IN IN - Melinda Creech, 13, Anderson, 4 Sept 1979

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another note is you say thay melinda ran away from an abusive home,however it has her listed as lost,Injured,Missing and has not listed her as a runaway. i believe there is no evidence or her being a runaway. there have been so many children snatched from their own homes sadly, this could be the case with Melinda :(
Khavna said:
another note is you say thay melinda ran away from an abusive home,however it has her listed as lost,Injured,Missing and has not listed her as a runaway. i believe there is no evidence or her being a runaway. there have been so many children snatched from their own homes sadly, this could be the case with Melinda :(

Earlier in this thread there was a post made by another member that has a link to the family's webpage (post 14).

On that web page, it says that Melissa ran away and that the youngest brother Caryl tried to convince her to stay:

"Until then I just try to stay very busy so I don’t worry about her all of the time. I have felt such a huge loss and void from never knowing what happened to her. The hardest hit was our younger brother Caryl (pronounced as Carl). He remembers watching her run down the road and him yelling, “Please don’t go!” He regrets not being able to stop her from running away. Even knowing she never wanted to see us again, would hurt much less than not knowing anything and it would release Caryl from his guilt of not being big enough, old enough, or strong enough to stop her. He still feels as if it was his fault in some way."
could it be that them saying that she was a runaway a cover-up to the truth?:twocents:
Has her falimy been invited to come to websleuths yet? does anyone think I should post about her on the local anderson, in forum? who knows, she may read it.
I think that is a good idea to invite them to websleuths. I also think the Arizona Jane Doe someone posted above resembles Melinda a Lot.
Ok ,i left a message on Melinda's guestbook letting them know we are here. i am sure they have been here before but I guess every little bit helps. I think they have a real good chance of finding her alive.
I really hope so but I just cant imagine why the mother claimed Melinda had died. Even if she wanted to forget, this would just be adding more fuel to the fire.
i'm surprised no one has brought this up yet:
she could have been killed at the detention center/youth home, and there could have been some kind of cover-up (maybe someone took her away & dumped or buried her, to save themselves). have all the employees from that time been investigated to see if there were any reports of abuse-- that is, if any records were kept?

sometimes things happen semi-accidently, from use of restraints, solitary confinement, or a person has an unseen heart condition that kills them during a struggle, and the employees don't get medical help for them in time... i wonder if this youth home still exists or what kind of place it was. if it was a sketchy place, there could have been all kinds of abuses going on.
another possibility- a sexual predator worked there... or she could have threatened to tell people about something going on there.. and she 'disappears'. just a thought.
i wonder if the family has checked morgue records in that area from that time frame to see what kind of anonymous people were buried or cremated.
in the old days, many asylums had their own graveyards (!!!!!!) you gotta wonder about that.. how many suspicious deaths occured. but probably by the 1970's, and for a juvenile detention home, that wouldn't be the case (at least,, legally).
probably, her running away from the place and getting mixed up with the wrong people is a more likely scenario. perhaps she hitched a ride with a trucker or someone else who was intent on murdering young girls.

i wonder if dalles from the cold cases thread (who wrote the book about his trucker father murdering several young people, still yet to be identified) has looked at her photo...?

i would think if she got out of that place alive, she would have either stayed with the friends or acquaintances of someone she knew closeby for a night or 2, and then they might hae hopped on a greyhound bus or hitchhiked straight to california, or maybe vegas... with promises of work and money. i hope any jane does along those routes (& in those areas) have been thoroughly checked.

what about this one:
it says some teeth are out of alignment (which mindy's appear to be, although we don't know if mindy had gotten extensive dental work done? maybe she did after she left the youth home, and someone else paid for it?) and she could have given herself some crude tattoos while in the youth home. the only thing is they say she is 18-25, and mindy would have been 14-15.
i wasn't clear (from her brother's website) if she ran away from HOME, or from the youth home in sept '79. but the remains were found in april 1980, so... well, anyway they've probably already seen her.
reb, the link just goes to the home page, can you repost it please? I am hoping her family comes on over her to talk to us. i never thought about an accidental death at the detention center. I hope that didn't happen.
reb said:
i'm surprised no one has brought this up yet:
she could have been killed at the detention center/youth home, and there could have been some kind of cover-up (maybe someone took her away & dumped or buried her, to save themselves). have all the employees from that time been investigated to see if there were any reports of abuse-- that is, if any records were kept?.
Interesting thoughts. But why would her mom cover up for that? If that happened, I would think she would tell the siblings what happened and/or something more for her death. Good thought, though. May be something to check into.
oops, sorry, here it is again. i think the resemblance is shocking.. but again, her family must have seen it already.. if not, they should!

