Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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Jodi Arias made statements to Flores, the media and the jury that shows she has the thinking of a sociopath/psychopath.

“If I killed somebody, I would wear gloves. I have plenty of them.”

“If I killed Travis, I would show him mercy. I would shoot him. I’d never stab him.”

“I didn’t kill Travis. I have many ex boyfriends and they are all alive.”

“I would never kill Travis because I believe in the ten commandments: Thou Shall Not Kill.”

“I loved Travis on June 4, 2008 (when she was stabbing him to death, slitting his throat and shooting him in the head) and I still do but in a different way.”

“I didn’t call 911 because even though I was fighting for my life, I didn’t see it that way. I felt I did something wrong.”

“I didn’t know if he was dead or alive because I never killed anyone before.”

“I thought if you pointed a gun at someone loaded or not they’d stop” and she puts her hands up as if she is surrendering to police.

“I didn’t even know he was shot after the gun went off. He didn’t act any different. He was still angry, threatening my life and pulling on my clothes and trying to get control of me.”

“I have no memory of stabbing Travis or dragging his body. I guess I must have blacked out.”

“I don’t know how the bullet casing got in the blood because there was no blood when I shot him.”

“I had no fear – I mean anger – when I was stabbing Travis.”

“I can remember feelings but not details when I am in a blackout.”

“I remember I was in mortal terror that day.”

“I made up the story I told police to fit the forensics.”

“I called the police to find out what they knew to see if I was going to be arrested.”

“I didn’t tell the police about the pedophilia or abuse because I thought it would look like I had a motive.”

“I was free to date because I was single.”

“I confronted Travis about making out with a woman because although we weren’t boyfriend/girlfriend he was courting me.”

“I did television interviews because I wanted to protect Travis’s and my relationship.”

“I lied to the police about killing Travis because I wanted to protect Travis’ reputation.”

“I said no jury would convict me because I planned to commit suicide.”

“I tried to commit suicide once but when I nicked my wrist, it stung.”

“I have a very good memory except when I am under stress or someone is yelling at me.”

“I don’t usually lie. I only lied about killing Travis to protect his memory and I was scared and ashamed for anyone to know I was capable of doing such a thing.”

“I slept with him after I discovered he had an attraction to children because I thought he would stay away from children if he slept with me.”

“I’m telling the truth now because I am under oath.”

“I swore to tell the truth to the best of my ability.”

Sun, excellent!

Mark.Her.Words !

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DB also said he didn't know if his ex got a boob job - sorry - not buying it - he saw her all the time to exchange custody of their son. Arias gets hers right after that?? Hmmmm - funny timing.
He didn't remember anything about the 48 HR dinner he had until Juan reminded him - yet he had to have been conversing with Arias from jail to even GET those instructions.
He didn't remember the things he said during his interview to the detectives - hmm.
Sorry, I know he seemed mild and meek, but I just have a gut feeling there's LOTS more he knows that he's not inclined to share.

Oh yes, he's a defence witness alright! Couldn't remember anything that might be used against JA.
I posted this last night. Here is his testimony. He is the first witness. You should watch JA's reaction when he is walking in, very interesting. JMO

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 10 - Part 2 - YouTube

thanks I missed his testimony. He was very evasive and more than a little bit snarky at times. Why would anyone want to protect the person that slaughtered another human being is way beyond me.
Random question: can her false accusations against Travis re; abuse and BS pedophilia be used against her during the death sentencing hearings?

I don't believe so. They can, however, consider depravity, I.e., the brutality of the crime.
Someone asked about what JA did during her 4-5 hours in Salinas.

I believe she had a mani-pedi, colored her hair, had lunch, had a facial and a Brazilian wax. That much $ would make it worth getting it done at the last minute in Salinas - another reason, that pubic hair grows fast.

Someone else asked whose dime would pay for that and I have an opinion. I think she promised old Daryl a fun time with her new Brazilian for a little financial assistance. He agreed, which freed up her travel money for the salon. She deposited the money right after she left Daryl.

I love this brainstorming that goes on here and have had my eyes popped open and said o.m.g and my daughter says, "What?"

