GUILTY IN - Melinda Lindsey, 23, shot to death, Porter County, 16 Jan 2015 - #1

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We don't know how long SL knew Melinda.

I'm thinking that SL wanted a quick easy fling. I believe had Melinda never gotten pregnant she would still be alive today. I believe that if SL'S first wife not discovered the affair and divorced him, had Melinda been just a fling, she would still be alive. She deserved better. She deserved someone who would love her as much as she loved him. She deserved to grow and see her daughter graduate college, start her own family.

SL, this is my own opinion, maybe felt trapped by a situation out of his control. He wanted out, but wanted to preserve the "good guy" image so he couldn't divorce her. But losing her to a crime would add to his status. He could play the tragic victim. According to Set Her Soul Free, SL told Melinda his wife and child had died. Think about that for a minute. His wife died. Then think about Set Her Soul Free's statement about insurance on Baby Girl.

Melinda and I met Steve "wolfie" as he told us his name was YEARS (2009ish i think) ago while working in the club in chicago.

Melinda wasnt suppose to be able to get PG, she had cancer that she had a VERY slim chance of ever having a child of own.

The Policy on the daughter is actually helping out VERY much for her parents and their laywer.. THANK GOD!

I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone implied the Stalker was someone Melinda met at her place of employment years ago..I believe the post was about her being naive...anyway,the stalker COULD BE someone from her x boyfriend,secret admirer,who knows...or, it could very well be Steve as you all seem to think...I don't even know how long she had been with Steve...I think someone said two years...A beautiful woman like Melinda must have had other boyfriends before him...maybe even got dumped for Steve...I was reading facts about Stalking...I believe Starshine4U posted some of these things that occurred....
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, stalking is defined as "a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear." Stalking behavior can include

  • Repeated, unwanted, intrusive, and frightening communications, by phone, mail, and/or email....Didn't Starshine4U say this occurred?
  • Following or laying in wait for a victim at places victims tend to frequently visit, including home, school, or work....Someone spotted in a car and Starshine4U says they know who that person was.
  • Making direct or indirect threats to harm the victim or the victim's children and family, friends, pets, and even co-workers...According to what starshine4u said...Someone was out beating her dogs...Steve was in the bathroom.
  • Damaging or threatening to damage a victim's property.....garage remote was stolen and the screen on a window cut...
  • Harassing a victim through the Internet, including email, social networking sites, and other sites....This I didn't see posted...although I thought she said E-Mails...

See the stalker thing... Steve kept melinda SOOOOOO isolated it was beyond sad! I honestly believe with everything inside that the stalker thing was a complete set up!

Just wondering with SL having expressed to the courts that he is on medication for depression, anxiety, and sleep problems will the courts request a mental evaluation. When I think of this I grow concerned that it is going to be used in his defense, like the guy that killed his wife in his sleep.

Her family as well as i have talked about this, if he made it an appoint to say something so he could use it later.. see the thing is he would stay up all night and sleep all day.. melinda use to get so mad about it.. bc he did nothing to help with the daughter and she was always taking care of his son as well when he was over *not that she minded bc she loved him*

It seemed to me, that Steve was in a position of power over her also, via his age, and skill at abuse and manipulation. If he kept her in a constant state of fear, insecurity and confusion, it might well have been easy for him to convince her that any "choice" she made of her own, (that didn't include hanging on to his fine self.), would be be a huge mistake...


Like i have said Melinda was BEAUTIFUL as could be.. but NOT the brightest.

What it proves to me is that someone else is involved. I don't believe Steve did the actual "stalking", I believe he got someone else to do it in exchange for a cut in that $1 million.


THIS the family and i have thought to be true as well.

Here's Some Question's I have....

(1) People have said on here this might have been premediated...If he was planning on killing her, why not do it in international waters while on the cruise?

(2)If he planned on killing her like some have suggested why would he do it at or around 6 AM...Why not at night when a home invasion is more likely and his young daughter would be asleep and most likely the neighbors...

