Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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Who among us mother's, can say that our first born child wasn't taken to the dr. at least 4 times per year? Hello!

My two certainly spent their fair share of time at their pediatricians.
Just the vaccination schedules alone, not to mention reg checkups,
colic, colds, earaches.
They began seeing a dentist before they were 3 for checkups, cleaning and sealants.
I wonder if Caylee ever even saw a doctor.
Usually people would have their land line on the doc records, not a cell. We don't have the home records, as far as I know. Cell numbers are usually listed for an emergency number, if there is a land line available as primary.

Casey lived through that phone, so most likely it was the one she gave for records like this. Not to mention the advantage of the appointment reminder calls coming to her and not George and Cindy's land line. Say she were to get money from her parents for a fictional doctor visit for Caylee, then the lack of a reminder call might tip them off. Just a thought.
My two certainly spent their fair share of time at their pediatricians.
Just the vaccination schedules alone, not to mention reg checkups,
colic, colds, earaches.
They began seeing a dentist before they were 3 for checkups, cleaning and sealants.
I wonder if Caylee ever even saw a doctor.

I would like to know that to. We do have to member CA was a nurse.
Me for one. In fact my 19 year old has never been to the doctor, never anything I couldn't take care of myself. He's never had a cavity either. My 15 and 7 year old have only been to the doc once, for a fracture and a cut I needed to make sure didn't sever any tendons or nerves. I won't bore you with the other 4 children's medical history.

Yes, Valhall, there was a Rx taken, shown on doc page 3739. It was for Caylee, Gentamiacin. No date or doctor is listed on the Evidence sheet. But, I understand why Caylee's eyes looked that way in the pic I was referring to. It is a very strong antibiotic used for such demons as staph and strep bacteria, in the eyes. The possible side effects listed:

Bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers have developed during treatment with Gentamicin ophthalmic preparations.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions are ocular burning and irritation upon drug instillation, non-specific conjunctivitis, conjunctival epithelial defects and conjunctival hyperemia.

Other adverse reactions which have occurred rarely are allergic reactions, thrombocytopenic purpura and hallucinations.

Name (Active Moiety) Type Strength
Gentamicin Sulfate (Gentamicin) Active 3 MILLIGRAM In 1 MILLILITER
Benzalkonium Chloride Inactive
Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Hydrochloric Acid Inactive
Monobasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Water Inactive
Sodium Chloride Inactive
Sodium Hydroxide Inactive


Prolonged use of topical antibiotics may give rise to overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms including fungi.

Bacterial resistance to Gentamicin may also develop. If purulent discharge, inflammation or pain becomes aggravated, the patient should discontinue use of the medication and consult a physician. If irritation or hypersensitivity to any component of the drug develops, the patient should discontinue use of this preparation and appropriate therapy should be instituted.

It sounds like Caylee was being treated for "pink eye".
Valhall, I found one refrence to Caylee having a cold, on doc hand numbered page 1121. It is dated May 23. Casey says, "I'll have to let you know when I get done at the drs. I gave Caylee my cold....I gave her some amy love..."Then on page 1122..."Sounds good. I'll be stuck here for another hour. So many kids...I'm trying! This is the 1st time she's ever gotten sick. We made it almost 3 years..."

I believe she said Caylee had only been sick twice in her life. Now we don't have her cell records from May so can't see where she was pinging during these texts that appear to be from a doctor's office. But if she was sick twice that would be again after May 23. Often doctors give an antibiotic (even for colds and flue, quite irresponsible IMO) so there could have been a follow up visit at the end, also very common to get the extra income, perhaps. 10 days is the usual which would be about June 6, allowing for the weekend and time to fit in the appointment. If the antibiotic didn't work then there could be another visit. Sometimes, too an antibiotic will seem to make them better but they show symptoms again later, if it is something other than a virus that runs its course quickly.

