IN -Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #1

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blaize said:
That's right Hollywoodbound, we know she planned to do all of this because she said so shortly after the murders but we don't know if any of the work was actually completed or even started. Maybe Rosco can help us out here.

Nothing has been redone. She has not received the money for the property, 401k or insurance - as far as I know. Actually some people said that the property looks very run down... not kept up. Unlike my dad - he kept the property up.. clean and swept.
blaize said:
Thanks Dark Knight. This is a horrible case and A seems to be very young & it's possible that she's been manipulated by someone she thought she could trust. We won't know until LE decides to show their hand.

The facts as we know them do seem to point to the guilt of people who were close to Terry & Darleen and maybe even worked with Terry but until LE decide to make their move we can only speculate and hope that anyone with any pertinent information that would lead to a breakthrough in this case will come forward.

I have to agree 100 percent blaize. Unfortunatly A's actions does not contitute murder - just behavior that is not understandable - by not contacting me or any family member and say/doing the things she has said and done after the murders. I think everyday that my thoughts are LE knows something.. and until they tell me - I can only go by the facts that are thown in to my lap... and her being the way she is DOES NOT look good... If there was anyone else who was at the house... why not talk to me anymore??? Did she really hate me and my husband and my brother THAT much to never talk to me again and to make rumors about me and my/our brother taking from to the reasons why she is not talking to her family? I don't think so... I think she knows something.. my true feelings... and I am talking about my SISTER everyone... Try imagining your family.... in a situaiton.. I have been going on and on in my head for almost a year... I can not stop the 'red flags' that keep popping up all around me... Truly I can not imagine someone I love to do something of this brutal act... but the truth hurts sometimes..
Rosco said:
Nothing has been redone. She has not received the money for the property, 401k or insurance - as far as I know. Actually some people said that the property looks very run down... not kept up. Unlike my dad - he kept the property up.. clean and swept.
So if we take that to a speculative conclusion any direct motive for the murders other than the immediate cash & other items stolen has been thawrted. No insurance money, no 401k payouts in over a year, perhaps someone will begin to get impatient and start talking.

Rosco said:
I have to agree 100 percent blaize. Unfortunatly A's actions does not contitute murder - just behavior that is not understandable - by not contacting me or any family member and say/doing the things she has said and done after the murders. I think everyday that my thoughts are LE knows something.. and until they tell me - I can only go by the facts that are thown in to my lap... and her being the way she is DOES NOT look good... If there was anyone else who was at the house... why not talk to me anymore??? Did she really hate me and my husband and my brother THAT much to never talk to me again and to make rumors about me and my/our brother taking from to the reasons why she is not talking to her family? I don't think so... I think she knows something.. my true feelings... and I am talking about my SISTER everyone... Try imagining your family.... in a situaiton.. I have been going on and on in my head for almost a year... I can not stop the 'red flags' that keep popping up all around me... Truly I can not imagine someone I love to do something of this brutal act... but the truth hurts sometimes..
Red flags are something you shouldn't ignore but at the same time don't jump to any conclusions until you know everything LE knows.

Be careful not to close doors on A just yet because if she wasn't directly involved but somehow drawn in through greed, fear or intimidation after the murders, she may be able to help LE slot the clues together and solve this crime.

Rosco said:
I have to agree 100 percent blaize. Unfortunatly A's actions does not contitute murder - just behavior that is not understandable - by not contacting me or any family member and say/doing the things she has said and done after the murders. I think everyday that my thoughts are LE knows something.. and until they tell me - I can only go by the facts that are thown in to my lap... and her being the way she is DOES NOT look good... If there was anyone else who was at the house... why not talk to me anymore??? Did she really hate me and my husband and my brother THAT much to never talk to me again and to make rumors about me and my/our brother taking from to the reasons why she is not talking to her family? I don't think so... I think she knows something.. my true feelings... and I am talking about my SISTER everyone... Try imagining your family.... in a situaiton.. I have been going on and on in my head for almost a year... I can not stop the 'red flags' that keep popping up all around me... Truly I can not imagine someone I love to do something of this brutal act... but the truth hurts sometimes..
She may not have gotten the money yet, but it had to be in the forefront of her mind given what she said at the funeral to the newspaper. And didn't you say to me that she was living in a run down trailer, but stayed at the house with her parents most of the time? She obviously preferred to be there (not that I blame her for that.) She obviously had opportunity, but is that enough motive? What if she, or her boyfriend, or the guy who rented the house, were on drugs at the time? I think she may at least knows who did it, if not directly involved herself. The drug activity you have told me about could be the catalyst for this. Needing drug money, wanting the house, lack of rationale while under the influence of drugs, etc. can all contribute to the motive. *shrugs* Just throwing out ideas.
Rosco said:
Dark Knight - I TOTALLY wondered about that when I read it too for the first time.. WHY WOULD SHE BE WORRIED?????????
That was definately an interesting comment she made.
Dark Knight said:
That was definately an interesting comment she made.
Maybe she has reason to be worried. Let's theorize a little here on why someone would want to rent a room or rooms in a house three weeks after a double murder was committed there?

