In Fairness To Cindy

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I just watched this link that was posted pages ago

I don't understand the point about this and her first Media interview

Frankly the woman doing the interview was being rather intense. (and mean given the circumstances)

There is another old saying you catch more flies with honey. Cindy was more than happy to talk about why where and so on in regards to the whole month of not reporting Caylee missing from Casey LATER - AFTER Caylee was found............And I understand that
She absolutely just wanted to find Caylee
I don't believe she had any clue that Caylee was dead at that stage
I think she was embarassed by Casey's behavior, and wanted to put it on the backburner until she found Caylee.
Cindy wanted Caylee's picture on national news. She got that. She didn't want to explain her evil daughter's actions and was upset because the interviewer wouldn't let Cindy ramble on in her usual Cindy manner. "Some lady from Georgia just called me......Casey is telling the police where Caylee is in her own way........."

Give me a break. Cindy already knew the death smell was in the car. She knows what a liar her daughter is. She wants sane people to believe a "loving mother" is playing head games with LE, telling them in her own way blah, blah, blah.

I didn't think the interviewer was rude except for an interuption, but Cindy would rattle on forever. Cindy, as usual, came across as the control freak she always is. She wouldn't even allow the reporter to tell her Caylee's picture was being shown, she just hung up!

Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen it before. BTW, Cindy got the date wrong again. She said June 14th. :rolleyes:
Cindy wanted Caylee's picture on national news. She got that. She didn't want to explain her evil daughter's actions and was upset because the interviewer wouldn't let Cindy ramble on in her usual Cindy manner. "Some lady from Georgia just called me......Casey is telling the police where Caylee is in her own way........."

Give me a break. Cindy already knew the death smell was in the car. She knows what a liar her daughter is. She wants sane people to believe a "loving mother" is playing head games with LE, telling them in her own way blah, blah, blah.

I didn't think the interviewer was rude at all. Cindy, as usual, came across as the control freak she always is.

Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen it before.

That statement bothered me too.

What was she supposed to say? My daughter is a pathological liar and never makes sense, but I really want to find my granddaughter. I don't think the interviewer was being rude, but definitely a bit too facty considering she was talking with a grandma that just lost her grandaughter ... idk.

I don't believe she knew Caylee was dead. :twocents:

Another thing that bothered me and kind of reminded me of JonBenet Ramsey, is how she said she wanted everyone in America to know Caylee and how it was bad that some lady in georgia didn't know about it.

Caylee was found in their own neighborhood backyard .. But Cindy wanted Caylee to be famous. Makes me wonder how much Cindy knew.
Another thing that bothered me and kind of reminded me of JonBenet Ramsey, is how she said she wanted everyone in America to know Caylee and how it was bad that some lady in georgia didn't know about it.

Caylee was found in their own neighborhood backyard .. But Cindy wanted Caylee to be famous. Makes me wonder how much Cindy knew.

It did sound that way, didn't it?
I guess it could go both ways.
If Cindy DID know, why would she want national attention to her murderous daughter?

Or - she did know, and thought she was clever enough to spin the media - which she obviously wasnt.
I guess it could go both ways.
If Cindy DID know, why would she want national attention to her murderous daughter?

Or - she did know, and thought she was clever enough to spin the media - which she obviously wasnt.

It was a ploy to protect Casey, to make everyone believe the kidnapping story. No one believed Casey was going to be arrested and when she was, Cindy went into action. It was about Casey from the time of her arrest, and Caylee was thrown by the wayside (literally).

I love how the newswoman ended saying they'll be looking out for Caylee "which is more than the family did". Point blank telling it like it is.
I guess it could go both ways.
If Cindy DID know, why would she want national attention to her murderous daughter?

Or - she did know, and thought she was clever enough to spin the media - which she obviously wasnt.

