Jailhouse audio/video surveillance visits to be released to public

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TN was going to pay her? Does anyone know the source of her income?

Any idea on why TN didn't just run over there and watch the children herself? You all know my idea.
I wonder when it was that Misty asked the old man (that was robbed by LC and TC) to pray for her. He stated then that she told him she was tired of babysitting other people's kids. I don't think he ever said exactly when she said that.
Clearly we have a problem here. RC needed to go to work; he didn't have a sitter.

He must have called his GMA or mother and complained. He may have gone out looking for misty. Did he find her? Did he leave the kids alone and went to work? I always thought that was a possibility. But it sure looks like GMA was sent over to check and see if misty was at the MH that night. RC was making many calls to find out where misty was.

It would be so easy to say misty was the one but what I can't get is why did TN and Ron both say they were sure misty was there when they knew there was a problem? There were so many calls and to top it off rc says he worked three hours overtime....why? Why would anyone work overtime when they can't get in touch with the sitter who didn't want to be there because was in no condition to babysit?

RC had a rough weekend himself. There are two people that were in NO condition to be in charge of the children. Which one exploded, if that is what happened? Were the children left alone, locked inside by themselves and Haleigh got into trouble?
I would like to know the time of day misty told tn that she didn't want to watch the kids.

Maybe they were alone and tn was not anywhere in the vicinity and was begging misty to go over and watch them. I am curious to know why tn sent her mother over and didn't go over herself...now that's a puzzle.
Now we have another story. Haleigh has now changed her shirt at gma's house. What in the world is going on here. They are late yet they are saying they drove Haleigh all the way to Welatka (25 miles out of their way?) to change her shirt? Pretty clear to me that is an outright lie. If not, Haleigh would have been late for school. The attendance record didn't record 'T" for tardy. It looked like she was recorded absent than it was changed to "present"....go figure.
Now we have another story. Haleigh has now changed her shirt at gma's house. What in the world is going on here. They are late yet they are saying they drove Haleigh all the way to Welatka (25 miles out of their way?) to change her shirt? Pretty clear to me that is an outright lie. If not, Haleigh would have been late for school. The attendance record didn't record 'T" for tardy. It looked like she was recorded absent than it was changed to "present"....go figure.


We discussed this very early on in the case. I even did a formal timeline in the stickies to include the GGMS trip that morning and then trip to school. It is tight, but it is possible. I find it interesting we talked about a lot of this, Misty being too tired to Babysit and the all night fight, even when others denied all of this. We have been very spot on in this case. When I say "we" I mean a lot of the posters, Emerald, you, me, LFlorida and others. Go with the common sense and gut here.

You Rock girl!
If Misty had been complaining to her party friends over the weekend how she hated taking care of the kids, could they have helped her out and done something with Haleigh? There was some reason Amber poured the liquid in the trunk of that car. What was she covering up? But I just can't get past the feeling that Ron had something to do with whatever happened. I don't think TN and GGS would cover for Misty, but they would for Ron. Oh, how I wish this case would be solved. I stayed away from it for most of the time for a month because it was getting to me too much. I had just told my family I was through with it and didn't even listen to Nancy Grace any more. About an hour after saying that, I clicked on here and the five had just been arrested and I was hooked again. I hope these tapes give some information, but I am afraid to get my hopes up too much. It is only a week to the one year mark. I so hope it is solved by then.
I can't wait to hear Misty's voice all sobered up. :)
Glad AH decided to write an article, it is a bit easier to understand than his fumbling on Mz. Nancy (I think she scares him dumb). IF, and this needs to be highlighted, IF true, it pretty much shows the whole lot of them didn't really have the welfare of Haleigh and Jr. at the top of their lists. The problem with this story remains that Ron claims to have called Misty and there was an argument around 8:30 pm. Ron has mentioned that this revolved around baby sitting just no specifics.