Is it possible that the renter needs to stay close to A to make sure she doesn't let anything incriminating slip? It just seems very odd to me that someone with a known criminal past would want to live in a house that they know to be under close scrutiny by LE.

blaize said:
Maybe she has reason to be worried. Let's theorize a little here on why someone would want to rent a room or rooms in a house three weeks after a double murder was committed there?

Is it possible that the renter needs to stay close to A to make sure she doesn't let anything incriminating slip? It just seems very odd to me that someone with a known criminal past would want to live in a house that they know to be under close scrutiny by LE.

The murders were clearly premeditated and well planned out, so if these people are responsible, then the rental was all part of the deal, somehow, I feel.
Dark Knight said:
The murders were clearly premeditated and well planned out, so if these people are responsible, then the rental was all part of the deal, somehow, I feel.
Premeditated yes, well planned out hmmm, no I don't think so. If it's who we think it is they could have had easy access to the guns on the property. So why use a blunt object to kill both Terry & Darleen when they could just as easily have used one of the guns and had less cleaning up to do?

On the other hand it could be that they originally planned to use a gun but when it came down to it couldn't find the ammunition for it or couldn't get immediate access to a gun at the house and so were forced to fall back on the use of the axe or whatever they actually used. I'm just speculating again because of A's saying to police that she found her mum with a gunshot to the head.

According to police, the Andersons' daughter arrived at the home Friday to meet her father for work. She called police dispatch at about 7:21 a.m. to report finding her mother lying on a couch with a gunshot wound to the head. LINK

The rental issue is cause for concern on a lot of fronts, not least of which is A's safety because anyone who had a hand in such a bloody double murder is not going to hesitate when it comes to adding one more to the list.

Again this is all pure speculation so hopefully LE will make their move soon and make some arrests.

blaize said:
Premeditated yes, well planned out hmmm, no I don't think so. If it's who we think it is they could have had easy access to the guns on the property. So why use a blunt object to kill both Terry & Darleen when they could just as easily have used one of the guns and had less cleaning up to do?

On the other hand it could be that they originally planned to use a gun but when it came down to it couldn't find the ammunition for it or couldn't get immediate access to a gun at the house and so were forced to fall back on the use of the axe or whatever they actually used. I'm just speculating again because of A's saying to police that she found her mum with a gunshot to the head.

According to police, the Andersons' daughter arrived at the home Friday to meet her father for work. She called police dispatch at about 7:21 a.m. to report finding her mother lying on a couch with a gunshot wound to the head. LINK

The rental issue is cause for concern on a lot of fronts, not least of which is A's safety because anyone who had a hand in such a bloody double murder is not going to hesitate when it comes to adding one more to the list.

Again this is all pure speculation so hopefully LE will make their move soon and make some arrests.

I can't remember 'A' or 'X' ever really shooting a gun with us when we would play at dad's place. We all took turns target shooting... Also - majority of guns were in safe that dad had and that was locked... took a combo and key to open... and let me tell you - my husband was the only person who knew where both were.. dad told him over the summer when he picked up the new safe... The numbers were not where he said but the key was there - LE found it after husband told them.. they looked for combo numbers - where dad said he would write them - but not there.. either dad never got around to it.. or perps found it BUT not the numbers - to open safe and get a pick of at least 20 guns in the safe.. Maybe perps were afraid of noise and alarming grandma - who reminder - lived on the property and was there that night - claims heard nothing..

