In your opinion, why do you think Ron and Misty REALLY got married?

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DNA Solves

Why do you think Ron and Misty REALLY got married?

  • Because they are truly in love.

    Votes: 14 2.2%
  • To get her on his side/confidence.

    Votes: 73 11.4%
  • To avoid statutory rape charges.

    Votes: 177 27.7%
  • Because they think they won't have to testify against each other.

    Votes: 156 24.4%
  • That Misty is maybe pregnant

    Votes: 25 3.9%
  • Who knows..this is too bizarre to even take a guess at.

    Votes: 195 30.5%

  • Total voters
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I don't think Ron is involved in the disappearance of Haleigh. I can't help but think Misty knows what happened. With that said, I'm trying to put myself in their mindset regarding their marriage. On Ron's part, it could be a couple scenarios.

1. I think marriage could have been on his mind before Haleigh went missing. He has/had custody of Haleigh and Jr. and needed someone to take care of them while he he was probably looking for someone to fill that roll. Even though he was not working when he married Misty, he still has Jr. to take care of and his Ex seems to be wanting to take custody herself. He needed someone to help. Misty is a cute 17 year old that has had a bad homelife. It seems she has had problems with her brother and it seems her Mom is no better. Maybe Ron thought he could "get her out" of that situation and since she is so young, she would take the bait. Maybe, at the time of the marriage, Ron believed her story.

2. Ron knew something was amiss, and like he said, he wanted to keep her close by. I will admit, at first I thought the marriage was so they would not be able to discuss each other in court as they were husband and wife, but that is not the case in Florida when a child is missing. Maybe they knew this fact and maybe they didn't at the time they wed, who knows.

Misty's part:

1. Living with Ron was probably the best thing this young lady has been a part of. Ron is strong and would be able to protect her from her family.

2. Misty knows what happened and if she left Ron, he would be wise to the fact that she was involved. Even though she is 17, she has been brought up in a home where knowing the law was probably common place because of the troubles in her family. I don't think Misty is as innocent as many think. Now, it seems she has taken an exit for some time and is staying in the Tampa area. She could be as sly as a she married Ron and now she has taken her exit. Let's see what transpires in the next week or so. I just find it strange that she did not pass the lie detector tests even though they are not used in court. She might have thought that she convinced everyone else so easily, that she would also pass the lie detector. When she tells the examiner, "I'm only 17", seemed like a scenario she has played before.

On both of their parts....maybe they did love each other and that is why they got married. Ron is probably the best thing that has happened in Misty's life and Misty is a cute young girl who Ron believed.
All of the above would have been a good choice too,lol. Except for the pregnancy or "in Love" ones.

Misty seemed to be the only one actually happy with the wedding,Ron just frowned most of the time. The reason Misty gave for getting married was bunk and wierd.:snooty: If Haleigh even understood the concept of marriage at her age (verses living together) and wanted it so bad why didn't they wait until she was home to enjoy it?
of course we are all attributing deep motives to the marriage. I am really not sure that is the case here. Sometimes it feels like it falls under the simplest of explanations "it seemed like a good idea at the time". Ron and Misty getting married was just another link in the chain of questionable or outright bad life decisions that have led them to this place. No deep motive or compelling reason beyond that.
A good idea is never having dated a minor. A marriage is avoiding a navy colored outfit, compliments of PCSO.
Pulling up this old thread about the wedding. Who got it right as far as why they got married? :D

""He's regretting divorcing me."

Croslin says she and Cummings had talked about getting married before Haleigh vanished. Afterward, she says there was worry Cummings would face molestation charges because she was 16 when she started seeing him and the two married but divorced soon afterward. Now, she said, she would wait longer in a relationship before she would marry. "I'm scared of 'I love you,'" she says." <snipped>
Pulling up this old thread about the wedding. Who got it right as far as why they got married? :D

""He's regretting divorcing me."

Croslin says she and Cummings had talked about getting married before Haleigh vanished. Afterward, she says there was worry Cummings would face molestation charges because she was 16 when she started seeing him and the two married but divorced soon afterward. Now, she said, she would wait longer in a relationship before she would marry. "I'm scared of 'I love you,'" she says." <snipped>

Thanks Kimster!

