Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #7

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Being a little facetious...

Maybe somebody could give the Palestinians laser guided weapons to better "discriminate"? But.... I dont think that would go over well with the Israeli government.
Then we'd have another real mini-Iran the state-sponsored terrorist state wouldn't we. So, yeah, I guess that makes facetious sense.

I guarantee you that any semblance of a Two State soloution will see Israel insisting Palestine be demilitarized as history has proven that necessity.
Then we'd have another rael mini-Iran the state-sponsored terrorist state wouldn't we.

I guarantee you that any semblance of a Two State soloution will see Israel insisting Palestine be demilittarized as history has proven that necessity.
I agree fully that a Palestinian state would need to be demilitarized for the Israelis to agree.

I would, however, recommend that Palestinians on the West Bank have access to the same weapons rights that Israeli settlers do (far, far less than the Israeli army).
Israel won the war, and that land, in 1948 that the Palestinians and the arabs started with them when they were a mere 1 day old. That's just a fact.

NOW the Palestinians want to go back to the 1947 borders.

They want to erase the 1948 war that they started and lost from history as well as the fact that they lost 60% of their land in the process.

Apparently, many others also want to ignore that fact too.

I bet you that Palestine wouldn't want to rewrite history had the won that war they started though.

Just the facts.

I don't know ALL the details about the war in 1948 but, from all I've read, THIS continues to be the real catalyst all these years.
I agree fully that a Palestinian state would need to be demilitarized for the Israelis to agree.

I would, however, recommend that Palestinians on the West Bank have access to the same weapons rights that Israeli settlers do (far, far less than the Israeli army).
How about demilitarizing the Israeli settlers? They apparently have plenty of access to military-type weapons because they have been shooting--and killing--Palestinian citizens and Biden has called them out for it.


President Joe Biden on Wednesday spoke out against retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. He also said he was redoubling his commitment to working on a two-state solution to end the decades-long Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Biden said the attacks by "extremist settlers" amounted to "pouring gasoline" on the burning fires in the Middle East since the Hamas attack.

"It has to stop. They have to be held accountable. It has to stop now," Biden said at the start of a news conference with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who was being honored with a state visit to Washington.

Settler violence against Palestinians has intensified since the Hamas attack, and some attacks have been fatal, according to Palestinian authorities. Rights groups say settlers have torched cars and attacked several small Bedouin communities, forcing them to evacuate to other areas.

How about demilitarizing the Israeli settlers? They apparently have plenty of access to military-type weapons because they have been shooting--and killing--Palestinian citizens and Biden has called them out for it.


President Joe Biden on Wednesday spoke out against retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. He also said he was redoubling his commitment to working on a two-state solution to end the decades-long Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Biden said the attacks by "extremist settlers" amounted to "pouring gasoline" on the burning fires in the Middle East since the Hamas attack.

"It has to stop. They have to be held accountable. It has to stop now," Biden said at the start of a news conference with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who was being honored with a state visit to Washington.

Settler violence against Palestinians has intensified since the Hamas attack, and some attacks have been fatal, according to Palestinian authorities. Rights groups say settlers have torched cars and attacked several small Bedouin communities, forcing them to evacuate to other areas.
It makes me angry!
Why do these people build on Palestinian land???? :oops:
Don't they understand they antagonize Palestinians???
They are menace IMO.
They steal land.
Playing with fire :mad:

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Many people have expressed shock at the depraved behaviour of Hamas on 7 October.

It is indeed shocking, but not in the least surprising.

Did you pay attention in 2016 when Hallel Ariel, just 13 years-old, was knived to death in her bed?

Did you pay attention in 2011 when the Fogel family - the mother, father, and three children - were murdered with gunfire and knives? Hadas, the youngest, was a three-month-old infant. She was decapitated.

What about in 2017 when Yosef Salomon, and his daughter Chaya and son Elad, were murdered in a knife attack by Palestinian terrorists in their home in Halamish?

What did you make of the murder of Tali Hatuel and her four daughters in 2004? She was eight months pregnant when terrorists approached her car and sprayed death on all inside.

Were you disgusted in 2018, Kim Levengrond Yehezkel was tied up by a Palestinian terrorist and murdered in cold blood?