I pray LE makes a move soon. It's one year next week. I am getting calls asking if ME..I.. amd planning a memorial service... I tell them to contact was her parents and she needs to take some action on that... I will NOT be doing any such thing... Ball is in her court.. I am very courious on what A will say to public when they ask... HMMMMM... really want to be a fly on that wall when she is confronted...
Dark Knight said:
The murders were clearly premeditated and well planned out, so if these people are responsible, then the rental was all part of the deal, somehow, I feel.
Dark Knight - I agree with the rental already being in place.. WAY too quick for someone to move in.. I think the plan/thoughts were in place for a few months.. I didn't feel anything when we all went out there for a holiday in July... I NEVER felt any trouble with the home - dad never said anything nor did darleen. They were not happy about 'A' moving in with 'X' at the time.. but clearly she was of age to do anything..and they felt that 'X' was ok - at the time... remember they helped him and made him feel as family. Dad got him job at the tree service.. A and X were together almost 2yrs at the time of murders.. so it was a while - not just 6months or so...
blaize said:
Maybe she has reason to be worried. Let's theorize a little here on why someone would want to rent a room or rooms in a house three weeks after a double murder was committed there?

Is it possible that the renter needs to stay close to A to make sure she doesn't let anything incriminating slip? It just seems very odd to me that someone with a known criminal past would want to live in a house that they know to be under close scrutiny by LE.

I have pondered that question 500 times... ALSO - new development I found out... A is NOT allowed in the house anymore. SHe has since purchased a trailer on the property to live as the renter has kicked her out.. said that they have 1 yr lease on home and will not leave until up.. Well that brings us around thanksgiving time... Funny her own rental.. a friend again I will explain - has just kicked her out of HER house... WOW... maybe the walls are starting to crumble... and people will talk???? LE is aware of her being thrown out of house and lives on trailer on property...
Dark Knight said:
That was definately an interesting comment she made.
my brother and I had an issue with 'x' while we were driving in the car - on our way to the LE less than 24hrs after - cuz LE wanted to question everyone again.. 'X" said that 'F--k the LE' and my brother got in 'x' face and asked why he has a problem with talking to LE?... 'X' said he did'nt and there was this big BROO HAHA in front of the LE station... A.. got all freaking that brother and X was going to fight and I had to scream at her to shut up and tell X that he better start talking.. and it was left at that.. I think about that situation.. that how everyone was so not wanting to cooperate... and i thought - WHY NOT!??? LE is helping - they are on our side...!!!!! At the time - you have to understand that nobody thought/thinks anyone did the crime... we all thought outsider.. or drifter..or something.. Time really changes that thought process.
Dark Knight said:
She may not have gotten the money yet, but it had to be in the forefront of her mind given what she said at the funeral to the newspaper. And didn't you say to me that she was living in a run down trailer, but stayed at the house with her parents most of the time? She obviously preferred to be there (not that I blame her for that.) She obviously had opportunity, but is that enough motive? What if she, or her boyfriend, or the guy who rented the house, were on drugs at the time? I think she may at least knows who did it, if not directly involved herself. The drug activity you have told me about could be the catalyst for this. Needing drug money, wanting the house, lack of rationale while under the influence of drugs, etc. can all contribute to the motive. *shrugs* Just throwing out ideas.
Even if A had not committed... if she KNOWS something and not told LE.. she is 'guilty by association' and A can do just the same amount of hardtime... I thought A might have gotten in too deep maybe.. and i know drugs are there.. i was told my LE.. SOO.. maybe A did get into something... deep.. it all happend.. Why not come to brother - who is pastor.. or sister who is/always loved and showed love and respect to her.. opend arms and everything always for her..?? Moment we all left that property - plan was in action.. What plan? What motive..? I don't know... but I'll be damn... I was NEVER going to be a part of that plan. I/WE were never part of her 'new found family and friends"...
blaize said:
So if we take that to a speculative conclusion any direct motive for the murders other than the immediate cash & other items stolen has been thawrted. No insurance money, no 401k payouts in over a year, perhaps someone will begin to get impatient and start talking.


OH BOY BLAIZE... I really think that.. only becuz I think that thoughts of getting the loot was within months of murders.. and thought that written will was the go ahead... Well.. should have done homework.. and probate can take YEARS... also if someone is still suspects... money will not be given to them by insurance company or bank to hand over the home/property all that quick.. OHH I am waiting for the chirping of the stool pidgins!!!!
blaize said:
Red flags are something you shouldn't ignore but at the same time don't jump to any conclusions until you know everything LE knows.