And I answer, "A poster suggested Jodi Arias might have been a blonde the whole time and the dark hair was just a RINSE at the salon and not a DYE!"

She looks at me like I have lost my mind, "Let me get this straight. You gasped because her hair was rinsed?"

So grateful for websleuths!
9 days after this text from TA to JA I just can't fathom Travis willingly hanging out with JA all day on June 4th.

IMO it went like this: she arrives, says she wants to talk, she is sorry. Says she brought a payment by for the car....and a bottle of KY :great:

Would not be the first time a couple or even this couple had make up sex. KY is Jodi's dirty little secret weapon.
I know and it is very confusing and probably confuses the jury too. The only thing I can figure is she arrived at his house totally surprising him. I dont believe for 1 minute he knew she was coming over.

By then, he knew she was an evil and scary person. I think he was kind of scared of her by then and maybe he thought if had sex with her and to go along with her to some extent, he could just get her to leave peacefully.

It is very confusing. I dont know why he would just not try to throw her out immediately. Maybe he always had this way of dealing with her. Kind of go along with her and of course have sex and then maybe he hoped he could get her to leave on somewhat of a good note.

Some people think she had him at gunpoint the whole day.

But somewhere I saw they had several conversations June 3rd or 4th. One conversation was about 40 minutes at around 3AM in the morning. So they were in touch. What was discussed at that wee-hour is anyone's guess.
Originally Posted by OldCarGal View Post

January 15, Sandy Arias (Jodi's mother) reported "she was informed" about jury misconduct. Was this a tact by Jodi to get a mistrial? Anybody know what Sandy Arias reported?

Court documents

Isn't it fascinating how stranger and random people always seem to come forth to tell Jodi and her mom things like men cheating on Jodi and now this supposed jury misconduct. So very interesting (insert sarcasm here!)

I just wonder, too if it has ever been a problem concerning juries, for 'interested parties', to try and tamper with the jury. I mean, there have been movies made about this. I know I wouldn't put it past JA to put someone up to something like this. Just think of the number of small things that could be 'tamper' material, and voila, a mistrial. Ever since this accusation by JA's mother, I have had a slight sense of paranoia about this possibility.
I think I read the car was returned empty.

I asked that last night on the thread because I thought I'd seen someone else post that. I did not stay on long enough to see that that was verified or the receipt. Perhaps someone else can do that now if they remember. I don't want anyone to go hunting for it.

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Thanks PerfectVirgo! :wave:

Just my speculation: So from mid-April when JA moved and ruined the BMW engine until June 4th - date of the murder, JA may have been slowly paying TA for the cost of repairs to the BMW and perhaps not for the full purchase of the car.?.

The check which was found on Travis' desk was allegedly for two months' payments @ $100.00 each. It was dated toward the end of May, however, I believe that was to make it appear it had been mailed and it was actually left at his house on June 4th. IIRC, she claims they had an arrangement where she would pay him what she could.

Yet, we see how she was able to rent a car and drive from Yreka to Mesa, and how much money she spent on that trip.....

IMO it went like this: she arrives, says she wants to talk, she is sorry. Says she brought a payment by for the car....and a bottle of KY :great:

Would not be the first time a couple or even this couple had make up sex. KY is Jodi's dirty little secret weapon.

Agree. I still don't get why the idea post-fight or post-break up sex is so mind blowing to so many.
Like so many here, I find myself consumed with all things AZ vs Jodi Arias. There are so many unanswered questions at this point, and the nature of this defendant tells us that we will NEVER have the answers.

I am fairly certain that she will be found guilty of 1st Degree Murder...and I, for one, am ambivalent on the punishment of LWOP or the DP. As long as this monster is never again allowed to walk the streets, I will consider justice served.

However, I find myself thinking about two things and cannot shake the thoughts because they are both frightening and confusing:

- If I were a brother or sister if JA, would I EVER want to know the specific details of my brother's brutal murder? Even if this psychopath were willing to give the details of June 4, would I really want to know those specifics? Perhaps it is far too overwhelming to have seen and heard everything thus far and anything more would haunt me forever. I realize they already have too many memories that they will live with for the rest of their lives. Should they really know anything more?