(3)I know, everyone says no footprints..When Steve called 911 and people arrived at the scene the Police,EMT'S...They certainly didn't check for foot prints as soon as they arrived...I'm sure they went to the crime, how could they tell who's footprints were who's outside...?

(4)Why not try to make it look like a suicide which would be more believable I would think.

I am still on the stalker theory..Mainly because it was Melinda who reported the stalker...I don't know how many times though.I know people say on here he may have hired someone to help him....I think the opposite...I do think it took two to carry this off but I don't think it was Steve and a friend.Maybe stalker and a friend.....Steve was still living at home and working according to his Verified Family Member,although his job was on a down time in his trade........they went on a cruise...she was pregnant..which ever came first..sounds like a normal relationship to me...

1. You know ive thought about this, but maybe bc he thought he could get away with it this way?

2. WE THINK he jumped the gun, she was talking to her father about leaving Steve one of the last 4 texts sent to her dad read " please help me daddy"

3. Thats an easy one, they check for matches of the print/weight/size/what kind of shoes. all kinds of things can be told by a print

4. Bc ANYONE that knew melinda knows she would NEVER kill herself.. there is NO way ANYONE would have believed that.

I knew melinda AND steve... i was around them ALOT (myself and another good friend were "trusted" by steve) there wasnt alot of normal in that relationship aside from the "chase" to win her heart.

One of the first articles after the arrest said that he would be charged with murder and conspiracy. Then when he was arraigned it didn't happen. He was only charged with murder. A few of us have always wondered why. Could be the newspaper story was wrong and conspiracy was never on the table.

YES THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY charge in the original arrest. point blank period!
idk what happened to it but it WAS there!

Yes, if the Judge decides at the pre-trial that there is enough evidence to continue to trial. Don't look for it anytime soon though. With all the continuances and delays it could be well over a year away.

honestly changes are this trial prob, wont start for 1-2 years... its sad but the truth.

Wasn't she pregnant when she quit her job with their first child? I'm assuming he met her at her place of employment? Makes sense that he would make her quit her job...Did she want to go back to work after her little daughter was born...?

Yes she was PG, she moved to a door girl, and he made her quit. YES he met her at the club in chicago. not the one we worked at in NWI. She had no want to go back after her baby was born.

There is no change of plea hearing scheduled. April 10th is an Omnibus hearing. In all likelihood, this will be rescheduled. At the time of arraignment all hearings are assigned according to law. Most hearings are rescheduled to accommodate each side.

TRUTH!! ^^^

SetHerSoulFree posted that Melinda's last text to her father was to tell him that Steven had taken the baby and to beg him for help. Her last text read Please help us .... SetHerSoulFree is a verified insider who is close to Melinda's dad and saw this for herself.

YES, DO NOT QUOTE me i will find out this sunday for sure but i BELIEVE that text was sent on newyears. i will double check this weekend for sure and get back.

I don't think there's any evidence of a cruise. More than likely, it's a story made up by SL.

i know she had told us she was suppose to go on one (thanksgiving weekend i believe) but it was never confirmed that she went.

Steve's Verified family member says there was a on Melinda's phone...I'm sure the police have her phone and the truth if they did or did not take a crusie is there......When was the supposed call for help call made to Melinda's Dad ? The other Verified member on here who knows Melinda's Dad should have the answer to that ...When did that happen...A year ago? The Day before the murder ? When? I think that would be an important piece of evidence...people have arguments...not everyone likes their in-laws or out-laws as I like to call some I've had...and they don't want their child around them...this is pure speculations on my part...and the reason I even say it is because I had a X DIL who kept my grandkids away from me for 3 years...for my son to appease her he stayed away too...THANKFULLY, he divorced her,not because of that though...I'm only sharing that because its possible Steve didn't like his In-Laws...Not saying they aren't good decent people...I think I am, but my XDIL didn't like me for whatever her reason was...Maybe thats the case here...

i will find out for SURE on the date but if im correct and i believe that i am, it was NEW YEARS EVE that this was sent to her father. actually im going to see if i can get a screen shot of the text.

