IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #6

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Oh yes....I think this is very possible.
Reason to wear so many layers of clothes was to shed them either before or after
crimes committed. And any DNA that LE may have could have come from the
clothes discarded or that were hidden and then found by LE.
Again, MOO:moo:

IMO the reason for so many clothes ....... it warms up u shed a layer as it gets cold u add a layer.

Not because of crimes.
I think he walked away wearing the same clothes.

I also don't think they will find him. He is long gone.

IMO the reason for so many clothes ....... it warms up u shed a layer as it gets cold u add a layer.

Not because of crimes.
I think he walked away wearing the same clothes.

I also don't think they will find him. He is long gone.


I do hope they find him but I'm under the same opinion as you....he's long gone and only by chance they'll catch him.
IMO I think he was in that area for a couple weeks, just a homeless person who by chance stayed in that area for awhile and then saw an opportunity to do what he did and he moved on.
It's horrible!
She comes from good family too. They are all in shock. :(
Not to mention I'm going through hell with my daughter at the moment and haven't seen my granddaughter since Jan 2. FOR NO REASON. She's done some terrible things and I'm doing all I can to save my little grandbaby. I don't want her to be another statistic! :pullhair::anguish: (so sorry for going off topic!!!) Just please keep us in your prayers.
My hubby walked by a few minutes ago and said he couldn't believe I was still up and asked what I was doing. Websleuthing of course! He said he was glad I was back to doing something that keeps my mind occupied. ANYWAY! <3
I hope that the PC actually does hold some valuable new info and a massive reward for finding the killer! Money can and will make people talk. Even if it is against their loved ones!

Sorry you are having a rough time of it hope everything works out ok with your daughter and granddaughter.

I also wondered if a reward would help in this case I don't think it would do any harm given the severity of the situation. Thanks for all the links to watch the press conference everyone it is much appreciated.
We live in a small town just south of Delphi. We too have visited this area several years ago. It is a popular fall hiking spot as the foilage is nice.

I know it seems odd to many of you why teenagers would be there but in our small rural farming towns there is zero crime and definitely no murders/homicides. We all know our neighbors, grew up in these small towns and dont lock our doors to run an errand or our vehicles in our driveways. An occasional dui or public intox or family dispute is all the crazy we ever deal with. Until now. My husband is a school teacher at the HS here. The schools have issued gentle reminders since this happened about SM and awareness of your surroundings. ISP has been stepping up wolf pack and not just on main highways. There are active things in motion some more subtle than others and I am guessing to not cause alarm. The day this occurred it was 49* and sunny. It was very warm for a Feb day in Indiana. There are several out structures on Deer Creek. From the first time the pictures were posted by every news outlet it struck me as so odd how OVER dressed he was. My thought was this was taken after the murders and he was living in one of the out structures and had to flee with everything some how on him to not draw attention to himself. We have had a very unusually warm winter this year with record warm temps in Jan/Feb. I think he left with what he thought was everything but the outstructure he was staying in contains the connection. Just my theory. He is just too overdressed. ISP initially stated in one of the press conferences that no one on the trails could place the girls on the trails during their hikes. But someone placed bridge dude there by the pix. I took that to mean others from the trails came in voluntarily to ISP but bridge dude did not. So very senseless and unnerving. No one in our small towns will soon forget how vulernable we all feel now. Prayers for these families and that they find him soon.

Four girls were murdered in Flora in January.
I do hope they find him but I'm under the same opinion as you....he's long gone and only by chance they'll catch him.
IMO I think he was in that area for a couple weeks, just a homeless person who by chance stayed in that area for awhile and then saw an opportunity to do what he did and he moved on.

It's possible that he was living close by, "homeless", but he might be banking on folks' assumptions.

Unless there have been legit sightings within a 30 mile radius, he pulled a Houdini, which tells me he's a pro.
Can't go to sleep. Blegh. I do hope though they at least give the manner of death. That could give vital clues in case someone came home bloody and needed to wash up. Maybe a spouse noticed bloody clothing in the wash and the husband or significant other gave a random excuse.
I still feel the layering of the clothing was either to hide evidence on his underlying clothing after the fact or he was hiding a weapon or trophy.
There are so many SK's out there who lead normal lives until they are caught. Then looking back everyone realizes they weren't that normal after all.
I definitely don't think this was his first rodeo.
Maybe we should look into children abducted around school holidays or summer vacation?
Maybe his own family goes to visit relatives during that time and that gives him the opportunity to go on the hunt.
He definitely doesn't want to mess with older stronger victims. He wants them easy to control and manipulate. Plus I think he has a liking for younger girls.
Is it possible by ANY chance, that this man has a daughter that goes to school with these girls and he was familiar with them through this? Maybe they even visited at some point? Maybe he used his son or daughter's open laptop to look at these kids and see what they liked to do. Maybe just maybe he saw a post by one of them that said they were visiting this park later in the day?

