches for the girls began around 4pm and continued throughout the night without ceasing. Kelsi reiterated this info numerous times in the Scene of the Crime podcasts, as well as the James Renner interviews. IMO, there is no way the perpetrator could have removed the girls for any period of time, and returned later (under darkness) with them. In my mind, this theory creates too many hazards for BG. The last thing he wanted was to fall down the hill and break a leg while trying to navigate the terrain and keep two young girls under his control.

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The shack comment has been debated on numerous occasions. While originally I believed the girls may have been taken to a run-down building somewhere near the scene, I absolutely have changed my mind about this. Especially after re-watching the James Renner interviews with Kelsi (
). I now believe any reference to the shack (made by DC) in the April PC was leading to the belief that BG has a bit if a conscience left. "There’s also a book that talks so well about evil, about death and about eternity," Carter said. "To the murderer, I believe you have just a little bit of a conscience left. And I can assure you that how you left (German and Williams) in that woods is not what they’re experiencing today." (Delphi murders: Why 'The Shack' film was mentioned in reference to killings)

*Reminder- specific information from the scanner thread may not be discussed here. Although, you can almost always find an approved source to bring the information in. ;) Great resource for finding some additional info!
Unless BG was the driver of said vehicle. Didn't want to be seen. Picked it up later. Just my own thought.
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I can't believe this murderer is still on the loose.
How can one man murder two fit energetic teenagers?
Godspeed finding this animal.
Love from Australia.
BBM. How indeed...
We know that BG got the girls "down the hill", and we have no information to suggest they were murdered elsewhere, and returned to the location where they were found. I am guessing that BG quickly incapacitated Abby by perhaps pistol whipping her, and then had a violent struggle with Libby, killing her. We were told Libby "put up a fight". The only way the Perp could have been attacking Libby with Abby there, is if he had either had Libby tie her up, or the Perp knocked Abby out quickly, then turned on Libby.

This is the only scenario that makes sense to me.

Amateur opinion and speculation
The simplest way for me to explain it is — it was matter of the, the, our core group of investigators, circling back around and saying — “Plan A, to a certain degree , is not working. So, let’s, let’s rethink this. And, you know, fortunately, our investigators said, “Okay, here’s — this is Plan B.”

Well, Plan B is not working either.
This is one crazy statement in my opinion. This does not really synch up with what LE said at the press conference about the information they were releasing and their change in direction being the result of thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative work.

This whole Plan A/Plan B is one of the most confusing statements I've heard. What is Plan A or Plan B anyway? Must be some behind-the-scenes investigative strategy? Or, could it potentially be sketch 1 and sketch 2?

Could Plan A or Plan B refer ton more than one suspect? They went after OBG, without success, so now they are attempting ton focus on his partner in crime (YBG). We don't know what kind of tips LE has received all along. But, I do believe there was a tip (possibly involving more than one perpetrator), that lead them to begin "circling back around". And not necessarily a new tip. Could have been something they missed early on when the case was being reviewed?

IMO, investigators have done a darn good job of protecting the investigation. Any statement given (media, podcasts, interviews, etc.), really hasn't told us much; COD, MOD, who has provided or refused DNA samples, has anyone taken a polygraph and failed, whether they actually have a suspect (or two), what the real reason (outside of thousands of hours of investigative work), the team has decided to "change directions", etc.? I feel like we get little tidbits here and there, but nothing solid really. And most of those tidbits are alluding to something- none of them come right out and say it.

Any opinions on the real reason a new sketch was released (I'm guessing this the changing directions part)?
This whole Plan A/Plan B is one of the most confusing statements I've heard. What is Plan A or Plan B anyway? Must be some behind-the-scenes investigative strategy? Or, could it potentially be sketch 1 and sketch 2?

Could Plan A or Plan B refer ton more than one suspect? They went after OBG, without success, so now they are attempting ton focus on his partner in crime (YBG). We don't know what kind of tips LE has received all along. But, I do believe there was a tip (possibly involving more than one perpetrator), that lead them to begin "circling back around". And not necessarily a new tip. Could have been something they missed early on when the case was being reviewed?

IMO, investigators have done a darn good job of protecting the investigation. Any statement given (media, podcasts, interviews, etc.), really hasn't told us much; COD, MOD, who has provided or refused DNA samples, has anyone taken a polygraph and failed, whether they actually have a suspect (or two), what the real reason (outside of thousands of hours of investigative work), the team has decided to "change directions", etc.? I feel like we get little tidbits here and there, but nothing solid really. And most of those tidbits are alluding to something- none of them come right out and say it.

Any opinions on the real reason a new sketch was released (I'm guessing this the changing directions part)?

I originally thought the April 2019 press conference and change in direction was actually due to new information. Since the Feb 2019 press conference had no energy at all, I thought something had come to their attention very suddenly and it caused them to go back to a much earlier sketch. I even wondered whether familial DNA had come back that, although not specific to an individual, showed the killer was from the Delphi area. Like everybody then I thought something big was getting ready to happen. Now I feel that presser was a complete failure. It all kinda made sense at the time but now it makes no sense at all. The two sketch thing has been a complete debacle. Without context it means nothing. I wish LE would have another press conference and release more information.
Esteemed @Yemelyan, I never said anything like this, and I really don’t know where you got it from. Simply, a few months ago LE said that no one was cleared.


