Is Casey the real Zenaida?

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It'd be a kick, but I just don't see it. Not to mention that, according to her pings, she would've had to have been working IN her boyfriends' apartments and her parents house. She seems like an odd creature of habit...a half tame coyote...longs to be independent/self-sufficient, but just can't figure it out....desperately wants working relationships/friendships, but has not a clue how to make them work....surviving, but never thriving---choked out by being raised with NO responsibilities. I have a frightening feeling that there are a lot more potential KC's out there.

She could have used ZFG as a working girl before we learned about the pings---before they started for LE.
There's always another possibility. Zanny the Nanny might have been an in-joke between KC and say, Lee that was her nickhame for CA. If CA has xanax in her medicine cabinet (and regardless of what I think of her I'd be popping pills living with that group) she might have been the impetus; after all she probably watched Cayleed "90% of the time". Perhaps it had its roots in the little children's book that's been mentioned. KC could have easily read that as a child and then thought a humorous twist would be to call her mother "the nanny" and Zanny the Nanny if her mom had a xanax prescription. I can see KC and LA thinking of all kinds of little secret code nicknames for their parents; I know my sisters and I had ones we used for ours.

That certainly could have been how it started - became a convenient status thing when telling her friends (employed or going to college), and then once she needed an actual name to go with it, she could have used ZG (and if it turns out she herself is ZG22 so much the better). They are all built around the z connection.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Very interesting !
Thanks !

God Bless !
This has probably been mentioned before but in order to keep up the illusion that KC had a job and when her friends would ask her well who is watching Caylee when your mom and dad are working she would probably use the Nanny excuse rather than say she no longer had a job. It was very important to her to keep friends thinking she was working rather than a stay-at-home mom. The Nanny was also useful when staying over RM's house and telling her parents she was staying with Zanny rather than coming home that night. KC did tell her mother in one of the videos from the jail that she would NEVER stay overnight with a boyfriend if Caylee was with her. We all know that is a lie. So Zanny was an excuse to keep up the appearances that she had this very important job at Universal which allowed her to employ a very expensive Nanny. If you look at her text messages you would have to wonder who would employ such a person as she must have always had her cell phone out texting messages to all her friends. KC and the Nanny, the same IMO.
That was soooo..... hilarious. can't wait til the next episode. New here. Hi.
This has probably been mentioned before but in order to keep up the illusion that KC had a job and when her friends would ask her well who is watching Caylee when your mom and dad are working she would probably use the Nanny excuse rather than say she no longer had a job. It was very important to her to keep friends thinking she was working rather than a stay-at-home mom. The Nanny was also useful when staying over RM's house and telling her parents she was staying with Zanny rather than coming home that night. KC did tell her mother in one of the videos from the jail that she would NEVER stay overnight with a boyfriend if Caylee was with her. We all know that is a lie. So Zanny was an excuse to keep up the appearances that she had this very important job at Universal which allowed her to employ a very expensive Nanny. If you look at her text messages you would have to wonder who would employ such a person as she must have always had her cell phone out texting messages to all her friends. KC and the Nanny, the same IMO.

Yeah, I had a friend named, "Trudy." I went to "stay with her" when I ws someplace where I wasn't s'posed to be. ;-)

But, not having had a kid, I didn't have to create a nanny. Just an aliby for my parents.
Ale"xan"der = xany...... Isn't that someones middle name in her family? Also, maybe since the baby doll's name was "momma".....maybe Casey referred to herself as Xany.
This has probably been mentioned before but in order to keep up the illusion that KC had a job and when her friends would ask her well who is watching Caylee when your mom and dad are working she would probably use the Nanny excuse rather than say she no longer had a job. It was very important to her to keep friends thinking she was working rather than a stay-at-home mom. The Nanny was also useful when staying over RM's house and telling her parents she was staying with Zanny rather than coming home that night. KC did tell her mother in one of the videos from the jail that she would NEVER stay overnight with a boyfriend if Caylee was with her. We all know that is a lie. So Zanny was an excuse to keep up the appearances that she had this very important job at Universal which allowed her to employ a very expensive Nanny. If you look at her text messages you would have to wonder who would employ such a person as she must have always had her cell phone out texting messages to all her friends. KC and the Nanny, the same IMO.