This makes me sad. Misty, where is your self esteem? A girl ought to be thinking about getting married only because she's in love with a wonderful guy who loves her back and because the relationship makes her life better, not because her guy needs to avoid jail.

Misty has been sharing some pretty intimate stuff with that undercover, hasn't she? Maybe they ought to have forgotten about the drug arrests for a while and just kept them talking.
Hank and Lisa: "they been bugging us forever to get married and we just decided to let 'em do it."

Teresa: "It's what Haleigh would have wanted. She is the best thing to happen to those children."

GGM: "She loves them kids. They want to give Haleigh something for when she comes home."

Misty: "People are gonna think this isn't what it is, but they're wrong. This is what Haleigh would have wanted."

Ronald: "Man, why are people always in my face? My private life has nothing to do with my daughter missing."

(Just a rough estimate, but I'd say all these folks got it wrong)
I believe it is both reasons for divorcing.

She was underage.
She/he thought they couldn't testify against each other.
More likely, about their drug dealings.

"He's regretting divorcing me."...The sex...Their new drug business together.
By marrying her he couldn't be arrested for sexual abuse of a minor. By divorcing her he didn't have to share any forthcoming $$$$$$$$$ that he thought he would make off this case. He thought there would be a lot more $$$$$$$ then there was and it would be all HIS!!
Now that we know his motive to marry her, I tend to think that his motive to divorce her was the same: to cover his own donkey. Marriage to Misty had become a liability after the LDT's and all that jazz.
I agree Donjeta - once it went public that Misty failed all the tests provided by Tim Miller - Misty became a huge liability to the Cummings family. The divorce decision was based strictly on image for the family. Prior to these tests no one really knew for sure the outcome of previous LE administered tests and Ron could walk about saying they both passed. The distinct advantage to this is of course no one would believe Misty from that point forward - especially if she in some way attempted to implicate Ron. She out-lived her usefulness in covering up what happened.
Out of her own mouth..I said they should have kept this duo talking longer, we found out she truly didn't care for HaLeigh as much as she stated. She stated HaLeigh ruined her 17th birthday..what a gem! JMHO

The driver tells Croslin he has some prescriptions to get rid of and she says she's "definitely interested." She keeps chatting, saying how she and Cummings now are friends. But, she says, "He's regretting divorcing me."

Croslin says she and Cummings had talked about getting married before Haleigh vanished. Afterward, she says there was worry Cummings would face molestation charges because she was 16 when she started seeing him and the two married but divorced soon afterward. Now, she said, she would wait longer in a relationship before she would marry. "I'm scared of 'I love you,'" she says.

During the final recording, Croslin and Cummings finish counting bags of pills handed to them by the driver when officers jump out from behind the vehicle and start yelling at everyone to get down.
Now, she said, she would wait longer in a relationship before she would marry. "I'm scared of 'I love you,'" she says.

Awww...wonder if she showed UC her new tattoo?
Out of her own mouth..I said they should have kept this duo talking longer, we found out she truly didn't care for HaLeigh as much as she stated. She stated HaLeigh ruined her 17th birthday..what a gem! JMHO

For someone who does not talk much at all (about HaLeigh going missing and the exact circumstances of that night) she sure does talk a lot to strangers (about personal stuff).

Conscience of guilt that she wants to talk but cannot.........?
Pulling up this old thread about the wedding. Who got it right as far as why they got married? :D

""He's regretting divorcing me."Croslin says she and Cummings had talked about getting married before Haleigh vanished. Afterward, she says there was worry Cummings would face molestation charges because she was 16 when she started seeing him and the two married but divorced soon afterward. Now, she said, she would wait longer in a relationship before she would marry. "I'm scared of 'I love you,'" she says." <snipped>

Bold by Me
I bet he isn't regretting it at all you poor deluded child. You sleep with him, you follow his every command, you keep his secrets, you let him date strippers, you let him and his family talk about you like you are a lying dog. What exactly is he missing?
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