GUILTY IN - DARREN DEON VANN, 43, Gary, body count at seven, more expected

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Indiana slayings: Dogs search vacant homes as feds widen search

“I have dispatched a team of officers along with a cadaver dog to the Glen Park and Mid-town sections of the city,” McKinley said. “The purpose of the search is to ensure that the structures are completely vacant, get them boarded up and place them on the list for demolition.”

I'm very surprised that this article is about 10 articles down on the breaking news page of the Chicago Trib.

HOWEVER, it's the lead story on the NWItimes page:

Cops, cadaver dog comb Gary for more victims

Gary police accompanied by a cadaver dog scoured the city's Glen Park and Midtown neighborhoods Tuesday morning looking for more bodies in abandoned buildings

I'm very glad that they are out there looking though. The sheer number of vacant properties must be so daunting to LE. :(
are all his victims black becuz im thinking of poor haleigh dunn.
Gary is very close to Chicago. It would not surprise me if there are victims/MPs from the Chicago area as well.
Speaking as a former Hoosier, unless Indiana has changed its laws, the state does not have a "not guilty by reason of insanity" type of defense. Indiana at one point, and probably still does ,have the "guilty but insane" plea. This law , on the books for decades, got a lot of national attention in the early 1980's after the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.
What a sad and sorry place to die. Like anyone else, these women must have dreamed of a nice place to live for themselves and their families. Instead they get this. It just isn't right.

:cry: you're so right...just abandoned.
I've read in these linked articles that all seven bodies recovered have been killed in the last seven months. Wonder what he has said to make LE think this goes back twenty years??? Eeek
No matter what they may be investigating or what they may thing of a person of interest LE has to be very careful of what they say publicly. Even though he rportedly confessed, even though he led them to bodies, they still have to be able to provide proof at trial that he is the one who killed the women- and his statement isn't enough to do that. They have to verify his statement- somehow connect him to the women and to the murders. Remember they have to make an assumption of innocence until they can prove different.

If they come out too early saying he is a serial killer, down the road somewhere some attorney will say that he is one of those people who makes false confessions or that he had found the remains and was feeling guilty because he hadn't reported them. And that once he confessed the LE jumped the gun and began accusing their client of the murders and quit investigating them. And if the evidence is weak, that could persuade at least one juror. The officer is being cautious and there is nothing wrong with that as long as he is also through.

I agree , but same time if they tape confession and find bodies in search and he say what had on it no disputing his guilty plea. I don't think he is looking a deal. he said 20 yrs of this. thats a lot of bodies maybe more than that. Im going by other case body counts, if what he say true. This guy is all time.. If he killed 6 women in 1 week or month. 20 years of that is all time for a serial killer.
Screenshot of list

[FONT=Arial, Tahoma, Verdana]From my post above..[/FONT]

Wow. (Letter is dated August 30, 2010)

Using multivariate analysis, we've determined that Gary, Indiana, has an elevated number of unsolved murders of women who were strangled in recent years. The data that local police departments reported to the FBI are consistent with the possibility that multiple-victim killers have operated in northwestern Indiana.
Also, starting in the 1990s we've seen several women who were found strangled in or near abandoned buildings.
I'm getting the feeling that even though he's lived other places (and attacked at least one woman that we know of in one of those places), that Gary is his preferred hunting ground due to the vast number of abandoned houses, the overwhelmed police force, and his familiarity with the area (lived/lives there, has family there). It's a predator's paradise. :(
Wow. (Letter is dated August 30, 2010)

Using multivariate analysis, we've determined that Gary, Indiana, has an elevated number of unsolved murders of women who were strangled in recent years. The data that local police departments reported to the FBI are consistent with the possibility that multiple-victim killers have operated in northwestern Indiana.
Also, starting in the 1990s we've seen several women who were found strangled in or near abandoned buildings.

Wow! That second description that started in 1990 describes this guy to a T!

Should we send this to Hammond PD? They might then pass it on to Gary.
Wow! That second description that started in 1990 describes this guy to a T!

Should we send this to Hammond PD? They might then pass it on to Gary.

This should go to someone for sure, looking at the timeline Yoda posted on page 5 he was in the area for at least some of these, and even when he was living in Austin with his wife, he met her in Hammond, so if they came back to visit their family members ...

He was stationed in North Carolina from 1991-1993(?), but I believe I read he was born in Indiana. Do the victims during his time in the Marines match up to when he may have had leave? Does he have family in that area?

ETA: Also, they cut off right at the end of 2007. I've seen that he was charged in Austin in a December 2007 assault, but he was actually arrested and charged in 2008.

The fact that they cut off right around the time he was arrested in Texas is a big clue, especially since it seems like he was going back and forth up until his arrest.
And court records indicate Vann was convicted in Lake County, Indiana, of misdemeanor residential entry in 2004. The affidavit tied to that crime says he put his girlfriend in a headlock while holding a lighter near a gas can -- an apparent threat to burn her -- before police eventually grabbed and arrested him.

Vann served 90 days in jail for that crime, a class D felony.

You take your girlfriend hostage, physically assault her in front of witnesses, threaten to light her up like a tikki torch, and hold the cops at bay during the entire process.............

90 days ?

No wonder these criminals are repeat offenders.........where is the incentive not to be ?
He registered as a sex offender in prison, then told officials there that he would move back to Gary, Indiana. Texas authorities alerted their colleagues in Lake County, Indiana, that Vann was to be considered a "low risk" sex offender, which is based on experts' assessment of the likelihood that a person will commit another sexual offense.

In the 15 months since Vann left Texas, police said, Vann killed seven women, with six of their bodies found in some of the estimated 10,000 abandoned structures in Gary.

Sounds like some "experts" in Texas need to be haste.

A hearing for a suspect in the killings of seven women in Indiana was postponed Wednesday morning when he refused to answer any questions from a judge.

At a hearing that lasted just two minutes in Crown Point, Darren Deon Vann stared ahead and refused to acknowledge to the judge whether he understood why he was in court. The hearing was postponed for a week.

Judge Kathleen Sullivan told Vann he could be held in jail "forever" if he refuses to answer questions or cooperate in court.
CNN 'Poppi' just said she was at the court this morning and said it was BIZARRE..................DDV would not talk, would not answer anything asked............trying next week........could be a way to get out of death penalty! If he never answers he could just stay in jail forever....................

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