What did you think when three Israeli youths were kidnapped in 2014? Their lifeless bodies were discovered two weeks later, dumped in a shallow grave near an Arab town.

Or what about Ori Ansbacher, who was abducted, raped brutally and murdered in 2019? She went to find some peace and quiet surrounded by nature and never came back.

Maybe you don't remember the murder of Shalhevet Pass in 2001? Jews can't forget her. She was a ten-month-old baby. A Palestinian sniper shot her dead in her carriage. A court concluded that the shot was taken deliberately.

Perhaps you didn't hear about the murder of Esther Horgan in 2020. Her crime? Going out for a jog. Her Palestinian murderer clubbed her to death with a rock.

If you don't remember that, you almost certainly won't recall what happened on Thursday, January 17, 2002. On that day, a Palestinian gunman entered a Bat Mitzvah celebration in Hadera and killed six people, wounding 33.

And that's without addressing the abduction of civilians and soldiers in the Gaza Strip. We still await news on the situation of the mentally ill Avera Mengistu, who crossed into the Gaza Strip in 2014, was interrogated by Hamas, and was never seen again.

So what exactly is shocking? Surely not the type of evil. We've seen wanton murder and butchering before. We've seen rape before. We've seen people bludgeoned to death and lynched before.

There are many, many more attacks like the ones listed here. These are just the ones that come to mind.

No, what's shocking is the extent. The sheer scale. It's the sudden demonstration of what happens when Hamas is able to do as it pleases. It acts with savagery on a massive scale.

So don't be shocked.

The warning signs were there, long, long ago.

(Pictured: Ori Ansbacher, 19. Her rapist-murderer identified with Hamas. At his trial, he said: "Raping and murdering a Jew is the most important thing I've done in my life.")
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Your post really hit me last night and I had to take a break. I lay there thinking about long ago when I first learned of attacks against Israel by the Palestinian Militant groups. This goes way back when I was still in school. Just wanted to point out what I can remember. You can google these incidences and learn so much more.
1. 1970: TWA Flight 741
2. 1972: Munich Olympics - Palestinian Militant organization called Black September gained access to the Israelis quarters and killed two and took the rest hostage. Well worth looking this up. It was world news for every hour. Unfortunately, the hostages were killed during a rescue attempt.
3. 1985: Cruise ship Achille Lavro was attacked by Palestine Liberation Front. Again, look this up. World news
4. 1985: Flight 648
5. 1985: Pan Am Flight 73. hijacked by Palestinian terrorists in order to secure release of Palestinian prisoners.
People need to realize that there have been Palestinian terrorists from many, many years ago doing this very same thing, just under different names.
Your post really hit me last night and I had to take a .break. I lay there thinking about long ago when I first learned of attacks against Israel by the Palestinian Militant groups. This goes way back when I was still in school. Just wanted to point out what I can remember. You can google these incidences and learn so much more.
1. 1970: TWA Flight 741
2. 1972: Munich Olympics - Palestinian Militant organization called Black September gained access to the Israelis quarters and killed two and took the rest hostage. Well worth looking this up. It was world news for every hour. Unfortunately, the hostages were killed during a rescue attempt.
3. 1985: Cruise ship Achille Lavro was attacked by Palestine Liberation Front. Again, look this up. World news
4. 1985: Flight 648
5. 1985: Pan Am Flight 73. hijacked by Palestinian terrorists in order to secure release of Palestinian prisoners.
People need to realize that there have been Palestinian terrorists from many, many years ago doing this very same thing, just under different names

I remember every one of these.

Always Palestinians, from various terror groups.

Just want to clarify your #4, that it was Egypt Air.

I remember watching the Munich Olympic massacre on TV. We were in absolute disbelief.

I remember on the Achille Lauro cruise, that 4 Palestinian terrorists threw wheelchair-bound, 69- year old Leon Kinghoffer off the ship, because he was Jewish. He and his wife Marilyn had taken that cruise because she was dying of cancer and he wanted her to have this last cruise vacation

I do recollect each one, and yes it’s unbearable.
Shadi Barud, Deputy Head of Hamas’ Intelligence Directorate has been eliminated by an IDF aerial strike. He took part in the planning of the October 7 massacre and countless other deadly attacks carried out against Israelis.We will continue to strike and eliminate Hamas leaders and operatives responsible for the barbaric attacks.