Maybe he became infatuated with them or maybe it was his impulse to do it that day to any of their friends who was posting their where abouts on SM.
This is something we DO need to teach our kids! Do not announce where you will be heading. Wait until after you return home to post pictures at least.
Predators are everywhere and now they have SM to find their victims and apps geared to different things like dating sites.
No matter what... none of this was the children's fault or their family or parents.

We can come up with a zillion scenarios and work this case like we have done all along with other cases.
People read this website I'm sure and follow their own cases. Hopefully his cage has been rattled by at least ONE post.
I do think he feels confident he will get away with it. I think he's done this before and wasn't caught. But now DNA can link cases from way back to new cases now. Let's hope DNA busts this pervert!

Kinda O/T but do you ever look at your neighbor and wonder if they could get away with such crimes and you not notice? Because you "know him/her and he/she could never be capable of a crime."
Personally, I think that's why so many get away with these crimes. JMOO
It's possible that he was living close by, "homeless", but he might be banking on folks' assumptions.

Unless there have been legit sightings within a 30 mile radius, he pulled a Houdini, which tells me he's a pro.

There are rumors and I repeat 'rumors' that there have been some people that have went to the investigators stating that they have run into him weeks prior.
That's why I'm 'guessing' the investigators were under and near the bridge this past Sunday and Monday looking for clues.
IMO the reason for so many clothes ....... it warms up u shed a layer as it gets cold u add a layer.

Not because of crimes.
I think he walked away wearing the same clothes.

I also don't think they will find him. He is long gone.


Oh, I think that he will be found and brought to justice. This crime can be solved.
This guy didn't set out to kill the girls, he didn't set out to kill anyone. He was here because he enjoys the bridge/scenery.

So he didn't hitchhike in he didn't bicycle in he didn't park mile(s) away. He came in like he always has ... He's been here before.

He's not here for exercise, he didn't meet the girls or track them from SM.

He's very efficient to say the least. He places himself around the trails by visual remembrance. He knows where and when he can possibly be seen at all times from every angle.

Speaks/interacts with girls to pry for info. Possibly See's them being dropped off.

After setting up some quick trust by speaking and walking off. He does a quick survey to check for people and calculates his time and where to strike.

The proximity of the body's and knowing they'll be found right away says he's not the least bit worried ... he's on his way back home out of town.

He lives a normal life very adaptive. He's done this or something similar before. Partially retired successful type. Travels often.

Look at the most common aspect that brings people here... The Bridge first, then exercise/photography.

He's not here to exercise and he's not coming to a place known to be populated in the middle of the day to kill someone. That leaves the bridge/scenery.

The only thing that's blown his cover is the pics. Other than that he played Houdini in the middle of the day and didn't leave an impact in anybody's mind on the way in or way out. It was a mere opportunity that lines up perfect in his eyes so he acted on it.

This isn't a rookie, he did this all in a very very short time frame. With no impact on his surroundings.

If caught will deff be linked to other crime(s)

Age late 40s to 50

Hasn't done anything to change his appearance, he knows better.

Prob involved in some minor way at some point with his local school system.

All moo

Hopefully press conference tells us more.

And it prob goes without saying but any info we're going to get did nobody any good by delaying it 5 days.

This! I agree. The pic will be his downfall. However the pic game to be, it's the key to finding this perp. And I agree he knows the trails well. IMHO

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Sorry you are having a rough time of it hope everything works out ok with your daughter and granddaughter.

