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In video captured from public property near Caison's home, Michael can be seen asking a woman: "Hi there, with WMBF News, can we talk to you about your daughter

This is from a story about the reports who tried to get a comment from the C's residence. It says a camera on public property near the home picked up what the reporter asked.

How is this possible?

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In video captured from public property near Caison's home, Michael can be seen asking a woman: "Hi there, with WMBF News, can we talk to you about your daughter

This is from a story about the reports who tried to get a comment from the C's residence. It says a camera on public property near the home picked up what the reporter asked.

How is this possible?

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The reporter had a mic. He asked the woman on the porch about her 'daughter' then he corrected himself and said 'sister'. Maybe one of the news crew had a boom mike.
Thank you :seeya:

Great minds think alike and all that...

Sending prayers to the Elvis family and hoping that Heather is brought home soon...and warm wishes to all my fellow WSers.

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Great minds think alike and all that...

Sending prayers to the Elvis family and hoping that Heather is brought home soon...and warm wishes to all my fellow WSers.

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I join you in prayer for the Elvis's and in sending warm wishes to most ;) WSers; we have so many wonderful posters discussing Heather's case.
Wasn't the OP talking about that particular group, not "search teams"?

You said: "but that should be expected being that she was murdered by Tammy and Sidney."

This is an affirmative statement that none of us knows for certain is true.

I think it is terribly wrong to state that someone murdered someone else as if you know for a fact this is true.

Maybe someone will confess, maybe the facts will prove this at trial, though it's hard to imagine a fair one in Horry County, or anywhere near there. I have never quite seen anything like this prejudgment in a case of a missing adult.

This case seems cut and dried to most, and most posts reflect that point of view, but to call out a murderer before a trial and a conviction goes against every important judicial principle in the constitution.

I don't mean to sound like a stuffed shirt, but I feel very strongly that what has been going on for months, not just on the "supporter" pages, but in real life, is just not right.

Agree w/ you about the fair trial. If the trial somehow stays in Horry, I would be worried about people lying about how much they have followed it and their personal views on it so they can get on the jury. They need to move it far away. However, can they get a conviction from a jury who has never heard of the case?
Agree w/ you about the fair trial. If the trial somehow stays in Horry, I would be worried about people lying about how much they have followed it and their personal views on it so they can get on the jury. They need to move it far away. However, can they get a conviction from a jury who has never heard of the case?

However, can they get a conviction from a jury who has never heard of the case?


That's what I want to know! How much evidence do they have?

Certainly more than they showed at the bond hearing. How good is what they have, how compelling, if circumstantial?

We won't know much more, I think, until discovery starts, and even then because of the gag order, I don't know if we will learn anything. One thing the State has to do, but too many times they don't, is turn over everything for the defense to analyze, which hasn't been done yet. All this hearsay about handcuffs remains to be proved, if is even relevant.

Also, if there is any exculpatory evidence, the solicitor is bound by law to turn that over too. The really scary thing is that prosecutors don't always do this, and that can result in innocent people being put in prison for years. By the time that is discovered some of these prosecutors have become judges.

To me that is a terrifying thing.
Agree w/ you about the fair trial. If the trial somehow stays in Horry, I would be worried about people lying about how much they have followed it and their personal views on it so they can get on the jury. They need to move it far away. However, can they get a conviction from a jury who has never heard of the case?

I believe they can get a conviction if they change venues. The circumstantial evidence looks good so far. This evidence was from the bond hearing, so I think it was minimal. More to come I believe. You don't think they have a lot more evidence and are you not impressed with what they have so far?
I believe they can get a conviction if they change venues. The circumstantial evidence looks good so far. This evidence was from the bond hearing, so I think it was minimal. More to come I believe. You don't think they have a lot more evidence and are you not impressed with what they have so far?

After the last few high/higher profile trials, I don't think venue matters as much as the ability of an attorney to "connect" with a jury. The judge; one that is not easily led; not too lenient.

Jury instructions really need to be simplified/pared down- they are far too complex, wordy, and confusing for many "as is'.

Truth is that I think they can find a jury in Horry County. As much as I wish every single person here knew about Heathers case, cared about Heathers case and/or was engaged in learning about this case and finding Heather, that's simply NOT the case.

I think because we are so involved and follow every word that's printed and every detail of the case we assume that others do, too.

I have had multiple times where I've been ought and brought up the subject of the HE case - and the locals I was talking to really didn't have a clue. It was more like "OH! Is that the girl that went missing awhile back? I didn't know....or I hadn't heard they arrested anyone". It wasn't until that happened a few times that I was like "Wow - there are a lot of people who just don't get into following this kind of stuff. It didn't affect them so they're oblivious".
I don't think it will be hard to get a conviction anywhere.

On the night/early morning of a young woman's disappearance, taunting sexts are sent to her and phone calls exchanged.That same "taunting" couple then meet this girl at a deserted boat landing in the middle of the night. During or around that meeting, The missing girl's phone stops, her car is abandoned there, she is never seen again.

And these were not just any ole couple meeting Heather. This was a woman who had threatened the missing girl...and she was accompanied by the husband whom she threatened to "beat down" and "draw his last breath." The accused actually brought the talk of violence into the equation months before.

So there is opportunity with a ribbon wrapped around it. But then, after the disappearance, TM elected to ramp up the "motive" for prospective jury, by posting more viciousness in public places.

IMO, If the prosecution can prove their car went to the VERY place from which this girl disappeared that night, how are they going to explain THAT away in any convincable fashion? Heather is calling SM, she is obviously waiting, watching for him. They would have to spin enormous "coincidental theories" here. A woman is met in a deserted place by a woman who hates her and has threatened her. Never seen again. Oops, a bear carried poor girl off.