Unfortunately, when one is eliminated, another slides into his place.
I remember every one of these.

Always Palestinians, from various terror groups.

Just want to clarify your #4, that it was Egypt Air.

I remember watching the Munich Olympic massacre on TV. We were in absolute disbelief.

I remember on the Achille Lauro cruise, that 4 Palestinian terrorists threw wheelchair-bound, 69- year old Leon Kinghoffer off the ship, because he was Jewish. He and his wife Marilyn had taken that cruise because she was dying of cancer and he wanted her to have this last cruise vacation

I do recollect each one, and yes it’s unbearable.
Yes, it was Egypt Air. I had to hurry and couldn't put the detail I wanted to put into the post. And I will never forget the man in the wheelchair being pushed off of the ship. And the young American Sailor on the plane who was murdered and then thrown out of the plane on the tarmac. It was all shown on TV.
I mentioned this Hamas leader (Marzook) the other day (post 684) and here he is in the news today in Moscow.

A senior Hamas delegation has travelled to Moscow to meet Russian foreign ministry officials in the organisation’s first high-profile international visit since it launched a raid in southern Israel on 7 October, killing an estimated 1,400 people and taking another 220 hostage.

The delegation was led by Mousa Abu Marzook, a founder and political leader of Hamas, who met the Russian deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov. Marzook, who lives in exile in Qatar, travelled to Moscow after an earlier meeting in Doha with Bogdanov and the Iranian deputy foreign minister, Ali Bagheri Kani.

As of now, I don't believe for a moment that Israel is purposely doing air strikes on areas where they know the hostages are being held.
If they (Israel) knew this, they'd be rescuing the hostages.

Much more likely --- they are targeting areas where Hamas are attacking from their (Hamas) launching pads, that would make sense.
Hamas needs to be targeted .
Every time they fire a rocket, the trajectory shows where it came from, correct ?
IF Hamas corrals a large group of its' own people near the launch pad -- Hamas is effectively murdering them, themselves.
Not Israel.

If Israel is indiscriminately attacking areas where the hostages are being held, it would be helpful to see a link ?
Otherwise it's speculation at this time.
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"Rocket strike in Egypt​

A powerful explosion, which sent a cloud of thick smoke and dust into the air, occurred on Friday morning in the Egyptian tourist resort of Taba on the Red Sea, Egyptian Al Qahera television reported.
The city is located near the border with Israel.

It was later reported that the explosion was caused by a rocket hitting the building of a local medical facility housing an outpatient clinic and an adjacent residential building.

Six people were allegedly injured.

According to Al Qahera, the explosion was related to the war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip."

Last minute news

Israel-Hamas war live: Aid ‘barely trickling’ into Gaza, says UN humanitarian chief; Gaza health ministry releases names of 7,000 it says have been killed (
3h ago19.04 EDT


