Is JB qualified to represent someone accused of murder?

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Is JB a competent defense attorney involving murder?

  • JB has done a GOOD job of representing CA

    Votes: 16 5.4%
  • JB has done a POOR job of representing CA

    Votes: 240 80.8%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 41 13.8%

  • Total voters
Oh, of course he's qualified. Before I became consumed by Websleuths, I used to watch television. Project Runway taught me that you can make a bustier out of Twizzlers. Top Chef taught me that you can make a five star meal out of some Cheetos and a Slim Jim.

By promising to usher us all into a shared understanding about why Casey has done what she's done, Baez seems to have undertaken the task of creating a fine perfume from 10,000 pounds of manure. That's quite a chore. :sumo::runaway:
I think he's a bit of a buffoon and that he's making some poor choices, but he's qualified.
I voted not doing a good job, although I hope he doesnt go anywhere because Im so excited to see his bumbling in the courtroom.
I agree.He should spend less time nit picking LE.and more time getting his client to come up with a better excuse.In some ways he reminds me of Garagos but less "polish".At times I think he doesn't give a fig for KC,just his exposure as a lawyer. I voted no.
Yeah, but Geragos has one murder trial under his belt now!
There will be no appeal available on his "inexperience"...........he is a bumbling idiot and she HIRED him, so she has no recourse if he does a bad job. He is not a public defender.

He will be off this case before long...........remember I told you when it happens.
Ineffective Assistance of Council Appeal??? But I also think he will step down from first chair before long. There's another lawyer a male he brought on board besides LKB who is also Death Penalty qualified.
I'm not sure Baez is qualified to represent someone accused of bicycle theft.

He did read that statement before the memorial, after all.

OMG, I am so glad I was not drinking my Pepsi as I read this. I would probably be spending the next 20 minutes cleaning it off my monitor. :floorlaugh:
No, she can get permission from the court for the trial. I think it is called pro hoc vice, which means for this time only in Latin. It is done all the time.

Thank you. Learn something new everyday.
I think any attorney with three years legal experience should handle a murder one (possible death penalty) case. **giggle**
I came here pondering if yall saw that... *points to Laura's link*
I also think that she is well represented and that he is a 'damn good' attorney. There shouldn't be ANY GROUNDS for appeal in the 'very unlikely' event that she is found guilty

Jose, keep up the great work!

I also think that she is well represented and that he is a 'damn good' attorney. There shouldn't be ANY GROUNDS for appeal in the 'very unlikely' event that she is found guilty

Jose, keep up the great work!


Boy, this is even funnier than the intended humorous one upthread. :floorlaugh:
Yep, the perfect attorney for the most deserving client.

A match made in heaven. :)
I do not think that he is qualified as a trial lawyer, and his knowledge of the law does not seem to be that great, when he speaks, he is slow, his elocution is lacking, and there are too many um's and pauses, the jury will be bored to tears.To me it seems that when he is speaking or asked a question that he cannot think quickly on his feet, I think he would plead out at this point.
I have no doubt in my mind that he is in over his head, and I don't think he is asking the right people for advice. It is somewhat unuasual for an attorney to open a practice right after passing the bar. Apparently he didn't see the value in working for an experienced criminal defense attorney before opening his own law office and his partner has even less experience than he does, I don't know if he is so arrogant that he simply believes that he already knows it all, or if he was simply unable to land a job because he did such a bad job at the PD office where he clerked during law school or he performs badly during interviews or they don't want to take a chance on someone who had so much trouble passing the bar exam or whatever. I am embarrassed for him every time he steps into a courtroom to get schooled once again. As much as I despise Casey, I wish she had a more compentent attorney because she does deserve a fair trial.
jb is the type of lawyer i'd be afraid i'd get the dp for a traffic ticket with him representing me.
I think JB has done a poor job in representing KC in the fact that he is allowing this 'nanny did it' farce to continue. Especially after the body was discovered. That is never NEVER going to fly with anyone. He knew from day one it was a lie and yet he has stuck to that theory. He knows anyone with half a brain knows that if someone exists, ie the nanny, that you would be able to find where she once lived, what her phone # was, who her relatives and neighbors were. JB has never been able to get any of this info in 6 months. Not from his client or anywhere else. For him to allow that farce to continue all this time greatly diminishes any defense he could have had for KC. When you lie and allow a lie to continue then you just aren't believable. He needs to stick it to KC that that story isn't going to cut it anymore and that she has to come clean with him so he can do a deal with the SA and perhaps get her less time.

He drinks too much Casey KoolAid...I think he's OD'd...

I think he inexperience is shining through. I also wanted to add how he keeps saying his client is 100% innocent, even after finding Caylee's remains. We will hear those compelling reasons in the court and not on the courtroom steps in shouting distance of the media.

I love how he spins things that he is doing and places blame on the prosecutor, the media and LP....yet it is he who has started to try his case in the media appearing on the Today show and his good old buddy Geraldo.

He is out of his league and should seriously think about KC taking that manslaughter charge (which is the lesser included charge) and plead her guilty. I feel he does have ulterior motives and that is to gain publicity and notoriety. Only I think it's all negative...not doing good so far, he doesn't even file his motions correctly...

Go Baez. :dance:
Okay...I really can't answer because of the "good" in the choice. Is he qualified? Sure he is. Is he lazy and doesn't want to do any work and have it all done for me? Sure he is. If he would bother to crack open a book or website every once in a while, he'd be a lot better off. Oh, and I would recommend HS Speech 101 and a year or two of English. Maybe he'd learn how to form a sentence or two.
He drinks too much Casey KoolAid...I think he's OD'd...

I think he inexperience is shining through. I also wanted to add how he keeps saying his client is 100% innocent, even after finding Caylee's remains. We will hear those compelling reasons in the court and not on the courtroom steps in shouting distance of the media.

I love how he spins things that he is doing and places blame on the prosecutor, the media and LP....yet it is he who has started to try his case in the media appearing on the Today show and his good old buddy Geraldo.

He is out of his league and should seriously think about KC taking that manslaughter charge (which is the lesser included charge) and plead her guilty. I feel he does have ulterior motives and that is to gain publicity and notoriety. Only I think it's all negative...not doing good so far, he doesn't even file his motions correctly...

Go Baez. :dance:

I'm not so sure that the state would consider a plea. I think they know they have her, hook, line, and sinker. I doubt they'd plea it down to manslaughter, but maybe a shot at murder 1 with no death penalty? I'm not sure if they'll put the DP back on the table, but I think it's quite likely.
Oh, I think JB is the PERFECT one to represent KC :laughbig: and I'm ready for the show to begin! :popcorn:
jb is the type of lawyer i'd be afraid i'd get the dp for a traffic ticket with him representing me.

With his never ending "mouth" with foot inserted, I am sure it would end up a DP case. LOL

He missed his chance before the body was found to plead her down when LE was willing to accept a deal. Any good attorney would have done that in a NY minute knowing if the body was found, KC was dead meat in court.

She could have walked with 15 years and been out in a little over 7 years. Now she IS going to serve LWOP and maybe even be put to death for his incompetence and Cindy's lies.

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