In Fairness To Cindy

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These "strangers" told us to get off of our A$$" and help find Caylee. They used the our concern in this case to sell photo's and videos of Caylee. I donated to TES. I watched their interviews. I've seen the jail house video's. I've read the private emails. I heard LE talk to Cindy about her lies. I've seen them get not one but two lawyers. I've heard them ask for imunity. Should i have been privy to all of this? Maybe not. These folks aren't strangers to me anymore. I think emotion toward these individuals is well placed.

I donated to TES alot of us did,are you trying to say now that are TES donations went to the Anthonys? And TES did try to find Caylee so why even bring a donation to them up at all. And I donated to the Anthonys as well.Thats just it THEY ARE STRANGERS TO all of us here. I wonder how most people lives who are so against the Anthonys would look under the same microscope.
I still don't understand after following the case like Dianne Fossy who the A's are thankful to for the help that has been offered to them. The only entity has been Kid Finders. For an obsure family to recieve so much during during a murder investigation and not show gracious thankfulness defies natures human to human code of being. The people involved in cases like OJ,PS compare KC to these criminal cases. These men were already famous so it wasn't to far of a stretch to see them hire a dream team & it appeared these men were financially set in life. How did this unknown woman child no different than other mothers who kill land such a team? Were all left to speculation.
I am mother of two daughters and one grandson 5. My daughter (youngest) had him when she was twenty. I could tell from the beginning she was not going to be the mother I wanting her to be. She also like Ca lie and was very self center and she lost her temper alot. She married the baby dad and things got worst. I can't count how many time I went over and brought home my precious grandson. She also would take money that given to her to pay the bills. When she turn 21 S___T hit the fan she left her husband and moved in with me. All she wanting to do was party. I ending up kick her out and kept my grandson the last straw was on a rare occession that she was to visit I went by the bar she now work at and she had my grandson in the bar. Long story short.Her ex husband took her court and got custody. I threated to tesfiy against her it she not give in custody with out fight. It is so easy to enable your children when they have your grandkids. I don't think the grandparent should be charge. What happen in the Anthony's house happen all over world when irresponable young girls has babies. Even at this minute a mother and her daughter is arguring over how that young mother is take care of her child. JMO
PS:if my daugher would had put my grandson in any harm way by her hands or others. I would not cover for her. this I know
Well, kids don't always reflect the parents or their parenting style. They are individuals with their own brain hardwiring, their own chemical reactions in their brains, their own motivations and their own emotional factors. We don't know what motivates human beings to act against their own evolutionary self-interests, but if they are acting against those self-interests then it is fairly obvious that their brains and its biological functioning have gone wrong. Neurons may not be firing correctly, pathways in the brain to emotional reaction may be blocked, exposure to ecological poisons may have affected their functioning, there are many reasons why people behave the way they do - we're a combination of nurture and nature and we cannot separate the two.

Some human beings are intelligent enough to sublimate personality disorders and sociopathic tendencies, some are not intelligent enough to do so and some do not have the opportunity to learn because of social factors and age. Some human beings are incapable because of sociological and biological factors to learn theory of mind.

We ascribe all sorts of capabilities and kinds of intelligence to others that they might not have learned or have the physical ability to mimic or learn, just because we have them or have learned them.

There are broken human beings in this world and we just don't have the technology or the medical means to treat them, that doesn't mean that we don't have compassion and pity for them.
If you want to scrutinize people for being in denial, I think that a good portion of the population of this country, perhaps the world, would be under condemnation. Denial is not a conscious reaction, as far as I know. Until further information becomes public, I will reserve judgement on C&G for the cleaning they did.

As far as judging them on their parental skills, I don't think that's pertinent to the case. We are all products of our upbringing, and that includes CA and GA--how far back do you want to go to assign "blame" for what you think KC has done? Maybe it's KC's great-great grandfather who is the center of the "problem"...

IMHO Cleaning what you state smells like death is more than denial. It's obstruction. I also believe that as a parent it is my duty to attempt to provide my child with help for behavioral and mental disorders and to intervene on behalf of any child exposed to such. My daughter is an adult now. It is still my belief that it's my duty to protect others from harm that may come to them through her, if at all possible. :)
I donated to TES alot of us did,are you trying to say now that are TES donations went to the Anthonys? And TES did try to find Caylee so why even bring a donation to them up at all. And I donated to the Anthonys as well.Thats just it THEY ARE STRANGERS TO YOU and all of us here. I wonder how most people lives who are so against the Anthonys would look under the same microscope.

I don't know how on earth you came to that conclusion. NO I don't think TES donations went to the anthonys.

What other peoples lives look like under the same microscope does not change how Cindy Anthony looks. These are my opinions and I'm entitled to them!
Too true! There are some of us who become very emotional when faced with the inabilty of CA to get between Caylee and the danger facing her through her mother. ETA - If you know it is dangerous to run in front of a speeding semi and yet allow your grandchild to do that wrong?

Do you feel the same emotion about GA not being able to get between Caylee and the danger she faced through her mother? Maybe his "hi gorgeous", "hi beautiful" and other stroking words undermined any attempts CA made at bringing KC back in line.
I totally agree that CA loved and cared for Caylee, but I don't agree that she should have washed pants, cleaned cars, accused JG among other things. Stop selling T-shirts. My beef is how she is protecting KC, not whether or not she loved Caylee.

Although you and many others don't agree with the things that CA has done or is doing, do you think it's practical that she should be expected to mold her behavior to suit strangers who are interested in her personal life? Would you be willing to offer up behavioral modification to suit someone you don't know? I'm not trying to be smart, I just trying to shed some light on realities of life.