Now, a text on June 11, doc page 1138, at 12:18am says, "...I'm in and out of sleep. Stupid drama. This is the day in question and might explain why she was so slow to use her phone the next day. She didn't get her normal 4-6 hour block of sleep, something keeping her up or interrupting her sleep. IMO it is more likely that what ever was going on this day during the night is why the 11th was one of the incorrect dates was given for the last time Caylee was seen. The drama could have involved Tony. After this good night text to Amy she was on with him until past 4:30 am. This gives her very little sleep time, to be on the road again by 9:40 with Caylee dressed and ready to travel. That's only 5 hours to catch some sleep and get ready.

I'm not recalling, was there a prescription found with Caylee's name on it?


Doctors do not give out antibiotics for a cold or the flu. There are many "super bugs" that are very hard to treat and this practice of treating a virus with an antibiotic is contributing to it.


Doctors do not give out antibiotics for a cold or the flu. There are many "super bugs" that are very hard to treat and this practice of treating a virus with an antibiotic is contributing to it.

Maybe in your neck of the woods. I can't tell you how many times someone has told me they were given antibiotics, just in case. It is becoming less common now that they are waking up to how they are weakening the natural immune system. But it is still done routinely quite often.

Yes, you are likely right, pink eye.
Usually people would have their land line on the doc records, not a cell. We don't have the home records, as far as I know. Cell numbers are usually listed for an emergency number, if there is a land line available as primary.

Living in Orlando, and having a child the same age as Caylee, I can tell you that our experience has been to give a land-line for the "paper work" portion of the dR.'s records, but then giving "contact" information for both parents while indicating the "primary" phone for scheduling type calls from their office.

The land-line that is requested, I think is used for insurance info. They understand that now everyone has cell phones (and a lot don't use home phones), the quickest most reliable number is the cell number and that's why they ask you which number to contact you on.
Also, FWIW, Pediatrician's are not quick to give antibiotics out anymore unless there is a clear infection. Even then, they really encourage you to get your child thru it without the aid of antib. Just give 'em tylenol and lots of sleep! Build their immune systems! We rarely get AB even for the most common ailments for our boys under 3- ear infections. They both had pink eye before 3 and were given eye drops for a few days. My little one gets bug bites easily and scratches them, so Dr. gave me AB creme with an anti-fungal. That's about it. Lots of Flu, lots of colds, no AB unless strep/ bronchitis/ tonsillitis and the likes.

IMO if Caylee were sick enough in the last month of her life to necessitate ABs, Cindy and KC would talk a lot about it as she apparently rarely got sick and that would be a bad one if the Dr. prescribed it. Hope that helps!
Forgive me if I'm off here or remembering things wrong, but I assume we've been talking about June 11 and not July 11? Wasn't June 10 the night that supposedly KC spent at RM's and was still there when he left in the morning? If the "original tiff" took place on the 9th, perhaps that is why she chose to stay at RMs the next evening - the 10th - and perhaps turned off her phone that night until he left the next morning so she would not have been bothered by CA calling every half hour asking her where she and Caylee were staying or telling her to get her fanny home? That would explain the silence or departure from the norm on the morning of the 11th perhaps.

If I have things discombobulated, TIA for your understanding.
Forgive me if I'm off here or remembering things wrong, but I assume we've been talking about June 11 and not July 11? Wasn't June 10 the night that supposedly KC spent at RM's and was still there when he left in the morning? If the "original tiff" took place on the 9th, perhaps that is why she chose to stay at RMs the next evening - the 10th - and perhaps turned off her phone that night until he left the next morning so she would not have been bothered by CA calling every half hour asking her where she and Caylee were staying or telling her to get her fanny home? That would explain the silence or departure from the norm on the morning of the 11th perhaps.

If I have things discombobulated, TIA for your understanding.

Not sure if my calendar is totally correct, but I have her staying with RM on the night of the 9th, leaving early in the morning on the 10th.
Forgive me if I'm off here or remembering things wrong, but I assume we've been talking about June 11 and not July 11? Wasn't June 10 the night that supposedly KC spent at RM's and was still there when he left in the morning? If the "original tiff" took place on the 9th, perhaps that is why she chose to stay at RMs the next evening - the 10th - and perhaps turned off her phone that night until he left the next morning so she would not have been bothered by CA calling every half hour asking her where she and Caylee were staying or telling her to get her fanny home? That would explain the silence or departure from the norm on the morning of the 11th perhaps.