I think that SL's verified family member is honestly retelling the story that SL has told his family members. However, I think that the story SL has told his family members holds no resemblance to what actually occurred. Based upon the information found in this thread, it appears that the accused has a long history of lying. So much of his story just sounds so unreasonable that I just cannot buy it. Of course, that is my opinion only.
I do have faith that the proper authorities will ferret out the truth and ultimately justice will prevail.

i do believe the same.

We must remember that it was the insurance company that contacted the police to say that SL was trying to claim on the policy. So in other words the insurance investigators didn't buy SL story either. If SL wasn't named as the beneficiary then why was he trying to claim the insurance? Really classless to claim on a policy when you never provided a memorial service,just my opinion.

If I get a chance today I'll go over this thread because I'm pretty sure that I read that SL took out the policy, and Melinda made a comment about how much she is worth

nothing more to say then i agree! and YES he took it out and YES she had made a joke, "im worth more dead than you are alive"

You forgot to mention that she was shot with her own gun. That to me is one of the most damning circumstances about this case. We're supposed to believe that this alleged stalker waltzed into the house through the unlocked front door, subdued Steve, located Melinda's gun, and shot her with it - all without waking Melinda? No. Just no.

Melinda was a light sleeper.. NO WAY. && we lived together for a while and she was SOOO ANAL about her doors being LOCKED even if i was just running down to my car to get a pack of cigs.

Yes, and the dogs as well. She slept through the entire assault on SL, and apparently all three dogs and Baby Girl did too.

Here are a few more questions I have.
I wonder if the gunshot woke Baby Girl. If she was calm when LE arrived, where did SL's call originate from? Every report I've read said he was screaming on the 911 call. If he was in Baby Girl's room screaming wouldn't that have woken her up and upset her as well? So what room did he call from?
If the gunshot didn't wake her up, does it help the theory that Melinda was shot earlier than 6:00 am? SL would have had time to calm her down a bit.
What on earth was he doing kneeling? That doesn't make any sense at all. If he could get to his knees, why not his feet?
And lastly as has been brought up before, why would his attacker leave the cell phone where SL could get to it?

I honestly think the baby was awake, melinda always woke up at 430 to feed E by 5.
THATS what i THINK, that she was shot before he said... which breaks my heart... bc.. maybe.. she could have been saved..
he says first that she was shot.. then that she had just been taken to a room and shot..

Here is the paragraph that has the statement that they took Melinda into bedroom

From Commercial-News dated Feb 17 2015, post 640

According to court documents, Porter County Sheriff's Department officers received a call around 6:19 a.m. Jan. 16 from a male, later identified as Steven Lindsey, screaming. Steven Lindsey told police someone had broken into his home and he had heard a gunshot. He then stated that they took his wife in a bedroom and he believed there was one suspect. He said he was in his baby's room and he did not know if anyone was still hurt or whether the suspect was still there.
When officers arrived, they found Melinda Lindsey on a bed with a single gunshot wound in her head, but still breathing. Officers found a gun lying on the floor partially under the bed, according to police records.

"was still hurt"

enough said.

For someone who claims they don't know Steve or Melinda you certainly know a lot about their private life...You didn't read what you just posted in any Newspaper article or if you did where are the links ??..and I thought the X wife was off limits here to discuss....The Verified person for Melinda didn't say these things infact she hasn't said much at all for awhile...YET, Steve's Verified Family member comes here and she is not to be believed because supposedly it has come from Steve....How do any of you know that??

I needed a break from ALL of this.. I was consumed by it. I needed to take a moment away and collect myself.

Especially when you factor in the stolen garage door opener. There are so many things wrong with SL'S story it's almost too hard to list them all. I hope he doesn't get to plea down. I hope he is tried and convicted. I hope his co-conspirators are found out and tried as well. It's almost too much for him to have done on his own.
I'm still very curious as to why he called his brother that morning. I'd love to see his cell phone records. I don't know why he would say he wasn't living in the home. Why was he there then? Did he say that to give a reason for sleeping on the couch? None of it makes sense.