Bold by me. Forget about what a lousey employee KC would make with her non-stop texting, phoning, emailing, IMing...what kind of FULL-TIME Mommy did that make her? A NEGLECTFUL one for sure!:eek:
I may be mistaken but didn't CA give a tour or interview (with Greta or a local station) regarding KC receiving an award for employee of the month? Does anyone remember that? So according to CA, KC must have been employed if there was a "Certificate" as in there must be a Nanny if there is a dog.
I hate recycling my own content, but I think it can be valuable to have a complete profile of the fictional nanny in one place. I added a little bit more information based on recent discussions. Thanks to eddiva for highlighting the Avalon connection. Updates in red.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (KC's fictional nannie's name)

Vitals: (all taken from first interview unless otherwise noted)

  • 25 Years old
  • 5' 7" (5'6" to 5'7" - email from Lee)
  • 140 lbs
  • Dark brown curly hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Mixed race: Black and Puerto Rican
  • Tan complexion (email from Lee)
  • No visible tatoos in 2-piece bathing suit (email from Lee)
  • Birthday in September


  • Mother: Gloria Gonzalez, 55 (email from Lee)
  • Step-dad: Victor Fernandez (email from Lee)
  • No children (interview #2)
  • Has brother and sister (1st interview)
  • Sister is Samantha, 1-2 years older, not sure if last name is different (email from Lee)

  • Raquel Farrell - hostess at Friday's (email from Lee)
  • Jennifer Rosa - works for ABC Distribution catalog in Orlando (email from Lee)
From interview #1:

  • Moved to FL from New York. Tony was talking about moving to NY. Sawgrass ZG drives a car with NY plates.
  • Lived at apartment off Bumby and Robinson until about middle of 2007. The location turns out to be an "old folk's home" across the street from RM's. It is interesting to note that RM met KC in June 2007 and moved to his apartment in Orlando in Aug. 2007...the "middle of 2007."
  • From middle of 2007 to some time in the first six months of 2008 she lived at her mom's house "off Michigan just over Conway". This is near the BoA she passed Amy's check at. Also kinda near a real ZG. But most interesting, there is a person with the mother's name that in fact lives "off Michigan just over Conway".
  • Last lived at Sawgrass on Conway Rd., apartment #210 - moved there "just recently this year". The apartment had been vacant for several months and happened to be above the model apartment shown to prospective tenants. Sawgrass ZG looked at model apartment 6/17.
From interview #2 (after fessing up that she'd been lying):
  • Lived at Alafaya Club Apartments when KC first met her. Says a good friend from high school still lives there (male). These apartments are near JG and TR, - about half way in between.
  • More recently she was renting a house in Andover Lakes, off Dean and Curry Ford. This is fairly close to Lake Vaj, possibly area where she was at one point going to get a home or condo?
Babysitting: (from 1st interview unless otherwise noted)

  • Met her around Christmas 2004, "before she was pregnant", or about 3 1/2 years.
  • Has been watching Caylee for 1 1/2 to 2 years (statement)
  • Started watching Caylee about end of April 2006 at Jeff Hopkins and within the past 1 1/2 years at ZFG apartment. This coincides with Rev. Grund's statement regarding when he first heard of ZG.
  • The fictional Jeff Hopkins supposedly lived in Avalon Park out towards Bithlo, east of Fusian. This happens to be where Andy F. lived (she spent the night with him June 30 / July 1), as did friend Sean H. (just a few houses away).
  • Has known her for six years (IM's with Iassan).
  • Watched Jeff Hopkin's fictional son Zachary. Jeff introduced KC to ZFG. (interview #2)
  • The fictional Juliette Lewis's equally fictional daughter played with Caylee at ZFG's apartment. ZFG may have watched Lewis's child as well. (IM's between KC and l7tone)

  • Seasonal employee at Universal (interview #2)
  • Went to University of Florida (interview #2)
  • Drives 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by step-dad (email from Lee)
  • Apparantly has some money, based on witness interviews relating what KC said to them.

  • Caylee's body was found within feet of the property boundary of one property belonging to a divorcee who used to have the last name "Gonzalez" and another property rented by a "Zenaida".
  • Katie Sue R., an employee of Sawgrass Apartments, stalled and then flatly refused to give LE an interview regarding whether she knew of any friends Casey Anthony had at Sawgrass.

    After refusing to give an interview, she advised Corp Eric Edwards that Vicky A. lived at Sawgrass complex and was "a good friend of Casey's."

    Vicky has friends/relatives named...

    Both Katie Sue R. and Vicky A. are listed as prosecution witnesses.
Thanks so much ZWG for keeping this updated. It sure helps one from having to go thru whole thread looking for stuff.:blowkiss:
What about the girl in school with KC? Could it be that it all started there? Maybe she had a crush on that girl or was jealous of her and kinda started her collection of ZFG.
I hate recycling my own content, but I think it can be valuable to have a complete profile of the fictional nanny in one place. I added a little bit more information based on recent discussions. Thanks to eddiva for highlighting the Avalon connection. Updates in red.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (KC's fictional nannie's name)

Vitals: (all taken from first interview unless otherwise noted)

