IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #5

DNA Solves
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From what I can see from the pictures, is that there is a small time elapsed from the first to the second frame.
I would suppose that by looking at the guys legs, he may be really drunk.
His gait is unsteady.

If he was drunk i would not be surprised at all.
Maybe whatever he may be carrying in his pockets is quite heavy and affecting his gait?
Wonder if one of the reasons he might have his hands appearing to be in pockets, is because he is actually holding up his pants?
So I apologize if someone has brought this up already. I know yesterday we were discussing it pretty good, but I had a thought last night and now I cant stop looking at the pictures of the perp. Someone (thank you to this person) posted an over lapping picture of the 2 stills that were released. There is approximately 1 step between the boards. In both stills, the suspect has his hands in his pockets. I couldnt get why he looked like 2 different people. I think I have it. I dont think he is wearing a hoodie at all. I think he is wearing at hat. Either camo or light brown. I think what looks like a hoodie is long white curly hair. If you look at his eyes, they are shadowed... probably from the brim of the hat. When he turns his head a bit to start walking more to the left, the shadow almost reveals one of his eyes. This makes since in the fact that he never took his hands from his pockets so how could the hoodie be up in one shot and down in the next step? Its not a hoodie or his hair, its def a hat and nothing changed but the angle of his head and the way the light is hitting it. Thoughts?

I agree that I think it maybe a light brownish hat of some sort he is wearing.

I kept thinking something was off with his "hair" and the more I looked and looked I now think it is a hat.

I think he is older than I originally thought.
I'm not a techie, so wondering when a cell tower is pinged, can it be reversed/traced back to the cell phone that pinged the tower. Sorry, I may not be very clear. TIA

Yes. I have had service issues with my cell phone and found out going through the tech support dept. just how much info is obtained from the service towers. They were able to tell me if I bounced from one tower to another or if the second tower didn't connect/pick up my phone. They even told me that it looked like most of my issues were when I was in a general area. They were rather specific with the area too. I was down to the neighborhood.

They knew if my phone was idle, on call, call received by tower but not sent through to phone, etc.
So I apologize if someone has brought this up already. I know yesterday we were discussing it pretty good, but I had a thought last night and now I cant stop looking at the pictures of the perp. Someone (thank you to this person) posted an over lapping picture of the 2 stills that were released. There is approximately 1 step between the boards. In both stills, the suspect has his hands in his pockets. I couldnt get why he looked like 2 different people. I think I have it. I dont think he is wearing a hoodie at all. I think he is wearing at hat. Either camo or light brown. I think what looks like a hoodie is long white curly hair. If you look at his eyes, they are shadowed... probably from the brim of the hat. When he turns his head a bit to start walking more to the left, the shadow almost reveals one of his eyes. This makes since in the fact that he never took his hands from his pockets so how could the hoodie be up in one shot and down in the next step? Its not a hoodie or his hair, its def a hat and nothing changed but the angle of his head and the way the light is hitting it. Thoughts?

I agree. I've thought he was wearing a hat since day one. The two pictures layed on top of each other in that gif make it clear that it's just his head moving, and the hat's positioning in relation to the camera is changing, that's all. The extra camo pattern (or what looks like camo pattern to me) looks like the lining of a hood, whether it's the lining in the blue jacket or from a hoodie underneath. MOO.
Would a dog picking up on a scent be enough for a search warrant? Like if a dog followed the scent of the man to the property where the search warrant was served? I know this is a stretch..

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IMO he is a drifter. Guns are heavy and he looks like he has the gun with the heavier weight of the gun in the deep end of the pocket, possible nylon jacket that stuff falls out of. I have met "hobos" in the woods. I love the woods. They typically wear layers, have facial hair, baggy pants. Walking in the woods, hard on the knees. Walking on tracks so so hard on the knees. His pants are baggy but he is not using a walking stick. Recent drifter I think. He might have stayed by the bridge. Bridges offer shelter and keep you hidden so well by a road. I have found stashes under bridges, liquor, *advertiser censored*. He also appears in good shape, so maybe recent drifter. He may walk the railroad tracks, they are quieter than hiking trails and connect towns to get food. You can also hop the trains, they move slow. He is organized enough to pull this crime, very dangerous individual. Thinking of those girls.