The timing of Ron's calls is all wrong when one looks at this time line. What prompted Ron to call - was it GGMa Sykes' visit? Reading what Art has written, it seems to indicate that when Misty had this conversation with TN, she was not at 202 Green Lane and she had not been talking to Ron if you think about it. "If it is okay with Ronald" - wth ? She was supposedly with Ron in the mh all day but yet she doesn't know if it is okay with Ron. Something is wrong with this report - either the day is off or it is more confused babble being generated by faulty memories.

But some things remain the same - GGMa Sykes, IF she can be believed, went over there the evening Haleigh vanished. The same evening Ron is reporting a fight and 20 unanswered phone calls. And no one was worried enough about these two children to do anything and even took the time to buy beer, peanuts, and cigs. This is such a terribly ugly picture.
Yeah, the more of this that comes out, the more it seems like those poor kids were never a joy to these people, only an inconvenience. How terribly sad.........
:banghead::banghead: Oh the waiting is driving me crazy!:banghead::banghead:
I have been to Art's site, goggled and nothing! I want so badly to believe that someone slipped and said something will lead LE to Haleigh. Maybe that is the hold up. Still, very frustrating.

Just want to add...in the latest article Art wrote he claims Misty didn't want to babysit per what he was told. I would believe that.
I could never figure out why Ron, TN or GGMS let her babysit in the first place. Especially if her and Ron were fighting and she was on a 4 day drug binge.... I really would like for someone to come straight out and ask these 3 that question. I want to know how they can justify leaving Misty there with the children or even allowing her around the children.
Can't Ron get jail time for being with underage girl?
Why aren't they all in jail for atleast child endangerment or child neglect?
The MH was trashed and dirty when grandma's had to clean up before
anyone could see.
Everyone sleeping in 1 room?
Even then it was admitted that Misty was on drugs...........yet no one cared.
A child is Missing and her name is 'HALEIGH' do they even remember???
This is a comment Art left under an article on his site:

Each jail has a different policy, very strange: Flagler, where Ron and Mom were, has tape but doesn’t release. Putnam says it doesn’t tape. Flagler does and is complying with the state open records laws. Remember Hulk Hogan’s son, Nick, all those tapes came out of the family jail visit, as did Casey Anthony’s…A good media lawyer could pry it all loose and force every county in Fla,. to conform if an outfit had the desire and deep pocket.

My comment:
Flagler isn't releasing the tape of the visit TN had with Ron. WHY NOT?
Putnam says it doesn't tape-no way in hell-o do I believe that!
He says Flagler again but I think he meant St. Johns is complying and according to their website they have video visitation like we saw with CA.

I can see the media going after the tapes from the jails that aren't complying as Art states they can-it's FL law!
Glad AH decided to write an article, it is a bit easier to understand than his fumbling on Mz. Nancy (I think she scares him dumb). IF, and this needs to be highlighted, IF true, it pretty much shows the whole lot of them didn't really have the welfare of Haleigh and Jr. at the top of their lists. The problem with this story remains that Ron claims to have called Misty and there was an argument around 8:30 pm. Ron has mentioned that this revolved around baby sitting just no specifics.

The timing of Ron's calls is all wrong when one looks at this time line. What prompted Ron to call - was it GGMa Sykes' visit? Reading what Art has written, it seems to indicate that when Misty had this conversation with TN, she was not at 202 Green Lane and she had not been talking to Ron if you think about it. "If it is okay with Ronald" - wth ? She was supposedly with Ron in the mh all day but yet she doesn't know if it is okay with Ron. Something is wrong with this report - either the day is off or it is more confused babble being generated by faulty memories.

But some things remain the same - GGMa Sykes, IF she can be believed, went over there the evening Haleigh vanished. The same evening Ron is reporting a fight and 20 unanswered phone calls. And no one was worried enough about these two children to do anything and even took the time to buy beer, peanuts, and cigs. This is such a terribly ugly picture.

