ISIS burns alive Jordanian pilot hostage. **GRAPHIC CONTENT**

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A man resembling Kasaesbeh is shown inside the cage with his clothes dampened, apparently with flammable liquid, and one of the masked fighters holds a torch, setting alight a line of fuel which leads into the cage.

The man is set ablaze and kneels to the ground.

Fighters then pour debris, including broken masonry, over the cage which a bulldozer then flattens, with the body still inside. The video showed a desert setting similar to previous videos of killings.
A man resembling Kasaesbeh is shown inside the cage with his clothes dampened, apparently with flammable liquid, and one of the masked fighters holds a torch, setting alight a line of fuel which leads into the cage.

The man is set ablaze and kneels to the ground.

Fighters then pour debris, including broken masonry, over the cage which a bulldozer then flattens, with the body still inside. The video showed a desert setting similar to previous videos of killings.

This soldier was so brave. If it was me, I would have slit my wrists with a sharp rock.
Is Jordan just going to start executing prisoners at random, whether they've been sentenced to death or not? I don't see how that will help.
Is Jordan just going to start executing prisoners at random, whether they've been sentenced to death or not? I don't see how that will help.

What are these people in prison for? If they were captured on the battlefield while not wearing their detachment's uniform then the rules of war allow them to be executed on the spot without trial.
Apparently a simple beheading is not good enough anymore.
My god.
Things that I'd like to say, but most likely better not to post right now...... :banghead: :furious:

If that was one of my sons, I'd probably be laying on the floor, screaming right now.
Praying for his family. :(
bbm Don't be sorry, I don't know what will stop them other then a really big bomb. jmo idk

I get the urge. I've had it myself. But there are innocent children and elderly people and all sorts who cannot get away in places like Raqqa. And I think we've learned from Nagasaki and Hiroshima what mass destruction of innocents looks like and how it affects us. Especially now, we would turn much of the world against us if we bombed various areas to get at the extremists, and took out innocent populations as collateral damage. And I don't know of any other way to get at them decisively.
A man resembling Kasaesbeh is shown inside the cage with his clothes dampened, apparently with flammable liquid, and one of the masked fighters holds a torch, setting alight a line of fuel which leads into the cage.

The man is set ablaze and kneels to the ground.

Fighters then pour debris, including broken masonry, over the cage which a bulldozer then flattens, with the body still inside. The video showed a desert setting similar to previous videos of killings.

No it was worse than that, I watch the video. Horrible!

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CNN Breaking News
Jordan executes failed female suicide bomber, whose release ISIS had previously demanded.

CNN Breaking News
Jordan also executes Ziad Karbouli, former aide to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, deceased leader of al Qaeda in Iraq.
The woman Jordan just hanged, 46-year-old Sajida al-Rishawi, had already been sentenced to death I see. She was part of a suicide bombing that killed 57 people, but her vest failed to go off. I suspect her execution had been delayed as there was public concern in Jordan over the government's anti-terrorist stance. Public opinion seems to have swung right around now.

This NY Times article talks about pilot Moaz's love for his pet rabbits, and how family were worried about his reaction when he came home, as the rabbits had escaped while they were so distracted. It's very moving and the pain of his wife and family is heartbreaking.

(I've seen several different spellings of Moaz al-Kasasbeh's name, so am just going with however each article spells it).


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I get the urge. I've had it myself. But there are innocent children and elderly people and all sorts who cannot get away in places like Raqqa. And I think we've learned from Nagasaki and Hiroshima what mass destruction of innocents looks like and how it affects us. Especially now, we would turn much of the world against us if we bombed various areas to get at the extremists, and took out innocent populations as collateral damage. And I don't know of any other way to get at them decisively.

I understand about the innocents, but then I say to myself, self if we continue to allow them to kill the innocents and do nothing then they will be the ones left in the end. If we kill some innocents while killing them then we (good guys) will be the ones left in the end. I don't see them going away anytime soon, and if I heard correctly they have lots of hostages left to murder. Something has to be done to stop this outfit. And no one(country) should barter with them. jmo idk
I simply can't bring myself to view the video but came across this clip by Shep Smith of Fox News. He gives a detailed description of the video - it's difficult to take but done very well. Thought I would share it if anyone would like to see it.

That poor man and what he went through in the last moments alive......I can't even go there....

ETA: Sorry, my IPad will not allow me to paste right now....but the article is on the Huffpo website, or you can google "Shep Smith Delivers Chilling, Detailed Account Of ISIS Video Showing Burning Of Jordanian Pilot"
As if beheading journalists wasn't bad enough, now ISIS is burning prisoners alive? How barbaric, and further proof that governments should not be negotiating with such animals. However, the retaliation (?) killing in Jordan of two prisoners doesn't really help, in my opinion. I don't condone bombing innocent women and children, but I also don't think this "eye for an eye" policy will accomplish anything, either. I wish there were a way to storm the area where ISIS is holding prisoners and rescue them, but I guess that's not a viable option, either. :(

eta: AP article on the retaliation executions By KARIN LAUB and OMAR AKOUR, Associated Press
Something I heard on the news (I'm sorry I don't have a link because I was watching CNN on my computer. I haven't seen it written anywhere) was that the Quran (sp) says that burning a person, whether dead or alive, is against Islam. The person being interviewed said that this might cause other Muslim countries who have sympathized with the terrorists to turn against them. I hope so.

This is the closest thing I could find. The Jordanian pilot was a Muslim.
Agony of parents whose son was burned alive: Murdered pilot's mother collapses and father demands 'annihilation of ISIS' - as Jordan hangs two jihadists in revenge for horror execution video

Issaf al-Kasasbeh faints after learning of her son's horrific burning death

His father demands 'the revenge be greater than executing prisoners'

Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli were both executed this morning

Jordan had vowed to execute six of its ISIS-linked prisoners at dawn today

Comes after pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh was filmed being burnt alive in a cage

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