Interesting Info about Site where remains found

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Hello all,

As luck would have it, I was on a plane yesterday and sat next to a lovely woman who lives down the street from the Anthony's (we were flying into Orlando).

Here is some info she gave me that REALLY helped explain perhaps why they did not find Caylee's remains after the meter-man called and called.

She said that the neighborhood/area behind the site is ill-kept and that people VERY often dump things name it.

I couldn't understand how an officer would go investigate and then dismiss...but apparently there's always a lot of debris/trash there.

Thought it was an interesting tidbit to share.
Truthful, thanks for sharing. Yes it could explain why the bag wasn't found earlier.She knew this spot wouldn't stick out like a dump would.
:eek: Regardless of how LE followed up on these leads, it wouldn't have changed Caylee's fate. Orange county is large, and I am sure they have more crime, more things to deal with on a daily basis than one man's tips. Honestly, how would you feel if you knew that the officer was called away from the scene because of a head on collision that involved a child? Would people still blame LE for not finding her sooner? The matter is still being looked into, and personally I don't think its fair to blame them just yet.
Also, I am glad that Texas has those who are not afraid of those diamondbacks, I am deathly afraid of them, as is my nephew who is front lines of the war in Iraq, but that doesn't make him any less of a soilder.
I just think we need to wait to find out what happened in regards to those tips, and either way, remember, nothing would have changed other than more evidence..the SA went to a grand jury without a body and got the indictment, I don't think they are worried now that some LE officer missed the bag, that its any less of a case..:blowkiss:

Ya know I called In Several tips too and NEVER heard anything about them as they got sooooo many tips that maybe they hadnt got to it way back when as they were even still getting live Caylee sitings back then and I would think that would take priority... I am not making excuses for LE but geesh this case is just crazy and with crazy grandparents too.
Maybe someone will remember what I am talking about as in August? I believe that the news had watched LA and GA take off at around 11pm one night to go around the corner to look for a body in a tip? I remember it being on the news as we were all listening on the local scanner. It may have been on the FOX blog but does anyone else remember what I am talking about?

I remember exactly what you are talking about, Bathbuddys! IIRC, it was around 10 or 11 PM. one night. I just remember George flying out of the driveway, not LA. Not saying he wasn't there, tho. The young guys statements are included in one of the document dumps. Someone even speculated that the statements must be important or else the statements would not have been included.

The young guys had found a spot where there was a stick attached to a buried rope. I am not positive, but I think the young guys were told later that the rope was attached to a bomb or something to that effect. The young guys stated that there appeared to be some digging that had been done, and also found a tire track.

This is as much as I can remember without going to look for the young guys statements!
JMO- but if it is true that this was a KNOWN dump site in close proximity to the home, all the more reason it should have been declared a prime area of concern and subject to extensive search early on.

It only baffles me more as to how Caylee could have been missed when she was just off the road, so close to home.

I agree as I even started thread that was taken down early on about NOT following the pings as I thought they might be throwing searchers off. If it hadn't been taken down, my point was to follow conventional thinking somewhat. Such as you have a lazy monster, who wouldn't spend a minute more than she had to, to get rid of poor Caylee.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent looking, and it's a known fact most people are found dumped within 2 miles of their home. I'm furious to say the least. I had no idea that area existed and should have been scoured better. IMO I have heard people say the brush is thick, but so was it in all the other places they were searching. They needed machetes to cut through it.
Not to mention the poor Meter reader, for whatever reason was handing Caylee to LE on a silver plate. The 911 dispatchers sound very apathetic to me as I listen to the calls. And I know I'm going to take alot of slack for this but quite a few people dropped the ball here. They could have locked that murderous $%^&* up in August. Possibly had a cause of death and saved many neighbors and others months of anguish. :furious:
What else did you discuss about the case? Was she willing to talk about it? Did you ask her what it was like living on the street?

Hi all, I work with a guy who also lives down the street from the Anthonys. His daughter went to school with KC years ago in middle school. KC and his daughter were not friends or anything but he said she came to his house once with his daughter on a day where his daughter was picked on by other kids. KC brought her home and told him what happened. His daughter told him KC was the only person to stand up for her - boy that seems so strange now huh?