As to whether or not SL was cruel to Melinda, many of us saw it her own words on her now defunct FB. I saw her new years eve post where SL left her alone and took Baby Girl to his brother's. I saw the posts where she said he had kicked her out shortly after Baby Girl was born, how her friends asked her about SL tearing up photos of the family and how she minimized that. I saw, and it was heart wrenching, how happy she was when he was talking to her again. A simple post, just "He's talking to me!!!!!" No one deserves to be treated like that.

In my opinion, SL wanted out. In fact, I don't think he ever wanted in with her. I think he only wanted a fling, and when Melinda got pregnant it ruined his plans. He was caught up and it spiraled out of control for him. I think when she got pregnant again he realized that financially he was ruined if he divorced her, but he wanted to get rid of her. And I firmly believe that's why he had her cremated. It was the cheapest easiest way to dispose of her.

if the garage door opener, had indeed been "stolen" which i dont believe it was i think it was "misplaced" *rolls eyes*
the LANDLORD would have taken care of that as soon as he found out, seeing as he was a good friend i dont see why stebv
I believe the only people who "know" the victim are the 2 verified posters on this thread, and the fact is there is currently 1 person charged with murder in this case and it's not some ghost stalker. It remains to be seen whether anyone else will be charged with something, but I'm pretty sure it'll also be someone who knows the accused.

I do not know personally any of the "players" in this tradgedy. I do know some want their 15 minutes of fame. At what expense? What we are dealing with is a 23 year old mother of a 2 yr old. That child will never know her mother. As far as SL isolating her, is speculation until proven otherwise. I know firsthand how my own father emotionally abused and isolated my mother. She was terrified to leave him, because she feared losin me. 2 at the time. It happens every day.
Leaving an abuser isn't as easy as it sounds. Many are terrified at the consequences. More than likely she had no idea of ex wife until it was too late. I can only imagine the pain the ex wife endured for their son.
So many victims suffering for this crime.
Justice for Melinda and both SL children. The true victims
As far as SL isolating her, is speculation until proven otherwise.
Did you happen to see the Facebook post she made on NYE - the one that read: "Love doesn't isolate. If you have to give up your family and friends to please your partner, that's not love, it's slavery" - by any chance? Lots of us here did. I think it's a pretty good clue. What do you think?
I do not know personally any of the "players" in this tradgedy. I do know some want their 15 minutes of fame. At what expense? What we are dealing with is a 23 year old mother of a 2 yr old. That child will never know her mother. As far as SL isolating her, is speculation until proven otherwise. I know firsthand how my own father emotionally abused and isolated my mother. She was terrified to leave him, because she feared losin me. 2 at the time. It happens every day.
Leaving an abuser isn't as easy as it sounds. Many are terrified at the consequences. More than likely she had no idea of ex wife until it was too late. I can only imagine the pain the ex wife endured for their son.
So many victims suffering for this crime.
Justice for Melinda and both SL children. The true victims

The victims of domestic violence in this case are Melinda, her child and her family. Isolation is a classic tactic of abusers.

I think Melinda may have just been learning the extent of what he was capable of. I remember seeing one picture of her with a bruise on her upper arm that looked like it was from finger when being grabbed. I once had a co-worker who had bruises just like it all the time. When she tried to leave her abuser, he took their 2-year-old daughter and told her that if she didn't drop the divorce she would never see the baby again. After she told him she wouldn't, he killed the baby and himself.
The victims of domestic violence in this case are Melinda, her child and her family. Isolation is a classic tactic of abusers.

Melinda's father said he isolated her. Melinda's best friend said he isolated her. Melinda herself said on Facebook that he isolated her. That is "proof" enough for me.
It is not speculation when Melinda's own father said SL "tried to mind control her", would "threaten to take the baby" in efforts to keep Melinda away from her family etc.

