GUILTY Ireland - Anastasia Kriegel, 14, Found deceased, Lucan, Co Dublin, 14 May 2018 *minors arrested*

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Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

Verdict incoming in Ana Kriegel trial.

Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

BREAKING: Boy A has been found guilty of the murder of Ana Kriegel

Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

Breaking: Boy B has been found guilty of murder.

Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

Both boys have been found guilty of the murder of Ana Kriegel Boy a also been found guilty of aggravated sexual assault

Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

Both boys will be remanded in custody for four weeks where they will appear again.

Garreth MacNamee‏ @garmacnamee

Emotional scenes here in court 9 as Boy B is led away to custody with his parents

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The jury returned guilty verdicts on Tuesday afternoon following 14 and a half hours of deliberation against both accused who were known throughout the trial as Boy A and Boy B due to their age.

Boy A was convicted of the murder and violent sexual assault of the 14-year-old girl. Boy B was convicted of murder.

Both accused were remanded in custody in Oberstown until July 15th while probation reports are prepared, as is required under the Children Act 2001.

Boy A appeared upset while Boy B had his head bowed after the verdicts came in. Boy B’s father stormed out of the courtroom.

Mr Justice Paul McDermott thanked the jury for its service and excused members from further service for life.

Ana Kriegel trial: two 14-year-old boys found guilty of murdering schoolgirl
The jury found Boy B brought Ana to the house, knowing what his friend was going to do. He provided the tape found around her neck and participated in the cover-up afterwards.

In eight interviews, lasting almost 17 hours during two arrests, the boy changed his story at least nine times as gardaí confronted him with evidence.

Each time he had to put himself closer to the room where the murder happened, as the lies were "peeled away".

Eventually, the boy admitted seeing Boy A choking and stripping Ana before, he said, he freaked out and ran away. But gardaí believed the final story he gave them, was still short of the truth.

Two 14-year-old boys guilty of murdering Ana Kriégel
The jury found Boy B brought Ana to the house, knowing what his friend was going to do. He provided the tape found around her neck and participated in the cover-up afterwards.

In eight interviews, lasting almost 17 hours during two arrests, the boy changed his story at least nine times as gardaí confronted him with evidence.

Each time he had to put himself closer to the room where the murder happened, as the lies were "peeled away".

Eventually, the boy admitted seeing Boy A choking and stripping Ana before, he said, he freaked out and ran away. But gardaí believed the final story he gave them, was still short of the truth.

Two 14-year-old boys guilty of murdering Ana Kriégel

Exactly - correct verdict IMO

We have lots of evidence Boy B was a co-conspirator.

We have no reliable evidence he ran off before she was killed. The only sensible conclusion is that he was involved throughout.
Exactly - correct verdict IMO

We have lots of evidence Boy B was a co-conspirator.

We have no reliable evidence he ran off before she was killed. The only sensible conclusion is that he was involved throughout.
Ther was no ecidence the boy didn't run off though. The prosecution is meant to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt. I think boy b has grounds for an appeal.

Boy a I have zero sympathy for though.
Some bits about legal argument in the trial:
The jury in the trial of the two boys accused of Ana Kriegel's murder were prevented from hearing that Boy A had searched online for "child *advertiser censored*" and "animal *advertiser censored*" and had thousands of pornographic images on two mobile phones.


Justice McDermott said that if Boy A were found guilty the pornographic material could be helpful to a professional in determining how or why the offence occurred but, he said, "that is a separate issue to this trial".

He also noted that the material on the phone preceded the offence by a number of months. The "extensive nature of the downloads", he said, would be "highly prejudicial to the fair trial of the accused". Evidence must be "cogent and must not invite speculation", he said adding that he was not satisfied it advanced the prosecution case.


Gardai took Boy A's clothes when they were investigating an allegation by Boy A that he was assaulted by two men in the park on the same evening that Ana went missing. When gardai later suspected Boy A of Ana's murder they were able to examine Boy A's clothes and discovered Ana's blood on his boots.