I told him he should be thinking and looking everywhere! He growled at me that "I'm so sick of this crap you can't believe it. We can't even live peacefully in our own home because of nutso protesters." I tried to explain to him that they were just a small group of people, not all the people who care about the case are "that way" as he called it. He still growled. Not interested in even talking about it. Grouchy! Grumpy!

I would like to know if any of her pets were named "blackjack"!!! Also, she told Lee in one visit "look in places that are close to home...places we knew when we were kids..." I can't find which one but am looking for it!
While looking at rainfall totals for June-August I also notice a link to the Fema flood maps.

Interesting that the area directly behind the A's all the way down to Suburban is considered a flood zone, that would explain why there are no houses built there.

(you will have to zoom to 50%-75% then look at about the 1:30 position from the big red 435 number on that map.)
this is JMO, I don't think that the body was there the whole time. I just don't think it been there since June. But I do wonder why Police to not search the neigborhoods first thing when there is a missing child. there been cases all over that the children is found so close to home. Just like Jessica L case in Flordia across the road from her home. I still don't understand that case.

They didn't search because KC said the nanny took her.
Ya know I called In Several tips too and NEVER heard anything about them as they got sooooo many tips that maybe they hadnt got to it way back when as they were even still getting live Caylee sitings back then and I would think that would take priority... I am not making excuses for LE but geesh this case is just crazy and with crazy grandparents too.

Back then, they had preliminary results back that Caylee was deceased. Live sightings was not a priority. Now, if it would have turned out that Caylee was alive, then we could go back and certainly trash them to the fullest extent on how they didn't prioritize their actions, however, they knew back then what was confirmed last week for the rest of us.
I totally agree with you, and have thought this all along. I still wonder what those remote pings were all about, if they weren't Casey burying Caylee. I truly believe that those remote pings threw everyone, LE, TES, etc. off track. I think also that searchers were giving Casey too much credit. They thought she might have had some plan of a disposal, some remote place where her body would be hard to find, but in fact, Casey was just lazy and threw her in the nearest vacant swampy land. I think the search crews over-thought the whole thing. The phrase "keep it simple" comes to mind.

Out of curiosity, for how long would a little body like Caylee's left out in the woods smell? I wouldn't think it smell as long as an adult's body would. With that, for 31 days, that decomp odor could have been out there lingering and people would've been dismissing it as an animal remains, because they didn't know of any humans in the area missing. So, by the time people knew a child was missing (and presumed kidnapped), that smell might have been gone. Plus, by then, the area was underwater, so would it still smell if it was underwater?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not necessarily trying to defend LE for not finding her, but I don't blame them, or any of the other search parties, for missing her either. Living in Orlando, I can definitely see where finding her body (even if the entire vacant areas around her home had been thoroughly searched) would have been like finding a needle in a haystack. They probably received hundreds of tips, like the ones from the meter reader, and were they supposed to drain every swamp in Central Florida on the remote possibility that it may be the swamp Caylee was in (for that matter, did they even know it was a swamp that Caylee was in?) In today's economy, as an Orlando resident, I'm glad they didn't drain every swamp on the whim that her body could have been there. They don't have all kinds of extra money to pay for that! Jobs and public service projects would have more than likely had to have been cut to fund all that, leaving even more victims of Casey's web of lies. The only one at fault in this whole thing is Casey. She is the one who knew where to look, and she didn't tell. I hold no one else responsible other than her. :furious:
Casey!! I agree. KC. put all those people through the task of searching,having to spend money for nil..At least we can say all the people including TM. and LP. have hearts!!!...something KC. will never have! IMO
No, definitely not different places. Perhaps different areas within the same site..

The girl that told me this was perhaps very early twenties...had seen Casey/Caylee before in the neighborhood and used to walk her dog that way, as well. She said that teens did not "gather" there.. (at least not that she had ever seen, or heard of...and she has younger teen siblings, as well)

I know it's not authoritative info, but I sure questioned her extensively...