  • 25 Years old
  • 5' 7" (5'6" to 5'7" - email from Lee)
  • 140 lbs
  • Dark brown curly hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Mixed race: Black and Puerto Rican
  • Tan complexion (email from Lee)
  • No visible tatoos in 2-piece bathing suit (email from Lee)
  • Birthday in September


  • Mother: Gloria Gonzalez, 55 (email from Lee)
  • Step-dad: Victor Fernandez (email from Lee)
  • No children (interview #2)
  • Has brother and sister (1st interview)
  • Sister is Samantha, 1-2 years older, not sure if last name is different (email from Lee)

  • Raquel Farrell - hostess at Friday's (email from Lee)
  • Jennifer Rosa - works for ABC Distribution catalog in Orlando (email from Lee)
From interview #1:

  • Moved to FL from New York. Tony was talking about moving to NY. Sawgrass ZG drives a car with NY plates.
  • Lived at apartment off Bumby and Robinson until about middle of 2007. The location turns out to be an "old folk's home" across the street from RM's. It is interesting to note that RM met KC in June 2007 and moved to his apartment in Orlando in Aug. 2007...the "middle of 2007."
  • From middle of 2007 to some time in the first six months of 2008 she lived at her mom's house "off Michigan just over Conway". This is near the BoA she passed Amy's check at. Also kinda near a real ZG. But most interesting, there is a person with the mother's name that in fact lives "off Michigan just over Conway".
  • Last lived at Sawgrass on Conway Rd., apartment #210 - moved there "just recently this year". The apartment had been vacant for several months and happened to be above the model apartment shown to prospective tenants. Sawgrass ZG looked at model apartment 6/17.
From interview #2 (after fessing up that she'd been lying):
  • Lived at Alafaya Club Apartments when KC first met her. Says a good friend from high school still lives there (male). These apartments are near JG and TR, - about half way in between.
  • More recently she was renting a house in Andover Lakes, off Dean and Curry Ford. This is fairly close to Lake Vaj, possibly area where she was at one point going to get a home or condo?
Babysitting: (from 1st interview unless otherwise noted)

  • Met her around Christmas 2004, "before she was pregnant", or about 3 1/2 years.
  • Has been watching Caylee for 1 1/2 to 2 years (statement)
  • Started watching Caylee about end of April 2006 at Jeff Hopkins and within the past 1 1/2 years at ZFG apartment. This coincides with Rev. Grund's statement regarding when he first heard of ZG.
  • The fictional Jeff Hopkins supposedly lived in Avalon Park out towards Bithlo, east of Fusian. This happens to be where Andy F. lived (she spent the night with him June 30 / July 1), as did friend Sean H. (just a few houses away).
  • Has known her for six years (IM's with Iassan).
  • Watched Jeff Hopkin's fictional son Zachary. Jeff introduced KC to ZFG. (interview #2)
  • The fictional Juliette Lewis's equally fictional daughter played with Caylee at ZFG's apartment. ZFG may have watched Lewis's child as well. (IM's between KC and l7tone)

  • Seasonal employee at Universal (interview #2)
  • Went to University of Florida (interview #2)
  • Drives 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by step-dad (email from Lee)
  • Apparantly has some money, based on witness interviews relating what KC said to them.

  • Caylee's body was found within feet of the property boundary of one property belonging to a divorcee who used to have the last name "Gonzalez" and another property rented by a "Zenaida".
  • Katie Sue R., an employee of Sawgrass Apartments, stalled and then flatly refused to give LE an interview regarding whether she knew of any friends Casey Anthony had at Sawgrass.

    After refusing to give an interview, she advised Corp Eric Edwards that Vicky A. lived at Sawgrass complex and was "a good friend of Casey's."

    Vicky has friends/relatives named...

    Both Katie Sue R. and Vicky A. are listed as prosecution witnesses.

Interesting to note that Katie and Vickyh are prosecution witnessess yet we have not seen any interview of them. Hmmmmm:waitasec:

Thanks JWG for putting this together!!
I hate recycling my own content, but I think it can be valuable to have a complete profile of the fictional nanny in one place. I added a little bit more information based on recent discussions. Thanks to eddiva for highlighting the Avalon connection. Updates in red.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (KC's fictional nannie's name)

Vitals: (all taken from first interview unless otherwise noted)

  • 25 Years old
  • 5' 7" (5'6" to 5'7" - email from Lee)
  • 140 lbs
  • Dark brown curly hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Mixed race: Black and Puerto Rican
  • Tan complexion (email from Lee)
  • No visible tatoos in 2-piece bathing suit (email from Lee)
  • Birthday in September


  • Mother: Gloria Gonzalez, 55 (email from Lee)
  • Step-dad: Victor Fernandez (email from Lee)
  • No children (interview #2)
  • Has brother and sister (1st interview)
  • Sister is Samantha, 1-2 years older, not sure if last name is different (email from Lee)

