Indecent Exposure Charges

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And not to get too graphic, but I think it's possible TM could've snapped quick pics and sent them without editing on December 17th and 18th (Not saying she did, just that I think the editing issue could've been worked around). She could've taken a pic of SM's "TAMMY" tattoo from a POV angle while showing very little of her own anatomy. It could've still been graphic enough to define the act and specifically that it was being performed by SM, which would've been the main point, I think.

LE stated "positions" plural in one of the statements and I've never heard/ seen anything official using the word "sex" in reference to both encounters. This leads me to believe these were different types of encounters.

I think a similarly angled photo could've been taken showing SM's face without revealing much of TM. Graphic enough to reveal the act being performed without too much exposure for TM.

For me, the only relevance of the specifics pertains to the editing issue- whether TM could've gotten around the vanity issue and sent pics of encounters from that very evening, whether that would've been communicated or implied to Heather, and how that might've affected Heather's thought process on December 18th.

SM could've still claimed ignorance to Heather about the pornographic texts. He could've claimed the pictures were old and TM sent them in anger over his leaving.

I'm just not understanding how sending pictures of this nature was part of any plot to convince Heather that SM was leaving TM. If they weren't part of a plot, does that mean the premeditation didn't begin in earnest until sometime after the 1:35am call?
At the same time I can and can't wait to find out exactly what the pictures encompass because I am curious....though I just can't imagine someone doing such a thing.
Lots of married people have affairs but those affairs don't lead to the kind of character assignation TM cast upon Heather followed by kidnapping and murder.
Do we know if the pics were TAKEN on the 17th/18th or could they have been older pics that were SENT on those dates?

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Hope this helps Hoppy

In this article the solicitor states TM sent the texts. In another article, which I will find, the solicitor states that between Nov 5 and Dec 17 there were NO communications between the Ms and Heather

"Truslow said police charged the couple because they had “martial relations” in a vehicle prior to the case and it was irrelevant. But Elder said police learned the couple went to the places and had sex, then Tammy Moorer sent photos of their sexual positions to Elvis."

"No phone calls or text messages were exchanged between the Moorers and Elvis between Nov. 5 and Dec. 17, the night before the 20-year-old disappeared. Elder said on the night of Dec. 17, Elvis returned home from a date."

Read more here:

Hope this helps Hoppy

In this article the solicitor states TM sent the texts. In another article, which I will find, the solicitor states that between Nov 5 and Dec 17 there were NO communications between the Ms and Heather

"Truslow said police charged the couple because they had “martial relations” in a vehicle prior to the case and it was irrelevant. But Elder said police learned the couple went to the places and had sex, then Tammy Moorer sent photos of their sexual positions to Elvis."

"No phone calls or text messages were exchanged between the Moorers and Elvis between Nov. 5 and Dec. 17, the night before the 20-year-old disappeared. Elder said on the night of Dec. 17, Elvis returned home from a date."

Read more here:


Here's a quote from the top article...(bolding done by me):

"It is not clear who Sidney Moorer was with at 1:35 a.m. Dec. 18 when he made the call from a payphone on 10th Avenue North in Myrtle Beach to Elvis. The young woman was at home after having been on a date that night. Her date later cooperated with police and was cleared in the investigation, authorities said.
Sidney Moorer spoke to Elvis from the payphone for more than four minutes."

So, does this mean an unidentified "someone" was with SM at the pay phone?
Or are they just reporting that it isn't clear whether SM was alone at the time of the call?
If it's the latter, wouldn't the way it's worded in the article be misleading?

And are they reporting for sure that Heather was in her condo?
Couldn't she have been in her date's car in her own parking lot if this info came from her cell phone's GPS?

I think this makes a big difference in the nature of the call- whether Heather was indeed home alone inside her apartment or if she had to excuse herself from her date (or ended the date) to take the call.

Did her date come inside when he dropped her off?
"No phone calls or text messages were exchanged between the Moorers and Elvis between Nov. 5 and Dec. 17, the night before the 20-year-old disappeared. Elder said on the night of Dec. 17, Elvis returned home from a date."

Read more here:


I really, really hope they have checked every single number on Heather's phone. I am a tech fail- and I set up and use Google gmail SMS text and Google voice.

I really, really hope they have checked every single number on Heather's phone. I am a tech fail- and I set up and use Google gmail SMS text and Google voice.

I agree. I would also like to add that you can chat in games like Words with Friends and Dice Buddies, and others, so if she was playing with him, they could have done it this way, so TM wouldn't know. Been there and caught someone. Also, there are free apps to video chat that are not connected to your phone number.
I agree. I would also like to add that you can chat in games like Words with Friends and Dice Buddies, and others, so if she was playing with him, they could have done it this way, so TM wouldn't know. Been there and caught someone. Also, there are free apps to video chat that are not connected to your phone number.

yes- they need to go through every app...
Hope this helps Hoppy

In this article the solicitor states TM sent the texts. In another article, which I will find, the solicitor states that between Nov 5 and Dec 17 there were NO communications between the Ms and Heather

"Truslow said police charged the couple because they had “martial relations” in a vehicle prior to the case and it was irrelevant. But Elder said police learned the couple went to the places and had sex, then Tammy Moorer sent photos of their sexual positions to Elvis."

"No phone calls or text messages were exchanged between the Moorers and Elvis between Nov. 5 and Dec. 17, the night before the 20-year-old disappeared. Elder said on the night of Dec. 17, Elvis returned home from a date."

Read more here:

See that's my point. It says that:

"Truslow said police charged the couple because they had “martial relations” in a vehicle prior to the case and it was irrelevant."