@Charlot123 This is a quote from you: "But if no one was cleared, it, honestly, turns podcast into a nice story, not an official source of information."

That's what I was asking for clarification on. It sounds like you mean, if the podcast doesn't clear anybody, it's not an official source of information. My point was that LE is not going to clear anybody at this stage, through any medium. So requiring that in order to call a source of information official, is odd to me.

However, maybe that's not what you meant to write. But now you are telling us you didn't write it at all. That's fine.
BBM. How indeed...
We know that BG got the girls "down the hill", and we have no information to suggest they were murdered elsewhere, and returned to the location where they were found. I am guessing that BG quickly incapacitated Abby by perhaps pistol whipping her, and then had a violent struggle with Libby, killing her. We were told Libby "put up a fight". The only way the Perp could have been attacking Libby with Abby there, is if he had either had Libby tie her up, or the Perp knocked Abby out quickly, then turned on Libby.

This is the only scenario that makes sense to me.

Amateur opinion and speculation

The issue with any murder or incapacitation of either girl on the bridge side of the creek causes me to speculate, did he drag her across the creek, up the bank, to the part of the CS where the bodies were found? I suspect that to be a difficult task.

For me, it would be a scenario such as, he pulls a gun, he says, if either of you scream, or run, I'll kill you both right here on the spot, now, move, over there, toward the creek.

Or, upon shuffling down the hill, to the road, the girls saw an opportunity, or someone, or something, that caused them to flee toward, and across the creek.

Or, they were thrown in to a vehicle and driven immediately to the cemetery, by two perps, one the driver, the other BG. Then corralled down the hill to the murder scene. That'd take probably 15 minutes or so. It would also allow an escape by vehicle, all within an hour. But does NOT account for the shoe, the clothing in the creek, and the apparent roughed up spot on the bank on the far side of the creek that I recall seeing, including a photo of a man/investigator looking at the area so described. HOWEVER, one of the girls may have tried to escape, going the OPPOSITE direction, from the final murder scene, DOWN the creek bank, and across back toward the bridge, but hey, that's a stretch in my mind, but entirely possible.

Lastly, for me, I've always been bothered by the "Libby put up a fight", and "violent struggle" ideas. These ideas, AFAIK, have no basis in definitive LE reporting do they? We don't know what went down. That's the closest to truth/facts as I can I tell. We don't know.

As far as all the confusion regarding BG1, BG2 sketches, for me, I am focused on BG2. I think he's the killer they are seeking. AND, I think he's the guy on the bridge.
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Lastly, for me, I've always been bothered by the "Libby put up a fight", and "violent struggle" ideas. These ideas, AFAIK, have no basis in definitive LE reporting do they? We don't know what went down. That's the closest to truth/facts as I can I tell. We don't know.

Snipped to highlight this part.

No, we don't know that this is true from anything said by LE. Her family members (it specifically stems from an early comment by her grandfather - not MP, but her maternal one) are saying this based on her personality and perhaps some general knowledge of her injuries but according to both family and LE, family has not been given specific details on the crime scene, murder, or cause of death that would allow them to actually know this. So I think - and I don't mean to be unkind because I understand why they feel this way - that this is hopeful thinking on their part.
@Charlot123 This is a quote from you: "But if no one was cleared, it, honestly, turns podcast into a nice story, not an official source of information."

That's what I was asking for clarification on. It sounds like you mean, if the podcast doesn't clear anybody, it's not an official source of information. My point was that LE is not going to clear anybody at this stage, through any medium. So requiring that in order to call a source of information official, is odd to me.

However, maybe that's not what you meant to write. But now you are telling us you didn't write it at all. That's fine.

Oh, no, I didn’t expect anyone to be cleared on the stage, this would be from tabloid talk show genre, not podcast, lol. Still a difference.

“On the scene?” Never. But because LE said that they had not yet cleared a single person before they came up with these two podcasts, I started thinking that theoretically, given the situation, they could have invited BG on the podcast, not knowing it. And then I imagined how it would sound like.

But they did not, of course. Instead, came another commercial product, somewhat better done. My main point is - in no way do I view DTH as an official source of information.No more than Dr. Oz, sorry. (At least Dr. Oz has more audience and is the way to attract nation’s attention to the case). I also thought that if instead of PCs all we are getting from LE now are podcasts, the state of affairs must be miserable ((.

So my dream is - that they would finally make a dedicated professional task group, look at all information with a fresh eye, and solve the case. If it is solvable. If not, warn the public. But the perp is a major public danger, so deal with him accordingly.
At minimum, IMO, there were at least 10 people there that day just before and just after the time the girls were there.....(not including Abby and Libby and the killer.)
When you dwell on it, and the fact that it was broad daylight and the middle of the day, it seems surreal that two girls were actually murdered.
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