Be careful not to close doors on A just yet because if she wasn't directly involved but somehow drawn in through greed, fear or intimidation after the murders, she may be able to help LE slot the clues together and solve this crime.

why waiting??? been a year.. Believe me... A has chosen a path...and that path is/does not involve myself or my brother and husband.. this path is not a pretty one and not a healthy one.. The companions A has chosen are not the type that I or brother would associate with and suprised that A could too.. I truly think that 'X" had majory part in this.. but why not A come forward.. clearly 'x' is not in the picture anymore.. Also - can LE can protect A from harm if they get info from her.. I don't understand why not asking for help. If 'A' would come forward to me or brother...and talk .. ask or help... I/WE would not close the door. We/I love her and always will.. I pray for her everyday. Somewhere along the life.. something happend... and it's really bad
I read this in a book -

`Death is a great teacher. It's just too harsh. I wish I could tell you that through the tragedy I mined some undiscovered, life-altering absolute that I could pass on to you. I didn't. The cliches apply - people are what count, life is precious, materialism is overrated, the little things matter, live in the moment - and I can repeat them to you ad nauseam. You might listen, but you won't internalize. Tragedy hammers it home. Tragedy etches it onto your soul. You might not be happier. But you will be better.'
Rosco said:
I have pondered that question 500 times... ALSO - new development I found out... A is NOT allowed in the house anymore. SHe has since purchased a trailer on the property to live as the renter has kicked her out.. said that they have 1 yr lease on home and will not leave until up.. Well that brings us around thanksgiving time... Funny her own rental.. a friend again I will explain - has just kicked her out of HER house... WOW... maybe the walls are starting to crumble... and people will talk???? LE is aware of her being thrown out of house and lives on trailer on property...
This part is confusing to me. Who is the renter and what are they renting? I think you mentioned before that the bank owns your parent's house? I'm not sure how this works after someone dies. Did they have a plan that in the event of their death that the house is paid off? If not, does it go back to the bank? How is the mortgage being taken care of?
Will A take phone calls from you? Do you think she will meet with you? If so, I wonder if you can put some serious questions to her while being recorded? When is the last time you were in touch with LE? Are they actively working on this case? Ask them about trying to get her to implicate herself with a recording. They may like that idea.
gardenmom said:
This part is confusing to me. Who is the renter and what are they renting? I think you mentioned before that the bank owns your parent's house? I'm not sure how this works after someone dies. Did they have a plan that in the event of their death that the house is paid off? If not, does it go back to the bank? How is the mortgage being taken care of?
Will A take phone calls from you? Do you think she will meet with you? If so, I wonder if you can put some serious questions to her while being recorded? When is the last time you were in touch with LE? Are they actively working on this case? Ask them about trying to get her to implicate herself with a recording. They may like that idea.
Hello gardenmom,

three weeks after the murder "A" rented the house or part of the house to a man named Larry Mack, a known friend of her exboyfriend and of Larry Carpenter, the man who has just been sentenced to "eight years in prison for a felony charge of cocaine possession & currently faces a misdemeanor count of false informing for giving detectives misleading, false and contradictory information in several interviews regarding the murders of Terry & Darleen Anderson". (Link)

There was a handwritten note that was presented as the will which left everything to "A", but now that's in question so everything has to go through the lenghty probate process. I don't know if Rosco will be able to tell us how "A" is paying the mortgage because relations are very strained there.

I think it's a great idea to record the calls but somehow I don't think "A" would go for it.

Rosco said:
Even if A had not committed... if she KNOWS something and not told LE.. she is 'guilty by association' and A can do just the same amount of hardtime... I thought A might have gotten in too deep maybe.. and i know drugs are there.. i was told my LE.. SOO.. maybe A did get into something... deep.. it all happend.. Why not come to brother - who is pastor.. or sister who is/always loved and showed love and respect to her.. opend arms and everything always for her..?? Moment we all left that property - plan was in action.. What plan? What motive..? I don't know... but I'll be damn... I was NEVER going to be a part of that plan. I/WE were never part of her 'new found family and friends"...
Do you mean drugs were found in the house by LE when they searched the property?
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