Is DDS cooperating with the investigation??? Poll is added, please vote.

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Do you think DDS is being cooperative with the investigation?

  • Yes I think DDS is cooperating with the investigation.

    Votes: 33 11.4%
  • No I think DDS is being evasive and not being helpful in the investigation.

    Votes: 127 43.9%
  • I don't know, need more information

    Votes: 90 31.1%
  • think she's cooperating with mfh investigation after receiving immunity

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • I think she is cooperating with the kyron investigation with immunity

    Votes: 7 2.4%
  • she has immunity/is cooperating with mfh and kyron cases

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • DDS is cooperating with LE somewhat.

    Votes: 17 5.9%

  • Total voters
She wasn't asked any questions.

I realize that DD wasn't asked any questions, but I think that goes towards the likelihood that the purpose of her being there was to argue for immunity and if immunity was granted, she would then testify at a later date.

My thoughts are based on the explanation given by the former prosecutor who was interviewed on one of the morning shows the following day in which he explained the "compelled to testify with immunity" clause. He said that in that case the purpose is to have someone who has criminal culpability given immunity to testify because the goal is a "bigger fish."

If this is the case, then I suspect DD's criminal culpability might be minor compared to what she knows.
I realize that DD wasn't asked any questions, but I think that goes towards the likelihood that the purpose of her being there was to argue for immunity and if immunity was granted, she would then testify at a later date.

My thoughts are based on the explanation given by the former prosecutor who was interviewed on one of the morning shows the following day in which he explained the "compelled to testify with immunity" clause. He said that in that case the purpose is to have someone who has criminal culpability given immunity to testify because the goal is a "bigger fish."

If this is the case, then I suspect DD's criminal culpability might be minor compared to what she knows.

This is basically where I'm at in regards to DS. I think she's seeking immunity but I'm not sure the DA is willing to grant immunity yet. My understanding is if a witness refuses to testify at the GJ hearing, the GJ has to decide if they wish to compel testimony and offer immunity for the compelled testimony.

Which leads me to believe DDS is seeking immunity before testifying before the GJ.

Which leads me to believe DDS knows something about TH's involvement. Based on the clean hands doctrine, if someone has clean hands they shouldn't need immunity. So I voted no, based on the belief she was seeking immunity.

She may very well be cooperating with LE after being granted some type of full or limited immunity, I don't know. I suppose we'll all have to be patient and wait to find out.

I think, based on the info provided by nursebeeme and AZlawyer, as well as Dede's attorney, that Dede is cooperating, simply seeking immunity, and that there wasn't time to get the immunity in place.

Since Kaine/Desiree said she's been working with LE this past week, I think, however, it may be that it was realized that she didn't need immunity, and that she's simply been talking even more with LE this past week, and won't be going back to a GJ, because there's no longer a perceived need to. I think it may be that Dede became frightened after Kaine/Desiree issued their statement, but that after retaining an attorney, and him speaking with LE & the DA, and then with her, that all parties realized there was no need for immunity, and no need for Dede to be frightened.

I don't think Dede has any information that will be helpful to finding out what happened to Kyron. I don't think she's involved, or that she knows of any involvement by Terri, or anyone else.
DeDe's attorney says he believes Terri is going to be indicted. I think that was a pretty stupid thing for him to say on record, because he's essentially admitting his client knew or had reason to believe a crime was committed. So I wonder if it involves the MFH plot rather than Kyron?

Then again, Kaine gave her the perfect 'out' in his interview with the Oregonian. He said he thinks that Terri may have told many people little bits of seemingly irrelevant information and that on the surface and taken on their own wouldn't mean a thing. But if put together, may lead to Kyron.

IMO, DeDe's attorney saying that means nothing. It is a Grand Jury Indictment. It is the prosecutor telling the story they want to tell including using testimony/evidence that would NEVER be allowed in a court of law because no one is there to OBJECT to anything.

IMO, the only Grand Jury Shockers are when they do not indict.

Sorry, I just realized in the Court of Public Opinion it makes his client look guilty.
I voted no on the poll.....I am still clueless tho as to reading "she was asked no questions" ....then why did she appear? She goes in and they ask her nothing? Somebody please clue me in, lol....I am as lost as last years easter egg.TIA

IMO, by putting her under oath, she is no longer free to talk to anyone about any potential testimony and/or any potential witnesses. After her no question appearance, it was reported that she will no longer have any contact with TH....she can't...not even to be her friend.
Can you help me understand immunity a little better? If DeDe has asked for immunity in the GJ, and the judge grants it, she is completely immune to arrest? Jail time? Anything involving Kyron's disappearance? What if something were to come out that showed irrefutable evidence that Dede actually committed murder. (just hypothetical and very improbable, IMO) She really would be off scott-free? Of course there would be civil trials, but how much immunity would the original deal grant a person?