Drifters rarely have money, and rarely carry bulky weapons in their coats. All of their possessions are usually burned up on drugs and alcohol.
LE may have found an abandoned camp nearby. That would explain the appeal for info about a hiker. There would have been a lot of DNA left behind.
That makes me wonder about that pic from FB that looks like a face. Someone said a while back that LE was looking under the bridge and there were also shoes on the ground under the bridge. And it looks like there may be a tarp on the ground in one of the close up pics. Or maybe its nothing...
If he's a drifter, I wonder if he was camped out somewhere near the bridge - like in the old cabin that is across the creek from where the girls were found. (Didn't some locals mention the existence of that cabin in an earlier thread? I hope I'm remembering correctly.) Maybe the girls went down to the cabin to explore and that's where they encountered him. :(

Hello, Ive been following this thread from close to the beginning. I cant help but to think that this was completely set up through SM (maybe snapchat?) by the perp from the beginning. To me it makes sense that this started some time ago with the suspect contacting one of the girls (liberty?) through some kind of meeting app, kids do it all the time, my kids would meet girls all over the state when they were in high school and traveling for sports. If she was to meet a "kid" and start talking to him, maybe even exchange pics (not genuine of him of course) and eventually gain a level of trust that could explain why a 13 year old girl would go out alone (with a possibly unexpected friend) to meet someone on the middle of a high bridge unprotected and isolated.

This makes perfect sense to me that a predator would disguise himself as a young innocent boy on SM then lure the girl (or girls) to that bridge. Once he knew they were there he would then walk out himself seemingly just a guy walking the bridge thus explaining a) being out on that bridge when they are, b) his head down and hands in pockets, and c) his being on the opposite side of them. I would postulate that the girls were out on the bridge taking pics and videos to occupy their time while waiting for their young friend to show up and inadvertently captured him in their videos.

Once on the bridge and knowing the girls were indeed isolated and having cased the situation up close he could have either struck there and forced the girls to go with him, or possibly just walked back off the bridge and sent a message to them to meet them over by the cemetery instead of the bridge and they would have gone there willingly to meet the "boy"

After much thought I believe that this person knows the area very well, he knows peoples hiking patterns, he knows the cemetery, he knows the bridge and dropoff points, and even where to commit the crime and leave the bodies undetected. I would submit that he grew up there exploring that area extensively as a child/teen. I would also submit that he does not live in the area anymore, seeing as no one from that small community has recognized him. It would seem plausible to me that he would be a truck driver of some kind as he would have time on stops to "hunt" the SM hookup sites for the perfect victim and set up a meeting when he was going through that area.

I don't believe for a second that this was and accidental meeting and I am very concerned that this is a very sophisticated trap that a deviant sexual predator/serial killer laid out very intentionally probably using an untraceable phone, fake names, fake pics, etc, his only real mistake being inadvertently captured on a video that got sent somewhere or uploaded to the cloud. Whether this is his first crime of this nature is of course unknown, but if he's not caught it wont be his last. Lets hope LE is able to identify him and arrest him soon.

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Based on the demeanor and statements of LE at the first press conference, I felt SURE they knew who did this and it was just a matter of (SHORT!) time before apprehending him. Now I think they were so guarded because they have absolutely no clue and that is downright SCARY! Why aren't they warning the public about a crazed madman on the loose???

"Dance as if no one is watching" but act as if there is always a madman on the loose!
Can you explain what you think happened? I'm not a map person, but I'd like to hear your theory.

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Just my speculation:

  • This guy stalked the girls toward the southeast end of the bridge. He knew the trail ended there and that there would be significantly less chance of somebody happening upon them on that side of the creek. Maybe he passed them going the other direction and doubled back, maybe he saw them over that way from the NW side of the bridge and followed... not really sure. But I think he isolated them on that side of the creek.
  • I think a trail cam or security camera mounted near the SE end of the bridge (most likely by one of the property owners near there) is what captured the picture or video of this . I also think he appears to have his left hand in his pants pocket, but his right hand in his hoodie pocket because he is holding a weapon that would not fit in his right pants pocket.
  • Given that the property owner whose land the bodies were discovered on lived on the north side of the creek, if he stalked the girls to the SE end of the bridge, they somehow got back across to the north side. I can't imagine that this guy's plan involved entering the creek, so I can only figure that the girls crossed the creek trying to get away (it's shallow enough to walk across). This would also explain why there were quite a few LE folks searching IN the creek at that spot. You see LE vehicles parked as close as they can be to this location in the creek on both sides (cemetery to the north, gravel road near end of bridge to the south). I'm guessing this is where he caught up to them, probably just to the north side of the creek - it would be very difficult to climb the hill on the north side very quickly... it's very steep there as we saw in the video with the property owner.