Hate breeds a backlash. It is the hurtful outrageous posts on social media by TM herself that brought such a great deal of backlash toward her and her family in Horry County. Those postings are going ANYWHERE with TM and SM to trial.

Somewhere deep inside most of us, there is a line not to be crossed when it comes to victims and their families. This Board operates on that principle. We do not call a young missing girl names like "psycho *advertiser censored*." We do not try to hurt grieving families by belittling the victim. And we certainly do not ridicule a father in such pain as we can only imagine.

But anyone who reads TM's posting knows that she does all of those things. She has no boundaries to her hate. She has no self control. If the social media stuff comes in at trial, any jury, ANYWHERE, will know that too.

I commend those of you who are assuming the Moorer's innocent until trial. That is how how system works. That is how this Board works. All good.

But one thing I will not assume is that TM is a normal, empathetic, self controlled, decent human being. I have read enough of her spew to judge her guilty of outlandish hatefulness beyond a reasonable doubt.
It will definitely be interesting to see what 'alternate theory' the defense attorney's try to paint. They definitely have a LOT to address to get a jury to be able to rightfully dismiss it in their minds and not consider it a factor in their vote of guilty or not guilty.
Great, so people might show up even if Tammy doesn't. Why am I not surprised?

It continues to baffle me how this case managed to attract so many crazies.

Well TM,the quiet little mouse,has done nothing at all to draw attention to herself.....*cough*
Maybe it's just me, but I'm thinking many people are convicted on circumstantial evidence ... Most juries can connect the dots ... My opinion!
Under the circumstances, I don't agree that the Moorer family should have published their funeral plans. They could have put out an obit stating that services were private then contacted the friends and family they wanted to attend.

By putting the details of the wake and funeral on-line and in the newspaper, they are inviting gawkers and worse, the media, to come. Sorry, considering what is going on with Mr. Caison's next of kin, a public announcement of the funeral details wasn't smart. The man deserves a dignified farewell.

You can't sue gawkers and worse if they don't show up at the right time and place. This way there is no confusion. JMO
Truth is that I think they can find a jury in Horry County. As much as I wish every single person here knew about Heathers case, cared about Heathers case and/or was engaged in learning about this case and finding Heather, that's simply NOT the case.

I think because we are so involved and follow every word that's printed and every detail of the case we assume that others do, too.

I have had multiple times where I've been ought and brought up the subject of the HE case - and the locals I was talking to really didn't have a clue. It was more like "OH! Is that the girl that went missing awhile back? I didn't know....or I hadn't heard they arrested anyone". It wasn't until that happened a few times that I was like "Wow - there are a lot of people who just don't get into following this kind of stuff. It didn't affect them so they're oblivious".

I completely agree with you. People just don't pay attention to things that don't involve them or have too much affect on their life. Look how many people don't have a clue about what's going on in the government. I even overheard a conversation at lunch a few days ago where young adults (past college but not yet in their 30s) were having a conversation and only 2 of them had heard about the Malaysian jet. I lived in the sister neighborhood to Hemy Neuman (Sneiderman murderer). While we are a small community, there were still many people who had no idea they even lived in the same neighborhood with him until they saw the story on Dateline. I think they can get a fair jury for this case.

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It will definitely be interesting to see what 'alternate theory' the defense attorney's try to paint. They definitely have a LOT to address to get a jury to be able to rightfully dismiss it in their minds and not consider it a factor in their vote of guilty or not guilty.

I'm actually very anxious to hear from the defense. IMO, there is much more to this story than meets the eye. A lot of missing links that need to be filled in.
WC is dead. He is not the person who decided to publish the details of the funeral. I do not understand why taking pictures of the media is being listed as a bad thing, and while giving the finger is trashy, she probably didn't appreciate the media filming her. Also, that is the actions of one family member, while the posts I quoted refer to the entire Caison family.

You don't understand why flipping the bird is trashy? Really? She didn't appreciate the media filming her? Are you sure? She didn't hide...she came out to flip them the bird...on camera.
You don't understand why flipping the bird is trashy? Really? She didn't appreciate the media filming her? Are you sure? She didn't hide...she came out to flip them the bird...on camera.


My post says: "I do not understand why taking pictures of the media is being listed as a bad thing, and while giving the finger is trashy, she probably didn't appreciate the media filming her.

The comma and the "and" sort of implies that the "I do not understand why" is referring to taking pictures of the media. Next time, I'll start a new sentence so it is more clear.
When people volunteer their free time to search for a missing person, usually that is perceived as a GOOD thing, a generous giving of personal time, a caring selfless response to someone else's tragedy. I have a problem with assuming confrontational motives to any of these people unless one has first hand knowledge.

I imagine that people can be inconvenienced by these searches. And if you are the last people known to have contact...people will look in and around areas near your home. Just common sense. Does that mean the searchers WANT confrontation? No, they want to find this girl, end the suffering of the family.

What would people have the searchers do? They are going to the places that make the most common sense to search. Unfortunately, if your family member was threatening the missing person...and her husband was calling that missing person the night she close as one can get to your "compound" is logical.

I don't think any of us have any right to harass or threaten searchers on land that is not ours..even if it is adjoining ours. If you are innocent, stay inside. Let them look.

But once again, ugly selfish behavior...that being inconvenienced is somehow an grievance equal to having your child missing.

I say God Bless all those who participate in searches like this. I would need to have video evidence before I would criticize any of them. People like this is what makes a community...a REAL community.

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