IN - Nancy Dyer for child endangerment, Indianapolis, 2006

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I just saw this story. Awful. My guess is even if she was not drunk or stoned at the time she has been so many times in the past she has fried so much of her brain and that is why she was so 'laid back' when told the kid got out. She just seems like someone who is not all their mentally. Probably wasn't before she started drinking or doping. I have a distant cousin like that. She was not all there before and once she started doing drugs it was all over. She has a couple of kids, but she is just 'gone' even now and she has not done drugs in over 5 years. She lives with her family and they make her take a drug test every month and if she tests positive she's out and they get custody of the kids. She's passed the test every month for 5 years, but you would think she was stoned or drunk the way she acts. It's sad.
My stepdaughters little 2 year old half-brother wandered off while his mother slept. Luckily he a cop saw him before he ended up in the middle of our many busy intersections in Savannah. ugh! And they handed that poor child back to his so-called mother without incident. There is a reason she doesnt have custody of her oldest child, my stepdaughter! She also has a newborn son. I dont know how those two boys will survive. She is constantly drinking and on pills yet noone seems to care.
HA! She has Evanescene "Call Me When Your Sober" playing on her page. HA! Good one, if she's waiting for someone to call her when she's sober she'll be waiting a long time. What a total screwball.:bang:
Okay, okay. Maybe that last post was a bit harsh. I just have no empathy today for folks like her. I am only hearing one side of the story, but I think I'm right in the opinion I have formed. Emphasis on 'opinion'.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here... but a 2 year old. Unlocking a door. I don't do the kids thing but... I thought 2 year olds were short/small? They can REACH doorknobs??? How about a sliding chain up high then? I mean really. Am I crazy here or are 2 year olds bigger than I think they would be...
Depends on the kid. My nephew is about to turn seven and he is almost to my shoulder and I am 5' 1". When he started walking my sister and her hubby had to install deadbolts with key locks. He would open the door and walk out.
curious1 said:
Okay, okay. Maybe that last post was a bit harsh. I just have no empathy today for folks like her. I am only hearing one side of the story, but I think I'm right in the opinion I have formed. Emphasis on 'opinion'.

I don't think you're being a bit harsh. I'm very interested in what happens at tomorrow's hearing . . .
As the mother of an autistic child (now 12) I am going to take the flip side of this coin....

Dead bolts and alarms cost money.... money that I am guessing a single mother could not afford.
I am not saying this women was God's gift to motherhood but.... I challenge anyone of you to stay up ALL night EVERY night with an autistic child.
Which Is what I am guessing is going on at that house.
Maybe she did go get drugged up.....
And who could blame her?? The school system screws you, no pediatricain can help you .... YOU WALK ONE MILE IN THOSE SHOES ... then judge

Do you know what it is like to have a child break everything you own?
I absolutely cannot imagine Richie alone..... He would have broken my will long ago.
The issue here is not bad parenting but lack of support and help for the parents of disabled children.
Its always a fight.. Its tiring and takes more force of will then anyone outside of it will ever know.
BTW when Richie was little he use to pee in his toys....
Tony was at that poopie paint stage.... so daily I had to bleach the crib ...
So I wonder if you showed up at that exact moment ???
My stepdaughter has behavioral and learning problems. Her mother cannot stand her, so she chooses not to see her. Her mother has a 2 year old and a newborn. Her two year old did get out of her apartment a few months back, this mother is on drugs. So we should go, "oh well the two year old is a handful its okay for her to be on drugs". The system must think the way you do, because it explains why so many children are handed over to their strung out parents.
A.Wood said:
My stepdaughter has behavioral and learning problems. Her mother cannot stand her, so she chooses not to see her. Her mother has a 2 year old and a newborn. Her two year old did get out of her apartment a few months back, this mother is on drugs. So we should go, "oh well the two year old is a handful its okay for her to be on drugs". The system must think the way you do, because it explains why so many children are handed over to their strung out parents.
The way I do?? OK, I am confused ....... think the way I do???
I ADORE my son. You simplified my answer to that of someone who has never been there.
My question is ... why on earth would you be married to someone who hates her own child?????
BTW .... Her mother hates her (your words not mine) due to societies limitations and her own ignorance and lack of emotional support.
MY reply was based upon the fact that life with a disabled child is stressful.
Based on your reply, you took it out of context.
I am saying this women could have been up all night every night, could not afford locks, has NO emotional support, is under educated about how to deal with a disabled child AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOOO WHERE FOR HER TO TURN.
If she can afford a computer and internet access AND has time to burn at her MySpace site she can bloody well afford a $5.00 chain from Home Depot to keep her son at least in his own home. And the diaper that poor little girl is dragging along behind her is NOT from one night.

