Iran - Ukrainian Airlines Boeing 737 crashes, 180 possible fatalities, Tehran, 8 Jan 2020

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Iran questions US allegation that it mistakenly shot down Ukrainian airliner

From CNN's Ramin Mostaghim in Tehran

The head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Authority is questioning the US allegation that Iran mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian airliner that crashed shortly after takeoff in Tehran.

“If a rocket or missile hits a plane, it will free fall," Ali Abedzadeh told CNN.
He said once the plane took off, it continued flying for five minutes. Abedzadeh said “the pilot tried to return to the airport but failed.”

Abedzadeh went on to ask, “How can a plane be hit by rocket or missile” and then the pilot “try to turn back to the airport?”

Plane crash in Iran: Live updates on the investigation - CNN

I don’t trust the Iranian government at all. All the countries who have citizens who have died must demand answers and the truth. A proper investigation needs to be done but it’s already a shambles because of the number of people who have walked all over the crash site.


that's a good point though
I am reading that radar analysis by the Pentagon shows two missles were launched in the area. One for the plane that crashed, and another flying above it. The plane never changed path and continued straight until it crashed. That second plane was very lucky.


what? I thought the plane looped around to head back to airport

according to this article, it did:

Video Shows Ukrainian Plane Being Hit Over Iran
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Plane crash in Iran: Live updates on the investigation - CNN
8 min ago
''JUST IN: Video appears to show missile hitting object in sky over Tehran

From CNN's Paul P. Murphy

Video sent to CNN appears to show a missile fired into the Tehran sky early Wednesday morning and striking an object in the sky. Around that time, a Ukranian airliner crashed shortly after takeoff.

CNN cannot verify the authenticity of the video, but the buildings seen in it appears be similar to ones that are in the Iranian capitol suburb of Parand. The Ukrainian plane crashed just north of the suburb.

The video, obtained by Nariman Gharib who then sent it to CNN and the New York Times, shows a light in the sky, moving left to right and then exploding.

CNN has asked Gharib for more information of who took the video and how he obtained it, but has not yet received a response.''

Iran plane crash: Images of anti-aircraft missile which began speculation it was shot down

Iran plane crash: Images of anti-aircraft missile which began speculation it was shot down

Experts in verification however cannot confirm if the images are genuine or exactly when or where they were taken.''

Image: An image of a missile has been circulating online
Vigil to be held at Mel Lastman Square tonight to honour victims of Iran plane crash
"Members of the community are planning to hold of vigil at Mel Lastman Square tonight from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in memory of those who tragically lost their lives"

Mojtaba Abbasnezhad was pursuing a PhD in engineering at the University of Toronto.

Damn, there was a tweet by him making the rounds right after the crash. He wasn't confirmed as to have been on the flight for sure at that point though. Real sad, there's a news article now.
Basically he believed war was going to start before his flight out.

Chilling final tweet of Toronto PhD student on doomed Iran plane
Trudeau won't say if US plays role in plane crash

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau deflected when asked about the United States' role in the Ukrainian airliner crash.

Asked how much responsibility the US bears for the crash given the tension in the region, here's what Trudeau said:

"The evidence suggests that this is the likely cause, but we need to have a full and complete and credible investigation to establish exactly what happened. That is what we are calling for and that is what we're expecting will happen."

"It is too soon to be drawing conclusions," Trudeau later said, adding that there needs to be a thorough investigation first.

Plane crash in Iran: Live updates on the investigation - CNN
Well now that we know it was no coincidence, are we sure Russia didn't just see opportunity to complicate things because its all so convenient, and now if WE don't respond , it really looks like we are in Russia's back pocket what a mess we have gotten in !
New video shows 'missile' hit Ukrainian Airlines Boeing 737 before it crashed killing 176 - after Trump and Trudeau both said attack was a 'mistake' while Iran accuses the West of 'psychological warfare' as it DENIES it blew jet out of the sky

Video of 'surface to air missile' hitting Ukrainian plane pre-crash | Daily Mail Online

It is horrific to think what is happening in this video. The poor men, women, children and crew. The families need to the truth and at the appropriate time compensation.
I can't believe some of what I just read above. The people on that airplane were victims. Innocent victims.

I am outraged at the comment above blaming the passengers and crew for getting on the plane. They had no absolutely no idea of the danger they were in and they are not to blame for being killed.
I was surprised to see how many Canadians were on that flight. Prayers for all the families.

Heartbroken for all of the lives that were lost... Asking for God's comfort and love to surround each one who has lost family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbours. May those grieving, especially throughout Canada, know that there are many grieving with you now...

ETA: Just now seeing that cbc (Canada) has a livestream of a candlelight vigil:
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In photos: Ukrainian plane crashes in Iran

These photos in particular have highlighted to me the tremendous human loss of this horrific tragedy and they are deeply upsetting. The men, women and children must not die in vain they need to investigate properly, disclose the truth no matter how bad or the implications and take steps to ensure this never happens again.
Jan 10 2020
By Aresu Eqbali in Tehran and Rory Jones in Dubai
Iran Says It Is Willing to Share Jet’s Black Boxes, Denies Hostile Act
Iranian investigators said they would be willing to hand over the so-called black boxes in a Ukrainian airliner crash to another country for analysis, as Tehran denied assertions by Western officials that the Boeing 737-800 was downed by antiaircraft missiles.

