Interviews 10/17/2011 All interviews #2

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A child who is harmed while the caregiver is intoxicated isn't a victim of an accident.


I agree, I was speaking more to her unwillingness to give consideration to the fact that she does not remember anything (or so it seems).

The only other possibility that I can even come up with beside DB being directly responsible, is that she had company that night. This is far-fetched, but was she chatting in some type of online forum that night. Could she have given her address to someone she did not know and invited them over in her drunken stupor? Reaching, but looking for an alternative to yet another Mom killing her child.
She should try hypnosis to find her baby since she was in a drunk black out which I very well think she was - that box is 5 bottles of wine - Im close to drunk after 1 glass of wine, for sure on the 2nd - my rule - never more than 2 glasses no matter what - if she dosen't know where she is, I feel she would of done hypnosis to find her baby by now.... :(
The bath - Imagine how easily a drunk person could forget a baby in a bath. She may have done the unthinkable and left her for a second only to get totally distracted. It may have been some time before she remembered...
That's another thing.....................(sorry, your post rang some bells)

We haven't heard anything about the mundane activities in that house that late afternoon and evening. We know she was buying the wine at 5.

But then what?

Dinner? Had the kids already eaten? Did she cook? Did dad cook? What was for dinner?

Homework? It was a school night - at least the oldest boy would have had some type of homework? Was there a homework routine? All we've heard is that the boys and the visitng 4 yr old neighbor girl watched some type of fantasy movie.

Baths? Again, it was a school night. Didn't, at least, the boys take baths? When?

She said she put Lisa down at 6:40. That, in and of itself, is odd. The time I mean. She doesn't say 6:30 - or around 6:30 - nope actual time 6:40. How would she have known that? So, did Lisa get a bath that night? When did she usually give Lisa her bath?

We are being given NOTHING - no insight at all - into the regular routine of things around that house. With 3 little ones - there had to have been some type of routine.
About the boys,

That statement of she isn't sure they heard the noises before they went to sleep or after. Well, wouldn't one (adult or child) tend to NOT hear anything once asleep. How many times have you been woken up by a noise and at first not realized what you heard? And, if they were awake, well then, DUH! Of course they "heard" noises. Again, she doesn't qualify what NOISES she is talking about.

And, yes - makes no sense on why they aren't letting the boys be re-interviewed.

Here's another thought that's been bouncing around my brain after digesting all this today. The burnt clothes.

DB talks about LE showing her burnt clothes. She finishes that thought with LE must have been lying. Well, obviously they showed her burnt clothes. She admits that. But, once again, she doesn't qualify it. What kind of clothes? Could they have possibly been something that Lisa might have worn? What size were they? Were they little clothes - baby clothes? How burnt were they?

Its impossible to gauge DB's answers because she never qualifies them. She throws these tidbits out there and just leaves them hanging. Of course, it would help if the reporter interviewing her would ask the right follow up questions - but that doesn't happen either.
I wish the interviewer would ask D--did you recognize these items?

Can DNA test be done on the burnt items?

If the baby's things were burned...what was the firestarter trying to hide?
Bloodstains on the clothes maybe? IDK, thinking out loud.

On JVM today, someone said when you are in an alcoholic blackout, your brain does not form memories. I have no idea is that is medically true?
That just made me think. What if she lied about what Lisa was wearing last? Then if LE found the real clothes they wouldn't link it to Lisa because they weren't as her mother described? And she could accuse LE of lying to her because they don't have the real clothes?

MOO ...

Now you have me "thinking" ... and I agree that "maybe" DB lied to LE about what Baby Lisa was last wearing ...

DB's statement in her interview about LE and the "burnt clothes" was very TELLING ... and I am wondering about this :

Did LE find some "burnt baby clothes" in the dumpster that fit the description DB gave, or do NOT fit that description ?

And another thing : WHY would someone "burn" the baby's clothes ? I hate to even type this or think this ... but IMO could it be because the baby's clothes had "blood" on them ... and it would be so easy to identify DNA and blood type ...

That is why I think the "perp" burned the clothes and IMO, this dumpster fire was NO coincidence ...

I hope they find Baby Lisa SOON !