- I continue to think of TA's roommates and just how fortunate they are that nothing in their schedules brought them back to that home on the afternoon / evening of June 4. Had either one surprised JA, I am certain there would have been more than one victim.

We all have so many questions...and we will never know the answers because the average mind does not work like hers...and all her actions and secrets will forever remain hidden behind all her lies and delusions.

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1. Did TA pay for a majority of your trips?
2. If he did pay, was that a factor in you questioning his choices, ie sleeping arrangements?
3. Was it his money, his choices?
4. Why did you put the camera in the washer?
5. Did you ever take pics of yourself after he hit you?
6. Why did you call cops on ex who shook you but not on Travis?
7. Why would you continue to sleep w/TA after you learned of his child *advertiser censored* issues?
8. Why didn’t you just change your gmail password so TA couldn’t get into it anymore?
9. Did TA’s closet doors have locks on them?
10. If no, how did you have time to get the gun down if he was right behind you?
11. Did you record other phone sex convos?
12. Bryan Burns testified that he met you at a PPL event in April 08 and you had blonde hair. How is that possible if you dyed your hair in March 08?
13. Why did you feel so uncomfortable about anal w/TA if you’d previously tried it?
14. You took pics of shirt/shorts. Did you take pics of spideys? If no, why not?
15. You told Daryl you wanted to abstain from sex til marriage. Why’d you have sex w/TA?
16. TA said on the phone that he didn’t like spiderman. Why did he buy you underwear with spiderman if he didn’t like that character?
17. Why would you tell Leslie you wanted TA’s kids to play w/yours if you knew he was into young children?
18. If you had bruises prior to Jan 28 incident (?), why didn’t anyone ask you about them?
19. If you were so near sighted, how were you able to drive?
20. In TA’s text to Jodi, ex.444, he talks about mysterious man. Who’s this man and why’s he bringing it up?
21. Did TA think it was someone you lied about?
22. You took pic of tshirt/shorts and not boys underwear. Why did you take them so much later (in July)?
23. You testified TA gave you book of Mormon @ Starbucks. Did you read it, if so, when?
24. Does the book of Mormon go into detail regarding the law of chastity?
25. Who initiated contact after various break ups? Start w/Bobby.
26. How far is Crater Lake from Ashland?
27. How far is Medford from Crater Lake?
28. How far is Medford from Ashland?
29. How did you know Victor’s family?
30. Please explain the events again that led up to your dad slapping you earlier.
31. What is your relationship with your mother like today?
32. What is your relationship with your father like today?
33. Would it be possible to have Jodi run through the attack on 6/4/08 using the floorplan in exhibit #–?
34. Regarding the 9MM gun in 7/08, you mentioned the purpose having to do w/a camping trip. Who was going to be going on the camping trip?
35. Why were you planning on going if you were scared?
36. Were you paid for the interview w/48 hours?
37. Were you paid for the interview w/Inside Edition?
38. Inter an interview w/Flores, you talk to him about taking pics of TA while shaving. You said he must’ve liked it because he used it on his MySpace page. Can you explain what he used?
39. You stated that you tried to call Matt and Daryl about your change in plans about going to Mesa but said they didn’t answer. Why didn’t you leave a VM or text them?
40. You testified that you reported your cell phone lost in May 08. When and where was it found?
41. Have you taken long trips by yourself like the one 6/08 in the past?
42. How often did you take such trips?
43. During those trips, did you take extra gas cans with you?
44. If you took gas cans with you, where did you get them?
45. During your testimony, you mentioned (sorry, my internet refreshed! Missed this one. Think it had to do with heavy traffic and Travis’ frustration w/it)
46. Why did you confront Travis after seeing him w/another woman through his back window if was not due to jealousy?
47. If you simply wanted to know where you stood because you thought he was still courting you, why were you so upset that you needed to call your father the next day?
