Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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Right now I'm like - "Que Sera Sera". What else can we do? I am concerned but I'm not panicked. I'm wondering about the long term effects to our planet and of course what it means for our children.
I agree with all of you....

above all..... I don't want to be treated like a sheeple... I want to know the truth of what I face as a human being and an individual, as an American, and as an inhabitant of the earth.

I don't want glazed over facts to make me feel better. I want to know what I face and what my great, great grandchildren will face from what is going on right now.

I'm concerned for our children's future as well as a large earthquake in the near future. The West Coast is the last corner of the "ring of fire"... eep!
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Thanks for your responses! It actually helps me get a handle on my own thoughts when I know how others are feeling. I'm glad that, for the most part, we aren't panicking. That will just make things worse. I guess all we can do is exactly what we're doing now - stay informed.

It seems like so many people in my 'real life' are practically oblivious to this. It shocks me!! I'm not saying they have to sit on the computer for hours on end following the stories (like I am) but they should at least stay up-to-date. It seems selfish to me to hide your head under the covers and pretend like nothing is happening. Even if it doesn't directly affect us here, we should at least have enough respect for the Japanese people to think about what they're going through right now.
Since we don't seem to know anything concrete about what could/might/may/maybe happen, what I want to know is how everyone feels. Are you scared crapless? Or do you think this is all much ado about nothing?

I'm more confused than scared. I live in the middle of the USA, on the New Madrid fault, in tornado alley, on a flood plain. I've seen a variety of disasters, and I've seen people and cities come through incredible crises, mostly because they chose to walk through it all TOGETHER. I pray that we'll walk together through this one, as well.
I think they are releasing info in controlled doses. When we've swallowed a bit of bad news, they feel they can dole out a bit more.

Remember the Gulf Oil Spill. There was no leak. There was a potential for a leak. There might be a leak. There was a small leak, but minimal impact. The impact could be worse than first thought.

I believe we're seeing the same spoonfeeding of info now.

Hubby and I were discussing this last night. The term "lying by omission" crossed both our lips.
I'm more confused than scared. I live in the middle of the USA, on the New Madrid fault, in tornado alley, on a flood plain. I've seen a variety of disasters, and I've seen people and cities come through incredible crises, mostly because they chose to walk through it all TOGETHER. I pray that we'll walk together through this one, as well.

Thanks button not enough - this is wonderfully well-said. Thank you!
Maybe it's because I've lived through the 1950s, when this country did its testing of nuclear weapons by detonating H-bombs above ground and the air was filled with carcinogens across the country for days, but I am not a bit worried about present matters. Besides, it cuts into my praying time for those poor people in Japan, who are enduring real hells rather than over-imagined possible ones by people living thousands of miles away.

I agree. The west was exposed to a lot of radiation during the uncontrolled testing of the A-bomb. The Japanese people had those A-bombs dropped on them and don't believe the radiation from that came to the US. I am worried that no news agency is covering the dire straits the people must be in without food and water. Seems they have been totally forgotten. The debris from the tsunami must be rotting and smelling horrible and becoming a bacteria mess. I live 30 miles from a reactor. Just not a panic person I guess. A lot of things will effect my kids future probably a lot more than this. jmo
Since we don't seem to know anything concrete about what could/might/may/maybe happen, what I want to know is how everyone feels. Are you scared crapless? Or do you think this is all much ado about nothing?
I am horrified. My heart hurts. I am awed by Mother Nature, and stunned by both the courage and the foolishness of men.
I am hopeful we can change. I pray there is still time.
I feel helpless. I feel inspired.
But I'm scared.

Also, I'm grateful to you all who are keeping me informed - because I can't make myself turn on the world just yet. Thanks.

How do you feel, Hopeful One? Hopeful, I hope?
Since we don't seem to know anything concrete about what could/might/may/maybe happen, what I want to know is how everyone feels. Are you scared crapless? Or do you think this is all much ado about nothing?

I am straddling the middle. I am not scared crapless, but have bought extra supplies. I have not bought KI, have not even looked. But I am planning to stay indoors tomorrow. I think that there is something to be concerned with, but not the epic disaster that some believe. I don't think we're all going to die because of the radiation...but since the situation is fluid and we have not gotten reliable information, I don't know that it won't get "bad." I don't think it will, though...

FWIW, I am in the greater Los Angeles area...

Herding Cats
Is TEPCO a privately owned company?
As far as I know. Dr. Gupta last night referred to it as a "private company". IDK how Japan treats its "power companies".
I'm not really afraid, I'm concerned. I want to stay on top of the situation as much as possible....My heart is breaking for the people of Japan. I wish we had more answers. At this point I feel like I'm sitting here in a twilight zone waiting for something and not even knowing what that something is.

BBM and Underlined~~

Im in the same boat as my heart is aching for those people. I have been so impressed by the grace and dignity of these people during this extreme worrisome time..You dont see anyone angry, fighting amongst themselves..They truly are very "Spiritual People":heartluv:And I am :prayer: for each and everyone of them !!!!
Is TEPCO a privately owned company?

Good question. It's a private:

via Wiki:

Capital stock: ¥676,424,197,050
Total outstanding shares: 1,352,876,531
Number of shareholders: 821,841

Japan's nine regional electric companies, including TEPCO, were established in 1951 with the end of the state-run electric industry regime for national wartime mobilization.
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