Is DDS cooperating with the investigation??? Poll is added, please vote.

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Do you think DDS is being cooperative with the investigation?

  • Yes I think DDS is cooperating with the investigation.

    Votes: 33 11.4%
  • No I think DDS is being evasive and not being helpful in the investigation.

    Votes: 127 43.9%
  • I don't know, need more information

    Votes: 90 31.1%
  • think she's cooperating with mfh investigation after receiving immunity

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • I think she is cooperating with the kyron investigation with immunity

    Votes: 7 2.4%
  • she has immunity/is cooperating with mfh and kyron cases

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • DDS is cooperating with LE somewhat.

    Votes: 17 5.9%

  • Total voters
But did they not ask questions because she pleaded the fifth? Sorry to be so skeptical, but her attorney is going to say anything to help his client. I've seen enough spin in other cases to make me sit back and say "hmmmm". :waitasec:

IMO, in most cases, once a witness takes the stand to testify, they are not allowed to discuss their testimony with anyone until they are finished testifying. They are "usually" given the instruction to not talk to any other potential witnesses or anyone associated with the case. It is done so no person can influence the testimony of another or form their responses to what a previous witness has testified too.

IMO, I would not be "surprised" if she was just put on the stand under oath only to be called back at a later time to testify strictly to keep her from being able to be a friend to TH.

At least that was my thought when I heard someone on NG last night state that DeDe was no longer going to speak with TH. She can't...she is under the middle of testimony.​
The person who posted that video is one of DeDe's tweet-friends (or whatever the heck it's called).

I call em my tweeps or my tweeples
Parking lot for vid please and thanks.

Don't forget the rule on minors......

:doh: I see Kimster said OK on the twitter. So shame on me. Gosh every forum is different I apologize....... let me fix things....... :loser: I think I have all of your tweety bird stuff back.
Popping in from Work . The immunity thing makes sense. As if DDS knows anything and had held it back she could be charge with obstruction charges. And maybe now she is seeing what TH is really about.
I don't know? Good question for our attorneys, BeanE! I just figured that her attorney could go in and announce it in front of the court before she took the stand, but that's an assumption on my part.

Attorneys (besides the prosecutor) are not allowed in the grand jury proceedings.
Hey peliman, can you add a poll to this thread?

Poll is added, I was thinking of a few options but opted between two and allowed the WRITE IN option. Not sure how that works but hopefully it allows other views to some. Not sure if I can change the poll now but that's how it starts. :) Good Idea!

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I don't know? Good question for our attorneys, BeanE! I just figured that her attorney could go in and announce it in front of the court before she took the stand, but that's an assumption on my part.
Attorneys aren't allowed in a Grand Jury, from what some of the experts here have written. If she pled the fifth, it would be on a question the Prosecutor or a Jury member asked of her.
Attorneys aren't allowed in a Grand Jury, from what some of the experts here have written. If she pled the fifth, it would be on a question the Prosecutor or a Jury member asked of her.

I added a video upthread that shows Gabe Johnson's mother testifying when she plead the fifth. The beginning of the video shows the judge, who already knew she was intending to plead the fifth, giving her instructions, and he indicates she will have to do so in response to a question. Then the prosecutor asks the questions, and she takes the fifth on each one.

So I think you're right. I think there has to be at least one question asked, based on what the judge says, before the fifth can go into effect, based on the person's response to the question.

That being the case, since no questions were asked of Dede, I do not think she took the fifth.
I need more information to really decide if I think 100% that she was involved in Kyron's disappearance. But I think she knows something about something. I'm just not sure what it is. IF she was involved or has knowledge about Kyron's disappearance I think she is following advice of her father and/or attorney regarding how, when and where that information is shared. Covering her hiney & getting her ducks in a row. It is beyond me how anyone can hurt a child to begin with so this whole "more than one person may be responsible" things just irks me. I so want Kyron to be okay and at home with people that love him. But as time goes on, I am losing hope. So sad and I hate to even type that. My heart goes out to Desiree and everyone that loves this little cutie pie.
Regarding this poll, I think DDS is cooperating and that she knows nothing of relevance. JMO
I haven't seen any discussion about the Nancy Grace show which was hosted by Jean Casarez tonight. Had to wait for the transcripts before posting but some info was discussed tonight about DeDe's actions over the last few days so I wanted to share with a link. The transcipts maybe worth reading for possible new info. I'm getting the feeling DeDe isn't totally cooperating. JMO

From the show tonight

To Lacey Evans, reporter KXL Newsradio in Portland. You are live there in Portland. You know, we have the tape of Dede Spicher, the very close friend of Terri Horman, that she was summoned to the courthouse, subpoenaed, we would say, to appear before the grand jury. Her attorney has confirmed with us that she didn`t answer any questions, so the video showed her leaving.