48. You mentioned an earlier failed attempt at using rope during sexual encounter. Can you tell us what happened that day it occurred and how TA handled that failure?
49. Did Travis’ dog usually bark when someone came into the house?
50. Did the dog usually bark with loud unexplained noises?
51. Why would you continue to stay w/someone who had sex w/you while you were sleeping?
52. When did you find out that TA had a gun?
53. To your knowledge, did the police ever find your grandfather’s gun that was stolen?
54. Why did you place TA’s body back in the shower?
55. Do you know what time you left TA’s house on 6/4/08?
56. What happened to the clothes you were wearing 6/4/08?
57. You say TA had attacked you before 6/4/08 but would apologize, so why was 6/4/08 so different?
58. You & TA continued to talk on the phone after you moved. Would it be fair to say you were upset he was taking another woman to Cancun?
59. Why did you send his grandmother flowers?
60. Why did you take the rope and gun w/you?
61. Did you lock TA’s bedroom door when you left on 6/4/08?
62. Did you try to clean up the scene when you left on 6/4/08?
63. If you climbed on the shelf in a hurry in the closet, how is it nothing is disturbed?
64. If you shot TA first, how did the casing land on blood?
65. After you shot him, how come you didn’t run out of the house to get away?
66. Why didn’t you call 911?
67. If TA attacked you on 6/4/08, why not just tell the police from the start?
68. Were you kneeling when you dropped the camera?
69. When TA got out of the shower to attack you, was he wet? If so, did he slip on the tile?
70. When entering the closet, why didn’t you go through the door closest to you?
71. Do you know how tall the ceiling in TA’s closet was?
72. Was the gun in a case or was it just lying on the shelf?
73. Why is it that you have no memory of stabbing Travis?
74. Whether you had plans to commit suicide or not, why even say no jury would convict you because you’re innocent?
75. In your interviews you gave on TV, were you forced to answer all the questions they presented to you?
76. You have pictures of your other finger injuries with time stamps? Do you have other pics of your other finger injury?
77. Do you have any pics of your wearing a finger splint?
78. Did anyone see you wearing a finger splint?
79. When did you realize you had memory loss? The approximate date.
80. Did you have an attorney prior to the interview w/CBS?
81. You said you got the 2 gas cans so you could fill up where it was cheaper in NV or UT. Why did you get it in Pasadena?
82. In all the 3 hour church events, you were never told that other forms of sexual intercourse – oral/anal – were forbidden?
83. Did you know that TA did not like John Dixon prior to your date w/John Dixon?
84. Why were you willing to get involved with 2 men at the same time?
85. When you were asked about the video you made w/TA on 6/4/08 you said you used your camera. Then you said it was in your car and didn’t use it that day. Which is it?
86. When you realized you didn’t connect like you’d expected, why did you continue to speak to Travis?
87. What is your understanding of the word *advertiser censored*?
88. Why did you share housing w/Matt at the time you were in a relationship w/TA?
89. Were there any girls working w/you that you could share a room with?
90. How can you be a sister to Matt, someone you had sex w/in the past?
91. Why didn’t you read the book of Mormon to see what you were and weren’t allowed to do?
92. Why did you ask TA about everything you did?
93. Why did you start a relationship w/Ryan Burns when you said earlier you didn’t see other guys when you were with one guy?
94. Why is it that you cannot remember when TA lent you money, but you remember the exact amount you lent him all three times?
95. Why did you think that the incident that happened on 6/4/08 was any different from anything that happened before so that you thought you had to kill him?
96. You mentioned injuries that would not have been seen by others that wouldn’t have been seen by others when you went to Utah in 6/4/08. Can you explain them?
97. When you injured yourself at Casa Romas on the glass, did your manager have you fill out a form for medical purposes?
98. Who was the main factor
Random question: can her false accusations against Travis re; abuse and BS pedophilia be used against her during the death sentencing hearings?