This is not a situation brought on this poor loving mother because she has an autistic child. Are there famillies out there that are being short changed because of children with special needs? You bet! But it is not a free pass when a parent or parents get busted for such apparent neglect.

Just have a peek at her MySpace to see how self absorbed this 'over exhausted poor mother' is. Makes me sick.
Amraann said:
The way I do?? OK, I am confused ....... think the way I do???
I ADORE my son. You simplified my answer to that of someone who has never been there.
My question is ... why on earth would you be married to someone who hates her own child?????
BTW .... Her mother hates her (your words not mine) due to societies limitations and her own ignorance and lack of emotional support.
MY reply was based upon the fact that life with a disabled child is stressful.
Based on your reply, you took it out of context.
I am saying this women could have been up all night every night, could not afford locks, has NO emotional support, is under educated about how to deal with a disabled child AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOOO WHERE FOR HER TO TURN.

Her charming MySpace makes it clear she's educated.
Hello... I've been reading on here for at least a year and finally signed up so I can post.... Forgive me for butting in, but Amraann, it did sound like you said it was okay for her to be on drugs...

Amraann said:
Maybe she did go get drugged up.....
And who could blame her?? The school system screws you, no pediatricain can help you .... YOU WALK ONE MILE IN THOSE SHOES ... then judge
Not trying to speak for someone else, but I think that's kinda what A.Wood was referring to. I'm sure you didn't mean it like that, but I frowned when reading it, too. :)

I am getting 'worried' about her MySpace though... or rather the comments regarding it... I went there and checked it out, but I don't really see where it 'explains a lot', and she doesn't seem overly self-absorbed either. She does use very blunt language, but that sounds more like someone who's very sick of getting hurt and/or strung along - something that happens in the best families. I am not trying to defend her, but I don't get the commotion over her MySpace.... or maybe me and my sister are weirder than we think. :)

I do NOT want to be in the postion of defending someone who abused their child.. disabled or not....

I do want to make it clear that to have a child who consumes your life in ways that I cannot even explain could make it seem like abuse or neglect when in fact its not.
I cannot even fault her for the 20$ pr month for internet access.
I said 5$ for locks ..... its really much more ...unless you can install it yourself.
A chain would not work...... Richie would simply move furniture to unlock it and to those of you who say you would wake up????
NOT after a year of NO sleep you would not.

I do not want to defend this women ...but on the same token I feel that to judge her is wrong ......
I do not think I can make anyone who has not lived it understand....
Maybe she is a bad mother but maybe she is just exhausted and without help.
JanetElaine said:
Hello... I've been reading on here for at least a year and finally signed up so I can post.... Forgive me for butting in, but Amraann, it did sound like you said it was okay for her to be on drugs...

Not trying to speak for someone else, but I think that's kinda what A.Wood was referring to. I'm sure you didn't mean it like that, but I frowned when reading it, too. :)

I am getting 'worried' about her MySpace though... or rather the comments regarding it... I went there and checked it out, but I don't really see where it 'explains a lot', and she doesn't seem overly self-absorbed either. She does use very blunt language, but that sounds more like someone who's very sick of getting hurt and/or strung along - something that happens in the best families. I am not trying to defend her, but I don't get the commotion over her MySpace.... or maybe me and my sister are weirder than we think. :)

I have not read her MySpace ...... Whatever this women vented online could be a total fabrication..
Again I do not want to defend her if she is wrong ...... But simply .... she was sleeping? the kids were a mess and wandered?
It could happen ....
Back 30 years ago it was a village ... people helped their neighbors ..
For that matter Dr's gave mom's valium and autistic children were put in institutions.
curious1 said:
I just saw this story. Awful. My guess is even if she was not drunk or stoned at the time she has been so many times in the past she has fried so much of her brain and that is why she was so 'laid back' when told the kid got out. She just seems like someone who is not all their mentally. Probably wasn't before she started drinking or doping. I have a distant cousin like that. She was not all there before and once she started doing drugs it was all over. She has a couple of kids, but she is just 'gone' even now and she has not done drugs in over 5 years. She lives with her family and they make her take a drug test every month and if she tests positive she's out and they get custody of the kids. She's passed the test every month for 5 years, but you would think she was stoned or drunk the way she acts. It's sad.