as for the theory about her accidental death at the detention center... my idea was that NOBODY knew about it. just the staff member (or members) who were involved. perhaps he/they used too much force to subdue her when she was acting out, or trying to run away, or she ran and they brought her back... and they cold sheet-rapped her (a common practive in psych hospitals & youth homes even in the 1980's.. maybe not used much anymore...?) or restained her some other way, tackled her, hit her, cut off her oxygen, she hit her head, she suffocated, who knows... and then instead of getting in trouble, he or they took the body away in secret and disposed of it. it would probably be difficult for this to happen without anyone else knowing about it, but you never know. there may have been no witnesses. or, perhaps she was raped by some psycho who worked there and then he got rid of the body at night... took her out with a huge bag of dirty laundry, or something,, in case anyone saw him. loaded it into his vehicle in the dark, and dumped her somewhere. (just brainstorming here.) and then her mother never knew about it, just heard she ran away, searched for her years later, saw the story about jane doe in NY and assumed it must be her; looked into it with the help of police, then when the police told her it WASN'T her, she was crushed because she could not get closure. so she just decided to convince herself it really was her, and tell her siblings that, so they could have closure too. or maybe as a "see, this is what you get when you run away" lesson. i think she just felt more comfortable believing it was her, no matter what the cop told her. she just had to close that chapter in her life.

i've also noticed something about the whole runaway issue... it seems that in the old days, a female runaway was considerd a shame upon the family. a young girl who did that was considerd a loose, girl, a bad girl, wild, etc.. and i think mothers back then were more likely to just disown their daughter, and write them off. times have changed and parents now seem to do anything possible to get help for their kids, love them no matter what. etc. but i think in earlier times, female runaways were just kind of forgotten about. who knows how mindy's mom felt about her, but she obviously cared enough to try to look for her. and of course there was no internet- and less efficient communications then, so it was harder to look for someone. but she may have been angry at mindy, or angry at the fact that she couldn't find any answers on her whereabouts. so that's why she stuck with the lie of her being murdered.

i coudn't find anything about the 'old blake house' online (including images). but one thing that clued me to the fact that the place might be kind of shabby is that her brother said it was an informal detention center for youths. perhaps this means it was not very well run or well-funded.
OK (correction!), i see now that the mother told her remaining children in 1982, that mindy was killed. then the articles about the unidentified homicide victims, and the letter from the detective saying that it wasn't mindy-- that were found later by mindy's brother after their mom's death in 2003- were from the late 80's.
so...... even though their mom- in '82- had not yet followed that lead and reached a dead end,, she could have still told the lie about mindy being found dead, just to end the whole thing. and perhaps she felt in some way, that 'she would have deserved it'.
strange though-- about her protectiveness of the shed with her husband's tools in it- and the fact that mindy's friends were so convinced that it had some connection to her disappearance.. and that 'their beliefs were so strong they said it was if they could hear mindy calling out to them'......!!! what is up with that??
one thing i'm confused about though-- is that the idea of mindy & her mom having a fight & her being killed suggests that she must have come home AFTER being in the detention center.. right? but everything else on her site suggests that she ran away from center, & was never seen again. so i'm not very clear on that.

another thing that really baffles me--- how no one really know if "she escaped or tried to escape" from the center...? how could you not know which one it was? didn't her mother demand answers??? so if she escaped, then she'd either be in hiding (or not) or living under a different identity to this day (perhaps even in another country),, homeless & unaware that people are looking for her, or something bad happened to her out there & she's dead. if she 'tried to escape'.. what does that mean? does that mean she did escape but was brought back? does it mean she was planning to, but was caught? this implies to me that she may have been punished. in mental hospitals, escaping is a very bad thing... because that means the hospital is liable if something happens to you. so normally they take away ALL privileges, or put you in solitary confinement for a few days, or use whatever other punishments they have. and juvenile centers are much the same, if not worse.
this is also strange.. the charley project states that in 1994, shirley (the mother) informed her kids that mindy had been found dead. must be a misprint, since her brother says shirley told them the lie in '82. it also says they consider her an 'extremely abusive parent'. i also wonder why there is no mention of a father, other than his tools being in the shed.. was the father around, did they know their father? was he alive? and why was there no photo of him on mindy's website (on the family page)? the CP also says that she is of hispanic descent! wow, could've fooled me!! shirley definitely looks like she could be, maybe even part black. but the kids, and especially mindy- look completely irish to me! i wonder if there is more to this story.. is their mom really their mom? how come her kids didn't inherit her skin tone, which appears to be quite dark (maybe the photos aren't very accurate though)? if she was abusive, did that come from her rage at being abandoned by her husband/her kids' father? maybe mindy reminded her of him.
also it states that mindy had a previously fractured left arm~! i wonder if that was from abuse....????

also.. what is on the grounds on the old blake house now? is it still a youth center, or changed to something else? has the property around there been searched- are there any woods (or areas that were wooded in '79) or a pond/lake nearby?
Reb, i think you should contact Doe Network about it or email melinda's family about her. you never know, they may not have seen it. on the website, they have an email on there. Is there anyone from Anderson, In on ehre that can answer a few questions about the Blake House?
OK, i sent an e-mail to the address on mindy's brother's website. better safe than sorry, right?
if it's not her, then it sure is an amazing likeness! and the body was found about a week after death so the drawing is probably quite accurate. good ol' wesley neville!! what a talented guy, as are so many of those forensic artists. what an amazing thing that they do!
Reb, you have lots of good thoughts.

Hmm. I wonder if maybe there was a Jane Doe in/around 1994 and their mom knew it was Melinda but never identified her to LE. She told her kids Melinda was murdered in 1994? Or she told them in 1994? Ok, now I am confusing myself. LOL

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