Is this the basis for the Zanny story?

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I don't know who the pic on the left is...but isn't that Lee on the right??

although they do have a similar look, I think we are looking at pics of different people here.

I was talking about the guy on the left and MOG...don't know why they put the pic of LA there.
Who is the employee at Sawgrass that refused to talk with police, anyone know??? Is it one of the people mentioned above?

Katie Sue R.Not sure if she worked there.She told police to talk to Vicky A because she knew Casey better.Katie was supposed to go to the station to give LE a statement and never showed up.Police contacted her and she refused an interview.
It's at the end of section 4 and the beginning of section 5 in the last doc dump,Nov26th [?]
It's Xanax with an x i believe, and Zannie is a very common nickname for it. I've had the same theory for a while. I'm starting to think that they started with xanax, then decided it was too expensive, so they researched other depressants and landed on chloroform. I say "they" because I think other children were subject to this. I think stupid things are done in groups. Didn't a couple of the other fusion girls have kids too?

Xanax is generic and very inexpensive. it would cost more to make chlorform than pay for a prescription of Xanax.
Wow! Great sleuthing. Vicky certainly fits Casey's description of Zanny in so many ways. I wonder if LE has made this connection yet.
Katie Sue R.Not sure if she worked there.She told police to talk to Vicky A because she knew Casey better.Katie was supposed to go to the station to give LE a statement and never showed up.Police contacted her and she refused an interview.
It's at the end of section 4 and the beginning of section 5 in the last doc dump,Nov26th [?]

Yes I know about her just didn't know her name for sure. Thanks though!
Oh I am sooo glad to see this pop back up! I spent endless hours working hard on the theory, tried to start a new thread on it and it got merged and lost into Zanny thread so I put my tail between my legs and slowly hunkered down.

Hopefully we can stay focused on the connections of Vicky A and KatieSue R and figure this out!:woohoo:
Oh I am sooo glad to see this pop back up! I spent endless hours working hard on the theory, tried to start a new thread on it and it got merged and lost into Zanny thread so I put my tail between my legs and slowly hunkered down.

Hopefully we can stay focused on the connections of Vicky A and KatieSue R and figure this out!:woohoo:

You did an awesome job!!! :clap: I think you have found the basis for the imagi-nanny.
Yes, KC did use the Zanny name before Caylee went missing. It was mentioned by Jesse G. I can't recall anyone else mentioning the name except for CA and I don't put credit in her statements, sorry.
You did an awesome job!!! :clap: I think you have found the basis for the imagi-nanny.

Ha ha you are very kind thanks for your posts and support!:blushing:
We were all working so hard on this together.
Will dig out my notebooks again and work with all of you brilliant WS'ers to solve one part of this crazy puzzle.
could this be how KC got the name ZFG after she filled out a guest card? What is this persons position at sawgrass? LE must know, whether she talked or not.

John Morgan needs to know, too. That would help his case out tremendously.
Has anyone ever found any communication between Casey and either Katie or Vicky? Casey either called or texted just about everyone she even met only once. If the phone records show calls/texts to either of these girls, then their might be a connection. If there are no calls, I would think she didn't know either of them, other than being at the same place and the same time at some point due to having friends in common.
Has anyone ever found any communication between Casey and either Katie or Vicky? Casey either called or texted just about everyone she even met only once. If the phone records show calls/texts to either of these girls, then their might be a connection. If there are no calls, I would think she didn't know either of them, other than being at the same place and the same time at some point due to having friends in common.

Or maybe LE is using it at trial and hasn't released it yet :cool:
Has anyone ever found any communication between Casey and either Katie or Vicky? Casey either called or texted just about everyone she even met only once. If the phone records show calls/texts to either of these girls, then their might be a connection. If there are no calls, I would think she didn't know either of them, other than being at the same place and the same time at some point due to having friends in common.

Do we know a phone number for either Katie or Vicky?

There's a side-by-side pic since I didn't see one yet. I think we have a match.

I'm glad to see this topic pop back up, I've been thinking there was something up with Katie and Vicky since I heard katie refused an interview.

Also, I agree with everyone who thinks Zanny = Xanax.
Yes, KC did use the Zanny name before Caylee went missing. It was mentioned by Jesse G. I can't recall anyone else mentioning the name except for CA and I don't put credit in her statements, sorry.

It was mentioned by Richard G. too (on NG, When he asked Casey what she planned to do about the babysitting situation (Caylee was at their house almost every day of the week) she said she'd already found a babysitter and went on to provide details.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't appear that Casey made it to THIS party (St. Patty's Day) - at least I didn't see her in the party album posted on Vicky's MySpace. This is the SAME day that Casey googled "neck breaking" etc :mad:

I wonder who's neck she wanted to break THAT day? CA's for not babysitting? Vicky's for being able to go? Anybody making a move on her beau at the party?
It's Xanax with an x i believe, and Zannie is a very common nickname for it. I've had the same theory for a while. I'm starting to think that they started with xanax, then decided it was too expensive, so they researched other depressants and landed on chloroform. I say "they" because I think other children were subject to this. I think stupid things are done in groups. Didn't a couple of the other fusion girls have kids too?

Yes, the Xanax connection has been on the table from the very beginning -- a large majority of people here believe that the Z ref originally meant the drug.

KC was only at Fusian for a few weeks, IIRC -- it was TonE who introduced her to the place and those people (and she then helped out by being the organizer for the shot girls) -- so it couldn't have been Fusian girls with whom she was doing this for any length of time, b/c she didn't date TonE for that long.
Does the question remain who the guy is in the side by side above? He doesn't look like the license photo of WW in the discovery from 11/26.

On the topic of the Vicky connection ... is there anything any of us can do to help Meemom?
I asked my hubby to take a look and he thinks it could be the same guy as well....the only thing he brought up was the hair line in one is back a bit more then the other.....but I thought maybe one pic is a bit older then the other

and it is hard when one pic is of front view and the other is a side view...but hubby agreed the nose looks the same as well....

I don't know where it is, but there is a long thread diagnosing the similarities in the two photos. IIRC, the consensus came to be that they are not the same, and I agree. Hair growth pattern is different, eyebrow shape is different, jaw line doesn't seem similar enough, and tip of nose appears different as well. However, it's hard to compare for certainty with the photos being taken at different angles.

If anyone has a link to the right thread where this was discussed in detail, please post it here. -- Thanks!
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