If I have things discombobulated, TIA for your understanding.

Cell phone pings show Casey was at or near her parents' house the night of June 11.
Good info, AE! I do have to ask we have a second confirmation that Caylee was sick? Or just KC's word for it. I don't know about a prescription.

Don't mean to answer for AE, but this popped into memory... no other outside confirmation that I could find other than the "little snot-head" reference from her IM's with Tony R. on May 8th.

June 11th was also the day she and Caylee accompanied TonE to the mall to pass around fliers and had a late lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.
Me for one. In fact my 19 year old has never been to the doctor, never anything I couldn't take care of myself. He's never had a cavity either. My 15 and 7 year old have only been to the doc once, for a fracture and a cut I needed to make sure didn't sever any tendons or nerves. I won't bore you with the other 4 children's medical history.

Yes, Valhall, there was a Rx taken, shown on doc page 3739. It was for Caylee, Gentamiacin. No date or doctor is listed on the Evidence sheet. But, I understand why Caylee's eyes looked that way in the pic I was referring to. It is a very strong antibiotic used for such demons as staph and strep bacteria, in the eyes. The possible side effects listed:

Bacterial and fungal corneal ulcers have developed during treatment with Gentamicin ophthalmic preparations.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions are ocular burning and irritation upon drug instillation, non-specific conjunctivitis, conjunctival epithelial defects and conjunctival hyperemia.

Other adverse reactions which have occurred rarely are allergic reactions, thrombocytopenic purpura and hallucinations.

Name (Active Moiety) Type Strength
Gentamicin Sulfate (Gentamicin) Active 3 MILLIGRAM In 1 MILLILITER
Benzalkonium Chloride Inactive
Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Hydrochloric Acid Inactive
Monobasic Sodium Phosphate Inactive
Water Inactive
Sodium Chloride Inactive
Sodium Hydroxide Inactive


Prolonged use of topical antibiotics may give rise to overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms including fungi.

Bacterial resistance to Gentamicin may also develop. If purulent discharge, inflammation or pain becomes aggravated, the patient should discontinue use of the medication and consult a physician. If irritation or hypersensitivity to any component of the drug develops, the patient should discontinue use of this preparation and appropriate therapy should be instituted.

It was for KC's conjunctivitis. Those were eye drops.


Doctors do not give out antibiotics for a cold or the flu. There are many "super bugs" that are very hard to treat and this practice of treating a virus with an antibiotic is contributing to it.

Some still do, or let their patients bully them into giving them ABX for a virus. :-(((((((((((((((((((((

That's why we now have a couple MORE super-bugs.
Thinking back to the mysterious zenaida myspace page, was KC thinking of this in advance and hoping to use myspace hacks to obscure her involvement?

Why do I ask? If you recall those infamous Google searches for chloroform, there were a few searches included that had nothing to do with killing (as we know it). Here are the ones I found interesting:
03/06/2008 14:52:00 Thu 1
03/06/2008 14:49:40 Thu 1
03/05/2008 15:46:55 Wed 1
03/05/2008 15:46:44 Wed 1
03/05/2008 15:46:16 Wed 1
The top hits for each will lead you to myspace hack forums.

Thinking back to the mysterious zenaida myspace page, was KC thinking of this in advance and hoping to use myspace hacks to obscure her involvement?

Why do I ask? If you recall those infamous Google searches for chloroform, there were a few searches included that had nothing to do with killing (as we know it). Here are the ones I found interesting:
03/06/2008 14:52:00 Thu 1
03/06/2008 14:49:40 Thu 1
03/05/2008 15:46:55 Wed 1
03/05/2008 15:46:44 Wed 1
03/05/2008 15:46:16 Wed 1
The top hits for each will lead you to myspace hack forums.


It looks more like she was trying to find out how to make a "tiny" profile. Before Myspace came out with the new versions it was pretty popular with teens and twenty somethings to "hide" all the regular stuff on their profiles and get rid of the "interests" sections, the "about me", "hero's", "music" etc. and you had to use codes to do that back then. Usually the only thing really left behind were comment boxes and contact tables which you can make on your own through the websites that also have the codes for "hiding" interest sections.
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