IMO that's just it. Who do you believe in that group of people. KWIM? Misty said that they layed around that afternoon. No I don't think so. You can bet if MC had been on a drug binge, RC was livid and he is no kitten. IMO something happened that afternoon and it involved RC.
Wonders - I do know what you mean. With that, I had better maintain some silence because this picture is getting extremely infuriating, KWIM ? :)
The drive 25 miles for a clean shirt to GGS does not make sense to me at all.
And being late for school. Why go to GGS????
Driving like a bat out of h3ll..............and taking Misty with him?
Wasn't there a walmart closer?
There was a bigger reason to go to GGS.
Misty was hung over, Ron was pizzed because of her 3 day party.
Misty did not want to go home, she didn't want to babysit, she wanted to sleep.
GGS comes later in the day another 25 mile drive.....why??? clean clothes again???
Give me a breake GGS seems to be the KEY in this to me and TN where was she in all of this?
Was TN 65 miles away with boy friend or right there or at GGS?????
This mess started with the time RC went and got Misty from the party.............
TN wanted to pay a hung over, drug addict, sick kid to watch over her 2 grandchildren???
She is no grandma to me!!!
This is a comment Art left under an article on his site:

Each jail has a different policy, very strange: Flagler, where Ron and Mom were, has tape but doesn’t release. Putnam says it doesn’t tape. Flagler does and is complying with the state open records laws. Remember Hulk Hogan’s son, Nick, all those tapes came out of the family jail visit, as did Casey Anthony’s…A good media lawyer could pry it all loose and force every county in Fla,. to conform if an outfit had the desire and deep pocket.

My comment:
Flagler isn't releasing the tape of the visit TN had with Ron. WHY NOT?
Putnam says it doesn't tape-no way in hell-o do I believe that!
He says Flagler again but I think he meant St. Johns is complying and according to their website they have video visitation like we saw with CA.

I can see the media going after the tapes from the jails that aren't complying as Art states they can-it's FL law!

I read that as well this morning. What I can't figure out is why Art said that one of the jails doesn't tape. I was sure all jails taped one way or another. I also thought that in FL all these videos/audios were to be released to the media and/or the public per request. So, what's the hold up? Ussally if they do hold something back is because it's of interest to LE and the investigation.
How much does it cost for these audios/video?

Flagler isn't releasing the tape of the visit TN had with Ron. WHY NOT? ( I think because TN forgot they were being recorded and she was claiming all Ron did was cry and talk about the search for Haleigh..I don't buy it!)
Can't Ron get jail time for being with underage girl?
Why aren't they all in jail for atleast child endangerment or child neglect?
The MH was trashed and dirty when grandma's had to clean up before
anyone could see.
Everyone sleeping in 1 room?
Even then it was admitted that Misty was on drugs...........yet no one cared.
A child is Missing and her name is 'HALEIGH' do they even remember???

I think the reason Ron married Misty was because of all the talk about him being with someone under age. It would be up to her parents to file charges and she was 17 and really, there are a lot of girls that age with older men. I don't think it's right, but it happens everywhere. I happen to know a girl that meet a guy that was 40yrs old when she was 14yrs old and up until I left FL years ago she was still with him, don't know where she is now though. She didn't look 14 either. She looked more like a women, but her mind was that of a young adult because of the way she was brought up. Sad...very sad...

I strongly feel that the only reason Ron had those children was out of his power to have control and not have to pay child support.
I feel TN and GGM did not want them to have CS in their lives. Some grandmothers are that evil, I see a lot of that to..they like to alienate the children from one parent for what ever evil reason.
something just dawned on me, Do we have anyone other than Ron, Misty and GGM as a witness that Ron drove all the way to GGM's for HaLeigh's clothes? I know about the bus stop witnesses, but they did not witness R & M going to GGM's they only witnessed Ron driving and almost running people over with his irratic driving.

I only wonder, b/c do you all recall when a reporter (can't remember which reporter) asked Ron why he was driving so crazy? Ron's first response was because my daughter was missing. Then Ron had to be reminded that HaLeigh didn't go missing until that late evening or early the next morning. Then Ron stated that HaLeigh had spilled something on her shirt. (did HaLeigh only have one shirt at Ron's house?)

i always found this statement so odd.... which is it? Was HaLeigh really gone before she was reported missing? Especially since, now we don't even know that the school records are real. and PDM not giving any info out about Ron and his work hours.
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