Iran also invited investigators from Boeing Co., the U.S., Ukraine, France and Canada to probe the causes of the crash, which killed all 176 on board.

The Iranian investigation team said Friday it would first seek to analyze the black boxes, including the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder, in Iran. They could also be assessed in Russia, Ukraine, France or Canada, four countries that had expressed a readiness to help, Iranian investigators said.

“If we can do it ourselves, we will,” Ali Abedzadeh, head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization, said during a news conference in Tehran. “If not, we will definitely ask for assistance from other countries.”

"U.S., Canadian and U.K. officials said Thursday they believe the Ukraine International Airlines single-aisle jet was downed by a missile system fired by Iran, possibly by mistake. A U.S. official said the plane was tracked before it went down by Iranian radar used to aim missiles and then hit by a Russian-made SA-15 surface-to-air missile system. Hours before the crash, Iran launched strikes on U.S. troops in Iraq and was on alert for a possible U.S. retaliation.

Iranian officials have vehemently denied that claim. However, if proven to be an Iranian mistake, the crash is likely to pose a further challenge to a leadership already facing the targeted killing of a top general, a stampede at his funeral that left dozens dead, and months of public protests fueled by economic hardship."
Flight 752’s path

"It isn’t yet clear how much of a role U.S. investigators will play. White House sanctions on Iran mean U.S. investigators will have to seek clearance from Washington to visit the Middle East state."
Verified videos show plane in Iran struck before fiery crash
"Videos verified by The Associated Press show the final seconds of the jet and what likely brought it down, killing all 176 people on board.

One video seems to show the impact. Buildings can be seen from ground level below the darkened sky as the tiny light arches upward, then the flash. The scene is silent, except for a dog barking nearby. Then 10 seconds later, there is a frightening boom, like loud thunder.

A second video appears to show the plane on fire and crashing. A white blaze plummets downward across the black sky, sometimes letting off sparks. Then it disappears behind trees, and a huge fireball lights up the sky as it hits the earth.

Someone off-camera says in Farsi "The plane has caught fire. Shahriar. Ferdosieh. In the name of God the compassionate, the merciful. God please help us. Call the fire department!" The names are two suburbs of Tehran near the airport.

Another clip, filmed from inside a travelling car at distance, shows a pinpoint fiery light moving at speed. This footage then shows the plane exploding far on the horizon, illuminating the darkened sky.

As part of the verification process, the AP compared buildings in view with map locations and in the precise context of where the jet went off the radar."
Most debris has been cleared from the crash site near Tehran where a Ukrainian airliner came down earlier this week, new images shared with CNN show.

The photos, taken near a soccer field in Laleh Park in the town of Shahedshahr on Friday, show the site has been cleared of all pieces of the plane, with locals trawling over the remaining wreckage.

Tehran plane crash: Site cleared of wreckage, images show - CNN

I am very concerned about the situation and the investigation. The scene should have been cordoned off and not have untrained people trampling all over it.
Iran plane crash: Iranian regime accuses U.S. of "spreading lies" as CBS News finds crash site cleared of debris - Live updates
January 10, 2020 / 3:09 PM
"Iranian officials have denied claims that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet and accused the United States of "spreading lies" about intelligence suggesting they did. The plane crashed early Wednesday morning soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing everyone on board."

"15m ago
"Reason" for crash to be announced tomorrow, Iran's news agency says
Iran's semi-official state media, Fars News Agency, said Friday that the cause of the crash of a Ukrainian airliner outside Tehran on Wednesday will be released three days later, on Saturday. Earlier on Friday, an Iranian official said it could take "one or two years" to complete the investigation, Reuters reports.

"The reason for the collapse of the Ukrainian passenger plane will be announced tomorrow after a meeting of the Air Accidents Commission, attended by both domestic and foreign parties involved in the incident," reads a translated tweet from Fars"
'Serious concerns' raised over integrity of Iran plane crash site
Peter Beaumont, Michael Safi and Patrick Wintour

"Air crash experts have raised serious concerns over the handling of the crash site of a Ukrainian airliner suspected to have been accidentally shot down by Iranian missiles, as fears grow that Tehran has sought to eliminate evidence from the area.

Graham Braithwaite, professor of safety and accident investigation at Cranfield University, said the Iranian handling of the crash site, including the apparent quick removal of evidence, raised “serious concerns over the integrity of the investigation”.

“Where you have flight recorders that tell you what has happened you can move quickly to clearing the site,” he explained. “But if the recorders are damaged [as the Iranians have said] then all you have is the forensic evidence at the site to tell you the story.”
Prystaiko said Ukrainian experts had been given access to the crash site but according to a crew from the US broadcaster CBS News who reached the crash site by 9am on Thursday morning, it appeared to have been cleared of the plane’s debris. “Scavengers now picking the site clean,” said Elizabeth Palmer, a CBS correspondent. “No security. Not cordoned off. No sign of any investigators.”

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