Golly, I sure hope so.

Now, it's a given than women who kill their significant other will often claim abuse, which creates outrage because it trivializes real victims of abuse rather than, say, being outraged over the dead guy.

The pedophilia stuff just brings it to a new level.

It was a while ago, but someone observed that Jodi Arias isn't just a murderer, she's an annihilator. She can't just kill Travis and, in the immortal words of William Munney in Unforgiven, "take away all that he has and ever will have".

She has to destroy what he was.

I know it's unusual, but it almost begs the jury, as finders of fact, to read a statement after the verdict that they find the accusations to be patently false, without basis and completely untrue.

For what it's worth.
98. Who was the main factor in your decision to move from Palm Desert to Mesa? Travis or Rachael?
99. You testified that you thought you heard his footsteps. If you weren’t sure, why didn’t you run down the stairs and out the front door?
100.Why would you take the time to delete the pics off the camera after you killed TA?
101.You stated you remembered dropping the knife and hearing it hit the tile. What did you do w/it after that?
102.If your phone had died while at TA’s, why not use a wall charger so it would be charged before you hit the road?
103.In your email to TA after 6/4/08 you stated you’d sleep in his bed while he was in Cancun. Did you sleep in his house when he wasn’t there?
104.How is it you were so calm in your interview w/CBS?
105.You stated in 48 hrs interview that TA’s family deserved to know the truth. If that was true, why didn’t you confess then?
106.If TA wanted the sex convo recorded why didn’t he record it?
107.If you didn’t want to be tied to a tree, why did you go and look for a place where he could do that?
108.If you dropped the camera on the bathmat, how is it that it rolled all the way to the bath tub?
109.On the phone sex tape, when TA was talking about photos/taking vids, was that all part of his fantasy?
110.Did you ever voice anything to TA about being uncomfortable with his fantasies?
111.Why didn’t you call Ryan and tell him you were going to AZ when you decided you were going to AZ?
112.You have testified to many occasions where you performed sexual favors for TA to keep him happy. Are you saying you never got any pleasure out of it?
113.Why would you continue to carry journals around w/you if it was possible that others including TA might read them?
114.Why were the laws of attraction so important to follow but the law of chastity was not?
115.Do the laws of attraction also apply to recording phone sex conversations?
116.You stated there were times TA made you tear out pages w/negative things you said about him. Right before that you said you didn’t write anything bad about TA. Which is it?
117.Were you mad at TA while you were stabbing him?
118.How is it that you remember so many sexual encounters, including ex-boyfriends, but you don’t remember stabbing TA or dragging his body?
119.During cross, you were asked if you were crying when you were stabbing Travis and you said no. How do you know that if you don’t remember?
120.You stated you bought a gun to commit suicide but never ended up doing it. What stopped you from doing it?
121.You stated you would not want kids w/TA because you would be worried about them. If that’s the case, why’d you tell Leslie you couldn’t wait for your kids to play together at future PPL events?
122.A lot of your answers to the questions you were asked made it seem like you put TA’s needs and priorities before your own. If that’s the case, why didn’t you call for help after you shot him?
123.Why did you decide to tell the truth 2 years after the killing?
124.What made you change your mind and tell everyone about Travis’ secret about the child’s picture?
125.You said you were sick to your stomach when you saw TA with child pics. Why did you sleep w/him again?
126.Would you classify your relationship w/TA as a love/hate relationship?
127.On 6/4/08 after you got up and ran towards the closet, is it possible TA picked up the camera from the bathroom floor and moved it?
128.Could that also explain the delay in his arrival and his anger in the door threshold?
129.Given that there are guiding principles such as the law of attraction and passing down journals to future generations, do you feel the Mormon church (sorry, missed it, one of my kids asked me something!)…
130.Can you give a few examples of what might be considered negative other than what you’ve already discussed (in regards to journals)?
131.How do you determine when you will tell the truth and when you won’t? What are the determining factors?
132.When did you find Travis’ gun?
133.Was it kept loaded in the closet?
134.Today, 3/5/13, you stated before lunch that you think you filled the car up first as we saw in several hypothetical situations after lunch, do you think it’s possible to put 8 plus gallons in the car and then 9 plus gallons and then 2 plus for a total of 12 in the remaining gas cans?
135. You initially testified that sex was a way to relieve stress, then said it was a way to relieve anger. Which is it?
136.How do you know that?
137.Would a screwdriver be required to take off the license plates?
138.Did you find it strange that only your license plate was messed with in that parking lot?
139.If you were driving to a place you’d never been before (Utah), why wouldn’t you map out different towns that had rest stops and gas stations?
140.Did you ever see a doctor for your memory issues?
141.If you were scared of TA’s anger and violence, why would you go upstairs when he was banging his head and already mad?
142.Did TA ever tell you he kept his gun loaded?
143.If you didn’t think it was loaded, why grab a gun that may not be loaded instead of going outside?
144.You stated you didn’t know anything was wrong w/the back of car when you came out of Starbucks, so how did it get turned upside down?
145.Why did you plan on seeing John Dixon when you were on your way to see Ryan in Utah?
146.How many men were you willing to be involved w/at the same time?
147.Did you ever seek mental help for your mental condition?
148.Have you ever taken medication for your memory issues?
149.Did you ever tell anyone about your condition prior to the killing?
150.You said you didn’t get glasses til 2010. What’s your prescription
Would anyone here be able to answer a question for me? I was just wondering why has it taken almost five years for this case to go to trial? That is a really long time.

