Invoice for the Defense for Work Performed

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DNA Solves
So, this is how the media learned of GA being investigated...seems JLI went to the Daytona Motel to get some "dirt" on GA....IMO, this is a waste, huge waste....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The one that is most curious to me is for the court reporter. Has anyone discussed on a different thread, the names of the people who were deposed? One of them is S. Melich. Any relation to our favorite investigator? If so, why would she be deposed? If not, who is she?
Interesting, too, is the fact that a possible 20 hours was billed looking into the incident at the school as Florence Harbor Drive is near the school where the child was yelling in October. Amazing they investigated this prior to their experts looking at the physical evidence to determine if it was necessary to even do this investigation. Not sure this was the reason for the investigation but If this was would that not be like the cart before the horse. jmo
The one that is most curious to me is for the court reporter. Has anyone discussed on a different thread, the names of the people who were deposed? One of them is S. Melich. Any relation to our favorite investigator? If so, why would she be deposed? If not, who is she?

Apparently it is YM's wife, according to [ame=""]this post [/ame]in the Q & A thread.
Interesting, too, is the fact that a possible 20 hours was billed looking into the incident at the school as Florence Harbor Drive is near the school where the child was yelling in October. Amazing they investigated this prior to their experts looking at the physical evidence to determine if it was necessary to even do this investigation. Not sure this was the reason for the investigation but If this was would that not be like the cart before the horse. jmo

IMO, JB has known all along that he needs to create reasonable doubt (or unreasonable). It really doesn't mater what order things get investigated in as he isn't really trying to prove anything.

You know when you are grasping at straws it doesn't matter which one you grab when. Anyone remember the game Kerplunk?
Kinda/sorta ironic in the fact that JB can within days sign and submitted invoices for ICAs PI work and court reporter work, yet waits over 18 months to get his forensic experts to view and review the actual physical evidence.

No humor at all, simply sad; there is no earthy reason for these excessive/extensive PI investigations and JB is expending MORE time and state $$$$ on this vs. his experts doing their jobs. He needs to rework his priorities.
Kinda/sorta ironic in the fact that JB can within days sign and submitted invoices for ICAs PI work and court reporter work, yet waits over 18 months to get his forensic experts to view and review the actual physical evidence.

No humor at all, simply sad; there is no earthy reason for these excessive/extensive PI investigations and JB is expending MORE time and state $$$$ on this vs. his experts doing their jobs. He needs to rework his priorities.

JB's priorities, count lol
The one that is most curious to me is for the court reporter. Has anyone discussed on a different thread, the names of the people who were deposed? One of them is S. Melich. Any relation to our favorite investigator? If so, why would she be deposed? If not, who is she?

Yes, Samara Melich is married to Yuri Melich. She is a deputy who investigated a sighting of Caylee at the Orlando International Airport in July 2008 by interviewing Wanda W., the lady who claims to have talked to Caylee at the airport.

The other people deposed were Debbie Bennett who was a coworker of Cindy's at Gentiva, J.P. Chatt who was a roommate of R. Morales, and Brian Burner who is the neighbor of the Anthonys from whom KC borrowed a shovel.
Yes, Samara Melich is married to Yuri Melich. She is a deputy who investigated a sighting of Caylee at the Orlando International Airport in July 2008 by interviewing Wanda W., the lady who claims to have talked to Caylee at the airport.

The other people deposed were Debbie Bennett who was a coworker of Cindy's at Gentiva, J.P. Chatt who was a roommate of R. Morales, and Brian Burner who is the neighbor of the Anthonys from whom KC borrowed a shovel.

Thanks, I must've missed that she did the investigation re: airport sightings.
So....a question........if a Court Reporter is requesting reimbursement.......why would they submit an invoice under Jose Baez's JAC account???

The court reporter listed apparently used to be employed by a court reporter company / service in Orange / Osceola of February 2010 is listed in Florida Corp. records as having her own business.

Now......the odd thing here is that while her name appears when doing internet searches under her name and address.......she has not completed the requirements to be listed as a Fl. Corp.

Is this an employee of JB????????

I would think any court reporter certified in FL. would know how to properly submit an invoice for services. They should submit an invoice under their own name / entity....not piggy back on an attorney account.

The JAC caught on rather quickly and stated that she was not listed as a vendor....but WHY would an invoice even be submitted in that manner????? It really is strange.
So....a question........if a Court Reporter is requesting reimbursement.......why would they submit an invoice under Jose Baez's JAC account???

The JAC caught on rather quickly and stated that she was not listed as a vendor....but WHY would an invoice even be submitted in that manner????? It really is strange.

if it is submitted under an attorney's name, would it be considered work product?? :waitasec:
So....a question........if a Court Reporter is requesting reimbursement.......why would they submit an invoice under Jose Baez's JAC account???

The court reporter listed apparently used to be employed by a court reporter company / service in Orange / Osceola of February 2010 is listed in Florida Corp. records as having her own business.

Now......the odd thing here is that while her name appears when doing internet searches under her name and address.......she has not completed the requirements to be listed as a Fl. Corp.

Is this an employee of JB????????

I would think any court reporter certified in FL. would know how to properly submit an invoice for services. They should submit an invoice under their own name / entity....not piggy back on an attorney account.

The JAC caught on rather quickly and stated that she was not listed as a vendor....but WHY would an invoice even be submitted in that manner????? It really is strange.

I see the JAC just rejected an invoice for a court reporter for $490 according to Nums just posted news release. :snooty: Not gonna pay it Baez! Open your wallet.
Sorry if this has been ask before, but I was curious if JAC will have to pay for any services JB had performed before the date KC was declared indigent?

In other words can JB submit or have invoices submitted for services that he didn't pay for when he "did have $$$$$?" Hope this makes sense...this whole case drives me a bit crazy. TIA

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