Since KC has not yet been found guilty, I don't think it's strange behavior to want to believe your child is innocent. It seems a perfectly natural thing, to me. When you're on the outside looking in things look a lot different.
Well, kids don't always reflect the parents or their parenting style. They are individuals with their own brain hardwiring, their own chemical reactions in their brains, their own motivations and their own emotional factors. We don't know what motivates human beings to act against their own evolutionary self-interests, but if they are acting against those self-interests then it is fairly obvious that their brains and its biological functioning have gone wrong. Neurons may not be firing correctly, pathways in the brain to emotional reaction may be blocked, exposure to ecological poisons may have affected their functioning, there are many reasons why people behave the way they do - we're a combination of nurture and nature and we cannot separate the two.

Some human beings are intelligent enough to sublimate personality disorders and sociopathic tendencies, some are not intelligent enough to do so and some do not have the opportunity to learn because of social factors and age. Some human beings are incapable because of sociological and biological factors to learn theory of mind.

We ascribe all sorts of capabilities and kinds of intelligence to others that they might not have learned or have the physical ability to mimic or learn, just because we have them or have learned them.

There are broken human beings in this world and we just don't have the technology or the medical means to treat them, that doesn't mean that we don't have compassion and pity for them.
what Bev said
Although you and many others don't agree with the things that CA has done or is doing, do you think it's practical that she should be expected to mold her behavior to suit strangers who are interested in her personal life? Would you be willing to offer up behavioral modification to suit someone you don't know? I'm not trying to be smart, I just trying to shed some light on realities of life.

Since KC has not yet been found guilty, I don't think it's strange behavior to want to believe your child is innocent. It seems a perfectly natural thing, to me. When you're on the outside looking in things look a lot different.

ITA :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autism. Unless you know a child with this disorder, you cannot know how difficult it was to raise him. However, I continued to make him accountable for his negative behavior because I knew that someday he would be out in the world and others would not coddle him. I did this because I love him and wanted him to be a healthy, independent adult someday.

At the risk of sounding "mean", I think CA has not been a parent to KC in the least and that is one of many reasons that we are here today. I feel bad for her grief, but she contributed to KC's behavior by not making her accountable and protecting her from the consequences of her actions.
I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autism. Unless you know a child with this disorder, you cannot know how difficult it was to raise him. However, I continued to make him accountable for his negative behavior because I knew that someday he would be out in the world and others would not coddle him. I did this because I love him and wanted him to be a healthy, independent adult someday.

At the risk of sounding "mean", I think CA has not been a parent to KC in the least and that is one of many reasons that we are here today. I feel bad for her grief, but she contributed to KC's behavior by not making her accountable and protecting her from the consequences of her actions.

:clap::clap:Wonderful post.
These "strangers" told us to get off of our A$$" and help find Caylee. They used the our concern in this case to sell photo's and videos of Caylee. I donated to TES. I watched their interviews. I've seen the jail house video's. I've read the private emails. I heard LE talk to Cindy about her lies. I've seen them get not one but two lawyers. I've heard them ask for imunity. Should i have been privy to all of this? Maybe not. These folks aren't strangers to me anymore. I think emotion toward these individuals is well placed.

This case is a circus event, IMO. I feel that Caylee's memory is being exploited by the media.
name calling and bickering is zero tolerance today. If you have any of that in any of your posts I highly recommend you edit if I haven't already.
I still don't understand after following the case like Dianne Fossy who the A's are thankful to for the help that has been offered to them. The only entity has been Kid Finders. For an obsure family to recieve so much during during a murder investigation and not show gracious thankfulness defies natures human to human code of being. The people involved in cases like OJ,PS compare KC to these criminal cases. These men were already famous so it wasn't to far of a stretch to see them hire a dream team & it appeared these men were financially set in life. How did this unknown woman child no different than other mothers who kill land such a team? Were all left to speculation.

The ungratefulness is disgusting. This is one of the reasons they are so
disliked. Can someone please find a quote of Cindy saying thank you,
to anyone?
How do you know Cindy hasn't been a parent to KC? Every friend of KC said that she was a good mother who seemingly loved her child and took care of her. That something happened, doesn't make it Cindy's fault. It could be that Cindy was a good parent and the fault whatever it is, lies with KC.
this is a way for people to release their anger, and that's a healthy thing too.

Releasing our own anger on people we dont even know IMO is very scary indeed. IMO thats what therapy is for.
Although you and many others don't agree with the things that CA has done or is doing, do you think it's practical that she should be expected to mold her behavior to suit strangers who are interested in her personal life? Would you be willing to offer up behavioral modification to suit someone you don't know? I'm not trying to be smart, I just trying to shed some light on realities of life.

Since KC has not yet been found guilty, I don't think it's strange behavior to want to believe your child is innocent. It seems a perfectly natural thing, to me. When you're on the outside looking in things look a lot different.

If "molded behavior to suit strangers" equals don't lie to LE. YES!
In Fairness To Cindy: No matter how I feel about her I must give her credit. I believe that her antics, tantrums, rudeness and overall outlandish behavior have served to garner 10 times the amount of interest in this case than would be normal. Cindy, more than any person (even Casey) turned this case into the number three story of 2008. In turn, this has brought a team of the finest attorneys in the land together. A team that might be good enough to get a reduced sentence for her daughter despite the evidence.

Gotta give Cindy that credit.
Cindy Anthony did not knowingly ask to be involved in this mess. I believe all of us have chosen to be involved. This is her life not ours. It was her granddaughter not ours. This is her daughter not ours. No one says she is perfect, but this is her life not ours. We chose to get involved. She is responsible for herself - we are responsible for ourselves.:chicken:
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