I assume if she really would be untouchable, that a judge would have a hard time granting immunity unless he/she had a pretty compelling reason to suspect TH as the main perp. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone's got a compelling reason at this point. Just a lot of circumstantial stuff.
I think, based on the info provided by nursebeeme and AZlawyer, as well as Dede's attorney, that Dede is cooperating, simply seeking immunity, and that there wasn't time to get the immunity in place.

Since Kaine/Desiree said she's been working with LE this past week, I think, however, it may be that it was realized that she didn't need immunity, and that she's simply been talking even more with LE this past week, and won't be going back to a GJ, because there's no longer a perceived need to. I think it may be that Dede became frightened after Kaine/Desiree issued their statement, but that after retaining an attorney, and him speaking with LE & the DA, and then with her, that all parties realized there was no need for immunity, and no need for Dede to be frightened.

I don't think Dede has any information that will be helpful to finding out what happened to Kyron. I don't think she's involved, or that she knows of any involvement by Terri, or anyone else.

Maybe so but I can't say she is or isn't. My curiosity is raised for a couple reasons. One she supposedly received a call and left her landscaping job without mentioning it to her friend and homeowner she was working for, just poof.

Second she didn't answer her phone when her employer tried to call her.

Third - her own lawyer refused to answer where she was for the 90 mins. When Jean Casarez producers asked about this subject on the NG show.

Forth - I'm sure her lawyer is present during any LE questioning of DDS and may have advised her not to speak about her 90 min. absence.

Fifth - it's reported she has been questioned a few times since she retained an attorney.

Sixth - LE had some type of probable cause to obtain a search warrant of her condo.

So no, none of that makes her guilty of anything but it still stands out there as unknown results because LE has not discussed it. I'm hopeful that it did produce results we'd all like to see which is the return of Kyron.
I've seen where Dede left the home where she was gardening, such as the quote below, but I haven't seen that she received a call and then left, except on a couple blogs. Is there an MSM source for her having received a call and left?


She abruptly left the house about 11:30 a.m. and didn't return until an hour to 90 minutes later.

I'll be honest, I don't know if it was a phone call. I'll look later tonight when I return. I'm not sure it makes a difference to what I was thinking because I find it odd she abruptly left without notice too. Not that it means anything she did was nefarious.


I think, based on the info provided by nursebeeme and AZlawyer, as well as Dede's attorney, that Dede is cooperating, simply seeking immunity, and that there wasn't time to get the immunity in place.

Since Kaine/Desiree said she's been working with LE this past week, I think, however, it may be that it was realized that she didn't need immunity, and that she's simply been talking even more with LE this past week, and won't be going back to a GJ, because there's no longer a perceived need to. I think it may be that Dede became frightened after Kaine/Desiree issued their statement, but that after retaining an attorney, and him speaking with LE & the DA, and then with her, that all parties realized there was no need for immunity, and no need for Dede to be frightened.

I don't think Dede has any information that will be helpful to finding out what happened to Kyron. I don't think she's involved, or that she knows of any involvement by Terri, or anyone else.

BBM - But then why did she feel the need for an attorney? If someone has nothing to hide regards this case (and LE says this time and time again) come forward and tell everything you know. If she is not hiding anything, she's got nothing to worry about.

I think DeDe knows something. I do not know if she's involved but I'm betting that Terri shared some "things" with her atleast while she was staying with her after Kaine left, if not before that time.
BBM - But then why did she feel the need for an attorney? If someone has nothing to hide regards this case (and LE says this time and time again) come forward and tell everything you know. If she is not hiding anything, she's got nothing to worry about.

Retaining an attorney does not automatically signify guilt, or that one has something to hide.

The statement issued in the press by K&D would have been more than enough for me to retain an attorney, but at this point, I wouldn't have waited for that, for sure.

Up until this case, I thought as long as I were innocent of any criminal wrongdoing, that it would be no big deal to me, and that I'd go to LE, or go in for questioning if asked, should I have the misfortune to be associated with a criminal case.

No more. This case has shown me that without a doubt, getting an attorney immediately is the only way to go, if there's so much as a peep about criminal wrongdoing.

This case has finally gotten through to me, that innocence is meaningless in today's world. Attorneys are a necessity to protect oneself, in more ways than one.
Retaining an attorney does not automatically signify guilt, or that one has something to hide.

The statement issued in the press by K&D would have been more than enough for me to retain an attorney, but at this point, I wouldn't have waited for that, for sure.