The mugshot in this article is a scary one. When he was first arrested, I showed it to my daughter and told her it was a picture of the grieving husband. She said, "No. That's someone who is pissed off that he got caught."
I think Melinda may have just been learning the extent of what he was capable of. I remember seeing one picture of her with a bruise on her upper arm that looked like it was from finger when being grabbed. I once had a co-worker who had bruises just like it all the time. When she tried to leave her abuser, he took their 2-year-old daughter and told her that if she didn't drop the divorce she would never see the baby again. After she told him she wouldn't, he killed the baby and himself.
One thing we do NOT know about their relationship is whether Melinda was seriously trying to leave him. But we do know that the most dangerous time for an abused woman is when she tries to leave. Maybe Steve thought she was on the verge of getting away and panicked.
The mugshot in this article is a scary one. When he was first arrested, I showed it to my daughter and told her it was a picture of the grieving husband. She said, "No. That's someone who is pissed off that he got caught."

The sad thing is he looked like this in all the photos on her Facebook too.
I agree. And I don't think *any* of us know either Melinda or Steve Lindsey, except the verified insiders. I think this is the type of case that many people can see themselves it be that maybe we see our younger selves in a similar domestic violence relationship/marriage and got out or a current bad marriage that we're still in. There is also the origin of Melinda & Steve's marriage which I think has brought some people here. But that too isn't anyone's fault but Steve Lindsey's.
This is an interesting thread...

We got one poster who lives in *Fairytale land* and one who lives in *Disney-world* and they can't seem to except that most of us are basing our opinions on the facts as we know them, and we are not villagers, with our torches lit, bent on persecuting Steve Lindsey. I don't think anyone here is trying to get "15 minutes of fame", (nor trying to "insert" ourselves into SL's ex wife's drama, as I was accused in a pm!). All the evidence points towards SL being the killer, and this case is not about Steve's EX. It is not "HER "drama. It is about a young mom who lost her life, and I feel many people just want to see some justice for her.

The facts that you hear are often different from evidentiary documented fact. Now do I personally feel from all sources, and her age Melinda was in over her head. Yes, more likely than not. It is a conclusion drawn from life experiences. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is more likely than not a duck.
I have never persecuted SL, nor do I plan to. This discussion is justice for the victims. Whom ever is guilty should be prosecuted. I do disagree some want their 15 min of fame, didn't mean it has occurred here on this forum It does occur every day watch local news to hear embellishment on camera. That makes news, not necessarily true facts.
This is a discussion, not argument.
Sure would like to reside in DisneyWorld. Supposedly the happiest place on earth. I do have a sense of humor.
Keep it real for Melinda and the children.
A fund has been set up to help the Kirby's (melindas parents) get custody of the daughter feel free to pm me for the link it is also on the justice for Melinda page on facebook

Mods feel free to delete this is its out if line

In my opinion, SL wanted out. In fact, I don't think he ever wanted in with her. I think he only wanted a fling, and when Melinda got pregnant it ruined his plans. He was caught up and it spiraled out of control for him. I think when she got pregnant again he realized that financially he was ruined if he divorced her, but he wanted to get rid of her. And I firmly believe that's why he had her cremated. It was the cheapest easiest way to dispose of her.
I wonder why he married her in the first place. He didn't have to, they were already living together, and he had already kicked her out twice. If he didn't want to be with her, why make it legal? Unless it was simply to get insurance on her ... in which case there are no words.
I wonder why he married her in the first place. He didn't have to, they were already living together, and he had already kicked her out twice. If he didn't want to be with her, why make it legal? Unless it was simply to get insurance on her ... in which case there are no words.
Pure speculation on my part but here are POSSIBLE reasons, maybe Set her soul free or Starshine4u can add to it:

1. Finances. He already had to pay CS for his first child. If he married Melinda it would have allowed a different filing status on his tax return and given him access to the child tax credit.