So their attorney said when they had 'marital relations' it was 'prior to the case' and not relevant.

Then Elder says:

"police learned the couple went to the places and had sex, then Tammy Moorer sent photos of their sexual positions to Elvis."

I believe that it wasn't THAT night those photos were taken - but rather THAT NIGHT they were SENT? The "THEN" seems to me to indicate after the fact?

The two locations listed - one at BATB and the other is over near HGTC/Coastal Carolina University - two places that Heather may very well have been - thus the locations the photos were received possibly? Or where they were taken - but not necessarily on the 17th/18th
I really don't think sleuthers need to be concerned whether LE, including experts from the FBI, know to thoroughly investigate a case and look for digital evidence. These people are the professionals and this is their job. Experts are consulted in partnership. The FBI in particular has dedicated facilities and experts for just digital and telephonic evidence. Most police departments have the ability to extract the contents of cell phones and computer hard drives. Just for prosecuting drug crimes they'd need the ability to look for and find electronic/digital evidence. For some reason assumptions are often made that LE doesn't know how to do their job, which I never understand.
See that's my point. It says that:

"Truslow said police charged the couple because they had “martial relations” in a vehicle prior to the case and it was irrelevant."

So their attorney said when they had 'marital relations' it was 'prior to the case' and not relevant.

Then Elder says:

"police learned the couple went to the places and had sex, then Tammy Moorer sent photos of their sexual positions to Elvis."

I believe that it wasn't THAT night those photos were taken - but rather THAT NIGHT they were SENT? The "THEN" seems to me to indicate after the fact

The two locations listed - one at BATB and the other is over near HGTC/Coastal Carolina University - two places that Heather may very well have been - thus the locations the photos were received possibly? Or where they were taken - but not necessarily on the 17th/18th

Imo, prior to the case means shortly before 3:41am. Heather went missing after 3:41. Remember Sidney lied about where he and his wife were that night. So when he admiited to the ie charges LE checked surveillance videos or vice versa.
Unless Heather was in the car with the M's during the IE, or the timeline of the IE directly supports a case for murder, the IE charges are a sideshow, in my view.

The M's had sex in a car? So?

If the police went looking for video footage to check SM's story of where he was when he said he was there, that makes sense to me. If the police went looking for footage after SM's remarks, to trap the M's while they gathered more evidence for the rest of their case, then charged the M's with IE to get them detained, that's different.

They had obstruction. Even if the IE is part of what led LE to obstruction because the times didn't jive with the other info LE has, why the IE charges? Is LE going to look for footage of SM and HE car sex? It would go to TM's prior claim and possible motive, right?

Let's hope not.

LE, in my view, is neither saint or sinner. LE is a body of skilled professionals who are also human, and capable of a Jessica Ridgeway case outcome or a Peggy Hettrick case outcome. I have no opinion just yet on how well the greater case of the murder of Heather hangs together with respect to prosecution.

We'll see.

In the meantime, I hope the IE has more direct relevance to this case than law enforcement's concern about what's probably happening in lots of cars.


Where is Heather?
You said
"The M's had sex in a car, so?"
SO...... LE thought the M's having sex in a car and sending text to Heather was important enough to hang charges on the M's.
Sending those pics has everything to with the timing of Heather's disappearance. imo
Unless Heather was in the car with the M's during the IE, or the timeline of the IE directly supports a case for murder, the IE charges are a sideshow, in my view.

The M's had sex in a car? So?

If the police went looking for video footage to check SM's story of where he was when he said he was there, that makes sense to me. If the police went looking for footage after SM's remarks, to trap the M's while they gathered more evidence for the rest of their case, then charged the M's with IE to get them detained, that's different.

They had obstruction. Even if the IE is part of what led LE to obstruction because the times didn't jive with the other info LE has, why the IE charges? Is LE going to look for footage of SM and HE car sex? It would go to TM's prior claim and possible motive, right?

Let's hope not.

LE, in my view, is neither saint or sinner. LE is a body of skilled professionals who are also human, and capable of a Jessica Ridgeway case outcome or a Peggy Hettrick case outcome. I have no opinion just yet on how well the greater case of the murder of Heather hangs together with respect to prosecution.

We'll see.

In the meantime, I hope the IE has more direct relevance to this case than law enforcement's concern about what's probably happening in lots of cars.


Where is Heather?

imo,the ie charges add to the harassment of Heather by TM. TM was baiting Heather, obsessed with Heather. goes to motive as well.
There is validity in your comments, jillycat, but having sex in your car is indecent exposure and is, in fact, illegal.

It may not be enforced all the time, but my dad used to say that the law are made to be broken. IOW, if you're up to no good and LE can't stop you or doesn't know exactly what to charge you for, they can bust you for breaking any law in the book.
There is validity in your comments, jillycat, but having sex in your car is indecent exposure and is, in fact, illegal.

It may not be enforced all the time, but my dad used to say that the law are made to be broken. IOW, if you're up to no good and LE can't stop you or doesn't know exactly what to charge you for, they can bust you for breaking any law in the book.

I get that illegal is illegal.

And I get that the police referred to the initial charges as part of a strategy.
You said
"The M's had sex in a car, so what?"
SO...... LE thought the M's having sex in a car and sending text to Heather was important enough to hang charges on the M's.
Sending those pics has everything to with the timing of Heather's disappearance. imo

Actually, this is what I said re: IE:

"If the police went looking for video footage to check SM's story of where he was when he said he was there, that makes sense to me. If the police went looking for footage after SM's remarks, to trap the M's while they gathered more evidence for the rest of their case, then charged the M's with IE to get them detained, that's different.

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