It is just after 2 am in Gaza City and Tel Aviv. Here is a summary of recent developments:
  • The Gaza health ministry has issued a 212-page document with lists of names and identification numbers for 7,028 Palestinians that the Hamas authorities, which control Gaza, state have been killed by Israel’s bombardments there since 7 October.
  • Joe Biden has questioned the reliability of its reporting of the number of people killed and wounded during the Israeli assault on Gazabecause the health ministry is run by Hamas. ...
  • Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch, said he saw no evidence that the numbers were being manipulated. “We have been monitoring human rights abuses in the Gaza Strip for three decades, including several rounds of hostilities. We’ve generally found the data that comes out of the ministry of health to be reliable,” he said.
  • Aid is ‘barely trickling’ into Gaza, says UN humanitarian chief. ... Martin Griffiths said bombardments on Gaza “are getting worse, even in areas supposed to be safer”.
  • The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it has killed the deputy head of Hamas’s intelligence directorate, Shadi Barud, in a strike in the Gaza Strip.
  • EU leaders meeting at the European Council summit in Brussels have reached agreement on the Middle East. In a compromise text, agreed after hours of discussions, heads of state and government from the EU’s 27 members declared that the EU “reiterates the importance of ensuring the protection of all civilians at all times in line with international humanitarian law” and “deplores all loss of civilian life”.
  • Arab nations have linked hands with the Global South to challenge Israel and its western backers to end the bombing in a Gaza at the start of a rare two-day emergency debate at the UN general assembly. In a fierce warning on Thursday the Iranian foreign minister said that if what he described as the genocide did not stop the US would “not be spared from this fire”.
  • Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, has said “almost 50” hostages held in the Gaza Strip have been killed due to Israeli strikes.
  • Fifty-four Thai nationals are among the more than 200 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, according to new figures released by the Israeli government.
  • A joint statement signed by the foreign ministers of nine Arab countries has condemned what it described as the targeting of civilians and violations of international law in Gaza.
  • Hamas delegation travels to Moscow for talks on foreign hostages in Gaza. A senior Hamas delegation has travelled to Moscow to meet Russian foreign ministry officials in the organisation’s first high-profile international visit since it launched a raid in southern Israel on 7 October. ...
  • Israeli infantry backed by tanks and armoured bulldozers have attacked Hamas targets in an hours-long overnight ground raid into the northern Gaza Strip. The military said the operation was “preparation for the next stages of combat” and that “the soldiers have since exited the area and returned to Israeli territory”. A report by local radio described the raid as a “relatively large” ground incursion, suggesting it was the biggest foray since Israel started massing forces outside the territory in advance of a planned full-scale invasion.
  • An Israeli diplomat in Miami on Thursday pushed back against an assertion by the administration of Ron DeSantis that the Florida governor had coordinated with his office to facilitate the shipment of ammunition and weapons to Israel.
    Earlier on Thursday, a DeSantis spokesperson said the governor’s office had contracted cargo planes to send drones, body armor and helmets to Israel and worked to “get weapons and ammunition to Israel through private parties.”
  • The confirmed number of people held hostage in the Gaza Strip since the 7 October cross-border raids by Hamas has risen by two to 224, according to the Israeli military. So far, four hostages have been released.
  • Rishi Sunak has said that UK border force teams are “pre-positioned” in Egypt to assist British citizens trying to leave Gaza.
  • The EU is set to call for “humanitarian corridors and pauses” of the shelling in Gaza to allow food, water and medical supplies to reach Palestinians, according to its latest draft text.
  • The UN relief and works agency for Palestinian people has said that it expects its fuel supply to run out today. ...
3 hours ago

Heavy Fighting between IDF Ground Forces and Militants is continuing to occur near the Al-Borij Camp along the Border Fence with the Central Gaza Strip; while Israeli Fixed-Wing Aircraft and AH-64 “Apache” Attack Helicopters are now reported to be Actively Engaging Targets near the Fence.

A Massive Force of over 100 IDF Armored Vehicles including a number of Caterpillar D9 Armored-Bulldozers have reportedly entered the City of Jenin in the West Bank within the last hour, in what appears to be a Large-Scale Raid for the Arrest of Hamas and PIJ Members; the Force has already come under Fire several times since they entered the City.
Both the Governments of Turkey and Egypt have begun to Construct several Field Hospitals in the Northern Sinai Peninsula near the Egyptian Border with the Gaza Strip, with Medical Professional and Supplies from Turkey already having begun to arrive in Egypt; these Hospitals are being established and will be used in case of a Mass Exodus of Palestinians from Gaza due to the Israeli Invasion of the Strip.

Source: Egypt to Establish Field Hospital in Sheikh Zuweid to Treat Palestinians | Egyptian Streets
Footage showing the Impact Site of an Unknown Missile which Struck the Coastal Town of Taba, Egypt tonight.

Palestinian Sources in Gaza are claiming that a few minutes before the Explosion in the Egyptian Town of Taba a Rocket Launch was seen from the Gaza Strip, but there was never any Red Alert sounded in Israel, leading some to believe that the Unknown Missile/Rocket which Impacted the Town was a Hamas “Ayyash-250” Long-Range Rocket with a Range of roughly 250km but that would be pushing it considering that Tada is about 200km from Gaza.
Taba, Egypt .... about 200kms from Gaza (South East), so def not Israeli.

Couple of possibles:

- Hamas in Gaza was attempting to hit Eilat, Israel (beautiful place to vacay BTW) and just missed onto the Egyptian side of the border on the Red Sea; or
- possibly another Yemeni missile falling short?
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