Has anybody else been coming to the courthouse to testify before the grand jury, maybe the landscaper that allegedly, according to legal documents, was solicited to kill Kaine Horman, or maybe the childhood high school chum, Michael Cook (ph), who was found later to be sexting, allegedly, with Terri Horman? Anybody else?

EVANS: No, not that we`re aware of. And Kaine Horman and Desiree Young have not (INAUDIBLE) they`ve been called to the grand jury, either. And in fact, we don`t even know what this grand jury is for, who it`s indicting, whether it`s Terri Horman or whether it`s Dede Spicher for something that she may know or may have done here.

In fact, let me go back to Elie Jostad. Let`s talk about Dede Spicher right now. Obviously a very close friend. And the reason she came to our attention is that law enforcement did a search of her home as they did of several other friends.

I know that your producer spoke with Dede Spicher`s lawyer today. What did he -- she have to say?

JOSTAD: Well, right. The important thing is that the parents put out a statement saying that they believe Dede Spicher -- and this is when we first heard her name, was when Kaine Horman and Desiree Young put out a statement, and they said that Dede Spicher was, number one, not cooperating with investigators and, number two, encouraging others who might have information not to cooperate.

Her attorney, however, says that she is cooperating, that she spent over three hours with investigators, answering their questions. He said her e-mails are going to be handed over to police -- e-mails she got from Terri Horman.

However, he wouldn`t talk about where she was the day that Kyron went missing and he also wouldn`t talk about any content that might be in those e-mails.

CASAREZ: Did she take a polygraph, Ellie?

JOSTAD: He wouldn`t confirm it. However, "People" magazine is reporting that two friends of Dede Spicher say that she declined to take a polygraph.


I voted "no" because we learned that DD appeared before the grand jury but didn't answer any questions.

The next day - Tuesday - a former prosecutor appeared on one of the morning shows and explained what might be taking place. In Oregon, they can "compel testimony" before a grand jury if granted immunity for their criminal culpability. The way it was explained is that the criminal culpability doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Kyron's disappearance. The whole reason to compel testimony under immunity is to "catch a bigger fish."

The former prosecutor explained that the appearance before the grand jury on Monday with her attorney, may have been to secure immunity.

It makes sense to me that DD is not willingly talking. If she's got criminal culpability for some other illegal activity, she's not going to talk freely unless she's granted immunity from prosecution for that criminal activity.
If Dede knows anything at all, I hope it in regards to where Kyron can be found.

I am afraid that if Kyron is dead, LE will have a hard time trying to prosecute if he is not found, regardless of what they said last month about trying the case without his body, due to the rumors and speculation about Kyron being hidden, "stashed", whatever and even LE has been saying that they believe he is alive.

If they can't find him, I fear no one will face charges, unless Dede or someone very close to Terri has enough info that is provable in court. I hope she needs immunity. If we hear of a new search soon, I think it will mean she is talking.
I voted no on the poll.....I am still clueless tho as to reading "she was asked no questions" ....then why did she appear? She goes in and they ask her nothing? Somebody please clue me in, lol....I am as lost as last years easter egg.TIA
If Dede knows anything at all, I hope it in regards to where Kyron can be found.

I am afraid that if Kyron is dead, LE will have a hard time trying to prosecute if he is not found, regardless of what they said last month about trying the case without his body, due to the rumors and speculation about Kyron being hidden, "stashed", whatever and even LE has been saying that they believe he is alive.

If they can't find him, I fear no one will face charges, unless Dede or someone very close to Terri has enough info that is provable in court. I hope she needs immunity. If we hear of a new search soon, I think it will mean she is talking.

DeDe's attorney says he believes Terri is going to be indicted. I think that was a pretty stupid thing for him to say on record, because he's essentially admitting his client knew or had reason to believe a crime was committed. So I wonder if it involves the MFH plot rather than Kyron?

Then again, Kaine gave her the perfect 'out' in his interview with the Oregonian. He said he thinks that Terri may have told many people little bits of seemingly irrelevant information and that on the surface and taken on their own wouldn't mean a thing. But if put together, may lead to Kyron.
If Dede knows anything at all, I hope it in regards to where Kyron can be found.

I am afraid that if Kyron is dead, LE will have a hard time trying to prosecute if he is not found, regardless of what they said last month about trying the case without his body, due to the rumors and speculation about Kyron being hidden, "stashed", whatever and even LE has been saying that they believe he is alive.

If they can't find him, I fear no one will face charges, unless Dede or someone very close to Terri has enough info that is provable in court. I hope she needs immunity. If we hear of a new search soon, I think it will mean she is talking.


Oh my gosh, you are so right! Even though I have yet to see any real hard "evidence" that TH is involved, if LE has something and this happens, it might be truly devastating.

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