MOO ...
I wonder if she'll revise her timeline once again and tell us, please, when she made dinner for her two boys, bathed them and put them to bed. You know, right after she got home with her box-o-wine as Daddy was leaving to go to work. And, did she feed the boys before or after she stuck the sick baby Lisa in her crib with the door closed and sat outside all night on 'adult time' smoking and drinking and ignoring all 3 kids, well out of range of that annoying baby monitor.
I musta missed those parts in her timeline.
Looks like we have this year's candidate for Mommy of the Year.....
She should try hypnosis to find her baby since she was in a drunk black out which I very well think she was - that box is 5 bottles of wine - Im close to drunk after 1 glass of wine, for sure on the 2nd - my rule - never more than 2 glasses no matter what - if she dosen't know where she is, I feel she would of done hypnosis to find her baby by now.... :(

That's a good idea.
Today makes 14-15 days since baby Lisa vanished. Deborah needs to talk now and say where she or whoever put the baby. I feel pretty sure D knows exactly where the baby is. So hartbreaking to say.

The bath - Imagine how easily a drunk person could forget a baby in a bath. She may have done the unthinkable and left her for a second only to get totally distracted. It may have been some time before she remembered...

Thank you. I just edited mine and added that one. I can easily see that as a deadly possibility. Quickly and silently a child can die in the tub. Or she can be scalded . especially if a parent is drunk.

The only reason I can see that she would have bathed her that evening[ since she seemed to want her to be in bed and out of the way so early] is if she had thrown up or had a very poopy diaper. And both of those things would be symptoms of too much tylenol or cough medicines. Maybe it was a two part accident?
I wonder if she'll revise her timeline once again and tell us, please, when she made dinner for her two boys, bathed them and put them to bed. You know, right after she got home with her box-o-wine as Daddy was leaving to go to work. And, did she feed the boys before or after she stuck the sick baby Lisa in her crib with the door closed and sat outside all night on 'adult time' smoking and drinking and ignoring all 3 kids, well out of range of that annoying baby monitor.
I musta missed those parts in her timeline.
Looks like we have this year's candidate for Mommy of the Year.....

I think her timeline will change real soon.
About the mother of the year?
I'd say you're right.

I'm not that familiar with the Fox case. Was the FBI involved in interviewing the child?

Trying to remember...failure.

FBI or local LE makes no difference to me. They'd get one personal interview with my son and that's it. Listen, I respect that my view on this is extreme and others feel differently, but my 5 year old would under no circumstances be one of the rare cases where a child was manipulated and tricked by any LE agency: FBI, CIA, local LE.

Would I want my missing baby back? Yes, but I'd still have another helpless child depending on me, and I wouldn't just turn him over to LE & affiliates any time they wanted to speak with him, not even with an advocate present, knowing what I know of past cases.

They would get their information if my son had any; just not get to interview him more than once.


I respect that other parents would do it differently.
[I]"Fasten your seatbelts... It's going to be a bumpy night." [/I] All About Eve
"Let's don't ask for the moon... We have the stars." Now, Voyager

"Oh! The Susan Hayward of it all!" My Best Friend's Wedding

Favorite Susan Hayward movie - I Wanna Live - classic

deter Peter Peter, what a dump!

They would have so loved this...
I agree, I was speaking more to her unwillingness to give consideration to the fact that she does not remember anything (or so it seems).

The only other possibility that I can even come up with beside DB being directly responsible, is that she had company that night. This is far-fetched, but was she chatting in some type of online forum that night. Could she have given her address to someone she did not know and invited them over in her drunken stupor? Reaching, but looking for an alternative to yet another Mom killing her child.

Her unwillingness to remember doesn't mean she actually does not remember. If she truly does not remember, she wouldn't refuse LE access to re-question the other children. One of whom is not her child.

Still on the fence, but this goes back to the not hearing anything issue:

I reminded myself of something that happened 20 years ago and I can still see it clearly. My living room was next to my bedroom, and my daughter's room was off the living room. And I had a monitor.

She was close to 2, and a monkey. I woke up in the morning to find her in a bean bag chair in front of the TV, sound asleep. (she only knew how to turn it on, not change any channels) All around the bean bag were boxes of food (cereal, crackers, etc) which means she had to climb up on the kitchen counter to get.

I never heard a thing (didn't have a thing to drink or meds before bed either) and was totally appalled at myself. I kept thinking, what if she had got a knife, etc., and I didn't know. Didn't sleep for nights after, just listening for her.

So I can believe the not hearing anything, even if not drinking. Sometimes if you are tired enough...
There has been no indication of Baby Lisa dying of any kind of accident! To me this is good people with a big heart wishing this to be the case because anything else is to hard to stomach. We do have a Mother that has changed her stories and has shown the world what her priority is and it hasn't been finding her baby. It has been spin world and finding money and fame!
I can hear Tacopina now:

"Just because she is a bad mother does not make her a murderer!"
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