2. Image. He may have wanted to improve public or family opinion. By marrying Melinda, he was, as Snowhite kindly pointed out, "doing right" by her. He may have thought a judge would see him in a more favorable light if he had to go to court for his first marriage.

3. Pressure. We know Melinda loved him. Her father said she didn't accept failure. Melinda may have very well argued him into it so he did it to preserve the peace.

4. Convenience. What else was he going to do? Someone had to clean/cook etc for him.

5. He lost control of the fantasy. Set her soul free stated that she and Melinda met SL in 2009. He told Melinda he was unmarried and had no children. At some point (given what has been said about Melinda, I don't think it was immediately after) he and Melinda began dating. She thought it was real, for him it was a fantasy. He could pretend to be single and free. And what sociopathic narcissist doesn't enjoy being worshipped?

But then, reality pays him a visit. His first wife finds out, Melinda gets pregnant and refuses an abortion, he divorces and has to pay a set amount of his income... none of this should have happened in his mind. He is still very much in a fantasy world where mistresses don't get pregnant, wives don't find out about affairs and everyone believes he is an all around awesome guy. These two worlds should have never met. Then Melinda gets pregnant again and he realizes what he has done. If Melinda leaves him, that is spousal support plus child support for three kids... how can he play around if he has to shell all of that out?

I think he married her because it was easier for him to do that than not to. He just didn't think ahead to what it would mean for him. Because it's always all about him.

I'm not sure about insurance laws in Indiana, but in my state all you need is insurable interest. He wouldn't have to marry her for that here, as the mother of his child, he had an insurable interest. In the event of her death, he would have had to pay someone to do what Melinda was doing. What I don't understand is the 1,000,000 policy. It is possible it was a term plan, those are substantially less expensive than whole life because they expire after a preset number of years, but why that amount? Was SL insured as well? I've seen plans where the primary bread winner is the main insured and the spouse and children can be added as a rider. It is also possible that this was a plan he opted into through an employer with standard preset amounts. They just checked the box for what they wanted. When SL left the company he may have been able to roll the plan into one he paid himself.

Here' s what makes me think Melinda was added on to SL's plan: Set her soul free said that Melinda had had cancer and wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant. How did she qualify for life insurance with that pre-existing condition.
I'm not sure about insurance laws in Indiana, but in my state all you need is insurable interest. He wouldn't have to marry her for that here, as the mother of his child, he had an insurable interest. In the event of her death, he would have had to pay someone to do what Melinda was doing. What I don't understand is the 1,000,000 policy. It is possible it was a term plan, those are substantially less expensive than whole life because they expire after a preset number of years, but why that amount? Was SL insured as well? I've seen plans where the primary bread winner is the main insured and the spouse and children can be added as a rider. It is also possible that this was a plan he opted into through an employer with standard preset amounts. They just checked the box for what they wanted. When SL left the company he may have been able to roll the plan into one he paid himself.

I may be wrong, but I would be surprised if the life insurance was through his employer. Even if there is a high dollar value for the employee, the coverage for spouses if often capped at a significantly lower level than $1+ million.
The insurance company that he had used for Melinda && the daughter is MetLife! Im sitting with her father now sooo anything else you guys want to know directly from him let me know. I'll be here for the night.

I pray that Melinda's family gets the little girl home with them it's where she belongs. They need to keep Melinda's memory alive for her,

Is there any chance that they will up grade the charges to a capital offense, with the way the evidence is pointing I don't understand why it's not a death penalty case. I have seen in other cases where the prosecutor upgrades the charges, I hope that they do in this case.

Set her Soul Free please tell Melinda's family that my heart breaks for them, I pray that they have the little one with them very soon.
Her grandmother says "thank you dear"
Her dad says "thank you we are doing everything in our power to get her"
Her mother says "thank you all for all your support, it's nice to know Melindas story touched so many people's lives"

As far as upgrading the charge, Melinda was pg, if she was more than its either 6-8 weeks then they will go for the death penalty. However currently none of us have heard rather she was that far or not.
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