That seems the most plausible scenario to me given what we know.

To speculate a little further, if he had a vehicle parked somewhere, he obviously would have taken the quickest route back to that location at that point. If he didn't have a vehicle, it seems unlikely that he would head west back toward the bridge or trail head... also seems unlikely that he would make the difficult hike up the hill to the north... also seems unlikely that he would go back across the creek toward the private residences to the south... so my guess would be, if he didn't have a vehicle, he probably followed along the creek bed or the banks to the east until he found a spot where he could get out of the area unseen.

Again, all just my speculation.
If the police had a search warrant there was probable cause to spend hours trashing the home.
There's no wonder that people are making accusations...the police and the judge already did so.

Not necessarily. The police would have probable cause if the bodies were found on someone's private property for example.

I am very glad the police have come out and cleared this person. Usually that doesn't happen and the person who's land/home was searched is left to twist in the wind of rank speculation. At least this time they made it very clear this person is not involved.
Just my speculation:

  • This guy stalked the girls toward the southeast end of the bridge. He knew the trail ended there and that there would be significantly less chance of somebody happening upon them on that side of the creek. Maybe he passed them going the other direction and doubled back, maybe he saw them over that way from the NW side of the bridge and followed... not really sure. But I think he isolated them on that side of the creek.
  • I think a trail cam or security camera mounted near the SE end of the bridge (most likely by one of the property owners near there) is what captured the picture or video of this . I also think he appears to have his left hand in his pants pocket, but his right hand in his hoodie pocket because he is holding a weapon that would not fit in his right pants pocket.
  • Given that the property owner whose land the bodies were discovered on lived on the north side of the creek, if he stalked them to the SE end of the bridge, they somehow got back across to the north side. I can't imagine that the ' plan involved entering the creek, so I can only figure that they crossed the creek trying to get away (it's shallow enough to walk across). This would also explain why there were quite a few LE folks searching IN the creek at that spot. You see LE vehicles parked as close as they can be to this location in the creek on both sides (cemetery to the north, gravel road near end of bridge to the south). I'm guessing this is where he caught up to them, probably just to the north side of the creek - it would be very difficult to climb the hill on the north side very quickly... it's very steep there as we saw in the video with the property owner.

That seems the most plausible scenario to me given what we know.

To speculate a little further, if he had a vehicle parked somewhere, he obviously would have taken the quickest route back to that location at that point. If he didn't have a vehicle, it seems unlikely that he would head west back toward the bridge or trail head... also seems unlikely that he would make the difficult hike up the hill to the north... also seems unlikely that he would go back across the creek toward the private residences to the south... so my guess would be, if he didn't have a vehicle, he probably followed along the creek bed or the banks to the east until he found a spot where he could get out of the area unseen.

Again, all just my speculation.
Thank you! I agree with you on a majority of your speculations.

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Yes.............he's from that area and he knows that area well. This wasn't some freaking hitchhiker on his way through town.

On that same note...............were we able to actually observe him walking across that bridge-- the bridge with all of it's pitfalls and hazardous places-- I'll bet he zipped right across if he's done it plenty of times before. Someone who had never set foot on that bridge would approach it with a lot of caution due to the lack of a guardrail, rotting timbers, creaking wood, open crevices to the water below, and the height above the river. Walking across it the first time would be a huge adrenaline rush.
I saw a video that's a few years old of a homeless man in Delphi. He looks very similar to the person in the photo to me. But from the video, he seems like a really good person.

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Yes.............he's from that area and he knows that area well. This wasn't some freaking hitchhiker on his way through town.