Boy A's defence argued that gardai had taken his clothes and phone through "subterfuge" and had engaged in a "strategy" to gather evidence relating to the investigation into Ana's disappearance and death. Brendan Grehan SC for the prosecution pointed out that when gardai took Boy A's clothes Ana's body had not been found. Boy A was not a suspect and gardai took those clothes because Boy A claimed he had been assaulted. He also pointed out that as far as gardai knew Boy A was helping gardai with their enquiries into Ana's disappearance as one of the last people to see her.

Justice McDermott said any suggestion that what gardai had done was unfair "doesn't hold water". He pointed out that the "extensive and desperate" search for Ana Kriegel was ongoing at the time.

He added: "I wholly reject the proposition that there was any subterfuge or economy of the truth involved or any attempt by An Garda Siochana to obtain the phone by subterfuge or unfair means. That is a wholly unrealistic submission in the context of this case."


There was further legal argument over whether a photograph of a mannequin wearing what gardai dubbed Boy A's "murder kit" should be shown to the jury. The mannequin was dressed in the dark grey sweatpants, black hoodie with hood up, gloves, boots, shin pads, knee pads, snood and zombie mask that the boy was believed to be wearing during the assault on Ana. Refusing to allow the evidence, Justice McDermott said the image was "prejudicial without advancing much by way of probative value."

Justice McDermott also ruled out most of a questionnaire that was found in Boy A's room saying it was a "teenage document".

Anna Kriegel verdict: The evidence the jury did not hear

A clinical psychologist, whose evidence the judge refused to allow go before the jury, said that Boy B was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after witnessing the assault on Ana and that his lies to gardai did not show that he was guilty of murder.

During legal argument in the absence of the jury it also emerged that Boy B gave the psychologist further details of what he saw happening to Ana, including seeing her top and pants being "ripped off", hearing gasping sounds, Ana struggling before "everything stopped" and Ana said nothing.


[Prosecutor] Mr Grehan pointed to a part of the doctor's report in which he said Boy B had "no knowledge of a plan for murder and I find no evidence of a motivation for acts of violence."

Mr Grehan said that is what the jury has to decide. He said the report contained a lot of jargon but there "doesn't appear to be any engagement with the facts of the interviews."

Justice Paul McDermott said the jury does not need an expert to say that a 13-year-old would be shocked by witnessing a murder. He said his being scared is an "ordinary human reaction".

He added that it was for the jury to decide why Boy B lied and refused to allow the defence to call Dr Humphreys to give evidence in front of the jury.

Anna Kriegel verdict: Psychologist said Boy B was 'a pleasant, nice lad' suffering from PTSD
The father of Boy B, obviously agitated, spoke loudly on the other side of the room. “Bunch of scumbags here,” he shouted, after Mr Justice Paul McDermott had left, having ruled that the 14-year-old boys be remanded in custody to Oberstown detention centre, to be returned to court on July 15th next.

Boy B was standing, hugging his mother who was hugging him in return. The father, clearly agitated, was standing behind his son. He leaned in and embraced them both.

“Innocent kid in *advertiser censored**ing prison,” he said loudly. “Are you proud of your victory?”


As the father of Boy B made his presence the centre of attention, the mother and father of a red-eyed Boy A sat on their bench, holding their son. The mother cried freely. When they left the courtroom the father went first, holding his son’s hand, while the boy’s crying mother walked after them.

‘Bunch of scumbags’: Father of Boy B loudly condemns verdict
Profile: Boy B was the only child in Oberstown to ever ask for Lego -
some photos of Ana here I'd never seen before-such a beautiful girl she was.

The only scumbags here are these 2 boys, very glad the jury made the right decision. Very scary that someone was looking for such extreme, illegal *advertiser censored* at such a young age. I hope these 2 are never released as they're both cleary very, very dangerous
Since they are both still un-named, I'm guessing information about families cannot be posted here? I do believe there is a reason why Boy B's father is angry, but I also believe Boy B is guilty of certain crimes. Hard to explain
But to add to my above comment. I am SO happy Boy A was found guilty. He will hopefully go away for a long time. Horrible, horrific crime (I have a son a year
younger and we have family in the area, so it hits home hard for us).

RIP beautiful Ana.

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