  • Raquel Farrell - hostess at Friday's (email from Lee)
  • Jennifer Rosa - works for ABC Distribution catalog in Orlando (email from Lee)
From interview #1:

  • Moved to FL from New York. Tony was talking about moving to NY. Sawgrass ZG drives a car with NY plates.
  • Lived at apartment off Bumby and Robinson until about middle of 2007. The location turns out to be an "old folk's home" across the street from RM's. It is interesting to note that RM met KC in June 2007 and moved to his apartment in Orlando in Aug. 2007...the "middle of 2007."
  • From middle of 2007 to some time in the first six months of 2008 she lived at her mom's house "off Michigan just over Conway". This is near the BoA she passed Amy's check at. Also kinda near a real ZG. But most interesting, there is a person with the mother's name that in fact lives "off Michigan just over Conway".
  • Last lived at Sawgrass on Conway Rd., apartment #210 - moved there "just recently this year". The apartment had been vacant for several months and happened to be above the model apartment shown to prospective tenants. Sawgrass ZG looked at model apartment 6/17.
From interview #2 (after fessing up that she'd been lying):
  • Lived at Alafaya Club Apartments when KC first met her. Says a good friend from high school still lives there (male). These apartments are near JG and TR, - about half way in between.
  • More recently she was renting a house in Andover Lakes, off Dean and Curry Ford. This is fairly close to Lake Vaj, possibly area where she was at one point going to get a home or condo?
Babysitting: (from 1st interview unless otherwise noted)

  • Met her around Christmas 2004, "before she was pregnant", or about 3 1/2 years.
  • Has been watching Caylee for 1 1/2 to 2 years (statement)
  • Started watching Caylee about end of April 2006 at Jeff Hopkins and within the past 1 1/2 years at ZFG apartment. This coincides with Rev. Grund's statement regarding when he first heard of ZG.
  • The fictional Jeff Hopkins supposedly lived in Avalon Park out towards Bithlo, east of Fusian. This happens to be where Andy F. lived (she spent the night with him June 30 / July 1), as did friend Sean H. (just a few houses away).
  • Has known her for six years (IM's with Iassan).
  • Watched Jeff Hopkin's fictional son Zachary. Jeff introduced KC to ZFG. (interview #2)
  • The fictional Juliette Lewis's equally fictional daughter played with Caylee at ZFG's apartment. ZFG may have watched Lewis's child as well. (IM's between KC and l7tone)

  • Seasonal employee at Universal (interview #2)
  • Went to University of Florida (interview #2)
  • Drives 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by step-dad (email from Lee)
  • Apparantly has some money, based on witness interviews relating what KC said to them.

  • Caylee's body was found within feet of the property boundary of one property belonging to a divorcee who used to have the last name "Gonzalez" and another property rented by a "Zenaida".
  • Katie Sue R., an employee of Sawgrass Apartments, stalled and then flatly refused to give LE an interview regarding whether she knew of any friends Casey Anthony had at Sawgrass.

    After refusing to give an interview, she advised Corp Eric Edwards that Vicky A. lived at Sawgrass complex and was "a good friend of Casey's."

    Vicky has friends/relatives named...

    Both Katie Sue R. and Vicky A. are listed as prosecution witnesses.

Thank you You are so organized. :blowkiss: I really enjoy this thread very interesting. I enjoy you alls sluthing on this subject.
I did not know Katie Sue R and Vicky A. were on the witnesses list. very interesting
Here is a copy of the witness list that was made public January 26 - by JB in a motion he filed Jan. 23 2009 for sanctions on the prosecution. His Exhibit was the prosecution's witness list of Dec. 3, 2008.

View attachment Witness List.pdf
I'm not trying to get in the middle of anything, but I actually think mitzi is trying to point out that chloroform can't be ruled out at this time. I took her post as a reply (in another thread) to some one who had taken the last doc dump to mean chloroform testing would not be done. I believe she was just trying to correct that by showing the testing is being done by another lab, but not released yet.

Just my 2 cents.

Caylee's body was found within feet of the property boundary of one property belonging to a divorcee who used to have the last name "Gonzalez" and another property rented by a "Zenaida".

I've never been able to get a handle on what it would mean for this to not be a coincidence. Did she choose the nanny's name based on the place she had already decided to dump the body? Or, did she choose the dump location based on the nanny name she had already come up with? It seems that one of those must be true if this is not a coincidence.

If it isn't a coincidence, it also seems to profoundly change what one would think about the Sawgrass situation.
I believe Mitzi's post was in response to my post, in which I stated they did not test for Chloroform. I took no offense at all. Rather, I welcomed the additional information.
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