This is something I have thought and thought about since Caylee was found. When a policeman wouldn't go into the woods because of a large snake, I wondered why would kids ever go there to hangout? It made absolutely no sense to me. I can't imagine a parent approving of this area as a good place for their child to spend time.
The road looks like it dead ends after the school, so, probably only traveled by those going to and from the school.

A family member is a teacher at the school and she said you can see the actual crime scene from the playground. The children were kept inside their classrooms from noon until dismissal on the day the remains were found because of this. That is how accessible and open the crime scene was to the road/traffic/school. It bewilders me that she wasn't found until now.
LE had a whole month to search the area close to the Anthony home before the storms hit. They knew right away that her story was BS and suspected foul play. If the meter reader spotted something a month later and knew it wasn't right then LE should have been able to spot the same thing. Either the body was placed at the site in August or LE did not thoroughly search the area before or after the meter reader made his calls. It shouldn't matter if there are snakes or things dumped there. Gets some boots on and search. Lots of men in West Texas go on rattlesnake roundups every year and aren't afraid.

OMG , I recall living in Texas 2 yr's hubby employed by Georgia Pacific to start new Plywood mills, in New Waverly, I saw my first of the truck loads of rattle snakes driving through preparing for a big feast. We have them in Oregon too but we dont eat them. ick.
Back to where the remains were found, I read somewhere that a neighbor there did say they smelled the horrible odor in July and August but decided it must be a dead animal. Really sad they didnt locate her at that time.
This is something I have thought and thought about since Caylee was found. When a policeman wouldn't go into the woods because of a large snake, I wondered why would kids ever go there to hangout? It made absolutely no sense to me. I can't imagine a parent approving of this area as a good place for their child to spend time.

I gathered this as one of those secret places where kids would go, I remember having my own little smoking corner myself and a few neighborhood kids had that our parents didn't know we had..
Kimster, I am presuming you havent spent a lot of time in the Oregon wooded areas, esp, at night. There are so many "critters" out there , there is not enough space to list them all. I live in city limits and I have seen squirels, racoons, wolf, bobcat, and several others in my own back yard. Oregon has many more than most places, but no gaters. My husband used to shoot bobcats and coogars and take them in to court house for bounty money.

Hi EasyGruuvin, Living in Oregon too I totally agree. And I think it was you who talked about the ferns and blackberry bushes that are everywhere in the late Spring and Summer months. It reminds me of what I think happened to Brooke Wilberger and why they have never found her remains after 4 years when they know the last place she was spotted. xox
maybe this is what casey thought a "sinkhole" was. She supposedly read The Lovely Bones, and even if she didn't, she may have heard a sinkhole is for's possible that's why she was looking it up on the internet.
Yes, it was inhumane to dump little Caylee like a bag of garbage. On the other hand, thank God she did. I guess it's the lesser of two evils. KC didn't want her found, so would not have buried her in a beautiful flower filled meadow. At least little Caylee was ditched somewhere that alligators didn't have access to her body, and some place that someone was able to find her. My heart sank the day Tim M stated he didn't think she could be found. The meter reader finding Caylee and any evidence is nothing less than a miracle from God.
About the cell pings,maybe KC was looking for another place to dump her,but other people were around or something scared her off.
I'll have to go back and look,but did the neighbor see the car backed into the garage twice? Once to take her out to the airport and once to bring her back?

I definitely think LE dropped the ball,but I understand how it happened.

Not hollering at you, merely agreeing as I've read many of your posts.