*respectfully snipped

thanks for posting this egoslayer. i never even thought about it until now.
i know the smell of death and cannot believe that cindy didn't absolutely know that it couldn't be anything else, so i'm going for option B. she played a very dangerous game w/ the media and imo, she lost.
I just watched this link that was posted pages ago

I don't understand the point about this and her first Media interview

Frankly the woman doing the interview was being rather intense. (and mean given the circumstances)

That was a great video, thank you Jane. I had never seen it either. I think Cindy was making the reporter mad so the reporter decided to take off the kid gloves. I wish all reporters were like this. Did you hear the click when Cindy hung up on her?
I can see myself getting uptight with everyone around me if a child of mine were missing. I can see snapping at those who were insisting on looking for a dead child when I so desperately wanted a live child and then it wouldn't be my other child in the hot seat either. It may have been unrealistic, but I would have had a major sense of urgency to find a live child for more than one reason. So, I do understand some of it. Had I gotten such a negative reaction as Cindy did.... I might even be more difficult to deal with. (most likely, really don't like strangers in my business) I have no idea - but I do understand it.

This is me - to a tee! I would be absolutely screwed in the eyes of the public if I were in their situation. I can cuss like a sailor when I'm upset, so I hate to think what I would have said in front of a camera! Unfortunately, I also have that quirk of laughing when I'm nervous/scared!! And with those crowds on the lawn -- Oh, me!! I can imagine me running outside, foaming at the mouth, facing the insults/accusations of strangers on my lawn who don't even know me or my family -- what you would see would probably look like a lunatic -- you wouldn't hear anything due to the "bleeps" - and then I guess I'd laugh hysterically and grab that water hose!! The media would have a ball with my case - and I'm not a mean person, however I would appear to be one in that situation. Heck, I'm out in the country -- I'm the one who rescues baby rabbits, sets my alarm and bottle feeds thru the nite, cries if they don't make it. I'm the one who took a GOAT to the vet for a cast when it's leg was broke - and cried all the way.

I can't be that hard on Cindy, because thankfully, I don't have a clue what it REALLY feels like to be in her situation. I can only imagine -- and that doesn't take you anywhere near the real feelings. I think it's easy to sit back and profess what we would all do in her place -- but that, too, is only "imagining" - that's not the real deal.
Cindy complaining because the woman wouldn't let her speak and then hanging up on her had shades of Casey reacting in a similar way during the Aug. 14th video. :wink:
Well, KC has a FATHER too. I am surprised at how many believe CA is responsible for how her child turned out but GA gets a pass. Every time a kid "goes bad", the press and the public always analyze the mother of the perp, unfairly IMO.

Would you mind providing a few examples of the "Everytime". I can't think of one. Although, I do recall several examples of the fathers being dragged through the mud.

There is nothing IMO, unfair about how CA has been perceived. She was/is a bad parent. That, in and of itself does not mean she had a hand in on Caylee's death but I truly believe had CA been a good, responsible parent this tragedy would have been avoided. It's funny, I don't remember any media outlets badmouthing CA. I do know that the media is very good at allowing people to destroy themselves. So, they sat back and let CA have her say, time and again. And, time and again CA chose to use that time to lie, demean, badmouth, obstruct, lash out, and generally make a complete fool of herself. Nope, that woman does not get a free pass in this house.
Would you mind providing a few examples of the "Everytime". I can't think of one. Although, I do recall several examples of the fathers being dragged through the mud.

There is nothing IMO, unfair about how CA has been perceived. She was/is a bad parent. That, in and of itself does not mean she had a hand in on Caylee's death but I truly believe had CA been a good, responsible parent this tragedy would have been avoided. It's funny, I don't remember any media outlets badmouthing CA. I do know that the media is very good at allowing people to destroy themselves. So, they sat back and let CA have her say, time and again. And, time and again CA chose to use that time to lie, demean, badmouth, obstruct, lash out, and generally make a complete fool of herself. Nope, that woman does not get a free pass in this house.

There's no point in providing examples because your mind is made up. There are plenty of books written on this very subject if you care to do your own research.
Cindy complaining because the woman wouldn't let her speak and then hanging up on her had shades of Casey reacting in a similar way during the Aug. 14th video. :wink:
Mom and Daughter are cut from the same cloth. Absolutely!
She was/is a bad parent. .

