IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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none of L's friends, except 1, appeared to take advantage of--we have had to track them down-that's perplexing, curious, disturbing-pick yr adjective; overall, unfortunate; have info, but they r not choosing to get to us
Only one friend came to them, LE had to go find her other into that what you will...
Takeaways: (1) BPD has no more idea what happened than it did 3 weeks ago; and (2) BPD totally thinks the friends did something/know something.

Confirms that they have spoken to many of LS' friends, but that they had to track them down in all but 1 case.
I really want to know if it is even possible to bring those who left town back to Bloomington?
Capt: what r t connections? what r t underlying motives?...evidence needed to support a particular theory...we need to convince those peop that we need your help in order to find answer
Dad speaking-IMO, sounds very dejected today

Thanking everyone many times...
I think it is a matter of perspective. You have partied with your friends and you would take a bullet for them. But what I have seen is that people that do drugs ( not just use them but actually crave them) are not real friends. They will do anything to cover their butt and get the drugs they want. Logically, I know that there is a difference between recreational drug use and drug addiction but my family has been destroyed by drug addiction. So I tend to look at drug use one way. Again, it's all in what you know and what you have experienced. But any person, regardless Of age, that wouldn't come forward in a missing person case and tell what they know and also covers their butts when someone's life is at stake makes me wonder if they are not criminally responsible.

of age, that wouldn't come forward and tell what they know about a missing
person and is trying to cover their butts shows a lack of character. This behavior makes me suspect that they are criminals.

I understand what you are saying. One of my closest friends in high school was a serious drug addict and you are correct that some people would do anything to cover.

I was talking about this to one of my closest and oldest friends yesterday. The person I just mentioned above had OD'ed on my friend's lap when she was 15. My friend wanted to call the police. But her boyfriend and his friends, one of whose houses they were at, thought it was better to drive her to the hospital themselves despite the fact that her eyes were rolling back in her head and she was having a seizure. They didn't want any ambulance, police, etc. anywhere near that house.

Everyone there except for the person I consider one of my best friend's today was a drug addict. It was a "drug house" and they were in high school, and they risked her life in order to keep the police away from the house.
Re: going to the police. I don't understand why this seems strange or early. LS was last seen at JR's. JR says she headed home at 4:30 (I'm assuming this was known to those looking for her - JW, HT, maybe AR - before the report was filed, at 3? maybe it wasn't). HT says she never got home, at least before HT went to class (which she was in around 2, and so it probably started between then and 1). To me, that says you go to police right away. Am I missing something?

First off, he did the RIGHT thing and I'm glad the report was made early, obviously. Having said that, what makes an early report strange for me are many reasons...

1. HT would likely know her ins/outs more than JW. She was the roommate, knew when she usually arrived home, and SHE wasn't worried. She also likely knew who LS had been with the night before.

2. If it's true that JW and LS broke up, I think it's natural that he MIGHT think she had hooked up with someone else and just hadn't arrived home.

3. It's no secret that this party crowd stayed out late - and probably slept late. I don't think it's unusual for girls to sometimes not come home and sadly, the first thing that would cross most minds, isn't "missing".

4. By the next day, JW probably knew that his friends had punched CR and that LS was with him during, or shortly after, the confrontation. I'd think that JW might have thought that LS was pissed about that and maybe even not wanting to return to her apartment.

5. It appears that JW texted or called HT, then went to her class to get a key. I'd think that if HT was really that concerned to the point that LS may be missing, SHE would have ran back to help him. From what I've read, she didn't.

6. I simply can't imagine calling someon'e parents until you felt CERTAIN that she was either missing or in serious harm. I don't think the evidence that we've been presented, supports that. However, I DO think that there's far more that we don't know about, which perhaps JW was privvy to, that made him jump to this conclusion. But why then, hasn't that been rumored? Perhaps it has been - perhaps it's the OD rumor. But if that's true - what was said and by whom?
Mom: as parent, as mom, u speculate...accident>we can deal with...wish & hope u get to meet L when this is done; songs, music L loves-memorizes words...L and i share inspirational words (crying)...I heard song-"I miss everything about u" ... i love u, L, we need L; we need u to speak up
Interesting new tone from LS' mom today: first acknowledgement that it may have been "a terrible accident" and first even remote insinuation that LS could still be alive (although my guess is that she was just trying to humanize LS to further guilt POIs).
Very depressing...L's mom trying to give them an "out" that maybe an accident happened...anything if only someone will tell where she is...
First off, he did the RIGHT thing and I'm glad the report was made early, obviously. Having said that, what makes an early report strange for me are many reasons...