LE dropped the ball a few times here. First and I've been saying it all along, they arrested KC too soon. She would have gone back to the scene many times. And for all we know she did, her phone could have pinged from there many times as it is most likely the same tower as the A's house. I still don't understand how they overlooked the area at all. Look at the places that searches took place. They weren't all dry SAFEplaces by any means. They were in thick brush and swampy other areas, cutting their way with machettes. (sp?)
They had enough tips, I mean geez the poor meter man practically told them it was Caylee. It's really too bad that many people fill up the police tip lines with, "Uh, I had a dream, look over there." IMO they should toss those far away when they come in. KC told her brother she was CLOSE to home. She also repeated it to her parents. Then if that wasn't enough, Kiomarie told LE to look there as she used to bury her pets there. So they didn't go to the direct spot Kiomarie said, that's why people search.
Then you have a so called psychic with a dog a few ft. away?? Some physic.
Then you have LP with divers in the water near alligators, so it's dangerous in a swamp doesn't really fly with me as a child was at stake.
TM and I know I'll take alot of flack for saying this, but he loses a 4 wheeler where a 4 wheeler shouldn't be. Then he has changed his story twice too, if not many more times, if someone wants to count. First he said it was too wet, then he said LE told him not to search inside the fenced area. Then it was the best decision he ever made.These are facts said right after Caylee was found on NG. This was touted as the biggest search EVER. Lasted a whole two days, then he went on NG and said she was unfindable. Which is it?
The 911 operators were blowing the meter guy off 3 X, the way I read it, listening to the calls he made. LE that was sent to the scene and probably said Yeah we looked. Time for doughnuts and coffee.
If the meter reader could get back there then, it couldn't have been too flooded.
I started a thread don't go by the pings, what I was really trying to say was they were possible throwing people off. Go by the good old fashioned way, LE profilers and her own words.

Ok so everyone can give me alot of flack, but this is how I feel. KC could have been in jail Aug.11th for murder. Spared may thousands of dollars and many people fighting. Worse of all we had to listen to CA. And if this is played up by the defense, SHE MIGHT WALK. :furious:
Not hollering at you, merely agreeing as I've read many of your posts.

LE dropped the ball a few times here. First and I've been saying it all along, they arrested KC too soon. She would have gone back to the scene many times. And for all we know she did, her phone could have pinged from there many times as it is most likely the same tower as the A's house. I still don't understand how they overlooked the area at all. Look at the places that searches took place. They weren't all dry SAFEplaces by any means. They were in thick brush and swampy other areas, cutting their way with machettes. (sp?)
They had enough tips, I mean geez the poor meter man practically told them it was Caylee. It's really too bad that many people fill up the police tip lines with, "Uh, I had a dream, look over there." IMO they should toss those far away when they come in. KC told her brother she was CLOSE to home. She also repeated it to her parents. Then if that wasn't enough, Kiomarie told LE to look there as she used to bury her pets there. So they didn't go to the direct spot Kiomarie said, that's why people search.
Then you have a so called psychic with a dog a few ft. away?? Some physic.
Then you have LP with divers in the water near alligators, so it's dangerous in a swamp doesn't really fly with me as a child was at stake.
TM and I know I'll take alot of flack for saying this, but he loses a 4 wheeler where a 4 wheeler shouldn't be. Then he has changed his story twice too, if not many more times, if someone wants to count. First he said it was too wet, then he said LE told him not to search inside the fenced area. Then it was the best decision he ever made.These are facts said right after Caylee was found on NG. This was touted as the biggest search EVER. Lasted a whole two days, then he went on NG and said she was unfindable. Which is it?
The 911 operators were blowing the meter guy off 3 X, the way I read it, listening to the calls he made. LE that was sent to the scene and probably said Yeah we looked. Time for doughnuts and coffee.
If the meter reader could get back there then, it couldn't have been too flooded.
I started a thread don't go by the pings, what I was really trying to say was they were possible throwing people off. Go by the good old fashioned way, LE profilers and her own words.

Ok so everyone can give me alot of flack, but this is how I feel. And if this is played up by the defense, SHE MIGHT WALK. :furious:
I hear ya. Very good points made. But, I don't see her walking because the poor baby's little body wasn't found sooner. It doesn't change the outcome IMO.
Hi EasyGruuvin, Living in Oregon too I totally agree. And I think it was you who talked about the ferns and blackberry bushes that are everywhere in the late Spring and Summer months. It reminds me of what I think happened to Brooke Wilberger and why they have never found her remains after 4 years when they know the last place she was spotted. xox

I live in the Willamette Valley..."seed capital of the world" - LOL! Its not so wooded here and not as many critters as in the foothills and above. :)

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