Just wondering.....

Change of lawyers times 3.
At 1 point she wanted to defend herself..
2 that I can think of!

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BBM- one of the biggest differences between women and men.

Assuming they had sex- which I don't think is that much of a stretch- his acrimonious feelings for her are not necessarily accessible if she shows up at his doorstep, basically offering free escort service.

Blood flow to the small head can sadly override the flow to the brain. :blushing:

Agreed about the "THAT irresistible" comment. I'd separate my loathing of her in making an honest assessment- she's a mid card/5 or 6 slightly-above-average looking at best, based on women I've seen living in SoCal for a large portion of my life. She probably targeted (and sought out) guys whom she felt vastly superior to, all in an effort to remain firmly in control of the relationship.

I mentioned this the other day to a friend- if you take a look at the early pictures of Travis and compare them to what he looked like right around the time he wanted to give her the boot permanently, it's substantial. Her need to destroy him kicked in full, because (imo) she knew he could (and would) attract a mate at least as good looking, if not more so than she was.

I don't know if this sounds strange, but in the end I think she harbored jealousy not just about him, but toward him.

All excellent points. TA's former girlfriend said JA wanted to BE him.

This transcript covers a ton of stuff I never knew. Maybe someone else will find it useful.
Thanks PerfectVirgo! :wave:

Just my speculation: So from mid-April when JA moved and ruined the BMW engine until June 4th - date of the murder, JA may have been slowly paying TA for the cost of repairs to the BMW and perhaps not for the full purchase of the car.?.

Yes Q, I believe her payments (if she ever made any) going towards the repairs is very possible. I'm sure I read somewhere that no one would be chasing her for anything to do with the BMW after TA's murder, but I just can't remember where. I don't think the car ever left AZ but whether TA ever drove it again I'm not sure.
I'm not sure if this was brought into any sharper focus during the testimony, but according to Flores's report, Travis's roommate Zachary had to return a rental car he had been using. The report doesn't give the hours. "He returned home at about 1500 hours for about an hour before going back to Mandy's house at about 1600 hours."

The report further states that the unallocated photos on the digital card were recovered by Det. Melendez, and were time stamped starting at 1340 hours. These were the nude pix, 6 of jodi and 2 of travis.

From the Flores report
On page 6 the roommate says left the house about 1130 hours that morning to pick up GF Amanda. He just saw TA in passing as he was leaving the house. He didn't remember seeing TA when he returned a few hours later.

page 17: Roommate states returns home at 1500 hours and leaves at 1600 hours.

So I believe from 11:30am to 3pm no roommates were home.
DB also said he didn't know if his ex got a boob job - sorry - not buying it - he saw her all the time to exchange custody of their son. Arias gets hers right after that?? Hmmmm - funny timing.
He didn't remember anything about the 48 HR dinner he had until Juan reminded him - yet he had to have been conversing with Arias from jail to even GET those instructions.
He didn't remember the things he said during his interview to the detectives - hmm.
Sorry, I know he seemed mild and meek, but I just have a gut feeling there's LOTS more he knows that he's not inclined to share.

BBM: Once again she shows just how she goes to extremes in order to ensnare her love interest. Ex-wife has boob job, Jodi gets boob job. New love interest is Mormon, Jodi converts. BF wants spiritual girl, Jodi becomes spiritual. BF still pulls away, she turns into that dog that runs through its repertoire of tricks hoping any of them will work. She realized that nothing was working...
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