1. HT would likely know her ins/outs more than JW. She was the roommate, knew when she usually arrived home, and SHE wasn't worried. She also likely knew who LS had been with the night before.

I would assume she wasn't worried because she assumed LS spent the night elsewhere, whether at JW's as HT says was planned or somewhere else. Remember, HT is not on the timeline after 12:30AM. She may have just gone to bed, and not known a thing about CR or anything else that night.

2. If it's true that JW and LS broke up, I think it's natural that he MIGHT think she had hooked up with someone else and just hadn't arrived home.

It's natural to think that JW believed LS left JR's at 4:30AM (I believe I've read that he contacted JR after LS disappeared) and then hooked up with someone else? I don't think so. And I have yet to personally see any reliable indication that they broke up.

3. It's no secret that this party crowd stayed out late - and probably slept late. I don't think it's unusual for girls to sometimes not come home and sadly, the first thing that would cross most minds, isn't "missing".

Slept late, yes. Which may be why JW went to get the key to check if LS was sleeping. If she was not at JR's, and never came home (per HT and the apartment check), she's missing.

4. By the next day, JW probably knew that his friends had punched CR and that LS was with him during, or shortly after, the confrontation. I'd think that JW might have thought that LS was pissed about that and maybe even not wanting to return to her apartment.

He may well have known that by the next day, and I believe he did, at least at some point that day. But my guess is he heard from JR that LS came to his place after CR's, then went home. Could he have disbelieved JR, his frat brother (with whom he was nevertheless not especially friendly), who might be covering for his neighbor? Sure, that's possible. So presumably he would have gone and confronted CR (and JR) - I believe I've read that's what happened. If they satisfied him that LS really hadn't spent the night, again, she's missing.

5. It appears that JW texted or called HT, then went to her class to get a key. I'd think that if HT was really that concerned to the point that LS may be missing, SHE would have ran back to help him. From what I've read, she didn't.

Perhaps. Good point. But JW would be sufficient to check on his own. If LS was not there, as they soon discovered, perhaps HT did leave class, or class was over, and she then joined the search. We don't know.

6. I simply can't imagine calling someon'e parents until you felt CERTAIN that she was either missing or in serious harm. I don't think the evidence that we've been presented, supports that. However, I DO think that there's far more that we don't know about, which perhaps JW was privvy to, that made him jump to this conclusion. But why then, hasn't that been rumored? Perhaps it has been - perhaps it's the OD rumor. But if that's true - what was said and by whom?

I think between her not coming home and the reports from JR (and perhaps CR), which I assume JW had become privy too, plus perhaps the drug rumors (which I believe he had also become privy too) or potentially simple awareness of drug habits, that seems sufficient.
Anyone believe the PsOI are actually listening to the PC? Trouble is the audience wants info as much as LE and even the parents. No wonder they receive "interesting" tips.
Shift in Captain joining with Mom for first time in offering a variety of adjectives that describe what he really thinks of the fact that L's friends and acquaintances have not provided any info on their own (save 1, save seeking those out) to assist in finding L.

IMO, more than a few know what led up to L's disappearance that morning.
Underscores what has been repeatedly stated here all along. The what has not been said, not forthcoming, the very silence, apathy, really, is an indictment.
Captain emphasized several times needing to know what happened that morning before L went missing.

Believe that implies that whatever this crew is claiming went on---watching basketball game at JR's pre-Kilroys; reason behind assault at Smallwood and whatever else they are claiming occurred at the visit to CR/JR's building (talking, visiting, etc.) is Bull.
So who is the one friend who came to LE? Is it JW? We've seen reports that two of LS's friends filed the missing persons report, not JW. But that's two, not one. Perhaps filing the report is different from coming forward.

If it's not JW, is it HT?

Who else could it be?
The PT link posted upthread is fascinating. At least a few people posting there seem like actual "insiders". RUMORS include: many different people confirming that JW and JR were not friends and JR did not live with anyone from the frat; LS' family doesn't think JW is involved, but also doesn't think it was random (posted by someone who gave enough personal information that they could be identified); and LS had been to rehab for alcohol (two sources), but the types and amounts of drug use on the night in question were atypical.

Also, this "spotcrime" report (JR's apartment was apparently burgled over Xmas break) contains the names of JR's roomates (MS, ZD, MC and AF): Also, PT commenter claims all 4 roomates (all from the same town in NJ) were home for summer session, so JR was alone.

ETA: Interestingly, 2 of the roomates are friends w/ JW on FB.
IMO, they are withholding recreational drug use because it must be a major factor in why and how Lauren disappeared that morning. The acquaintances and secondary-tier are also withholding the knowledge of what must be the common use of recreational drugs, as well. No other reason in my mind. None.
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