Curious, if a person is using Meth it only takes three days to clear your system for a urine test. You might pass info on to your family, just in case they have any future reason to think your cousin relapsed. (This is for a UA not a hair test.) Im so glad you've got family that will help her and hold her accountable.
JanetElaine said:
Hello... I've been reading on here for at least a year and finally signed up so I can post.... Forgive me for butting in, but Amraann, it did sound like you said it was okay for her to be on drugs...

Not trying to speak for someone else, but I think that's kinda what A.Wood was referring to. I'm sure you didn't mean it like that, but I frowned when reading it, too. :)

I am getting 'worried' about her MySpace though... or rather the comments regarding it... I went there and checked it out, but I don't really see where it 'explains a lot', and she doesn't seem overly self-absorbed either. She does use very blunt language, but that sounds more like someone who's very sick of getting hurt and/or strung along - something that happens in the best families. I am not trying to defend her, but I don't get the commotion over her MySpace.... or maybe me and my sister are weirder than we think. :)


Welcome to WS! :)

My point about her MySpace site is that if she has the time and resources for such activity surely she can change a diaper a little more often than say every other day and maybe secure her door a little better so her autistic son doesn't wander off-again.

It just really ticks me off seeing kids in situations like this.

Amraa, I don't know about Richies ability when he was two but surely a chain (yes about $5.00) could have prevented this little boy from getting out -again. I'm not talking fancy locks, a chain should be a no brainer.(Not that you're a no brainer, I mean this mom)

You are very clear about how frustrating it is to see famillies wihtout support, I get it, I understand and it really really sucks, I just don't see it as a free pass when a child is neglected.

FWIW, I do agree with you, Amraann... as long as you were not really saying it would be okay for her to be on drugs. :)

I was a single mom of one healthy toddler and even that was hard. My parents lived close by, but they had their jobs too which would have them travelling a lot, so they could not be there all the time. Friends lived far away, as well. I remember I would get exhausted and sometimes nap when she was awake and playing... I'd always try to be awake but when you're exhausted, sometimes you can't stay awake no matter how hard you try.

However it always scared the heck out of me.... as soon as I'd wake up I'd be frantic until I knew she was alright. Which usually wasn't long (both the napping and the frantic part :)), because I had child-proofed my house beyond belief and she couldn't get into anything.

So the part I understand is that I very well too could have ended up with poopy walls (what if she soiled her diaper and decided to investigate the contents? Yikes....) and a child eating spaghetti off the floor (plates would sometimes still be sitting at the dining table when I fell asleep, she surely could have knocked them on the ground and had another bite). If people would have walked in on me then, they'd have probably thought I was a bad mother. I think (hope? ;)) most parents probably went through a day or moment like this.

BUT what I do not understand in this case, is where she doesn't even seem concered about the fact that her little boy was found wandering near/on the highway. I'd have been kicking and screaming to be allowed to hug and hold my child, and would have been crying my eyes out. Exhaustion does not excuse her obvious lack of concern about the situation, or relief about having her son back safely - any emotion, really.

I think people are not judging her home situation alone, but the totality of the picture - and even then I do not think most people on this thread have been harsh, as I have read many wishing the best to come from this, even for the mother. I hope this as well... because it does seem apparent that there is more going on than just exhaustion.

And I also do agree that there should be more help for families who do not have the resources of their own... I know I could have used some help, let alone parents with special needs children!
I want to say Welcome tooo....

I am questioning that this is the totallity of the situation.
This is one news article... Her reply??? to me screams overwelhmed tired mom.
I really meant to illustrate that her reply is likely programed to the BS she normally gets back. YOu just eventually lose the will to cope.

Jubie at age 2 Richie could solve any puzzle. He could easily figure out a chain lock and a means to reach it. Thus the reason for the bolted furniture in our house.
Anything less then a keyed deadbolt he could have undone. A keyed deadbolt costs money and the knowledge to install it along with a drill or the money to pay for installation.

Again I DO NOT want to defend this women for outright neglect.....
But ... based on one news article highlighting the worst of the situation (to sell papers) I just can see how a totally exhausted mom could sleep while the child wandered off and maybe the toddler had just woken up with a messy diaper (possibly raisins or corn eaten the night before?? remember those messes???)
So the toddler decides last nights spaghetti leftovers looks good.
PLEASE ..... Richie likes the cat food....

MY point about the resources is that legally they are suppose to be there for a disabled child but in reality they are not.

Maybe she needs a parenting class. I don't know.... But I am upset that the reporters were soooooo willing to highlight the bad mother she is without illustrating the resources needed or the difficulties she may have.

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