Is JB qualified to represent someone accused of murder?

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Is JB a competent defense attorney involving murder?

  • JB has done a GOOD job of representing CA

    Votes: 16 5.4%
  • JB has done a POOR job of representing CA

    Votes: 240 80.8%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 41 13.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Oct 2, 2008
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Regardless of actual guilt, everyone whom is accused of a crime deserves qualified legal representation. So my question is …. Regardless of if CA actually murdered Caylee has she been properly represented by a competent attorney?
hahahahahahahahahah that sums it up for me.
I would imagine most qualified attorneys would cringe at the thought of doing expose's on their clients. Especially during the information gathering part of an investigation and prior to the trial. He doesn't seem to do anything correctly. I feel he's inept beyond words.
His smokescreen "the-police-bungled-the-investigation"approach is not going to fly.
It certainly seems like he is out of his depth, but I hear he gives great hugs.
I find it very interesting that given both the Polls involving the legal representation of both the GP's and CA:

None of the parties (GP or CA) has a good public image yet there is a very positive response involving Mr. Conway and the opposite for JB.

So can public opinion be driven by less spin and more frankness and if this is the case has he really harmed her case?

I feel sorry for his wife! Imagine what she is going through!!!
I cant imagine having to deal with the prisoner !

He seems to be off on timing and needs more experience filing motions
but I dont think he is inept - just doesnt have much to work with and
not much felony experience

LE and Foresnics screwed up is the only defense available and in my
mind an indication that the client is guilty as sin .

It certainly seems like he is out of his depth, but I hear he gives great hugs.

Definately out of his depth. (which makes me very glad that he was chosen to represent Casey.:silenced:)

Definately out of his depth. (which makes me very glad that he was chosen to represent Casey.:silenced:)

My sentiments exactly :blowkiss:

It is even more gratifying to observe that KC seems to have kept JB as council in spite, or perhaps to spite, the better judgement of her family members.
JB is a horrible attorney...which, in this case, makes him the perfect attorney.

Definately out of his depth. (which makes me very glad that he was chosen to represent Casey.:silenced:)

casey hired him off the word of another person in her waiting cell.
she initally told him she had 4 grand set aside for her defense. I think the number kept getting lower from there.
i don't think there was any money but maybe there was some she stashed away. ya know, by "borrowing" from "friends. uh...victims.

strange how anyone and everyone involved likes koolaid:waitasec: j/k...kindof.
imo moo jmho
I am actually a little confused. I truly believe in our judicial system where everyone deserves a competent attorney. However, how does a defense attorney properly represent someone whom may have committed a horrible crime? Should they attempt to get their client off scott-free even if they know they are guilty? If they don't ... are they really representing their client to the best of their ability? Or do they avoid the truth and in asking certain questions?

I'm glad that I am not a defense attorney. :)
He is in way over his head for the charges. IMO. He should just go to the office and do his job, not seek media attention. It is his job to try to defend his client. I just do not know how anyone could defend her apparent actions. I would strongly suggest she throw herself at the mercy of the court, with what we know. But then again, he says we do not know the story. It would thrill me to no end to find out there is a logical reason for all of this, and that a mother did not do what was done to this child. That some illegal group of people did. But my glasses are clear, not rose colored.
a strategically shaved chimp could be more convincing at this point.
Interesting that less than 2% of respondents think JB is doing a good job.

If the court finds the same on a possible appeal if found guilty ... she may get a new trial.

How ironic ... maybe this is a good strategy.
I think JB has done a poor job in representing KC in the fact that he is allowing this 'nanny did it' farce to continue. Especially after the body was discovered. That is never NEVER going to fly with anyone. He knew from day one it was a lie and yet he has stuck to that theory. He knows anyone with half a brain knows that if someone exists, ie the nanny, that you would be able to find where she once lived, what her phone # was, who her relatives and neighbors were. JB has never been able to get any of this info in 6 months. Not from his client or anywhere else. For him to allow that farce to continue all this time greatly diminishes any defense he could have had for KC. When you lie and allow a lie to continue then you just aren't believable. He needs to stick it to KC that that story isn't going to cut it anymore and that she has to come clean with him so he can do a deal with the SA and perhaps get her less time.
I voted that he has done a good job.
I think that he has done a good job showing that he has no clue how to defend his client, so that leads me to think that the better he is at doing that, the closer Caylee gets to justice!!!!!:clap:
I think he is doing a horrible job and it is only looking worse with the constant whining.

But maybe this is exactly what the Anthonys want so they can whine later about not having competent representation. :boohoo:

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