I also wondered if a reward would help in this case I don't think it would do any harm given the severity of the situation. Thanks for all the links to watch the press conference everyone it is much appreciated.
Thank you for the positive vibes:loveyou:
I think a reward would lead to an arrest in this case if he is in fact from this small town.
You know there are people who wander from area to area by choice and live off the grid in tents and such. Pick up small jobs here and there to make a little money and never put down roots. I wouldn't necessarily consider these types homeless because they chose to live a nomadic lifestyle. They are loners and like it that way.
Maybe they live like that because of their compulsions to do these types of crimes and getting close to anyone would possibly lead to capture.Maybe he's on SSI too and that's his source of income. Anything is possible honestly.
How many ways are there out of this park area? That aren't monitored?
If the girls were found in someone's backyard basically, then why couldn't he have just left during the night quietly and discreetly through someone's backyard? Did it have to be by way of the wooden bridge?
I just think it's in very poor taste to wait until the next day to do a PC "with vital info" meanwhile giving him plenty of time to move on and find other victims. :notgood:
Oh, I think that he will be found and brought to justice. This crime can be solved.

Well if he left DNA behind he has to have DNA on file for some crime or a record. I

If he's not from the area and no one knows who he is or where he's from what are the odds?

i just think he's a drifter. Vagrant.
moves around a lot and no one misses him.
Well if he left DNA behind he has to have DNA on file for some crime or a record. I

If he's not from the area and no one knows who he is or where he's from what are the odds?

i just think he's a drifter. Vagrant.
moves around a lot and no one misses him

Bolded by me...... I agree.
There are rumors and I repeat 'rumors' that there have been some people that have went to the investigators stating that they have run into him weeks prior.
That's why I'm 'guessing' the investigators were under and near the bridge this past Sunday and Monday looking for clues.


Hope that can lead to a break in this case.

I'm feeling so discouraged about the possibility of these vicious murders going cold. Someone cheer me up... jk.

The poor families of those girls ! Losing their babies --can't imagine. It would all but destroy myself and DH if this happened to us.

Right now my .02 is that LE needs to release more info to keep this case from ending up like Lyric and Elizabeth's case.

And I agree with above posters that the killings seem like the work of an experienced perp.

Still maintain the belief that LE was possibly remiss in saying there wasn't a danger to the community.
Of course there is --he's still out there !

If not in Delphi --which I doubt-- he's a danger to whatever community he's gone to hide out in.
As in , maybe he's hiding out in plain sight ??

I have great respect for LE --maybe they're just holding their cards to trip up the perp. In which case they could have a good idea who he might be ?

[FONT=&quot]&#8220;We&#8217;re checking all of our leads. We&#8217;re asking people that were driving down the Hoosier Heartland [Highway] that may have seen a hitchhiker or somebody walking,&#8221; Riley said.[/FONT]
I'm wondering if this case is connected with the missing 14 yr old female child in Kokomo, 10 days earlier, about 34 miles away?

That is interesting. Now...these girls' bodies were found. I'm not sure if they were hidden or out in the open, as if the murderer hoped they would be found. It seems that little to no effort was made in hiding the bodies. That is what makes me think this might not be connected to the other missing girls...why are these bodies out in the open...and the other girls are still missing?

I do, however, think he's a serial offender....simply because I think he's too old to start killing...and I also think starting with two-on-one is a cocky move for a newbie. He had to have had strategy in my opinion.
Can someone please enlighten me in regard to 'snapchat'? I am wondering if it is possible to post a picture that was stored on your phone from a previous time, to snapchat? If so, is there a way to tell when exactly the photo was actually taken?

Although I have been following this case since the beginning, I had never read before that police had said in one of their earlier press conferences, that the girls had not been seen by anyone. (A fellow sleuther posted this a few posts ago). I haven't yet been able to locate the press conference where this was said (anyone?). If true however, then who is to say that the girls were even ON the bridge that day and didn't instead immediately go to perhaps a pre-arranged location to perhaps meet someone?

Initially it showed a couple of photos posted by Libby to snapchat, one of Abigail walking on the bridge, and one of just 'the bridge/a bridge'. Some had apparently speculated (according to a news article) that the photo of the bridge may have been a different bridge and not the Monon Bridge. If so, then who is to say that both photos were not from another time?
I could be wrong or misunderstood but wasn't it reported yesterday that LE said the "he (suspect) wasn't going anywhere"????
I have to think it's pretty hard to find a man no one knows.
There is a reason he is living out in the woods if that's what he was doing.

Is he wanted somewhere else.

If these girls took his picture would that be a reason to kill them?

Or is this a sexual attack of 2 little girls.
He was there.
They were there.
No one else was around..

How horrible for these children and their families.
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