Wow how do you know that ?

Casey is 22 years of age
There has been 22 years of parenting and None of us have been privy to how Casey was parented

I don't believe that someone who embraces their daughter and granddaughter into their home, to live with them , and feeds and clothes them is a bad parent.

I don't think Cindy and George are Bad Parents at all.

And i hear my own mothers voice from heaven "there but for the grace of god go I"

Seriously I think that the judgment of Cindy and George really has been unfair in so many ways
And we do not know the full story

I for one am waiting until I do hear it

Im off to bed gnight all and remember be nice ;)
This thread is titled "In Fairness to Cindy"? How about changing it to "In Fairness to Caylee" and see what kind of fairness the "A"'s applied to that subject?!

I don't buy it. Not for one second. If I did, I would be bending just like the A's do when they're speaking to KC. Just for the mere fact that CA is STILL proclaiming that KC had nothing to do with it is totally unfair to Caylee. At least be open-minded enough to think it COULD be true!! Nope.......I don't buy it.
It is a terrible thing to even try to think about what we would do, if we where in CA's shoes.

Having a missing little granddaughter and not knowing if she is safe, unharmed or even alive is the most horrifying thing imaginable.

I think everyone agrees, that no one knows exactly what they would do or how they would act in this situation.

My heart goes out to anyone who has ever had to face that nightmare, including CA, GA and everyone in the extended A family.

No one is entirely to blame for the actions of another.

CA, IMO, has had many mental issues even before this case and her unbridled lack of respect for authority (including LE) and her immense sense of denial has led her down a dangerous path of enabling and false sense of reality. And, I think she knows what she is doing but, in her own mind, justifies it.

Although I feel bad for her circumstances, her deep denial will never allow her to believe her daughter did anything wrong and she will lash out with venim and cover for her daughter in any way possible.

I think we can feel sadness and sympathy for her losses.

In the beginning she did everything she could to get the word out that Caylee was missing, but she was also doing everything she could to cover for her daughter.

I can not condone her lying and manipulating the situation and her sense of entitlment that only her "truth" is correct.
I just watched this link that was posted pages ago

I don't understand the point about this and her first Media interview

Frankly the woman doing the interview was being rather intense. (and mean given the circumstances)

There is another old saying you catch more flies with honey. Cindy was more than happy to talk about why where and so on in regards to the whole month of not reporting Caylee missing from Casey LATER - AFTER Caylee was found............And I understand that
She absolutely just wanted to find Caylee
I don't believe she had any clue that Caylee was dead at that stage

Trying to be fair to Cindy, but....
I just watched this link for the first time, too. It was shown before I started following the case. Amazing. That was the first and only time I ever saw a reporter actually try to ask hard questions. I wonder why that stopped? I have always wondered why Cindy or any family member would not/could not answer some of the very simple questions about Casey's strange behavior the month after her child went missing.
1. Where is Caylee right now?
2. Who is this nanny, we have never met her before?
3.Do you know how mortifying and and damning it is to see the pictures of you at Fusion splashed all over tv? (considering that they were trying to get Caylee's pic on TV)
4. Why does the car smell like a dead body?
5. Why did cadaver dogs smell a dead body in our back yard?

Cindy just goes into a fugue state when anyone attempts to ask her any hard questions. But her refusal to answer these questions (pretending that all she wants to do is milk carton Caylee) makes her look as big of a truth-twister/manipulator as her daughter. Being obviously evasive is obvious.
Well, KC has a FATHER too. I am surprised at how many believe CA is responsible for how her child turned out but GA gets a pass. Every time a kid "goes bad", the press and the public always analyze the mother of the perp, unfairly IMO.

Other than that, I do agree with your post.

I don't give GA a pass. CA, however, seems to be the dominant parent. KC has picked up more of her mom's personality traits (lying, rambling on and on) than her dad's. GA is a bit wishy-washy.
Funny about this thread... the same arguments are repeated over and over again each day, and the thread just gets longer and longer.
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