On that same note...............were we able to actually observe him walking across that bridge-- the bridge with all of it's pitfalls and hazardous places-- I'll bet he zipped right across if he's done it plenty of times before. Someone who had never set foot on that bridge would approach it with a lot of caution due to the lack of a guardrail, rotting timbers, creaking wood, open crevices to the water below, and the height above the river. Walking across it the first time would be a huge adrenaline rush.

I am in agreement with Marlboro--steelman here. This guy knows this bridge and lay of the land.

And since we're all tapping fingers here, I tapped away at the image so we have something new to scrutinize,

Not clear because the dang originals are so bad. However, I do see binoculars around his neck (cropped out of this image I am posting). Also see the fur lined hood. Can't figure out what that straight black thing is--a scope? Nothing? Comments welcome.



  • trail guy zoom.JPG
    trail guy zoom.JPG
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That's what I was convinced of... yesterday. But now, well, how does the new "hitchhiker" plea from LE fit in? Plus the fact that if he's a local, then why all the trouble identifying him?? It's confusing.
The question regarding a drifter is "how does a drifter from out of town with no knowledge of that area end up on that bridge?"

If you recall, the video from the helicopter showed LE on a bridge with it blocked off and I believe this to be the area where the High Bridge Trail crosses the Hoosier Heartland Hwy. It actually would make sense for a drifter walking down the Hwy to take a pronounced walking trail looking for a park area to hang out.

The thing about someone without transportation and their picture being in the media within 24 hours, how far could they have gotten in the days following? I'm not going to bet against him being able to cover considerable ground as a hitchhiker after the crime, but I would think it would be far more challenging and he may not have made it that far away.

Do we have the exact location where the girls were dropped off? I'm wondering if someone walking the Hoosier Hearltand could have seen them get out of a car or walk across the footbridge and then decided to pursue.
I could Imagine he had a change of clothes in it perhaps, and then put bloody clothes in it and dumped it somewhere.

These pictures are hard to make out and there are so blurry, but there are distinct differences between them, including mostly, he is stepping in a different way. The pictures are starting to haunt me- I know they are many of you, too. Some of you focus on the hair, or hat, or hood, whatever is going on at the top of the head, some focus on what could explain the poochiness in the jacket, and others focus on the feet to identify the shoes. Well done, I must say, because that sort of detail analysis must happen. I have focused, myself, on the head and the waste band.
I am in agreement with Marlboro--steelman here. This guy knows this bridge and lay of the land.

And since we're all tapping fingers here, I tapped away at the image so we have something new to scrutinize,

Not clear because the dang originals are so bad. However, I do see binoculars around his neck (cropped out of this image I am posting). Also see the fur lined hood. Can't figure out what that straight black thing is--a scope? Nothing? Comments welcome.



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Remember those paper-dolls where you could quickly change the outfit?
Sometimes wish there was an easy application like that to project the potential disguises a suspect on the loose might try, like different clothing styles/ looks/hair colour.
We are asking people in Logansport all the way to Lafayette if they saw somebody around that late afternoon on February 13 walking down the roadway. We would like to know about that person,” said Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley. Police believe the man may have changed his look to try and hide his identity. They are asking every Hoosier to keep their eyes and ears open.

“You may be out at a restaurant and you hear somebody say something about it or talking to somebody else. Any information that we can find on this case. Nothing is too small for us to look into,” said Sgt. Riley.
Yes.............he's from that area and he knows that area well. This wasn't some freaking hitchhiker on his way through town.

On that same note...............were we able to actually observe him walking across that bridge-- the bridge with all of it's pitfalls and hazardous places-- I'll bet he zipped right across if he's done it plenty of times before. Someone who had never set foot on that bridge would approach it with a lot of caution due to the lack of a guardrail, rotting timbers, creaking wood, open crevices to the water below, and the height above the river. Walking across it the first time would be a huge adrenaline rush.

Another possibility is that he works or has worked in a job that requires being comfortable in high places. This could be construction of tall buildings, roofing, working on telephone or power lines, building silos or water towers, etc. The most likely one to me would be someone who worked in construction and had to walk across beams that were high in the air; most of them don't even think about keeping their balance or falling off. I agree that he's probably familiar with the bridge, but it isn't the only possibility.
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