Up until this case, I thought as long as I were innocent of any criminal wrongdoing, that it would be no big deal to me, and that I'd go to LE, or go in for questioning if asked, should I have the misfortune to be associated with a criminal case.

No more. This case has shown me that without a doubt, getting an attorney immediately is the only way to go, if there's so much as a peep about criminal wrongdoing.

This case has finally gotten through to me, that innocence is meaningless in today's world. Attorneys are a necessity to protect oneself, in more ways than one.


Me too - it also taught me there is no possible way I would be participating in LE questioning while attached to a polygraph! Though a good lawyer would prevent me from doing that in the first place.
Retaining an attorney does not automatically signify guilt, or that one has something to hide.

The statement issued in the press by K&D would have been more than enough for me to retain an attorney, but at this point, I wouldn't have waited for that, for sure.

Up until this case, I thought as long as I were innocent of any criminal wrongdoing, that it would be no big deal to me, and that I'd go to LE, or go in for questioning if asked, should I have the misfortune to be associated with a criminal case.

No more. This case has shown me that without a doubt, getting an attorney immediately is the only way to go, if there's so much as a peep about criminal wrongdoing.

This case has finally gotten through to me, that innocence is meaningless in today's world. Attorneys are a necessity to protect oneself, in more ways than one.

Wow. What about this case makes you feel that way? It can't just be because of what Kaine and Desiree are saying----as they really carry no weight, except with regard to Terri, both knowing her as they do. But I would think that if I had nothing to hide, and had a father in LE, no criminal record (atleast I would think we'd know that from the media by now) that my forthcoming to LE with everything that Terri and I discussed, phone calls, texts and anything else might speak to my innocence. Afterall, what could they charge me with if I had nothing to hide.

I may not trust the public as far as I could throw any one of them, but I do still trust in LE and trust in the truth. True, that attorneys are a necessity to protect oneself----if you have something to hide and needs protecting. It's sort of like getting called for a random drug test------if you don't take drugs you've got nothing to worry about.
Do we have confirmation that the LE associated with this case have thrown innocent people under the bus?

If the family does getting an attorney might not really help much if it's perceived by the family as just another sign that you're guilty as hell.
It's possible that DS was off doing something that she might not want LE to know about that has nothing to do with a missing child. If that was the case she might want immunity in place before she explained what she was doing during the time in question.
Wow. What about this case makes you feel that way? It can't just be because of what Kaine and Desiree are saying----as they really carry no weight, except with regard to Terri, both knowing her as they do. But I would think that if I had nothing to hide, and had a father in LE, no criminal record (atleast I would think we'd know that from the media by now) that my forthcoming to LE with everything that Terri and I discussed, phone calls, texts and anything else might speak to my innocence. Afterall, what could they charge me with if I had nothing to hide.

I may not trust the public as far as I could throw any one of them, but I do still trust in LE and trust in the truth. True, that attorneys are a necessity to protect oneself----if you have something to hide and needs protecting. It's sort of like getting called for a random drug test------if you don't take drugs you've got nothing to worry about.

I'd like to know the answer to that one too.

This case makes me sick to my stomach,and sometimes
I have to walk away from this site.I have seen alot
of cases,but there is something about this one that
"stinks". How can you have grown women,walking around
(DDS) not saying anything when an innocent child is missing
I could understand a man maybe doing this,but not a woman.

If I was innocent,and my child,step-child were missing, I
would want LE to give me any test,so that they could start
looking elsewhere. There is a special place in He-- for TH
if she is not guilty,her total lack of concern,irritates the He--
out of me. So sorry, this case is crzy.:waitasec:
It's possible that DS was off doing something that she might not want LE to know about that has nothing to do with a missing child. If that was the case she might want immunity in place before she explained what she was doing during the time in question.

I kinda think LE had more questions for DeDe than just where was she on June 4th during the time in question. But you're right, she could have been off doing something illegal that she didn't want to disclose to LE.
I I think it may be that Dede became frightened after Kaine/Desiree issued their statement, but that after retaining an attorney, and him speaking with LE & the DA, and then with her, that all parties realized there was no need for immunity, and no need for Dede to be frightened.


Others have commented on the rest of this post, but I don't think on this part. I've seen her on camera twice. Once she looked p*ssed and once she looked smug and defiant -- too me. Did she look scared to you? Do you think she was putting on an act?
It's sort of like getting called for a random drug test------if you don't take drugs you've got nothing to worry about.

What about false positive results?

As far as talking to the police, see this video (it has 2 parts):


What about false positive results?

As far as talking to the police, see this video (it has 2 parts):

There actually are 6 parts total. They're all on YouTube. The entire series is called In Praise of the 5th Amendment.

Argh! I tried to link all 6 but they all embed and take up too much room. Just search YouTube.

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